Serial 1305-4

[Editor’s note: One of the subjects of this serial whose name is deleted is Temple member Leslie Wagner Wilson, who left Jonestown on November 18, 1978 as part of the so-called “picnic” group. The deleted information from the memorandum – designated by brackets – which is known to the editor has been indicated by red type. In addition, many of the FBI interviews summarized in the FD-302s of the RYMUR investigation deleted the verb following the deleted name of the interview subject; most oftentimes, that word was “advised,” and the word has accordingly been supplied.]


Federal Bureau of Investigation

Date of transcription 12/7/78

On December 3, 1978, [name deleted] [Leslie Wagner Wilson] was interviewed at John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport, New York, by SAS [names deleted] of the FBI and [name deleted], United States Secret Service (USSS). [Leslie Wilson] was interviewed concerning the People’s Temple movement.

[Wilson advised] she became a member of the People’s Temple in Ukiah, California at the age of 13 when her mother [name deleted] [Inez Wagner] joined the movement.

Jim Jones was head of the People’s Temple movement. Jim Jones preached economic and racial equality.

The People’s Temple Youth Group included individuals, male and female in the age of 13 – 25 years. Youth Group members were required to read books concerning communist and socialist theories. Members were tested on the theories they had studied.

Youth Group members conducted military drills in the hills surrounding Ukiah, California. Military drill consisted on [of] running through the hills, diving to and crawling on the ground. Members also practiced running messages through the hills as a communication system. The military drills did not include target practice nor did Youth Group members receive firearms training. Jim Jones’s explanation for military drills was in case of a nuclear war the People’s Temple members must be prepared to survive. Jim Jones had plans to evacuate all the People’s Temple members in caves in the surrounding areas.

The following individuals were team leaders in the Youth Groups.

1. James Cobb
2. Bob Kice
3. Wayne Pietla [Pietela]
4. Tom Podogroski

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In 1976, the People’s Temple moved its headquarters from Ukiah, California to San Francisco, California. [Wilson] moved to San Francisco with the People’s Temple. The People’s Temple also opened a chapter in Los Angeles, California.

[4 lines related to Leslie Wilson’s relationship with Joe Wilson heavily redacted] separated in 1976 after she had mothered his child, [name deleted] [Jakari]. The People’s Temple movement had an excellent program for ex-drug users and many ex-drug users joined the People’s Temple.

In June, 1977, Jim Jones moved to Jonestown, Guyana, accompanied by:

1. Linda Audiberry [Arterberry]
2. Brenda Gobb [Cobb] (Tim Gobb’s [Jim Cobb’s] sister
3. Ava Jones (nee Brown)
4. Maria Karsi [Katsaris]
5. Mike Prokes
6. Jakari Wilson

[Wilson] disagreed with the relocation of her son to Jonestown, Guyana; however, Jim Jones and [Joe Wilson] explained to her the benefits which awaited [Leslie] in Guyana and moved her son.

Trip to Guyana

[Wilson advised] in August, 1977, she and approximately 70 other members left San Francisco for Jonestown, Guyana. [Wilson advised] other People’s Temple members were transported via People’s Temple bus[es] from San Francisco to Miami, Florida, making stops only at rest areas. The members were required to sleep on the bus and at no time did the bus have a stop over at a motel. In Miami the People’s Temple members boarded a commercial flight to Georgetown, Guyana.

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Upon arrival at Georgetown, Guyana, People’s Temple members were taken to the People’s Temple house in Georgetown where members stay the night. At the house, passports, money and other items including luggage were taken from the newly arrived members. People’s Temple members were not allowed to pack the luggage which they carried to Georgetown, Guyana, and in many instances had no knowledge of what they were transported. The day after the members arrival in Georgetown, members were taken to Guyana Immigration officials. Once the members cleared Immigration, they were transported to Jonestown.

The trip from Georgetown to Jonestown was approximately 24 hours by water. Members were transported in the Kudjoe [Cudjoe], the People’s Temple 30 foot boat. Members were arranged in the following manner for the trip to Jonestown. Young members traveled on the deck of the boat and senior members traveled in the hole [hold]. Senior members ate and slept in the hole and were not allowed on the deck until the boat had passed the Guyana checkpoint. [Wilson advised] the arrangement and condition of the boat as those of slave ship. Don Sly was the Captain of the Kudjoe.

