C-5 What Would I Do If There Was a Final White Night (9-73)

[Editor’s notes: This document was transcribed by Kathryn Barbour. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.]

[Transcriber’s note: This document is a long memo from Rita Tupper – using her Jonestown name of Rita Lenin – to Jim Jones (pgs. C-5-a-6 to C-5-a-62) typing up handwritten statements from members assigned to be turned in by all. Callouts to Jim are indicated by underline, double underline in text or by rows of asterisks and “please note” on left margin, flagging reactions (positive or negative, e.g. willingness to lead, hesitation about dying) by typist(s), working in shifts on same typewriter. Typewriter is missing the apostrophe, so in some places quote marks were used by typists, in other places apostrophes omitted. It may also have been delierately removed to symbolize opposition to possessiveness everywhere. I added it as applicable for the most part.

—Kathryn Barbour]


To: Jim

Fr: Rita Lenin

What I would do if there was a final white night

Helen Snell – I want to die a revolutionary death.

Luna Murell – I will do anything to keep one person free from the imperialist
I willl [will] use my life fighting for thr [the] freedom of all people.

Life is not worth living if you have to live under oppression.

Lucille Taylor – I don’t mind dying. I want to fight for this land and also die for it.  I sure don’t want to go alone. I want to take some of the traitors with me as many as possible, tie a bomb on me and let me walk or run into them, or revoluntionary [revolutionary] suicide.

Gail Chakien [Chaikin] – I am willing to do any mission. including killing any traitor or myself. Grace Stoen said I was the favorite person she use to take care of, I would like to personally kill her. I could attach myself to a bomb. Burn myself in front of the US. [U.S.] Embassy could tell Maiser [Mazor] that I wanted to destroy the church, and ask for a meeting of all thoes [those] who have left the church, then kill them.

Tish Leroy – Age is against me, I know, could do more if I was younger, I have considered what I could do back in the states., or in another country. It would be easy to set up a big banquet of the most important officials;;; then kill them all. I would find a poison that would be immediate, but tasteless. I would luse [use] this on the mass of them. In the process I would kill myself, because I would eat it too. Then  no one could trace who or what or why. No one would ever know, but the socialist would be left in a position to move in. Should I perhaps established connections, then they per chance might know I was a socialist, and block me. This would satisfy me, just knowing my children were fighting hard in the cause. If I am imprisioned [imprisoned] and would hold out as long as I could then I would dig into my juggler [jugular] vain or at the side of the neck where you bleed to death in two minutes. I would see that I had plenty of time to accomplish this so I would not be stopped before I started it. I would prefer on taking a batch out with me. I have also considered being a walking bomb. In S.F in the Federal Building I was always asking, ” Where are the tax forms please”



To: Jim

Fr: Rita Lenin

What I Would do if This Were the Last White Night

Tish Leroy (cont.) this way they never searched me. There are always ways in and I would get into a place or places and take a lot with me.

Jackie Rochelle – I will take orders if necessary and so [do] anything in my power to get all babies aside, then lay my life down to fight until the end, kill myself if it take place so as not to be left foar [for] the facists. I will not leave noone [no one] else either. I will kill them off, if they are not dead already.

Wanda King – I feel that we should let the world know we are communists. Alsoo [Also] let them know that Russia and Cuba are behind us. Next we should form a committee to plan and develope [develop] a program for guerilla war fare. We should plan to kill Tim Stoen, Mertles, Olivers, by bombing. Later we should move on to help other countries. The bombs will have to be bought or made in the U.S. It would take #3 people, to make three hits at the same time. I would like to be one of the three. The reason I feel I will not live so long is that the entire world is fighting for socialism and freedom. There will be no peace until we win. I would like to help spread socialism throughout the world.

Arron Hendricks [Aaron Hendricks] – I plan to die by fighting in a war agaist [against] the capitalist and getting shot by a machine gun.

Eric Baker – I am not afraid to die cause I have to die anyway. I would want to go down taking my enemies with me, killl [kill] as many as I can then kill myself, take care of thoes [those] who killed Cris [Chris Lewis], then kill myself.

Shabaka Baker – I would like to scare shit out of the enemies for months. If they try to leave the stare [state] or country I would be there right under their nose and then have one disappear one by one then go to the main one and kill him and kill me. I would desquis [disguise] myself as Lenin did.



To” “Kim [Jim]

Fr: Rita Lenin

What I would do if this was a final white night.

Geralding Bailey [Geraldine Bailey] – I have no fear of dying and no desire to live any longer thean [than] is necessary to help this cause. I would be willing to die today, but certainly want to take our emenies [enemies] with me, as many as possible. I would like to kill Grace Stoen and Tim, then as many others as I could. Then I would shoot myself.

Elfredia [Elfreida] Kendall – I would like to be employeed [employed] in the house of one of these bastard enemies with a small handgun (with silencer) and as each one come into the door to attend their get together I let him have it, then shoot myself.

Edith Roller – Would like to teach, and write. Write about people I have known in our country, and cause, and in the Philippines, Greece, and India, all of them of great worth and charm. Some short stories, even poetry, to make money. Want to do more to give children the love they need. Want to plant rows of vegetables. I would like to plant– raise a kitten.

I am willing to die if this can’t be. If the future is to be denied to us or if it is necessary to save us, I’d be glad to give my life. If there is some way I can better serve dying then [than] by living please tell me, andI [and I] will go.

Cliff Gieg – I would like to go back to U.S. and get as many enemies as I can. And when I see myself about to get caught I will make my last successful assiasination [assassination] taking my life with the enemies. If you would have to leave us I will follow and die for that person without a second thought. I will do all in my power to subdue my (our) class enemies.

Terry Carter – I would like to go to South Africa and fight in the struggle there, Icould [I could] kiss ass up to someone to kill them. Or I would very much like to go back and get some of our traitors. Particularly Tim S. Suzanne C or Grace. I realize this is more vengence [vengeance] and emotions on my part, but it will be they who took part in destroying what we might do for liberation if we are stopped. If time did not allow I would burn



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if it was a last white night

Terry Carter (cont.) If time did not permit I would burn myself. In the U.S. Embassy down in Georgetown. If invaders came to this soil

Clara Johnson – I would like to give my life in the cause of freedom. I do not mind dying as a communist. I plan to kill a few capitalist before I die. I have begun to co me [come] to terms with death.

Savastain McMurry [Sebastian McMurry] – I know Iam [I am] not going to live long. I don’t want to live for no hundred years. I would rather die going into a camp oarbuilding [or building] and kill the mother fucker who is in there who went against this movement, by my hands, feet, and teeth.

Elsie Bell – I want to die. I would take some [of] our enemies with me. I would like to get them all in one place. And throw a gasoline filled lamp in the building, maybe one will come and get me, but one thing sure is I will die honorabley [honorably] for socialsim [socialism].

Phyllis Bloom [Phyllis Chaikin] – Wheni [When] I imagine my death its [it’s] not far away. Revolutionary sucideeor [suicide or] fighting in Jonestown.

Carolyn Thomas – My life is committed to the demonstration and implementation of communist principle. I am ready to do whatever is necessary I will kill enemies of this principle , fascists. I will committ revoluntionary sucide [commit revolutionary suicide] or go to jail. Iam ready to die today or anytime.

Jewell Wilson – I would like to die, I would like to kill all of the facists [fascists] I could. I would like to help free some more of our people out of the States into Guyana.

Mark Boutee [Mark Boutte] – I want to go to the states and destroying our enemies. I would hook up a bomb or cut some brake line to the car they drive. Or run them off of the road. I know enough about machines to destroy cars. I could be trusted to take a drug to do away with my body in hours after I have done what I came to do. I would be on the front lines here. Gun or bomb or explosives.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do on the Last White Night

Jocelyn Carter – Iam willing to do anything. To elimate theenemies [eliminate the enemies], I would like to organize those who are capable of doing the job. Myself along with others form ourselfs [ourselves] into a group like the Temperanos or the Red Brigrade [Red Brigade]; to get the very top ones I know our time will be short, and we would have to enter countries (enter from) countries other then [than] Guyana. And at different times. I would find all of their worst fears and do them in slowly so they canfeel [can feel] like our children feel at times doing white nights. I would do this without any doubt of not following through (I would be under the guilt of our dead children, including mine) If they were still alive I would be even more determined to suceed [succeed] so they might still have a chance, and saving from more white nights. Also to take the burden of white nights off of you. If we were picked up I would kill myself, or someone on that end could kill us the mnute [minute] we were picked up. I would explode myself fafter [after] we h ad [had] finished our work, some place in Washington. If I were to do something here since Naidimento [Naciamento?] left. I would go to Hoyte and any other reactionary or CIA over here. I would disown this group, if everyone was still alive and kill myslef [myself] in Demerara or a car accident, if I had thoes [those] I wanted to take with me.

Casey Finney – I would want to take care of my enemies or fight with my last breath. Would use some kind of explosive. Would like to stick Tim Stoen with a posion [poison] needle. Then inject one into me after I knew Tim Stoen was deadl [dead].

Toi Fonzelle – I would like to take care of Liz Forman, Time [Tim] Stoen and Mickey T.. None of them would regonize [recognize] me, so I have a good chance to get to them. But Ishould [should] I not make it through customs, Iam not afraid to kill myslef [myself]. Posion [Poison] in my vagina would be my way out. If unable to get it I would make them kill me.

Mary Rodgers, Sr. – I will fight until they kill me. I would like to get one or more of them before I die.

keith newsom [Keith Newsome] – Go to the states and try to get some enemies



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this was the last white night.

Dorothy Buckley – I would fight go to Georgetown and get the big cats. If I had to I would sacrifice my ego and have sex.

Yvette Muldrow – I would everyone to die someway or.another. I would be prepare [prepared] to die and give my body in anyway necessary to be used. If they were coming for our children I would notlet [not let] them take them, I would kill thoes [those] children and then myself if they werer [were] to come up the road I will stay there and fight and and if I was killed that’s fine also. I’d die for something I believed in. I don’t think I will live forever, I came here to help and dying is in the process.

Doug Sanders – I could give the press negative statemenst [statements] about PT. Make sure I was easy to contact. Iam sure one of the traitors would contact me, I could meet with them afterknowing I have an alliance where they trust me even very slightly I could put explosives on my body and get them all in a meeting. They could have electrical interuption [interruption] (I could use a hard hat and other electircal [electrical] clothes and go check all the wires and circuit breakers in the block that they are in. When I get to their house or building I could use a bomb in a bag or a machine gu n [gun] to get them. It is not important that I get away but it is important that I get them. Then maybe the children dan [can] grow up in peace.

Cleveland Newell – I would want Dad and the unabled ones to flee to another country. And the children, too.  Leave the rest of us to fight it out, tell no one where you are going and by some chance if we defeat the enemy we can join you. You can come back.

Marion Campbell – I will die withh s [with a] shot from a gun or give me poison that works quickly, b ut [but] I really want to be near our dad.

Brucr Turner [Bruce Turner] – Will die fighting the SOB’s Iam ready to die any day.

Constanc#e Jones [Constance Frohm or Harris?] – I would like to get our enemies that caused this mess. Throw a bomb in the midst of them. Or put posion [poison] in their food or drink. Gat the IRS. Near as to the U.S. White House as possible. Throw a bomb that would blow it up. Have one on me that would go off at the same time.


[unnumbered divider page w/stamp:]




To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do on a final white night.

Mark Boutee [Mark Boutte] (cont.) I would run toward theenemies [the enemies]. I could go into a camp of our enemies and kill themm [them], have my life taken (light myself on fire.) Anything that is called for duty.

Garnett Johnson – If I am to die I would taken [take] an enemy with me. With a gun or rifle, or anything.

Novella Sneed – I would like to carry some CIA before I go, then shoot myself.

Ray McKnight – The only reason I would want to live is to kill all the traitors who have started a lot of trouble. Theni [Then] I would die.

Nevada Harris – Lay my life down for the cause whe n [when] it is time. No one will take my life.

Ron Sines – I want to die in some revoluntionary [revolutionary] cause. Straping [Strapping] a bomb to my self and walking into Congress (U.S.)[.] This has appealed to me for a long time before I joined P.T. To assinate [assassinate] some leader of large international corporation. Standard Oil, Westing house [Westinghouse].

Gladys Smith – I would get somegasoline [some gasoline] or something that would explode and burn myself up. I feel I have lived long enough.

Jim Murrell [Jim Bogue] – I would like going to U.S. and killing our enemies in away [a way] such as to help the movenent [movement]. Like bombing or sitting [setting] a fire, blocking th e doors of a meeting place, shooting them off the highways, in their cars, putting poison in there [their] punch bowels [bowls]. I would like to make a plan to set off a [crossout] (munitions) storage in a in a way so as to make the U.S. government look bad in the eyes of some to rebel against the U.S. governement [government].

Dorothy Bradey [Dorothy Worley] – I am anxious to lay it down. I think Peter W. should be sent to us, to do way [away] with our enemies. He couls [could] be sent with some one else who could get the bomb attached to him over there. Some more would have to go too.  As I don’t think he could be trusted. I would like to be one. I feel I could best serve the cause by doing that. I don’t think Peter will ever change. My brother made me suck him off when I was 8 years, and he



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would I do if this was a last night.

