Q957 Summary

…The remark is reminiscent of one made by Father Divine in the aftermath of a 1932 trial in which a jury convicted the black religious leader of disturbing the peace….

Peoples Temple and socialism

Father Divine, whose taped sermons he carefully studied. Jones based his cult on charisma, mostly fraudulent performances as a faith healer and clairvoyant, and his claim to be a God-sent…

Print Pan

…In the movie, Jim Jones travels to visit the famous Father Divine, who has made a commune work and function without any kind of financial difficulties. Once the visit is…

Jonestown Journal

…the Divine Principle, “God Socialism.” While the Christian doctrine of the Trinity admits three persons—Father, Son, and Spirit (or Creater, Redeemer, Sustainer)—it doesn’t seem to make room for Jim Jones…

Annotated Transcript Q972

…a day where fathers are not jealous, fathers do not have to have credit, Father on– only wants organization, Father wants to protect his family. Naturally the best protection is…

The Reincarnation of Jesus Christ – in Ukiah

…the renowned wealth acquired by Philadelphia’s famed Father Divine – who admitted that he himself was God Almighty. Yet that movement wilted somewhat when the alleged demigod Divine proved to…

Q1059-4 Transcript

…man would approach the Father for themselves. And that day has come, when the Father has approached you, and you have approached Him. Congregation: Applause Jones: The account of Scripture…