Life in Jonestown (work)

Senior members were assigned jobs in the field. Members cultivated and harvested the crops. The main crops grown in Jonestown were rice and yams. Members were required to work a 12 hour day, seven days a week.

Children went to school part of the day and work in the fields part of the day.

Medical Staff

The medical staff’s function was to treat ill individuals. Drugs were administered by Dr. Lawrence [Laurence] Eugene Schacht, Ame [Annie] Moore.

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The Extended Care Unit was contained in the Medical Unit. People’s Temple members who were troublemakers were housed in the Extended Care Unit. Troublemakers were sedated with Thorazine. The sedative was injected into the individual initially and served in the meals. Drugged meals were served to troublemakers on green plates.

The following individuals were members of the medical staff:

1. Dr. Lawrence [Laurence] Eugene Schacht
2. Dianne Lousie [Diane Louie]
3. Julius Evans
4. Sandra Evans
5. Park [Dale Parks]
6. Richard Clark
7. Leslie Wilson
8. Rinnie [Rennie] Kice
9. Ame Moore
10. Sylvia Grubs [Grubbs]

Security Force

Jim Jones stated the People’s Temple had to maintain a Security Force to protect Jim Jones and the People’s Temple against those who would destroy the movement. The United States government was attempting to destroy the People’s Temple by infiltrating the movement with CIA and FBI Agents. The Security Force was formed when the People’s Temple was in Ukiah, California.

In Jonestown, Guyana, the head of the Security Force was Joe Wilson. Members of the Security Force received their orders from Jim Jones. Members of the Security Force were armed with rifles and shotguns. Selected members carried handguns. [Wilson advised] she did not observe the Security Force target practice; however, she did hear gunfire in the jungle surrounding Jonestown. The Security Force was

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a full-time job and the only jobs performed by its members. The Security Force was used by Jim Jones to intimate [intimidate] People’s Temple members.

The Security Force performs the following duties:

1. Patrolled and guarded the area surrounding Jonestown.

2. Acted as a Police Force within Jonestown to enforce the rules set by Jim Jones.

3. Acted as a personal bodyguard for Jim Jones.

4. Record the entrance and exit of People’s Temple members from Jonestown. (Members were required to sign in and out whenever they left Jonestown).

5. Oversee work performed by People’s Temple members and make certain individuals work production was maintained at an exceptable [acceptable] level. Individuals who did not maintain levels of production were reported to Jim Jones. Jim Jones would announce punishment of the individual[s] at People’s Temple meetings in the Pavilion.

6. Accompanied Jim Jones when he had individuals endorse Social Security checks and personal checks they received from the United States.

7. Make certain People’s Temple members did not sleep during meetings at the Pavilion.

Meeting in Pavilion

Jim Jones would hold meetings in the Pavilion each day. All People’s Temple members were required to attend the meetings. Meetings would last for several hours and on occasion all night.

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Jim Jones would preach about the ills of capitalism, racism and the United States. Jones would also tell members that the United States was sending the CIA Agents to Guyana to destroy Jonestown.

Members would be disciplined for several reasons and a few are listed.

1. Low production level in the fields.

2. Speaking ill of Jim Jones, Jonestown or the People’s Temple.

3. Disagreeing with the philosophy of Jim Jones or the People’s Temple.

4. Attempting or discussing escape.

5. Refusing to agree to give your life in defense of Jim Jones or the People’s Temple.

6. Refusing to agree to commit suicide for Jim Jones.

Methods of Discipline

Jim Jones would have the individuals to be disciplined come to the stage in the Pavilion. Jim Jones was verbally abusive and humiliate the individual. Jim Jones would have family members and relatives come to stage and physically beat and assault the disciplined member at Jim Jones’ direction.

Jim Jones would assign the disciplined individuals to a punishment work detail or restrict the food they received.

Suicide Rehearsal

[Wilson advised] Jim Jones had preached mass

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suicide to People’s Temple members for many years; however, she could not recall the date when he started his mass suicide sermons.

The first mass suicide rehearsal which [Wilson] could recall was in 1976, San Francisco, California, and continued in Jonestown, Guyana. Jim Jones had approximately five or more practice suicides in Jonestown.

Jim Jones stated People’s Temple members would commit suicide by poison; but, he did not state the type of poison. The poison was be taken orally and intravenously. The poison was to be mixed with punch; the poison was to be odorless and tasteless.

