Serial 1212 – 3


Federal Bureau of Investigation

Date of transcription 11/30/78

William G. Courtney, Chief of Air Force Mortuary Services (AFMPC), Randolph Air Force Base, advised that during the night of November 23, 1978, he and Mr. [name deleted] examined the clothing of Reverend James Jones at the Dover Air Force Base Mortuary while the FBI technicians were obtaining fingerprints samples from the body of Reverend Jones.

Courtney stated that during the examination he and Mr. [name deleted] found nothing in the trousers pocket except a wad of tissue papers. After examining the trousers pockets, they examined the pocket in the shirt of Reverend Jones and found a small folded note with the word “Dan” on the outside in a small breast pocket on the left side of Jones’ shirt. Courtney stated he opened up the note and noticed that it contained a handwritten message which began on the right side of the paper then continued on the left side. Courtney stated that in addition to himself and Mr. [name deleted], Major Schuler, the Department of Defense spokesman at Dover Air Force Base read the note. Courtney advised the note made some mention of Communism and said the writer was fed up. Courtney further stated that the writer thanked the person to whom the note was addressed for the life which he had.

Courtney advised that he turned over to [name deleted], who is the representative of the United States State Department at the Dover Air Force Base.