Dorothy Brady (cont.) never changed, raped my sister when he was older. I saw Peter look at a young boy the way my brother looked at me and I should have reported it.

Denise Johnson – I would like to stay here and fight for our country, if Iam the only one left I would fall on my lcutlsass [cutlass]. I would [____] for the children to go to Cuba., instead of having them run and fight. I would not want to live and be tortuered [tortured].

Shirlee Fields – I would like to help iradicate [eradicate] hunger throughout the world and preserve a communistic life for children, and that is what I would fight for. If I were to die tomorrow I would have no regrets.

Brenda Warren – I would like to fight. I would like to torture them. I would committ [commit] revolutionary suicide.

Joyce Douglas – I would like to die fighting for Jonestown. I would like to kill the oppressers [oppressors].

Carl Hall – *******  I have not made any plans as far as dying.  ***********

Heloise Hall – I am no longer afraid to die. I have not been for a long time now. How I plan to die is another thing. If I find in [it] necessary to committ revoluntionary [commit revolutionary] suicide I shall haveto do it.  According to the circumstances. I know I would die to save you that is as far as I can see at this time.

Claude Goodspeed – I am willing at anytime to lay down my life for what this cause stands for.

Lue Dimple Goodspeed – I would like to die

Ollie Harrington – Revolutijonary [Revolutionary] suicide. Put some bombs on my body and sert [sit] in a meeting with Time [Tim] Stoen or any enemy and blow up. Or be set on fire in one of our White Nights to getthe job done.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this was a last night.

Bessie Wesley – I am willing to lie my life down. To make sure some of these capitalistic dogs get what is coming to them. Kill every CIA destroy the whole works, fight as long as I have breath. Why be a sitting duck like the Jews, die with meaning.

Rose O Sharron [Rose O. Sharon] – I have given my life to you. Don’t care about my life.

Thom Bogue – What I would do if I was sent to kill someone, I would have a [crossout] test tube of nitro in it along with a pull string spark strike, then I would walk up to persons, and if I were caught along the way

Thom Bogue – If I was sent to kill someone, I would have a vessel of nitro glyceran [glycerine] along with a pull string spark strike, then I would walk up to person and pull the string and blow me and thep [the] persons up. And i [if] I were caught along the way I would put out a do or die threat, if you get in myp [my] path or try to stop me I will blow up if you don’t I will walk on and if they shoot me I will blow up any way.

Kirtas Smith – I want to die a revoluntionary [revolutionary] suicide or take poison, get my head chopped off.

Joe Beam – I want to die fighting the facist [fascist].

Shirley Baisey [Baisy] – I can give my life. My children life or any or any member of my family. I don’t think we were put here to live forever.

Barbara Walker – I want to die fighting some honkey, uncle Tom, or aunt Jane. I don’t care how or when I die., as long as I can retur n [return] some of the pain that has been done to our people.

Martin Amos – I hate life, and any time you want me to I will go kill Grace, Time [Tim] Olivers. I rather stay and fight, then go away. If one could not get into Cuba I would stay on the boat and die.

Geraldine Baley [Bailey] – I



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were a last white night.

Alma Thomas – Don’t mind dying, if I could take some enemies like the CIA with me., and policeman, some of our enemies, anything, anybody against us, then I will die with a smile.

Vern Gosney – I am not a fraid [afraid] of death, and I now have a reason to die. I would like to fight in the African liberation struggle.

Anthony Hicks – I would go back to U.S. and get some of the traitors.  , then I would kill myself.

Oliver Morgan – I would die for thi [this] socialist communist cause. Because of the truth of socialism. I would kill the enemy coming into the area or the surrounding in order to protect the people and our leader.

Lori Fields – I would have someone drop me in the middle of Calif., in airplane in the night. I would write notes to Tim Storen [Stoen] Grace, Mertles and others. The note would say to meet me in a certain place at a certain time. I could set a bomb to the place and blow them up and me too.  I could disquise [disguise] myself as a denist [dentist] then I could drill in one of the traders [traitor’s] teeth and put a beeper device.

Glen Moton – I think of dying since we are in a revolution. Dying does not mean anything to me so long as I die for a cause.

Gloria Griffith – I would do anything when the time comes to fight, if I was captured I would not say a work [word] andif [and if] they didn’t kill me I would kill myself.

Clevye Sneed – I would want to be in the front lines and take as many enemies with me as possible.

Odenia Roberson – No personal statement.

Emma Kennedy – I am ready to die right now orj [or] just anytime is OK with me. I don’t care. I want to take some enemies with me. When we dran+k [drank] the drink, the only thing that bothered me was I was going to die and not take anything (anyone) with me.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this was a last white night

Kay Nelson – I have often thought of suicide, but since that is counter revoluntionary [revolutionary] I would like my suicide to have meaning in the best and most feaseable [feasible] way possible. .In causing the death at my hands by many or a selected 1 or 2 or more.

William Jones – I would set a bomb to my self and go to a facist [fascist’s] house and blow me and him up. I would go and get a gun and shoot an enemy and then he would kill me.

Corrie Duncan – I ma [am] willing to lay my life down for this cause.

Burger Lee Dean – I would like [to] lay my life down fighting for freedom.

Mary Morton – I would like to die fighting for this land. I would like to bomb as many places in the U.S. as possible would like to bomb large companies like Shevron [Chevron] or Coca-Cola, bomb the KKK. While they are holding their meeting. This way I could get a larger number. I would like to have a machine gun or some other type of gun that could wipe out a group in a very few seconds.

Marlene Wheeler – I would gladly taken [take] some enemies with me when I die. Grace, Diana M, Mickey. I would like to stab the first three, and give poison to Liz F. in a health drink. I would like to tie Diane up and stick her with pins as she watched pictures of children she had abused.

Daren Janero [Janaro] – go to the states and kill all our enemies, I can then kill my self, if they have not alreadydone [already done] so, I would like to go to a third world and fight if I cant [can’t] go to the states.

Vera Talley – I will fight until Iam finished or killed.

Mary Tschetter – I don’t want to live any longer. I hope the revolution will be soon. I want to die to dietaking some of our enemies with me if it be in a revolution or fixing a nice meal and invite Grace Tim Mickey Jim Cobb and all the rest, and after they eaten and after making sure theyr [they] were dead, eat the food myself.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would I do if this was a last white night.

Mary Canada – I am ready to fight until I die ror [for] socialism.

Bob Rankin – the way I would like to die if I could or have a choice at the time (not finished.)

Ida Mae Clipps – I am not afraid of dying I would like to die the revolution sucide [suicide] death.

Najuindrienne [Najuandrienne (Velma)] Darnes – I plan to kill my enemies, then kill myself. If this cannot be granted then I would committ revoluntionary [commit revolutionary] suicide alone or with the group. I will take somebody down when I go, I will.

Rita Lenin – I would be willing to use my body anyway deemed profitable to the advancement of the revolution. I would give my body sexually to get information, give someone a chance to get away, or to install bombs etc while the person or persons were being detained with this deversion [diversion]. I would be used sexually to keep somebody from defecting and becoming traitorous to us, or to keep them from talking, to allow time for someone to get children out, or to deter a guard etc. to take the burden from one person, if someone needed a fuck. Iam not young or pretty, but men don’t always care if they just want a fuck. I know no one likes me or wants me, so that is not important, all I want is to do all I can for a revolution, no emotional involment [involvement], only that I can help the revolution. I learnt a lot from Rick C. (I mean there is not any thing I could not do after being with that ass hole.) In many ways it was agood [a good] learning experience, as if an enemy tried any shit like that it would not blow me away, and Iam glad I had the experience as vomitious [vomitous] as it was, cause I found out I could handle a lot of things. I could kill someone while they were fucking me if it was in the plan to do so. I know I am not considered young enough or pretty enough to be considered, but Iam willing to do anything. All I can do is offer my self to the revolution, I can do no more – Iam not interested in any emotional relationship, as it is counter productive.

I am willing to go after any enemy of the people, and am willing to be trained to do so. I can be a mean bitch when I let my feelings come out, I mask a lot of them until the proper time comes, I



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do in the Last White Night.

Rita Lenin (cont.) come to use them on the enemy. I would like to take a lot of enemies with me. Iam willing to become a walking bomb and go to our enemies and blow them up. I would like to be trained and become part of a group like the Red Brigrade [Red Brigade]. This is what I would like to do with my life, and use any means needed to kill the bastards. You can shoot me as an example to the people that the enemies mean business, and perhaps this will shock them into the stock [stark] reality that this is serious busi iness [business] and the enemy is serious, perhaps they would get their heads together and realize that there is nothing in romance and the only they got going for them is the revolution. I would like to be trained to go to others countries and fight in their liberation struggles, or to the states and rid us of the oppressors there. Some of the sell outs of the people. I think teams should be trained to go out and futher [further] the work in all areas, if we get the opportunity. I would of course stand here and fight to the end, and if it happened that we would have to make a stand by revoluntionary [revolutionary] suicide I would do this too.

As Mary Lenin said to me one day, “Mom if I don’t make it one day and something should happen to me, then you go on and do what you must do for the revolution.[“] I said, “I will[.”] She said “Good[.]” If we were sent out on missions, maybe we could have strictnine [strychnine] pill on us, just in case something ahappens [happens] so fast one does not have time to kill them selves another way, then they would be sure of getting the job done before the enemy could stop them. One thing i n [in] my favor I can sit for hours and not say anything, and Iam so dam [damn] stubborn, than [that] I would die before I done what someone told me to do. My kids may have to die too, but God dam [damn] it they have to go some day, and at least they are living for the cause, and dying for it, so I am at peace, hurt it will but all of life is a pain, and this is our destiny to do what ever we can for the cause.

It does not [have] to be no big intrigue thing for me, just what ever will help the revolution. I do like the Red Brigrade [Brigade] tatics [tactics] however.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were the last white night.

Tony Walker – I would like to die by going to South Africa first of all. I would like to wait until he would (Iran [Ian] Smith) make a public appearance or enen tae [even take] a drive and tape a powerful bomb to my body and if I couldn’t get him in the open enough to blow him and myself up I could jump in front of his moving car and get his ass and maybe somehow with the facist [fascist] out of the way the people could unite while the position of prime minister was in an uphoar [uproar] and a revolution could be sparked.

Juanita Bogue – I feel I could do anything I was asked to do. I also feel I could think of some things on my own. I would like to go to the capitol of U.S. And blow the White House up and leave al [a] note some place tellign [telling] them how the Third World feels about them.

Linda Arterbury [Arterberry] – I think it is time for me to lay myself down for what I believe we have been through enough. If I ever had a chanc e [chance] to get the top man who started this shit. I would like to do so. I wouldlpersonally [would personally] like to tie his ass out in the sun and let him die a slow death., and why [while] he is slowly dying I would let horses stomp on his head. (his ugly body) Another way would be to find one of the most posionous [poisonous] snakes and take the poison from the snake in an I.V. bottle and let his ass go like that. I would not give a dam how I would die after that.

Margarita Romano – I expect to be shot, but Iaexpect [I expect]to take some enemies with me. I want to prepare it always (my life) for a revolution and a revolutionary death. I want to help the children why Iam [while I am] here and give them the love they need. I want to resume my post on S.A.T. security to the best of my ability, with further training., in combat. [crossouts]

Joann Johnson – I I [If I] had to die because of white night I would like to take some enemies with me. I would prefer to go up with an bomb and take as many with me as I can. I would leave some alive and maimed.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do in the last white night.

Cris Talley – I would like to kill several enemies before I die. One by one a whole room full. I would like to disquise [disguise] my self up and shoot or stab each one until Iam caught, the I wold kilk [then I would kill] myself.

Addie Jones – Would die for the revolution.

Emma Hill – I would like to die fighting for freedom. I am not afraid of death. I would like to kill Liz Formenan [Foreman]. I would like to take Tim Stoen with me, and die on the frontline.

Paulette Jackson – I would like to spend my last moments taking care of the enemies of the people. I would convince them that I was with them, and have some plans they could use, and while we were talking a bomb would be going off.

Earnest Jones – I would like to kill some fascists enemies before I die. I would die fighting for socialism.

Betty Gill – I would like to get Mrs. Stoen and a lot of them.

Nena Herring – I would like to be shot right in the heart.

Allie McClain – We will fight until the death. Iam willing to give my life for the cause.

Lovie DePina – I will fight and die for this cause with my comrades. Give me liberty or give me death.

Lossie Lang – I would like to die fighting the enemy. I sure want to take 4 or 5 along with me.

Edith Delaney – I would like to be ready to go on the battle field and fight a good fight, to be ready to die if necessary.

Amelia [Armella] Tardy – I would not mind going blowing up the White House.

Adeline Strider – I am willing to die at any time, maybe I could be a decoy in some way.

Lillian Malloy – I shall fight to the end.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do with the last white night

Michael Daniels – I would fight and die for what I believe.

Margrette Jerrery [Jeffery] – I would love to facr [face] the enemy and let them know that they may kill people but lthe [the] name of communism will go on forever, then throw nirto [nitro] glycerine on the whole lot knowing that I would go down too.