Jim Jones told People’s Temple members they had to be prepared to defend Jonestown and Jim Jones with their lives to prevent the CIA from killing or kidnapping Jim Jones. In the event, the CIA plan succeeded, the members were to commit suicide.

White night

[Wilson advised] Jim Jones held practice defense drills called, “White night” or alerts. People’s Temple members practiced alerts on the People’s Temple was located in Ukiah, San Francisco, California, and Jonestown, Guyana.

During alerts in Jonestown, Guyana, People’s Temple members were compelled to meet in the Pavilion. The members would have to reaffirm their suicide promise. The Security Force were the only members allowed outside the Pavilion. The Security Force did not allow non-security force members outside the Pavilion. Security Force members were armed with rifles and/or handguns.

Jim Jones would advise members in the Pavilion that Jonestown was under attack by the CIA or United States

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military. The time of each alert varied; but, at the end of each alert, Jim Jones would tell members he had made some arrangements with the Guyanese government and Jonestown was safe.

Arrival of Congressman Ryan

[Wilson advised] Jim Jones called everyone in the Pavilion before Congressman Ryan arrived in Jonestown, Guyana (November 14, 1978). Jim Jones announced Ryan and some members from the Concerned Parents Group would be arriving in Georgetown, Guyana. Jim Jones made the following statement, “If Ryan comes to Jonestown, he will only stay long enough to have tea.” [Wilson] interpreted this to mean Jim Jones was going to poison Ryan.

The Friday night Ryan arrived (November 17, 1978), Jim Jones called a “White night”. Jim Jones advised members they were not to talk to Ryan or his party. Jim Jones designated members who were to speak to Ryan and his party. Jim Jones told members what they were to say to Ryan.


On November 18, 1978, Ryan was scheduled to return to the United States a Jim Jones declared the day a work holiday for People’s Temple members. Jim Jones had previously reduced the number of the Security Force patrolling Jonestown. The combination of a holiday and reduced security provided the opportunity for members to escape.

[Line deleted related to escaping members, including Richard Clark, Diane Louie and/or Evans family] made plans to escape. [words deleted] told the Security Force guard they were going on a picnic at the piggy [piggery] and signed the register.

They proceeded to the front gate; however, before they reached the gate, they followed a path into the jungle.

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In the jungle, they met [2 names deleted] [Johnny Franklin and Robert Paul]. They followed the path until it crossed the railroad tracks. [Wilson advised] the others boarded the train to the police station.


[Wilson advised] Jim Jones received visitors at Jonestown. Jim Jones would select certain individuals who would be allowed to communicate with the visitors and anyone else was not to speak with the visitors.

Jim Jones had members study or listen to a tape recording containing a list of questions and answers. All questions answered by members were within a general frame which would have visitors believe everyone at Jonestown was content and Jonestown was very productive.

Jonestown was visited by a doctor from the Soviet Embassy at the end of October, 1978; however, she could not recall the doctor’s name.

Dianna Lousie was assigned to accompany the doctor during his stay in Jonestown. The doctor was to examine Jimmy Jones. The Russian doctor was a specialist in “Reviving the dead.”

Radio operations

Jim Jones had a radio room in Jonestown, Georgetown, and San Francisco. Jim Jones would regularly communicate with Georgetown and San Francisco by radio. The radio communications were coded and the codebook was in the radio room.

The following individuals operated the radio.

1. Jim Jones
2. Sandy Cobb

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1. Joyce Parks
2. Terri [Terry] Carter

San Francisco
1. Dabie [Debbie] Evans


Medical Staff

Name Richard Clark
Position Inventory Clerk
Bond Warehouse (Drug Center)

Name Julius Evans
Race Black
Sex Male
Position Respiratory Technician
Wife Sandra Evans

Name Sandra Evans
Race Black
Sex Female
Position Registered Nurse
Husband Julius Evans

Name Diane Louie
Sex Female
Position Registered Nurse S/N

Name [Dale] Parks
Position Registered Nurse

Name Doctor Lawrence [Laurence] Eugene Schacht

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Race White
Sex Male
Position Doctor
School Guadalupe, Mexico

[Description of Leslie Wagner Wilson deleted in its entirety]

Security Force

Name Johnny Cobb
Position Co-Captain
Race Black
Sex Male
Height 6’0″
Build Thin
Age 18 years old
Place of Birth Indiana
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Other characteristics Bowlegged, raspy voice

