Laying The Body Down:
Total Commitment and Sacrifice to The Cause in the Peace Mission and Peoples Temple

…   Wikipedia Divine Lorraine Hotel, International Peace Mission Movement, Jim Jones, Jonestown, Peoples Temple, Edna Rose Ritchings, Woodmont,,_Pennsylvania))  …

Is the Canon on Jonestown Closed?

…claimed that “some were shot to death by the armed guards ringing the camp.” ABC’s 20/20 aired an hour-long program with Jim Jones’ sons Stephan and Jim Jones, Jr., which…

FF-7 – Affidavits on Grace Stoen

…the house at the time, asleep.) I initially learned that the natural father of John Stoen was Jim Jones on September 23, 1973, when Jim Jones told me of the…

Chapter Eleven: Everything Changes

…adoption. Jones even gave his new son Jim Jones’s own full name: James Warren Jones, Jr. But Jones was obviously also proud and fond of Stephan. Wright reports in the…

Edith Roller Journals: August 1-31, 1975

…were not to believe that conditions for blacks were any better. Jimbo [James Arthur Jones], Jim’s grandson, had been heard to say that he let Patty Houston beat him because…

Q777 Transcript (Original)

…see. Marceline: You know it was one of those things that– Man: I understand, yeah. Beam: So JimJim told uh, Marceline [Jones] that uh– and I– I found out…

Women’s Roles in Peoples Temple and Jonestown

…Writings of Lynetta Jones.” Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and People Temple. Accessed from on 25 September 2018. Jones, Lynetta. n.d. “The Lynetta Jones Interviews.” Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and…

Los Diarios de Edith Roller Agosto 1975

[Jones] Michael Jones Boh” –Suzanne JonesRay Jones Adopted Korean daughter [Suzanne Jones’ sister] Stephanie Jones Maria Katsaris Ida King Danny Kutulas Edie Kutulas Georgia Lacy Garry lambrev Marie Lawrence Lisa…