Jerome Simon – It does not bother me to die. I must take more than a few facists [fascists] with me, I know I can plan and carry out a mission.

Darrel Keller – Note, says I have no excuse for not writing the news, I do have my own notes that I almost know. Iam at fault, I will learn more by listening and asking questions. No personal statement.

James Edwards – I would like to be in the front lines in any struggle or fight. I could kill any number of our class enemies with a knife. And dispose of my self by a bomb in Standard Oil building. I would go out with bomb.

Kelly Grubbs – I would like to go to states and I would shoot, stab, smother enemies. Cut my throat.

Odell Blackwell – I will work and die to save this beautiful futrte [future].

  1. B. [L. Bee] Reeves – Will fight and die for this place.

Rebecca Biekman [Beikman] – I will gladly take my life. I would spit in the facists [fascists’] faces so they would arrest me, and then I [start] rebellion amongt [amongst] the prisoners as I could. I would drink my urine, and refuse to eat but as long as there was life I would spit in there [their] faces and try to make others srebell [rebel] against them in prision [prison]. Put a bunch of posion inh [poison in] hot bread watch them eat it hen then slit my throat. Iam willing to give my body in any way.

Rochelle Kemp – I will like to die going down with some of our enemies or die fighting.

Mom and Pop Jackson – Will stay with you and fight, if they take one they take all.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do in the final white night.

Kim Fye – I would like to go and kill some of the enemies like tying some bombs on me andblowing [and blowing] the enemies up.

Judy Houston – Go to the states have bombs tied on me run into the enemies meeting and blow me and them sellouts up. If I can’t do that I would make sure all the seniors and children are put to sleep then fight on the front lines.

Stephanie Cachon [Chacon] – I want to die for this cause.

Roberta Wade – I will die for the cause fighting on the front lines.

Youlanda Smith – I would like to die fighting in a revolution.

Karen Carr – I want to die fighting.

Flora Sanders – I would go to Africa or to the States andfight [and fight]. Until I die.

Robert Paul – I want to destroy our enemies. I want to die for this cause. Don’t care where I go to get them.

Gloria Rosa – I want to get even with all our enemies, die fighting.

Roosevelt Turner – I would like to go down fighting against the capitalist.

Rory Bargeman – Likes Jonestown, but no personal statement.

Leslie Forteir [Fortier] [Wagner-Wilson] – I would not accept liquor but would stand as expected. If it was revoluntionary [revolutionary] suicide then I want to go last, not out of fear but would want to make sure others were taken care of. Hope fully I could assist in any other way.

Tommy Anderson – I would like to die fighting. Capitalist.

Eileene [Eileen] Jackson – I would like to die fighting. For this land and every other communist country as well as thisland [this land]. Could find all the enemies and kill them. Then kill myself. If the bomb is dropped and it is all over, thenI [then I] would like to live and die of old age.

Nedra Yates – A human bomb and take some of the enemies with me. Let me be burn or a flaming tourch [torch] or posion [poison] or be shot.

Dee Dee Smith – I want to die as a sniper with a fifle [rifle] to k



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would you do if this were the last white night

Michelle Touchette – When you are gone the way I want to die is if Iam unable to go back to the U.S. to kill Mickey and all the traitors then I would like to go to a country that is ina struggle to become socialist and fight with them.

Jerome Anderson – I will stay on the line and fight, will either win or die. Seniors and children will have to be taken care of.

Sharron Jones [Sharon Cobb] – I am readyat [ready at] any time to give my life, whether it be in the states taking traitors with me, or in a country fighting a revolution., or here in Guyana defending our land.

Mary Cottingham – I will stand and fight. I want to carrying [carry] as many honkies with me as I can.

Joyce Parks – Strap explosives to myself 91) posion [poison] myself and several others at a social gathering food, drink.

Beverly Livingston – I would like to just drink some poison or whatever, Iam still concerned ***********about Billy who doesn’t say much and is scared to die. He is imature [immature]. Please NoteIf he could be taken care of with the children, I would feel free to go and blow ***********myself up with some tratiors [traitors]. Dad my fear is not being killed not dying.

Bob Christian – I want to carry our fight to the enemies. I am willing to go anytime. To the U.S. and not only kill our former members such as Stoen but I would make my stand in some public event and be equiped [equipped] to take thousands of lives if the equiptment [equipment] is available. I would be willing towork [to work] with another person of your choice.

Linda Mitchell – I would like to die fighting inthe [in the] struggle. I am willing to die for this cause.

Liz Ruggerio [Ruggiero] – I would like to die fighting for the cause on the battle line helping the sick and wounded.

Yvonne Morrission [Morrison] – I want to kill off the enemies, then committ society [commit suicide] if we can’t live in a socialist society.


To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were a final white night.

Edith Cordell – I want to die fighting for the cause of socialism, I would like to help kill the enemies in S.F.

Callie Mitchell – Don’t mind dying. Fight for our rights. What ever happens Iam willing to go.

Fannie Ford – I would fight like hell and kill as many as I could, and if I was captured I would take enough nitro glycerian [glycerine], that could burst the heart.

Dessie Jordan – I will die on the front lines.

Pam Bradshaw – Iam ready to die. But don’t want to wast my life, if I go it won’t be without taking several capitalist with me. Life is nothing but pain.

Stephanie Swaney – I would like to die for socialism and do revouluntjonary [revolutionary] suicide.

Wanda Swinney – I hope I can kill some of our enemies if necessary kill myself at the same time.

Carlos Bell – Want to fight taking down some of the enemies.

Michael Heath – I would like to die now, then I would not have to worry about having enough to
***********eat and what people think of you, but I would want to die fighting in the
revolution. ***********

Mattie Gibson – I would like revoultionary [revolutionary] suicide.

Essie Mae Townes – No personal statement.

Eartis Jeffery – I would die fighting.

Charlie Touchette – I toy with suicide quite often but then that is a coward’s way out and would do nothing for the movement. I hope someday we will be able to fight to the death some where in the world or fight to the death or victory the mercenaries send [sent] in to destroy us.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this was the last white night

Mary Mayshack – Father I will give my life to the cause.

Joicy Clark – I want my life to be used foar [for] socialism send me or part of my limbs. What ever death.

Kay Rose [Rosas] – What ever happens I will go along.

Berta [Berda] Johnson – I am willing to lay my life down for the cause.

Alvaray Satterwhite – I said I wanted to go to Cuba, but I do not want to go without you. I do not mind dying.

doDon [Don] Bower – To get my enemies I will become a microeial [microbial] bomb. I will pruposeful [purposefully] become infected with some extremely contagious disease then locate our enemies and take care of them by what ever means necessary. To infect the whole lousy bunch. There are a few diseases there are no cuare [cure] for. If not I’ll find one.

Diane Wilkinson – My wish is to lay down with capitalist (lay down my life) enemies and kill how many I can. To me it would not be just to leave enemies to live and grow old.

Rose McKnight – I would like to put posion [poison] in the enemies food. Then come back here for the final whtie [white] night, andfight [and fight]. Fight them with an explosive stapped [strapped] to me. I want it to be thekind [the kind] I could have time to set my clothes on fire run into their midst to catch them off guard and the bomb would go off. In the process I would be committing revoluntionary suidide [revolutionary suicide].

Helen Love – If I have to decide how to end my own life I would like to be wired with enough bombs to explode when I run into the enemy and take as many as I can with me.

Diana Marshal [Marshall] – I would want to die trying to kill an enemy and getting shot or stabbed several times and dying.

Helen Swinney – I will lay my life down in anyway on front lines. On assignment behind lines you name it. Use my life as you will, I [crossout] owe it to you.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do in a final white night.

Becky Flowers (cont.) slipping them guns, bullets, and a key through the bar. I will make flirting passes at the personin [person in] charge after checking the prison system and security out throughly [thoroughly] to get the key or information to free them. I could divert them by exploding my body into tiny pieces and getting their attention away from the prisoners so they can escape. Car clothing could be waiting outside for them. I can starve, be beaten fight for what I believe

Keith Newsome – Would like to go to the states and get some bomb equipment. And put a bomb in the big White House building and I’ll be int [in] there tooand [too and] I will get killed to [too], I could take off my clothes in front of the govermentn [government] office and get more people do do [to do] that or I could cut off my ears or something if that did not work.

Cris Morrel [Chris Buckley] – Would like to have a bomb put on him.

Rochelle Halkman – I will be willing to go on the front line and fight until Iam dead. Iam willing to take my son’s life too.

Charles Williams – I would like to die fighting for socialism. I would like to kill as many capitalist as a human can.

Yvonne James – I would like to stay here and fight, fact [face] the capital [capitalist] running dog. I also would like to head state side to rid us of some enimes [enemies]. This would be a beautiful death.

Cheryl Wilhite – I could throw hand granades [grenades] to kill enemies

Bea Jackson – I want to die fighting for the cause.

Bonnie Simon – Iam ready to die for socialism. I want to be sure I take some with me. Iam fighting with I don’t care if I am fighting with a cutlass on the front line or if I go back to the states to kill someone, then myself, I offer myself to help this cause in what way I can be benificial [beneficial].

Valerstein [Vellersteane] Jones – I don’t care where I die as long as I die for this cause.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this was a white night.

Otis Mitchell – I wish to help free other countries and die trying. I feel Iam aleader [I am a leader] just have not taken the role. Let me die fighting for a black country.

Regina Jackson – Inviting all the trairors [traitors] to aparty [a party]. Planting dynamite around the building and blowing them and myself up. Let them think we are all dead send message saying that we have died cause we just couldn’t make it. They would probaly [probably] get on TV step in on them withautomatic [with automatic] weapons let them know all of us hadn’t died yet then set bombs around the building until they have told the story, let everyone out of the building but them, and shoot them i [in] spots that would not kill them let them have pain for hours, then when the police would try to break in and stop us push the button on the bomb and killl [kill] the police with us.

Joyce Lund [Rozynko] – I am scard [scared] of dyingthough I don’t want to live a long life. I am scared of dying a long painful death, however I still want to go with you, and the family. So if it is to death we go. I still expect to be here a long time. I don’t want to place a burden on you thinking you have to keep me alive. I can’t believe after all this struggle and pain we will all die. The movement vanish, history or no.

Jessie Johnson – Anything worth living for is worth dying for. Want to fight

Becky Flowers – Use my body for sexual reasons toget [to get] what we need. I would be frightened in a ninal [final] white night, but I have discovered when Iam frightened I think and act better under thoes [those] conditions and act really cool. I would request to go back to thestates [the states] and take care of people like my sister, Lena and Wayne Jim Cobb, Terri Micky the light way people. I would destroy all of the traitors. When the worst cases woke up in the morning and find the puppets gone that they used they would be scared and I again would be there with a handful of potassium and give them an overdose in there [their] food, drink. This drug is suppose to cause a heart attack with no trace of the cause, if Iam caught then I will take the chemical too Go to the prison and free some political prisoners. By



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would I do if this was the last white night???

David Chaiken [Chaikin] – I am willing to die in any way to get back at ourtraitors [our traitors]. And the big people that are setting them up and funding them

Jerry Smith – Sometimes I say in my mind (if I had a gun) I would not give the enemies a chance. I would blow him right in his head quick if I were in the states I would go in Mertles house and blow them up, blow their brains out. I am for revoluntionary [revolutionary] suicide for myself. IfI [If I] had a bomb I will gon [go] into the police station to[o.] This is the way I feel when we have a crisis.

Lawerence [Lawrence “Babo”] Bright – I would like to fight for socialism as much as I can, and if I feel we are losing I would committ revoluntionary [commit revolutionary] suicide.

Annette Jones – Before I die I would like to be able to do something for the the revolution. I think our people in different parts of Africa and the people of Chili and other countries that are being abused and tortrued [tortured]. I could do anything whether with bombs or guns or using my body that would be used to destroy any port of fascism and capitalism. I feel for me my life won’t last much longer.

Billy Bush – The way I would want to die is go back to the U.S. During our last white night and kill all the traitors and come back here and committ [commit] revolutionary suicide by taking poison with the rest of the family.

Wesley Breidnebach [Breidenbach] – I would attack a multinational company such as Ford. Firestone etc. Arson wou ld be the way I’d destroy these promoters of misery, pain, and discrimmation [discrimination] and death against the 3rd world countries. Gasoline is easy to come by, and big facto ries [factories] have tours and would be easy to get in and out unoticed [unnoticed] also large numbers of people work there and new faces can’t draw attention. I would like to help organize a group to carry out some extortions bombings, and executions to help tie up and scare the ruling elite.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do on the last white night.

Dee Dee Smith – I want to die as a sniper with a rifle to kill all I can.

Jack Barron – If I live a few [crossout] years then I will help promote our program. I would like to be a sniper and I could get them before they get me. I wish to be ready at the drop of a hat to go where ever I am sent.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Questions About Papers Turned In Last Week

I.Here are the rest of the personal statements written last week, what would I do if there was a last white night.

II.The news it is obvious was all coppied [copied] from the bond [board] as it was all worded the same, with a few exceptions.

I.III.We checked to see the proper amount was handed in (2 sheets for adults) (3 sheets for high school)  @ made allowances for older seniors.

IV.Have some papers without names.