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Name Mark Cordel [Cordell]
Age 18 years old
Race White
Sex Male
Eyes Blue
Hair Black
Height 5’7″
Build Medium

Name Calvin Douglas
Age 19 – 20 years old
Height 5’8″
Hair Brown
Eyes Black
Race Black
Sex Male
Other characteristics Bowlegged, Georgetown

Name Tinetra Fain
Race Black
Sex Female
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Age 19
Height 5’6″
Build Small

Name Don Fitch
Race White
Sex Male
Age 29 years old
Hair Red
Eyes Blue
Height 5’8″

Name Stanley Gieg
Sex Male
Race White
Height 5’4″
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Age 18 years old

Name Lee Ingrham [Ingram]
Age 35 years old
Race Black
Sex Male
Build Medium
Height 6’2″
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Other characteristics Glasses, Georgetown

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Name Ava Jones
Height 5’8″
Build Small
Race Black
Sex Female
Eyes Brown
Position Head Counselor of Education
over children and House Elite

Name Lou [Lew] Jones
Age 20
Nationality Korean
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Build Small
Height 5’4″

Name Jim Jones, Jr.
Height 6’2″
Hair Black
Race Black
Sex Male
Age 18 years old

Name Johnny Jones, Jr.
Alias Johnny Cobb

Name Ronnie Jones
Height 6’0″
Race Black
Sex Male
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Build Thin
Other characteristics Knew karate

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Name Steven [Stephan] Jones
Jim Jones’ son
Height Tall
Race White
Sex Male
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Age 19 years old
Facial Hair Mustache
Other characteristics Visited Cuba. Georgetown

Name Tim Jones
Position Captain
Father Jimmy Jones’ son
Age 19 years old
Height 6’0″
Race White
Sex Male
Hair Black
Facial Hair Mustache
Eyes Blue
(Presently Georgetown)
Other characteristics Bombed train in Roseville, California

Name (Missing) Tim Jones
Height 5’5″
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Sex Male
Race Black
Age 19 years old
Other characteristics Eye muscles

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Name Bob Kice
Age 30 years old
Race White
Sex Male
Hair Red
Eyes Blue
Build Medium
Height 5’8”

Name Tom Kice
Age 40s
Race White
Sex Male
Build Thin
Height 6’1”
Hair Dark brown

Name Teddy McMurry
Age 17 years old
Hair Brown
Eyes Green/brown
Height 5’5”
Build Small

Name Sebastian McMurray [McMurry]
Race Black
Sex Male
Eyes Green or light brown
Height 5’6”
Other characteristics Black belt in Karate

Name Billy Oliver
Age 17 years old
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Height 5’8”
Build Large

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Name Bruce Oliver
Age 20 years old
Race White [Black]
Sex Male
Height 5’8”
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown

Name Doug Sanders
Height 6’0″
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Race Black
Build Medium
Age 26 years old

Name Al Simon
Nationality American Indian
Hair Black, shoulderlength
Height 5’6″
Age 30 years old

Name Bonnie Simon
Race White
Sex Female
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Height 5’5″
Build Medium
Age 30 years old
Other characteristics Glasses, gold frame, shaded gray

Name Don Sly
Age 45 years old

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Race White
Sex Male
Height 6’2″
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Build Medium
Other characteristics Captain of boat

Name Albert Touchette
Race White
Sex Male
Hair Blond
Eyes Blue
Height 5’6″
Age 23 – 24 years old
Facial Hair Mustache

Name Mike Touchette
Race White
Sex Male
Age 25 – 26 years old
Hair Brown/blonde
Height 5’7″

Name Walter Williams
Race Black
Sex Male
Age 19 years old
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Height 5’6″
Build Medium

Name Joe Wilson
Race Black
Sex Male
Hair Black

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Eyes Black
Height 5’8″
Build Medium
Age 24 years old
Place of Birth Atlanta, Georgia

[Wilson advised] she did not have any specific knowledge of acquisition, licensing, or shipment of any weapons by People’s Temple members to Guyana; however, Diane Louie told [Leslie Wilson] eight months ago that Thelma Jackson discovered a weapon in her baggage when she arrived in Georgetown, Guyana. Jackson had no knowledge of who placed the weapon in her luggage.

[Wilson advised] the following individuals received target practice in Ukiah, California.

