Correspondence on Habeas Corpus Hearing, November 1977

[Letterhead of Lionel Luckhoo, Guyana attorney for Peoples Temple, Jim Jones, and Joyce Touchette]

24th November, 1977

His Honour,
Mr. Justice Bishop,
Supreme Court,

Dear Judge,

I understand that the Habeas Corpus proceedings and our application on behalf of Touchette is now fixed for the 10th December, when a fixture will be made. I do ask please that the further hearing continues on 10th December or an earlier date be fixed to obtain a hearing fixture.

As I shall be away for an extended period abroad, I ask, Sir, that this matter may be concluded at your earliest convenience please.

Yours respectfully,
/s/ Lionel Luckhoo
Lionel Luckhoo

CC: Mr. Clarence Hughes,
Barrister-at Law.


26th November, 77

Dear Sir Lionel,

Re: Habeas Corpus proceedings.

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 24th November, 1977 but regret to state that it will not be possible for me to adjust my list to conform with your proposal; there are several matters of similar importance already fixed for hearing.

Yours sincerely.
/s/ Dyal