V.Enclosed is a list of inadequate papers, not meeting the required amount of news to be handed in.

VI.We did not have a roll of all the classes, and so do not know who has not turned in their papers, the lists some teachers gave us was incorrect, as we did have there [their] papers.

V.Some people did not hand in papers but teachers did not give us a complete list:

Inadequate List

Cheryl Wilhite

Nancy Jones(did not fullfill [fulfill] the requirement of 2 or 3 pages

Aaron Hendricks(of news. 2 for adulst [adults], 3 for high school)

Daryl [Darell] Keller

Louise Shavers***************PLEASE ANSWER*************

Thruman [Thurman] GuyJIM, do you want these papers or can they be disposed

Pearl Landof????

Roshawn Baisey [Baisy]

Eugene Smith

Clarence Jones (Klingman)

Luigi Newman

Annie McGowan

Ruth Atkins

Ronnie Dennis

Brian Davis

Keith Wright

Eddie Washington

LaFlora Towns [Le Flora Townes]

Ollie Smith

Pearl Smith [who is she??]



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Responses to what one would do with their body if this were the final white night.

Alvery Sattershite [Alvarey Satterwhite] – Had said she want ed [wanted] to go toCuba [to Cuba], but she does not want to go if JJ. does not go. I don’t mind dying, we all have to die sometime.

Darrell Devers – Would take traitors with him he is most concerned about thoes [those] who have hurt PT. If death would not come after the first traitor then he would continue until it did.

Ida Mae Clipps – Would like to die with revoluntayr sucide [revolutionary suicide].

Abraham Staten – Would like to get the enemies first, does not want to go by sucide [suicide] would rather stand up and fight and make sure my dying was not in vain.

Millie Cunningham – No personal statement.

Candace Inghram – Would like to go into one ot [of] the traitors places where they meet and disquise [disguise] myself, and put drinks into their drinks. And food, after I made sure that they were deae [dead] then I would do the same to myself. I would like to finid the place they all meet and when they are all there for a meeting, then I would set the house on fire, andburn [and burn] it down, setting myself on fire too.

Toby Mtandaji – Would do what ever is necessary to serve this cause, would see the children and seniors are taken care of, then fight untile [until] the end.

Lee Inghram – Would like to strangle Stoen and slit Jim Cobb’s throat, then if it was remotely possible get some explovies [explosives] and take some of the oil refineries around the ban [bay] and power installations and offing Rockefeller then blow my brains out.

Lillie Victor – no personal statement.

Cris [Christine] Talley – Would like to kill several enemies before I die. One by one or a whole room full. Would like to disquise myslef [disguise myself] (old woman young woman) and shoot or kill each one until caught.



To:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Response To What One Would Do With Their Life

Cris Talley – Would killl [kill] herself with a knife or blow myself up.

Anne Jones (Donna P.) [Donna Ponts] – Would like to die fighting in some countries revolution. I don’t want to live very long, I would like to know more about guerilla fighting because in all revolutions that the way they won.

Nancy Sines – Is ready to die, hope her death comes in the struggle. Does hope her mom freakes [freaks] out knowing she died as a communists, and not a religious weirdo.

Liane Harris – Would go to the states and pretend she was a reporter wanting to get the enemies indepth story about PT. Rent a place foar [for] a few days, and set it up to meet the enemies there for aninterview [an interview] and blow the place up when they all arrived.

Doris [Dorris] Howard – Would like to take enemies with me before I go. Want to die fighting for this socialist cause.

Annie Mitchell – I would be ready to fight the enemy in anyway I can. I would go into the jungle and hide. I would have a better chance to kill more of them, and would stand with my leader.

Magnolia Farris [Harris] – Want to take some enemy with her. If we drink the potion I would do so. I would like to maek [make] a bomb of myself and go to the U.S. I really have never thought much about living or dying. I just take one day at a time.

Francine Crenshaw [Hallmon] – No personal statement.

Gladys Jackson – No personal statement.

Clara McKensie [McKenzie] – Would like to give her self sexually. I would do anything to get food or money for us. I would like to go down with as many racist pigs and doss [dogs?] as possible. Use hadn gernades [hand grenades] and blow up a whole bunch of them.

Jerome Simon – I must take more then [than] a few facist [fascists] with me when I die.

Shirley Hicks – Ready to give my life. Would like to die by fighting.  If that is not what you have in mind I will do whatever Dad says.

[Restatements of notes. Shifts back and forth from 3rd to 1st person]



TO:  Jim

FR: Rita Lenin

Responses to What One Would Do with Their Body for Revolution

Zelline OBrayant [O’Bryant] – I’d kill self hang self with stocking or shoe string.

Mom Dean [Burger Lee Dean] – I would like to camophladge [camouflage] and get in biggest crowd of nonkie [honkey] and blow all to kingdom come.

Ida Albuddy [Albudy] – I woold [would] try to make preparation with some kind of poisoning for self, and kill as many as I could kill. Rather take my own life then [than] let enemy take it. Bomb and sneak in and kill a whole bunch of them.

Ever Rejoicing – I would fight to the finish.

Tish Leroy [Laetitia Eichler] – Would go to states and bomb a building with lots of important people in it. Would serve a big banquet with important people and posion [poison] them, eat the food herself, thus dying, and leaving no trace as to who done it, since she was a victumn [victim] too. If she was imprision[cut off] [imprisoned] she would go for her jaugler [jugular] vein, or the one on the side of her neck, that allows one to bleed to death in two minutes.

Rebecca Biekman [Beikman] – Would spit on enemies face, get arrested, and cause as much unrest in prison as possible, and would drink my urine and refuse to eat, but as long as there was life, I would spit in their facrs [faces] and try to make others rebell [rebel] against them in prison I would bake a bunch of homemade bread and put rat posion [poison] in it. Watch them eat it, then cut my throat.. I am willing to give my body in anyway to help the people.

Dale Parks – Will carry explosives, even put in by surgical procedure to be lit when I face the enemy of our people. We must fight until death.

Grandma [Christine] Bates – No personal statement.

Cathy Barrett – If we did not have an all and all battle, then I would like to die by posion [poison] after putting the children to sleep. This would be hard for me because I don’t like to face the fact of killing my own child.



TO:  Jim

FR:  Rta Lenin

Responses to personal questions what would you do with your life.

Bea Parker – Would cook evemies [enemies] a nice meal they would all go to sleep, I would not want to live if there was no hope for me. (If all were gone) Woul [cut off] eat enemies if need be.

Lucile Payne [Lucille Payney] – Get Steosn [Stoen], Mertles and Liz, bllow [blow] them into kingdom come, then kill myself.

Alliuvine [Alluvine] McGowan – Fight till I die_ use a cutlass,force them to kill me.

Irene Eddings [Eddins] – Use knife, axe, ptichfork [pitchfork] anything. Get as many enemies as possible if all were gone, I would cut my throat or take posion [poison].

Mom Ross [Elsie Ross] – Die fighting can shoot a gun, use cutlass or anything. Make them kill me, but I would probably take them.

Mary Walker – I would die fighting, strap bomb to self and do in theenemy [the enemy]. I would force them to kill me.

Vera Talley – I would play dead ease on out and get them. Would force them to kill me.

Robert Johnson – A 38 Special 2″ barrel would shoot and shoot until I got killed.

Sylvester Fair – Id would fight till they killed me. I would find something to kill somebody with till the last.

Mercedes Guidry – Machine gun and kill them. Torture – would take it._ Would just die.

Ethel Bell [Belle] – Die fighting , gun axe pitchfork sneak up on them. Was really afraid of death No More.

Irene Mason – Can’t see would just fight until I dropped.

Charlotte King – Go down fighting.

Love Life [Lowe] – Fight with anything I could get my hands on.

Grandma [Christine] Bates – Fight like hell

Hyacinth Thrash – Posion [poison] some of them. Take a bomb into a bunch of them. Like the Mertles.

Mary [____________?] – Strike back for the communist, would use whatever I had.

  1. V. [Levi] McKinnis – If all were dead I would still fight on.

Zippy Edwards – Explosives oner [on] her and blow them up.

Ruby Johnson – Been a fighter all my life if they came after me I would start a fight with one of them and make them kill me.



TO:  Jim

FR: Rita Lenin

What i would do in the event of a last white night.          

Hazel Dashield [Dashiell] – I have alread [already] asked to go in my sleep.

Gerogia [Georgia] Catney – I would liked to be bombed in the presence of Tim Stoen and his crew so I can take them with me or any other enemy.

Shanna Solomon [Shawanna (Dorothy) Soloman] – I would like to die on the front lines. Don’t want to get old. I want to at least take some of the oppressors with me with a gun posion [poison], burn us up bomb how is unimportant dying is dying. Mass suicide. Iam sure they won’t eat me Iam too black. I would like to catch some of them tie them to a pole and roast them slowly or run a hot rod up their ass. Catch them in some big meeting pour gasaline [gasoline] all around the building and set in [it] afire with a hand garnade [grenade] or just one tiny match. The gas would be at all exxst [exits], windows doors, all over the yard, let them figure away out.

ØRonnie Barryman [Berryman] – I have never experience to death. I would like to get back to a***********KKK leader in R.W.V. for trying to make me talk about the church and demanding
PLEASE*** me I hadbetter talk, getting close to me in my face. I want him and the rest there in NOTE*****the fir [fire] department. When I die I want to die fighting people like that. I never
*********** knew how much hate I had until that night. I will kill his assis [ass if it] was just me and him and he kept wanting me to talk. And he let me know how he felt. Please let me get people like him!! He was a red neck pig about 180 or 195 lbs.

blonde hair, blue eyes about 43 or 49.

Nat Swanney [Swaney] – I think we may be dying in the near future because we are revolutionaries. If I could I would prefer dying defending socialism either here or in Africa.  Or I would just like to kill Stoen, Mertles and many other treasonious [treasonous] bastards, before I die.

Leomy Wright – I plan to die in the cause, Iam ready to die.

Francine Crenshaw – I would want Taquin [Tiquan] put to sleep if it looked like we were going to lose. I want to fight until I was killed. If I was hurt enough just to pass out for awhile, and found everyone dead when I woke up I would go back to U.S. And take care of our enemies. Nitro glycerian [Nitroglycerin]



TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Responses to what one would do with their body for the Cause

Carol Dennis – Don’t know for sure what she should do if it were a final white night, don’t think anyone knows what they would do. I feel if it was a fight I would try hard to kill a fascist. If I saw problems with the children I feel strongly I would that I would kill them. Cause tortue [torture] scares me more then [than] taking a life.  I will write a plan later on, as I have not thought of any. I feel strongly if the revolution depends on me it would be fucked as far as plans I am not a planer [planner] just a doer when the time comes.

Wanda Souder – I would like to be onn [on] the front line. To be on [one] of the first to kill the enemy. And if I were to be killed I wouldn’t die alone, if I was wounded and knew I could be of no more use I would like to be set up as a trap to catch and kill the enemy. A bomb would be nice so I could kill a whole bunch of the bastards.  Iam not afraid to die if I were back in the States I wold have had no prupose [purpose] so anything_ it takes to be free and free our children I will do. The children are our futrue [future] without them we would die off sooner or later.

Carrie Langston – Want to live as long or long enough to get the enemies, Iam not bright enought [enough] to tell you haow [how] I would kill them, but I know I could do it. . I would try and kill as many as I could.

Bob Kice – I would give up my life to blow up the facist [fascist] elite, this would be worthwhile to me. I cannot forsee [foresee] living many more years, to die without taking as many as possible along with me would be a waste. I find more andmore [and more] how unappealing life is, and how the death of many would make it appealing.

Bea McCann [Beatrice Bell] – Would like to explode (blow up) our enemies along with my self.

Avis Garcia – I would lkie [like] to fight in our revolution. I would not want to die so quick by committing revolutionary suixice [suicide]. I would fee id [feel I] did not accomplish anything by dying quick. I believe I can fight the enemies because they do not stand for justice and equality.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I Do if this were the final White Night

Peter Wother spoon [Wotherspoon] (cont.) – Senator Stennis his death might take the impetus away from the conspiracy. Genreal Piochet [General Pinochet] in Chile holds tight control over the Chilean politics. His death migh[cut off] throw the facist [fascist] government into confusion.Q and give some hope to the Chilean reisstance [resistance] movement. A third target in South Africa  white racist leader such as Ian Smith of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) I will write up as many plans as I can think of to accomplish this.

Julius Evans – I no longer consider this my life, but the life given me. I love being alive to help others. I do not wish to suddenly die but I am prepared mentally. I do not feel happy because I can only do so much in one day.  I wish the facist [fascists] were forced to give back some of what they have taken from us, even mental contro[cut off] they don’t necessarily need to be killed.
They need to feel what we have for so long, then I think they would kill them selvesI feel hate and discust [disgust] for anyonethat would even think of destroying poor and weak people just because they may be a little strong. I sometimes don’t even try to love. When I love I expect love.  Why not do someone some good and walk away without saying anything rather than living selfish as we do. I wou ld [would] like to live until I can be happy with my feelingsand be able to explain what living is to someone else.

James Edwards – No personal statement.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What Would You Do in the final WhiteNight??