1. Jim Cobb
2. Paul Flowers
3. Wayne Pietla
4. Joe Wilson

In Jonestown, Jim Jones had a group of the Security Force trained in silent weapons. The Silent Weapons team were trained in the use of longbows and crossbows.

1. Marie Duckett
2. Don Fitch
3. Tom Grubbs (Head)

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Jim Jones made constant threats against former People’s Temple members and anyone else who attempted to interrupt the function of the People’s Temple members.

Jim Jones stored approximately 20 weapons in the radio shed in Jonestown. The weapons were later moved to a different location.

[Wilson] did not know where Jim Jones stored funds. Debbie Blakey escaped Jonestown with approximately $25,000. Terri (Teresa) Buford escaped the People’s Temple with approximately $50,000.

Jim Jones instructed People’s Temple members to protest if any members were arrested.

Jim Jones instructed members that the United States government would attempt to kill or kidnap and in the event this occurred the members were to fight or commit suicide.

Jim Jones did not discuss any plans to kill officials of the International, federal, state or local governments.

The following individuals were members of the planning commission.

Leona Gorllier [Collier] – Secretary
Eva Pugh – Treasurer
Carolyn Layton – Secretary
Johnny Brown – Advisor also known as (aka) Johnny Jones
Jim McElvane – Head of Security
Karen Layton – Secretary
Maria Katsaris – Finance and Public Relation
Marceline Jones – Wife of Jim Jones
Bonnie Berk [Beck] – Public Relation, Probation Officer in Mendocino County, California.

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[Wilson advised] the following individuals extremely dangerous:

Maria Katsaris
Carolyn Layton – Secretary
Mike Prokes – attempted to leave Jonestown with $500,000.00
Tim Carter – [ditto marks]
Mike Carter – [ditto marks]

San Francisco
Francis Johnson
Debbie Evans
Tom Adams
Jean Brown
Jane [June] Crym
Haddie [Hattie] Newell – Sister of Cleveland and Herbert Newell

[Wilson advised] the Security Force and Angels were not identical; however, some Security Force members might be Angels.

Angels were individuals chosen by Jim Jones to eliminate former People’s Temple members.

See listing of Security Force members.

Paula Adams gave sexual favor to officials of the Guyana government and the United States Embassy.

[Wilson advised] Jim Jones announced on Tuesday, November 14, 1978, Congressman Ryan would be visiting Georgetown. Jim Jones stated he could not prevent Ryan from landing

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in Georgetown, and the Guyana government was pressuring Jones to allow Ryan to visit Jonestown. Jones stated if Ryan visited Jonestown, “He won’t stay any longer than tea.”

[Wilson advised] she had heard the following individuals were involved in the assassination of Ryan.

1. Ronnie James
2. Bob Keis [Kice]
3. Tom Keis
4. Albert Touchette
5. Joe Wilson

[Wilson had] no knowledge as to whether the mass deaths at Jonestown were voluntary or forced.

[Wilson advised] she did not know of the existence of an assassination squad nor the identities of its members.

[Wilson advised] Jimmy Jones had stated on many occasions that individuals were assigned to deal with People’s Temple members who defected.

[Wilson advised] the following People’s Temple members might have criminal records.

1. Marie Decwer
Race Black
Sex Female
May be a fugitive in San Francisco or Los Angeles

2. John Harris
a.k.a. Peter Holmes
Race Black
Sex Male
Served time.

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3. Carolyn Layton
Served time in Mexico.

The individuals listed below operated the radio. The radio code book was stored in the radio room.

Sharon Amos
Wesley Briendenback {Breidenbach]
Donnie Cassanosa [Casanova]
Tim Carter
Karen Layton
Sandy Cobb – Georgetown Traffic
Mike Prokes
Robin Touchette [Tschetter]
Andrea Walker

Jim Jones had People’s Temple member sign blank sheets of paper at meetings in the Pavilion. Confessions would be placed on the signed sheets of paper and used against members who defected from the movement and caused problems.

Jim Jones also had individuals write their own confessions whether the admission was true or false.

Jonestown was visited by two Soviet officials, a doctor and another individual from the Soviet Embassy.

Dianne Louie accompanied the Soviet doctor during his visit in Jonestown. [Wilson advised] the doctor was in Jonestown to examine Jim Jones; however Jim Jones was not examined. The doctor did have discussions with Jim Jones.