Tom Kice Sr. – I don’t expect to live much longer and don’t care. I believe the only way a revolution can be is to fight. I velieve on [believe one] of these days we will have to put our lives on the line. I don’t believe every white night will be won over the radio. I don’t care how I die just so I die for the cause. I would chose [choose] to go back to the States and kill Time Soten [Tim Stoen] and the Mertles as many of them as I could get. I will give my life where ever I willserve [will serve] the cause more.

Bob Davis – My selfish side of me says if I had a nice way to go it would be with our leader for continue [continued] life with Dad is demorilizing [demoralizing], (I presume he meant without???
If I will face the realization tha tI [that I] am a revolutionary then I wil [page cut off] then I will do what ever is necessary for communsim [communism]. (so it will spread) specifically I could seem myself going to battle in a revoulutionary [revolutionary] liberation war. If that were the case its [it] seems to me that miltary trainging [military training] in Cuba and being deployed by Cuban force would be helpful.
II would be willing to go back to states and committ terrioist [commit terrorist] acts and kill monoply [monopoly] capitalists or political enemies. NOTE: ++++++++++++++ No mention of former PT members, or he would do away with them???[underscores by trs, not in original]

Najuhuanda Walker [Najahuanda Darnes] – If facists [fascists] come here it really does not matter, it is time to give my life for what I believe. I never want to live until Iam very old, but I must theinkof [think of] the children who are the future of Co-I want to give my life in the line (front) I could walk naked toward the guns pointed at me, and as I was doing this some of the brothers could come from behind and gake [take] their weapons from them, stripping naked would be to distract their attention. Could have bombs tied to my body could move in closer and explode at the same time. They could not take me alive because I would harass them until they killed me. Death is a beautiful experience, peacefull sleep. Iam trying to take as much pain as I can now to prepare myself.

Philip Blakey – I would like to do a day of the jackel [jackal] job on facists [fascists]. I’d go right up to facists [fascists] and shoot them, then I would shoot myself. Unless I could get away to do another in. Good team would be n[page cut off]


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would I do with my body in a final white night

Patty Parks – I am sorry to bring more pain then [than] was necesary [necessary] to our leader by coming here. I was just stupid like the capitalist want me to be and did not realize the seriousness of this move. I feel guilty and responsible for Brend’s [Brenda’s] immaturity. I will be lookin g for ward [looking forward] to seeing their growth. It will make me so happy. I am ready to die for this cause not alone, but to take enemies with me.

Sandra Evans – I would like to die fighting with all my might and I’d like to take a few enemies with me. I would like for my childrento live and grow up in this socialist town and spread these ideals throug[cut off] out the world, if it is not possible then I would rather they diethan to be in the facists [fascists’] hands.

Eileen McMurry – No personal statementI do not expect to live long, because we have these white nights all the time. It doesn’t matter to me. I would like to be blown up as I blew up some of the enemies. I want to get as many facists [fascists] as possible. I would have to make several attacks killing off as many as I could and when the the military came after me, I would blow us all up. I would do anything without hesitation.

Dorothy Sanders – I would rather die killing an enemy then [than] revolutionary suicide. I could do the suicide as a last resort. I would like the satisfaction of taking someone with me. I wish I had more of this conscienceness [consciousness]. I hope the world finds out Ia m [I am] part of this liberation movement. Only think [thing] I have done worth while is join P.T. I never thought I was worth anything. I like what you said earlier “In life or death we will make a mark in history.”

Mary Lou Clancey – I would like to particapate [participate] in an assination [assassination] plot to take care of as many enemies as possible then to take care of mysefl [myself] (shoo[cut off] myself in the head, whatever) I have often consider the possibly[cut off] [possibility] of arming myself with esplosives [explosives] and entering a building or a group of people—boom- as in the battle of Algiers, the women marched down the street fighting off the enemies with their hands sticks. Obviously giving their lives in the fore front of the revolution.

Orlando Robinson (child) – I would rather die fighting for this land, and kill off traitors.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if it were the last white night

Stan Gieg – I want to live just to fight for the revolution of all people or to build a society where all are equal. I would like fighting here or in another country. If I have to I will committ revoluntary [commit revolutionary] suicide.

Bill Jackson – [Who is this? Not on victims or survivors lists] I would like to die by revoluntary [revolutionary] suicide by blowing myself up. Feel it would serve more of an inpact [impact].

Ralph Jackson – I would die with the enemies who have hurt us. I would try to win favor with the enemies, and give them information, that was already public once gathering their trust, I would get them in the same room and blow them up. Would write a dramatic letter of explantion [explanation] defending Dad’s character.

Don Fields – Would like to work with health care and even in other countries. Woul[cut off] like to fight for what we know is irght [right], especially for all the children here and in the world.

James Johnson – I would die for this revoluntary [revolutionary] cause any day. I really don’t live to see tomorrow. I would kill some of our enemies then kill myself, or force them to kill me.

Amanda Fair – This is the only cause worth dying for. I want to take as many honkeys with me as possible in death by human torch and explosion I wouldn’t be suspect as I never said anything much to anyone.

Maria McCann – Before I die I need the assurance that the children are dead, and know we done the best thing for them before we die. I would like to believe I would do anything necessary to get our enemiesI am afraid of torture, but not of the final death. I realize this is cowardly. I think once I knew our children were dead our whole future would be dead and my will to go on living would be shot and I’d be so angry at the fascist pigs for doing this to us I’d do anything to kill them.

Rosa Keaton – I have leaned [learned] more about being a revoultionary [revolutionary] each time we have a white night. I have grown stronger, and more committed. I am willing to work, be tortued [tortured], or die for this cause.

Esther Dillard – For the greatest number Iam willing to committ revoltionary [committ revolutionary] suicide as long as I know I can take some enemy with me. I am always willing to learn to shoot., a bow and arrow and be on the front line.

Ken Norton – I don’t think I fear death. I have tried to die so many times since I was born. I don’t want to come back so I should reserve my life for revoluntary [revolutionary] suicide. I feel I may live long as I have so many lessons to learn, I have been spared from death so many times, I can’t but help I have an obligation which must be paid.

C-5-a- 41

TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would you do with your body if in a last white night.

Nancy Sines – I don’t care if my death comes tomorrow. I hope when my death comes it will be for the struggle. I hope my so called mom finds out Iam a communist and not a religious weirdo./?/

Earnestine Blair – No personal statement.

Danny Marshall – No personal statement.

Eugene Smith – No personal statement.

Becky Flowers – No personal statement.

Detra Smith – No personal statement

Eddie Washington – No personal statement.

Alfred Bell – No personal statement.

Edward Moore – I want to die working for the cause.

Theo Williams – No personal statement.

Claudia Bouquet – No personal statement.

Christa Marshall (child) [Is this Krista Smith (12-yr-old-) who was “Christa on PT Occupation record”? only other Christa was Christa Amos, 11] – No personal statement.

Dee Dee Lawerence [Lawrence, aka Duckett] (child) – No personal statement.

James Ford [James Wade, Jr] (child) – No personal statement.

Ronnie Dennis – No personal statement.

Gladys Roberts – No personal statement.

Geneva Beal – Wants a long life.  Would like to see our children grow up. I want to give my body to this cause, but I would like to give it fighting. To kill until I get killed.

Valerie Jones – I would like to die and bring some of my enemies with me. Iam notafraid [not afraid] to die . I would like to go down fighting.

Anthony Simon – No personal statement.

Ellie Bean [Beam] – I don’t think I will live more than 2 years or maybe less. I would like to die fighting on the front lines. I would go to the states to get someone. I would like to end my life taking the mother fuckers with me..

Irra Johnson – No personal statement.

Joel Cobb Jones – I would like to go back and kill theenemies [the enemies] in the U.S.A. I would tie a bomb on me walk into the room and make the bomb go off. Dynamite, about 10 sticks.

Dereck [Derek] Walker – No personal statement. (age 12)

Alfred March – No personal statement.

Rob Geig – No personal statement.

Jackie Rochelle – No personal statement.

Pearl Land – I would fight to kill as long as I lived.

Lue Esther Lewis – No personal statement.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were the last white night.

Debby Jensen – I don’t expect to live long, I will go and help others in their struggle. I feel Tad relates to others ,and I feel good about that if I ever had to leave. I want to be of some benefit to help promote communism what ever that may be.

Marianita Langston – I would like a very high explosive place in a test tube and I would cayyr [carry] it in my vagina   or smaller so I can place in the back of my eye ball, when the time come I would blow myself and the facists [fascists] up.

Alfreda March – Would like to go into the jungle, with CBS and etc with a group of eight people, and have bow and arrows, that would paralize [paralyze], then we could grab their mouth and pull them down and kill them. If caught we would fall on the posion [poison] arrow.

Mary Bailey – I would like to fight to help kill some of the traitors. If I go fighting it is alright.

Jerry Livingston – I would act according to what the situation was. I believe we as a group or individuals are being readied to put the final touch to the fascists with situations like the Red Brigade are doing. Iam just taking it a day at a time.

Lee Inghram – I’d like ro [to] strangle Stoen and slit Jim Cobb’s throat. If it was remotley [remotely] possible to get some explovies [explosives] Id try to take out some of the oil refineries around the Bay and power installations[.] The climax would be offing one of the leading capitalist such as Rockefeller, then blowing my brains out.

Agnes Jones – I often thought a human torch would draw attention

Toby Mtandaji – [Who is this? Tobi Stone?] Would give my life for this cause if necessary, doing what ever I can to help the children., seniors, then fight to the end.

Ruby Johnson – I would like to die fighting to the end, carrying some capitalist dog with me, like Time [Tim] Stoen, and others. Iam not afraid to die.

Maude [Maud] Perkins – I would make sure all of our enemies were taken care of in the event of your death, meaning I may have to lure them all down here. Time Stoen [Tim Stoen] would instantly die. From a bad gasoline burn like the children in Alabama.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this werre a final white night.

Maude [Maud] Perkins (cont.) – and all of the othr [other] enemies. Would set up a meeting with them, make them think I was on their side. Grace Stoen thought I was always hostile, I think I could easily fool her. I would put a lot of gasoline in a lamp I was using for light, and maybe accidently [accidentally] drop a match in it and blow them all to hell and back.
I don’t think I could live a long time if I wanted to live [life] is not that rewarding. I do understand it [if] there is any way out, I do owe it to the children. I will do anythink [anything] I am asked to do to help to bring the facist [fascists] down.

Cathy Barrett – In the event of the fianl [final] whitenight and there was not an all out battle I would like to die by poison after putting the children to sleep. Thie [This] would be hards [hard] for me to do because I don’t like to face the fact of killing my own child.

Candace [Cordell] Inghram – I would like to go into the place where the traitors meet and disquise [disguise] myself, and put poison in their drinks., and food, when I made sure they were all dead then I would do the same to myself. Another thing I would like to do is find their house, and burn it down with them and me ini [in] it.

Barbara Guerava [Guevara] [who is she? Barbaras: Hoyer, Smith, Cordell, Davis, Farrell, Kemp, Simon, Walker] – I would be willing to participate in some tactics like the Red Brigade is doing like kidnapping or killing a facist [fascist] or any of our enemies. I will give my life in any stragedy [strategy] to further socialism.

Ameal Staten – I would die fighting for socialism.

Shawnterri Jones [Teresa Cordell] – No personal statement.

Keith Wade – I know Iam going to die soon and when I do I’m goingt [going] to take some of our enemies with me.

Mary Rodgers – [either Mary F. Rodgers or Mary Johnson Rodgers] I would like to have a bomb and kill as many as possible and take them with me.

Shirley Pace – [Who? Shirleys: Edwards, Fields (but sp. Shirlee), Hicks, Mitchell, Robinson, Smith, Wilson (Baisy)] I don’t want to live to an old age. I would like to take care some of our enemies. Would like to take care of Grace Stoen with dynamite. Tied on me. I would like to go out undercover (have my whole idenity [identity] changed) and save as many children as possible. The real test will come when it happens. Iam sure I will do it.

[divider page, unnumbered]



TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were the last whtie [white] night

Lourece Jackson – I would like to get Liz Formen [Forman] before I lay my life down. Because she hurt children. And to get Stoen for all the trouble he caused. I would get me a time bomb and call up the rest of the gang. Blow them up.

Kevan [Grubbs] Smith – I would like to die killing the traitors ahat [that] have caused you much pain and trouble. I would like to die with my hands on the throats of these facists [fascist] devils. I would like to see the children have a future

Daisy Stroud – I would like to go back to the States and kill all the enemies wh[page cut off] are causing us trouble. If I get caught by the capitalist I’ll committ [commit] suicide, when they take me in to talk about this organization.

Mabel [Cordell] Jones – To first see if we have a chance to put up a fight. If not then if we have to go into the jungle. I don’t really want to go to any other country, I would rather just stay here and fight.

Denise Hunter [Denise Purifoy] – I hope to be able to take a few of our enemys [enemies] with us when I go. I know everyone can not get Stoens Mertles, but Iwould like to wear a big coat, (look preg. [pregnant]) take a machine gun, or explosives it depends on the situation. Mertles, then Stoens Liz Gary Purifoys and many more Iam sure.I will do this any time, when the time is right.

Bertja [Bertha] Reese – I am ready to die, and I want to be sure and take some capitalist with me., before I go. Uncles Toms if they come for us. I will fig[cut off] on the front line until I die with a cutless [cutlass] in my hands.

Christine Young – We are ready to give our lives for that which we believe. I will not sell out.

Charles Marshall – I wish for our communist belifes [beliefs] to go on until my death. I believe taht revoltionary [that revolutionary] suicide is the most logical way to die because there is more of a guarantee that the children will be taken care of by we the people instead of any one else.

Jim Pugh – I would be glad to be used to put to sleep the peoples enemies. I would need direction, but I am willing. I request to be put with the front lines. With a rifle, bayonet, I was very disappointed to have the cross removed from my hands. I am not afraid to die.

Karl Newell – No personal statement

Ron Talley – I think I will die within five years at the maximin [maximum] I want to die a violent death., fighting for socialism. I feel I could go into a kidnapping situation, knowing I would never be able to get out. But would have to kill mu [my] hostage and fight to the death. And get every enemy possible. I feel I can plan and carry out an operation

C-5-a- 45

TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this was a last white night

Ron Talley, (continued) – like this alone ow [or] with some of my other comrades[.] I want to die with socilaist [socialist] purpose, not live to grow old and sit on my ass.

Karen Harms – I want to kill one of the enemies that is responsible for trying t[cut off] kill us , like Mezzer [Mazor]. I could go to Europe or some other country fo[cut off] awhile go with a fals [false] passport change my looks. Wait for awhile before I went tot [to] Calif.I would find out where the people hang out at go into the place with a bomb on me and blow them and me up.

Joyce Brown – I want to get the enemies that try to tear the socialist places down next if it came to fight on the lines I would fight until the last breath.

Ruby Bright – I am ready to die for this cause in battle going through the jungle going or going back to the U.S. and taking someones life for this cause and them commit revolutionary suidide [suicide]. I think one day we will have to take some responsibility on our selves and defend our beautiful land.

Lexie Davis – I would like to take Tim Stoen and Grace . Smother them with gas then inject poising [poison] in theri [their] spine that would be a easy way to go[.] I would then committ revoltionary [commit revolutionary] suicide before the facists [fascists] get me.

Jerry Rhea – I would like to help build this state of ours, and pass on what I know to the children. I am not afraid of dying, but then again I have not had to face death.If we had to die would do so. I would like to get many fascists before I go. To die with our leader for such a good cause is an honor.

Tim Jones (Night) – I would fight the enemies that have been against us. If there was a way I could go and get our enemies I will do it. I w[cut off] would like to fight to the last.

Annie Moore – I have always felt I will hold out no matter what comes down. Prison, torture or maybe even a fast death in battle. I figured the last part of my life I will end up being tortured some where for years. I decided not to starve muself [myself] and die. Always stive [strive] to get free so that I coojd [could] take some facists [fascists] down with me. I won’t talk no matter what happens although is [it] would be painful to me to see any of our children tortured in order to get to me. [me to]. I will have to think it throughj [through] but I have always thought I would like to spra[line cut off] gasoline(or pour) on our enemies and set a match to ehtm [them]. Put them out in time to make them suffer, I realize this is not too practica[cut off] so what. I will have to think of more practical plans, and explicit plans as to how and whom I would get. (Enemies.)


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I do if this were the last white night

Guy Mitchell – Hyjacking [Hijacking] an airplane with well known officials aboard knowing full well neither you or they will make it. , Our demands must be met. Also the burning of a body as a demostration [demonstration] for gettin[cut off] money. This was done in Japan and it brought a lot of attention.

Shirley Hicks – I am ready to give up my life every time I do security.I would like to die by fighting. If that is not the way you have in mind for me I will do whatever you say.

Anne Jones [Annette Jones] – I would like to be killed when Iam fighting in some countrys revolution. I don’t want to live very long. I would like to know more about guerilla fighting because in all revolutions that’s the way they won.

Ophelia Rodger [Rodgers] – I would not mind dying as long as I can take someone with me. I would like to get thoes [those] who started all of this. If Idid [I did] not die in this fight I would not mind helping some other country get their freedom.

Marshall Farris – I want to die taking as manu facists [many fascists] with me as I can I want my death to mean something to the socialist cause.

Corless Boutae [Corliss Boutte] – Would like to pretend I was running away from here and get into Georgetown, I would like to get some of thoes [those] people who have been following Bruce around. Tell them I wanted out, and hope they would send me back to the states. I would pretend to give them information. Once getting with Time [Tim] Stoen and others I would slit their throat one by one. Calling them in a room one by one. If caught I could easily put up a fight until they killed me. Isay using a knife because a knife is easily attainable [obtainable].

Laura Johnson [Laura Johnston] – I would like to take as many traitors and enemies with me when I die a revoltionary [revolutionary] death. Would like to take the super rich with me. This would be less obvious and not be connected with PT. Maybe that could be researched now and set up. I’d take Stoen any of them too. I would fight in any country. I would have sex with anyone here my own choice has been far worse then [than] the worst ass hole here so I have nothing to loose [lose].

Eva Pugh – It does not make any difference to me how I die, only to do all I can to further this great cause, I think Tim Stoen, Grace Mertles, Jim Cobb etc should be inviged [invited] here and be killed before we die.

Gloria Walker – I would like first to kill Tim and Grace Storen [Stoen] and some of the others. I would like to take, or use a quick posion [poison] or a bomb preferrably [preferably] a bomb strapped to my body. Maybe posion [poison] could be put in cigarretts [cigarettes]. I would chew one if caught.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What Would you do on the last white night with your body.

Acquinetta Robertson [Anita Devers] – No personal statement.

James Turner – No personal statement

Jerry Wilson – No personal statement.

Katherine Domick [Domineck] – No personal statement.  News – needs help.

Teddy McMurry – No personnal [personal] statement.

Shajhuanna Harris [Dorothy Harris] – No personal statement.

Bertha Smith – Only one page of news (but a senior) No personal statement.

Gerald Johnson – No personal statement.

Amomdo Griffith [Amondo Griffith] – No personal statement.

Jim Arthur Jones – No personal statement.

Luella Brown – No personal statement.

Francis Stevenson – I want to die for the cause however that may be. Death is dea[cut off].

Vivian Anderson – No personal statement.

David Goodwin – I would like to go and get some enemies. I don’t think I will live for a long time. I would like to take some facists [fascists] with me when I die. Don’t want to live over 50 years.

Abrahmam [Abraham] Staten – I would like to make sure I got all of mine enemies first. I would not want to take sucicide [suicide]. I would rather stand up and fight, and make sure my ldying [dying] was not inv [in] vain.

Darrell Devers – I would definately [definitely] take traitors with me, am concerned about getting enemies of P.T.

Rueletta Paul [Ruletta Paul] – Like to carry a bomb device in a belt buckle made of metal and on my way through carry a machine gun to kill one hundred enemie[cut off] Reach the core of the problem, and blow all of them up from the face of the earth.

Brenda Cobb Jones – Want to go to the states and find Jim Cobb and the rest of them. Act like I was real mad at the cause, and get some dynamite or explosives and get them in the room and blow them up. When I die I want Jim Cobb and the other mother fuckers to die too, so they can’t fuck it up for the rest of the family. I don’t care when we die, hope soon.

Mary Wotherspoon – I want to die in a struggle somewhere for freedom. Many ways I have thought of in detail, depends on where Iam and what is available.

Brian Guy – If I was about to be killed, I would kill a lot of enemies before I die. If there weregoing [were going] to torture me I would kill myself before they got a hold of me. If I did not kill myself by banging my head on the ground until is [I] was dead. If they ahd [had] captured me and tortured me I would not talk.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Responses to what I would do in the final whtie [white] night

Rennie Kice – I would like to fight ina [in a] revolutionary movement anywhere there ar[cut off] opressed [oppressed] people. To give my life fighting so fascism does not spre[cut off] its evil germ any further then [than] it has already.

Andrea Walker – The way I want to die is taking Grace Stoen and all the mother fsuckers [fuckers] that have caused trouble with me. I would personally like to gauge [gouge] Grace’s eyes out with a knife and let her feel the pain and the torment then set her body on fire alive. I would like to dray Time [drag Tim] Stoen by his heels in a car until nobody could recognize him.After I had done my job completely I wouldshoot my self [would shoot myself] so nobody could ever get information out of me about this cause., at least Iwill die knowing I had given something to this cause instead of receiving all the benefits from it.

Tom Smith [Tom Partak] – I would like to participate in some revolutionary activity rather then [than] just stay in Jonestown working. I would like to be in the revolutionary struggles going on in the world. Iam quite willing to go back and assinate [assassinate] anyone in the conspiracy from Senator Stennis on down.

Penny Silvers [Penny Dupont] – I would like to fight the revolution somewhere on some front. I would llike [like] to kill CIA agents many in South America. Would like to help blow up some capitalistic centers etc. Dams etc. Would like to set up agroup [a group] that could lure these people out in South America I could track some of them down, and kill them. Put posion [poison] in their drinks. Would like to help kill Cheif [Chief] Police Davis in L.A. Goroge [George] Wallace. Would like to form a group to get all the traitors.

Kenny Bouvie [Bowie] – No statement

Alfred Touchette [Albert Touchette] – Do notplan [not plan] my life ahead. Ready to die any second I only hope to live long enough to take a few with me.

Peter Wotherspoon – Says he wants to change his name to John Chiloe (Cheeplow (Chee-low-way) It is a Chilean Aurucanean name. I want that my new name can reflect a newe committment [commitment] to this cause. Thank you, dad for you mercy andat [and at] the opportunity to learn and grown [grow].
I see my life as finished by my own actions. I only remain alive by your mercies. I will have no problem removing facists [fascists] from this life or myself as I hate both. I don’t


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do on a final white night

Mike Carter (cont.)  any time a country is to inflitrated [infiltrated] if they ahve [have] any type of shore line it shouuld [should] be done by boat the CIA does this type of think [thing] in Chian [China], so I think it would work well with us using a life wraft [raft] that can be deflated and buried then on to work, that way if there is anyway to excape [escape] you have transportation, but depending on location, it might be best just to committe [commit] revolutionary suidee [suicide]

Earnestine March – I an [am] ready to die. I will prove it by fighting to the death. If Iam captured before I am killed I will starve myself to death, even if I have to drink my piss. I would like us to become communist to the fullest before we die.

Jeff Wheeler – I would like to die getting a bomb and wrap it around me and while Stoen and all the other traitors are having a press conference, I would blow them all up. I would go back to the states find a book about bombs and build one of them, then I would tie it on my back with a real large coat and them [then] I would walk up to them and act like Iam interested and then blow them up. I would desquise [disguise] myself and do it. I would not mind doing it. I think I know I won’t live too long and I don’t care. I would like to be a revolutionaryleader [revolutionary leader].And die a raevolutionary [revolutionary] death.

Lydia Moargan [Lydia Atkins] – I would be ready to lay my life down in the front lines I have three children I am fighting for (don’t know there [their] outcome besides our children here.

Clara McKinzie [Clara McKenzie] – I would go and give myself sexually although I know I am not a young person, but I could try. Will do anything to get money or food for us. Would like to get racists with a lot of hand gernades [grenades], would like to blow up the whole bunch of them.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were the final white night

Chris Oneal [Chris O’Neal] – I am going to live out my life fighting for a cause in which I believe in, the cause Iam talking about is the wisdom that Jim Jones has given me. I hope to live as [a] long life for I can fight thoes [those] who are trying to stop this great movement, and I would like to kill the big rich people and the people who don’t understand the meaning of the word free. And when I die I like to die after killing some of thoes [those] rich assholes.

Erris Morrission [Erris Morrison] – I would take my cutlass and go to the front lines and fight. And I will get one of them and I would take his gunand [gun and] hide around and when I see another one I would fir[cut off] at him and hit him, if they catch me I would make them kill me, by fighting, and that means being a crazy nigger, biting stromping [stomping] their balls, dick hair eyes, breaking their fingers anything I could get a hold of. If they put me in jail wIwould [I would] go on a hunger stike [strike] I will watch my comrades and make sure they do not run. (This means my relatives also) I will kill them I will fight until death do us part.

Dorothy Simpson – I have not thought out what I would do with my life yet. Iam willing to work and do anything to help get the people free, even if it means dying. I am willing to do that but first I would like to be in a positon [position] to get a number of enemies too, by blowing them up or shooting them or poisioning [poisoning] them or any other way. So children could have a better place to live.

Berniece [Bernice] Thomas – I don’t care how I die. I would like to kill Time [Tim] Stoen
I would like to bomb the court house in Texas, Kania Texas, and burn the house where I was born, as they threw my mother out of the house, , I don’t care how or when I die Iam not afraid. No news turned in.

Mike Carter – When someone like the mercanaries [mercenaries] attack us ot [to] chase them and take their weapons from them, then we will havem [have] more guns for our people to use. Anytime a country is to be in


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were the last white night.

Renee Gieg – At a final white night and there was no way out I would like to fight until death. The children would naturally have to be put to sleep, then we could fight. I don’t want to go to another country, only reason would be to kill Stoen andothers [and others] a slow lingering death for them . I would like to get my hands on the bitch, Yolanda Crawsord [Yulanda Crawford].

Helen Johnson – I want to give my life if necessary, maybe as a human torchand let me loose where I can do the most good.

Anitra Green [Greene] – No personal statement.

Judy Ijames– No personal statement.

Tinitra Johnson [Tinetra Fain] – I am willing to do anything for the cause even if it meant my death because I feel I owe Dad and the people a lot. If Iam asked to do something, I will without any hesitation.

Ben Barrett – When I die I want it to have some purpose. I will not just lay down and die. I will either die fighting to defend this freedom land or I will die taking some of our enemies with [me] who have been telling lies about us.

Joyce McIntyre – I would like to die fighting. If I got shot and did not die I would pick up my self and keep on fighting until Iam killed.

Kim Yoon Ai – I would like to go back andkill [and kill] some of our enemies. I would not give into anything. Would not take any bribe or talk. I would like to do as our former[?] did in Nicaragua. Iam ready for any fighting., or anything, Iam ready to die. I don’t want to live long, but I want to participate in the revolution and laymylife [lay my life] down if necessary. Maybe I could go back and get information from the enemies[.] I would kill them and torture them slowly. Maybe they would think Iam Suzanne, and the [they] would talk.

Cris Lund [Chris Rozynko] – I would like to kill as many of the enemies as possible. Would like to get me a knife and stab them todeath [to  death] or a gun and shoot them. Strapping bombs to mysefl [myself] would be the quckest [quickest] and easiest way. I would do this if I could get several at one time. However if I could shoot one there is a chance I could


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if this were a final white night.

Cris Lund (cont.) go on and get another one.

Annie McGowan – I want the whole world to see what I stood for. Let me get all I can and it will be OK if I get killed and I will die happy. As I have to prove to somebody that socialism is the only life to live, this is my desire.

Jessie Jones – I don’t mind dying. I would like to put some lye up Tim and Grace Stoen’s rectumn [rectum] or in there [their] eyes. I know they would arrest me, so I could make them kill me, so I won’t be tortured. I would not speak against this cause.

Ellen [Martha] Klingman – When I die I hope it will be in a useful way. Lie [Like] shooting my share of facists [fascists] and blowing up something or used as a decoy or whatever prupose toserve [purpose to serve] for revoltionary [revolutionary] advance.

Lucy Crenshaw – Would like to work and live for socialism leading to communis[cut off] as long as Iam physically and mentally alert. Then on the other hand if Iam not needed to work as much as Iam needed to make a sacrifice with my body or act as a decoy I will count it a priviledge [privilege] to die as a human V-bomb.

Al Simon – If I get an opportunity to kill traitors I will use a knife. A knife is easy to conceal and since they don’t know how I look it would be easy to get close enough to do thejob [the job], this method I would have to catch them when they were alone. I will study and see if they travel singly or in a large group. If they do I will plan to catch them when they are grouped and I will use a 380 auto matic pistol. Holds ten rounds per clip. Once the job is done I will be hunted down and killed by the police, but hopefully I will have a chance to kill some of the others before they jill [kill] me. They won’t take me alive. When my weapon is empty I will attack them there fore they will shoot me. They like to shoot people.

Betty Moore – I would either stand here and fight or if there was any way possible to get back into the states without being arrested[.] I would like to execute as many of our enemies, I could by either posioning [poisoning], shootinig, burnign [burning] or blowing them up and then committ [commit] revolutionary suicide.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Peoples responses to what they would do if this was there [their] last white night.

Lydia Morgan [Lydia Atkins] – Would be ready to lay my life on the front lines to defend Jonestown. Appreciate what you have done for me.

Tarik Baker – No statement. Not three pages of news, good but not required amount.

Ruby Bright – I have not wanted to live to be very old. I am ready to die for this cause in battle, going through the jungle, or going back to theUS [the U.S.] and taking someone’s life for this cause and then committ [commit] revoulutionary [revolutionary] suicide.
You have always handled all the white nights, and I do not think this if fair, one day we will have to take it in our own hands and defend this land. I don’t want to live anywhere unless you are there to make a movement for us.

Eric Baker – No personal statement.

Beverly Mitchell – I would like to stay here and fight rather than to take the death potion, because I would like to take some of the damm [damn] capitalist with us. Thank you so much for coming itnto [into] the special care unit when I was there.

Marvin Janero [Marvin Janaro, Marvin Sellers] – Not three pages as required—no personal statement.

Viola Moten [Viola Moton] – Would ve [be] honored to die for this cause to help children. Death would seem just like going through an open door.

Patty Dennis [Patty McCoy] (child) – Would like to go to states and find Tim S, and others and tie a bomb or explosives to my body and die along with our enemies. Would like to get her dad Bill McCoy.

Karen Harms – Would like to die killing Masser [Mazor]. Could go to U.S. with someones else’s passport, new name, change new dequise [disguise] might be better to go to another state or Europe for awhile, and not do anything for a while. Find out where they met go into building with a bomb on myself blow them up and myself as well.


to: jim

fr:  rita lenin

What I would do if this were the last white night

Ava Inghram – I could get a hold of Time [Tim] Stoen, and tell him I have some important information about P.T. I would give him a false name and tell him to meet somewhere, and to aonly [only] bring one person with, him that way I could kill more theno [than] one. I would get them to meet me in another state between U.S. and S.A. I will pay a hostess to invite them in the door, I will tell the hostess to bring the drinks, there will be posion [poison] in the drinks. I can explain this better in talking then [than] writing.

Vernetta Christian – I would like to go to any place where there was a need to free and liberate the people from the facists [fascists]. I would like to strap a bomb or anything around me to destroy our enemies. I don’t expect to come out alive and would not want to.

Orelia Anderson – I would like to die fighting a socialist revolution by starting the fightine [fighting] first, and act like Iam crazy by cutting or shooting and killing about 5 or 6 then they kill me.

Jair Baker – I would like all third world people and opressed [oppressed] people to live comfortable, including myself. I would eight [fight] the oppresser [oppressor], agent facist [fascist]. Want to free all the people in South Africa, and other places.

Diane Cassanova [Dianne Scheid] – Would like to go to USSR on a scholarship. I would like to kill any capitalist, fascist inthe [in the] world, Tim Stoen Grace Mertles and all of thoes [those] bitches. I would hate to leave Dad to go to the USSR however.

Louise Shraver [Shavers] – No personal statement, not required amount of news. Only a half page done.

Willie Sneed – No personal statement.

Sharron [Sharon] Kislingbury – I will die for this trutn [truth], I have no idea when but if it is tomorrow it makes me no difference, Iam ready. I would like to die by bringing some of our enemies down with me. I could always have a bomb on me and meet with the traitors and we could all blow up together. Or I could kill them and committ [commit] revolutionary suicide I will die fighting on homeground if a white night occurs, and die any way by any means to get the job done. If I have to go through torture I will endure it.

Stanley Clayton – No personal statement, only two pages of news.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do if theis [this] were the final white night

Cassandra Minor – I would first of all have my child killed by me rather then [than] the facists [fascists]., then I would fight until my death. I would like to get Grace, Deanna Mertle, Liz Forman, the Olivers, Crawford Williams before Iam murdered. I want to see them killed before Iam killed by anybody. I am not afraid to die when my time comes I will die, I was afraid at first but not [now] that I see what is happening with our trators [traitors], there is no way out.

Margaret James – I have planned my death—– to lay down in a crowd of enemies with a bomb fight like I never fought before. Iam not afraid to die. To save children and seniors and babies. I have no personal family.

Charles Henderson – I am not afraid to die like I thought I was. I would if necessary comitt revlountary sucide [commit revolutionary suicide] and also kill some of our emenies [enemies], if necessary I would put our child to sleep and go on fighting.

Glenda Polite – I chose to die with a smile and bhind [behind] that smile I want to have killed many of the main enemies of the people. I want to shoot the lies out of their bodies. I will go on killing untilI [until I] got shot down. I want to kill anyone who would think of destroying or delay socialism from living on.

Carol Kerns (Alendia [Allende?]) – I am not afraid to die young, I would rather. I would kill myself if I do not die fighting taking enemies with me.

Thomas Kice (Jr.) – Would like to die a revolutionary death or kill myself and not let the facist [fascists] get me so they can torture me.

Vennie Thompson – No personal statement, news facts mixed up.

Barbara Kemp – I want to kill some of the people that caused all the trouble for us over hter [here].

Diana [Dee Dee?? Her partner/girlfriend named Diana??] Macon – I would want the children and seniors to be taken care of first[.] I would like to fight in the battle so that I could takem [take] some of the enemies with me.

Greg Watkins – Make my body useful to kill the fascist or get blown up and take some with me. I would do all I could to protect this land[.] Also get myself killed.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would you do if this was the last white night??

Shanda James – No personal statement.

Eugenia Gernandt – I have been thinking for some time, my heart has been acting up. I may as well go with a bang, and taken enemies with me, when and how, I don’t know.

Bobby Stroud – I would go to the U.S. and kill all responsible for our fall. Stoen and others plus Stennis, and if fall [all] that were done sucdessfully [successfully] I would committ revoultijonary sucide [commit revolutionary suicide] making a display to cause attention. If is [I] was ever caught I would sucide [suicide] out.

Mary Ford – I would like very much to go to the states and get some of thoes [those] peo[cut off] people that have tried to hurt this movement. Then I would not mind[cut off] dying a revoultionary [revolutionary] death, as long as I know some of them went with me or on before me.

Russell Moton – I may be fighting with a cutlass, or the front lines with a gun whatever Iam prepared to fight. I know these two methods best.I will fight when the time comes to back up our revouluntary [revolutionary] statements.

Juanita Green – I personaly [personally] would like to grindup [grind up] my relatives into hamburger meat and sell it to McDonalds. I wouuld [would] like to fight andn [and] take some of the enemies with me by fighting, or tie a bomboon [bomb on] body and walk in and blow a bunch of them up.

Eliza Jones – I would like to die for this cause, I could give my body to be burned. I could lie in front of a vehicle let it run over me. I could attatch [attach] a bomb to my body. I don’t mind dying for the cause[.] Thanks for everything, Dad.

Lavana James – I want to die fighting front lines or back lines makes no difference. Dying for socialism will be a pleasure.

Gertued [Gertrude] Nailor – I choose to die after I have knocked Tim Store [Stoen] out and pulled h[cut off] his balls out, and stuck a hat pin up his back hole. I would like to cut Liz F. hair all off put her eyes out and shoot her. Then take posion [poison] and kill myself.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Peoples Responses to what they would do withtheir [with their] body in a last white night.

Harold Bogue – Could sneak back to the states, meet with the enemies on the pretense of sharing information and plans. Give them some false and innocuious [innocuous] information enough to win their confidence until I can get a meeting of all of them together, then I would detinate [detonate] a bomb enough to blow every body to bits. I could get into the country unannounced and go around picking them off one by one. As Jackel [Carlos “the Jackal”?] did. If the enemies of ours were all done in I would like to help a group like the Red Brigade get money for the peoples revolution or free political prisoners whereverr [wherever] they may be. Living or dying in the action would only be important if I could still be of use in the revolution.

Kim Brewster – I think I’d like to die a revolutionary death but I also know that there are good people still in the states that haven’t seen the communistic community and woouln” [wouldn’t]

Julia Birleley [Birkley] – Would like to go out in a way that would make it a little safer for our children whtn [when] the time comes if we are in a fighting revolution I would like to be spirited to where the most big wigs are then go boom I want to hit where it will do the most good.

Demosthenis Kutulas – No personal statement.

Mary Johnson [could be either Mary A. Johnson or Mary E. Johnson] – I am willing to stand and fight and die today or tommorrow [tomorrow]. Take some enemy with me. News was older news.

Rocki Turner [Breidenbach] – Would like to go back to the states dusquised [disguised] as an old lady[.] Get to what ever enemies she was assigned to conceal posioni [poison] in sectionof [section of] her powder compact use it on enemies, or have PT meet us give us a gun and go from there. She would want to work with a partner.

Rosa Jackson – I want to live long enough to kill a few of the people that are making trouble for us.

Lena Benton – No personal statement, some facts in her news wrong.

Karen Lendo – Wants to go down as socialist revoluntary [revolutionary]. Even if this means being burned to death, tortued [tortured], fighting on the front lines. I want to fight in the struggle because it is needed for the whole world (socialism is needed) I wish there was a way I could prove myself to prove I mean what I write.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What I would do on a final white night

Marie Rankin [Marie Duckett] – I would like to shoot many enemies down with amachine [a machine] gun before they got me.

Lena Benton – I would like to go to Okland [Oakland] and I know Mertles and Lis would come up to me and speak, I would have ex:osives [explosives] on me and kill all thoes [those] that made trouble for you andmother [and mother]. I don’t mind dying but you and mother need to stay on with our children.

Lois Ponts – One paragraph of news(OK found rest of paper), no personal statement.

Mary Ann Cassanova [MaryAnne Casanova] – No personal statement. Think our stand should be made here[.] I would like to take responsibility to help clean up afterwards. I am sure you have all the plans laid for this, but I am capable to assist in this.

Chuck Kirkendale [Kirkendall] – Want to kill the enemy, would goto [go to] a party and put sticknine [strychnine] in their food.

LaFlora [Le Flora] Townes – I would givemy [give my] body for the cause, I will go down fighting.

Eddie Washington – I want to fight for the cause and give my body in this way.

Bev Livingston – No personal statement.

Barbara Davis – I would like to get revengel [revenge] for some of the killings and then committ revoluntionary sucide [commit revolutionary suicide].

Berniece [Bernice] Thomas – No personal statement.

Florence Heath – Would like to get Time Storen [Tim Stoen], and all those that protested on the Temple steps. And as many of the red honkies as possible.

Magaline Lyles – No personal statement.

Farene Douglas – I am willing to fight for socilaism, or die for it. Says she talks too much, and she is s[a] stupid ignorant woman. Help me to know myself.

Eddie Dennis – No personal statement.

Marilee Bogue – Would like to go states and I would kill enemies. Would get them one by one as they come and go or strap bombs on me or get a job as janitor in the place they live, and plant bombs in home when they are not there. If I was taken I would bite through my afterie[cut off] in my wrist, if I did not die before they came I would say things to make them mad, and make them kill me.

Angella Caasanova [Angelique Scheid] (child) – Would like to have bombs in my purses and take them into some big rich stores and hide purse there and let them blow up. Blow myself up on rich person door steps.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

How would I use my body in a last white night.

James Ford (child) – Woould [would] fight the enemies, kill them and if Iam caught, I would say I never heard of it, and I would start aggrevation [aggravation] and [they] would have to kill me, then itwould [it would] be all over. If I don’t get caught I would keep on fighting until I die.

Billy Jones – Not the required two pages. No personal statement.

Josephine Harris – I would like to die fighting , would like to take ten or fifteen people with me. I will not die alone. News facts mixed up

John Gardner [Gardener] – No personal statement.

Mary Lenin [Tupper] – Want to die taking some enemies with me. She would go to states pretending she was going back to Mr. Tupper, she would then arrange a meeting with all the enemies, serve them dinner with posion [poison] in it, telling Mr. Tupper has been delayed for about 2 hours (meanwhile they will eath [eat] waiting for him.) She of course has already killed Mr. Tupper, and they are eating him for their meal (barbequed) then she would take out a gun after the posion [poison] ha[cut off] began to work, and shoot the rest making sure of their deaths. She would also shoot any one who might come into the house, before the police came shd [she] would shoot herself. Good news.

Darlene Newman – No personal statement,, concerned about getting all of our family out of states before necular [nuclear] bomb hits.

Willie Reed – I am willing to die fighting for this cause.

Lula Jordon [Jordan] – I will stand up and fight for this cause and I will killall [kill all] I can.

Miller Bridgewater – No personal statement.

Artee Harper – Never remembers ever hurting anyone in her life., but I could have killed that guy last night and never felt a thing.

Cindy Newell [Cindy Cordell] – I prefer to stay here and fight, I don’t think we should run any more. I feel we can’t trust any country to take oaur [our] babies. I would choose to take care of Rich Cordelln [Cordell] not just for persona[cut off] vengence [vengeance] I feel I can slip up to him. Good news report.

Jan Wilsey – I am ready at this time or anytiem [anytime] to go back to the states, if I was stopped at the airport, and ask why I was coming back, I would say I came back because that is what I wanted to do. I would tell them I liked the idea of going to a new land and meeting people. But I did not like the idea of leaving my family back here. They could have come to Guyana, but their roots are here, and so this is where I will live the rest of my life.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

Final white night.

Jan Wilsey, cont. – I will then try to get in touch with all of the trators [traitors] and get it set up by saying we had to work long hrs etc. Tell them I would be willing to talk on TV, and in the meantime I will be at parents home, and would get a gun explovies [explosives] together (which my dad had before I left) hope to have Tim S. and all of them there. When the time comes for me to tell my lies I will pulll [pull] out a gun and start shooting. Tim S. first then whoever I can get. Or I could walk right into the center of the crowd with explovies [explosives] on me and blow us all up. If it were a knife I was using I would use it until I could no longer use it. If for some reason I don’t die I would take my life.
I would like to adopt a baby so I will look more to the futrue [future] if we are going on for a time.

Shirley Edwards – I would have a bomb attached to my body and just walk straight into the enemies and elplode [explode] it, taking a number with me. I if necessare [necessary] will take off all of my children [clothing?] and act as a decoy.

Edith Parks – Shocked how primitive and how little time we have here, but am willing to die. Sorry Dennis and girls would not make it or even Sandy. Michelle sent her love to you many times even over here. Believes her life led her to this.

Beverly Mitchell – If they come over here, I will die and I bet if I die I will take a bunch with me. I will stand and fight.

Eugene Smith – I would want to fight. Or to committ [commit] suicide wheile [while] killing someone else. To me suicide would not be hard if it was envitable [inevitable]. I would chose [choose] to assinate [assassinate] a prime enemy of ours, if I survived that I would continue to go on down the line until the end.

Shirley Simtth [Smith] – I would like to be senr [sent] to wherever the worse fascist is with whatever weapon will get the job done or destroy the sons of bit[cut off] U.S would be as good a place as any to start.

Pat Patterson – No personal statement.

Edith Bogue – I am prepared to die anytime. I would tie explosives to my self and blow our enemies up. I could burn myself. I could run a car in to their car with my car full of explosives. I’ll do anything


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would I do if this were the last white night.

Tommie S. Keaton – Will be willing to be burned or anything for the cause. Go anyplace for the cause, I will die any day or do anythin[cut off] to further the cause.

Ruby Caroll [Carroll] – No personal statement.

Dianne Lundquist – I would give my life, it seems that stapping [strapping] explosives to the body would ve [be] effective way to take a few wnwmies [enemies]. If thrown into prision [prison] I would never tell anything about the cause. Would starve to death or find someway to do away with myself. I would be willing to use explosives and do away with our childrens lifes [lives] if they came after them.

Clark Smith [Grubbs] – No personal statement.

Terresa [Teresa] King – I am prepared to die to further the revloution [revolution]. I need time to think of specifics. At short notice I think of blowing up some as[cut off] assigned bastard to bring about the liberation of some people.

Tracy Parks (child) – News but no personal statement.

Barbara Smith – No personal statement.

Ollie Smith – I would like to committ revoultionary [commit revolutionary] suicide considering the fact that I am pregnant no one will suspect that I am carrying poison on me. I would take a plastic bag, put posion [poison] in it and stick it in my vaginia [vagina]. If I arranged explosives right I could stick them. I would take posion [poison] or I could run into the capitol building with the explosives.

Jeff Carey – A quick death of blowing myself up with a bunch of enemies. I could be killed in such a way it would look like a homosexual thing with an enemy. I really don’t care. I would do what ever I was told even if I did not die, and got my arm blown off or blinded. I could burn myself, dive off a somewhere, send my fingers to 10 different places. Send a manifesto of Jim Jones with each finger to papaers [papers], white house etc.

Reginia [Regina] Duncan – I would go on a mission to kill enemies, I want my death to be meaninful [meaningful]. I would kill the enemies then kill myslef [myself]. I do not think I would withstand tortue [torture], and so I would kill my self. I would kill my baby or the person who had it at the time to do it. I would use posion [poison] to kill my enemies and my self.

Esther Mueller – No personal statement.

Keith Wright – Only one page of news (three required) No personal statement.


TO:  Jim

Fr:  Rita Lenin

What would I do if this were the last white night.

Susie Collins – I am not afraid of dying, I know I got to go, don’t know what way I will die.

Edward Moore – I want to die working for the cause.

Julia Guerara [Julia Guevara? We had only one Julia, Julia Birkley, 69] – I would like to be some worker for some rich person (a capitalis[cut off] enemy) like Time [Tim] Stoen or Grace or the Mertles, I could act like I am there [their] friend. I have some raw eddoes or bitter cassava and I could make it in the food  It would kill them in seconds. Then I would get me an explosive and go to another enemy’s house and blow me and them up.

Madeline [Madeleine] Brooks – I would use s [a] gun and shooting until I was shot down

Keith Guy – I would like to die fi [if] they come here and be I would try to kill a  sell out, and take all the guns for our people.

Etta Thompson – I would get to my post with a cutlass or gun in hadn [hand] and I would defend socialism till the breath left my body. I would crawl on my belly and try to cut down every enemy of socialism[.] I would make this a white night that would go down in history.

Odell Rhodes – I just want to die only after taking as many of the enemy with me. We can fight the war on our terrans [terrain], although I wold [would] like to get some bie [big] ones.

Ray Jones – I do not plan on or expect to live a long life. I would like to help people gain their freedom in other places where ever I could be of service. I am prepared to fight on this soil[.] I am prepared to meet them head on and try to take as many as is [I] can. I would like to go back to the U.S. and take care of the oppressers [oppressors] there.

Shauntiki [Shawntiki] Johnson – I would like to stay on our soil and fight. We would win the first attack, and this will then give us time to take care of the handicapp[ed] and babies. We could get on our boat and leave at the end, and I say leave at the end because we don’t want to give up so easilm [easily] go to some socialist country. If we reach another country after our seniors are safe and our children I would be willing to go to the states and get rid of our enemies there.


Broadcast Out This Major Strategy In Case Of A Final White Night

Sometimes it is impossibe [impossible] to know who is the enemy anymore. We have seen those who profess Socialism, who are not genuine. We have seen so much hypocrisy out of some who call themselves socialists. Thus, we are taking retribution on those we have absolute [proof] are hypocrits [hypocrites] and the basest of beings. Many of them were terrorists who tried to such us into violence, instead of building the non-violent socialist society we have built. We are doing this to aviod [avoid] others being hurt by their sickness; therefore they must go down. You only know people who are complete degenerates from personal experiences. That is why we go for not heads of states. We do not seek to cause international tensions. We have absolute documentation on these people and they are on the side of everything indecent. They tried to starve out and otherwise destroy us by hiring mercenaries to hurt or kill harmless, gentle seniors and beautiful children.

We tried to appeal to many to either return or live someplace in peace – free from the nighmare of this harassment. We have all decided in a sense as the old proverb said – “Born out of due season.? [“] We don’t expect anyone to understand and we don’t expect history to tread [treat] us fairly, but we have probed our conscience for hours and hours in many sessions. We could have been beneficial; at least, we had something to offer.

The many who wrote in our guest book saw sincerely a peaceful socialist living cooperative, as equal as anything could ever be on earth.

At this stage we can’t be concerned about what history has to say. We have to do what is best. Like an ancient tribe just below us[!! He knew about that!!], we had to do what we concluded best for us. We concluded best for us. We debated in town forum in open and free discussion until the few original dissenters concluded of their own volition that this was the course to follow.

We would have saved our children, if there had been any way possible, but our children became accustomed to an advanced social system of cooperative sharing. Plus, how can they live when they would be told their parents and grandparents died. Though we are sure the true story could never be told – there was just no place for us. We could not hold out because too many things were being done against us. If you do research you will find that the age of conspiracy is not dead, and neither is there an end to those who find the people who play unwittingly into the hands of conspirators by cynicism, apathy, or dispair [despair]. They are too willing to believe every


thing that is told to them. If you believe in too much goodness, that puts a burden on you. There are some who don’t want to see goodness because if they saw it they would feel too much compunction to emulate it in their own lives which they are unwilling to do.


Ideas for last stand:

  1. To conservatives – gun control, don’t take weapons out of control of the little people, when big governments have such devastating weapons they can use against whoever they choose. The ordinary person would be left helpless if he did not retain his right to a weapon.
  2. To Christians – the world is corrupt, we have old, and children. We choose not to live. Use scriptures. The world is so corrupted, etc.


[2 typed pages same as 64, 64a, with handwritten edits, insertionsand deletionsshown in redline format]

Broadcast Out This Major Strategy In Case Of A Final White Night

Sometimes it is impossibe [impossible] to know who is the enemy anymore. We have seen those who profess Socialism, who are not genuine. We have seen so much hypocrisy out of some who call themselves socialists. Thus, we are taking retribution on those we have absolute knowledgeare hypocrits [hypocrites] and the basest of humanbeings. Many of them were terrorists who tried to such us into violence, instead of building the non-violent socialist society we have built. We are doing this to aviod [avoid] others being hurt by their sickness; therefore they must go down. YouOne canonly know people who are complete degenerates from personal experiences. That is why we do notgo for notheads of states. We do not seek to cause international tensions. We have absolute documentation on these people and they are on the side of everything indecent. They tried to starve usout and otherwise destroy us by hiring mercenaries to hurt or kill harmless, gentle seniors and beautiful children.

We tried to appeal to many to either return or live someplace in peace – free from the nighmare of this harassment. We have all decided in a sense as the old proverb said – “Born out of due season.? [“] We don’t expect anyone to understand and we don’t expect history to treadtreatus fairly, but we have probed our conscience for hours and hours in many sessions. We could have been beneficial; at least, we had something to offer.

The many who wrote in our guest book saw sincerely a peaceful socialist living cooperative, as equal as anything could ever be on earth.

At this stage we can’t be concerned about what history has to say. We have to do what is best. Like an ancient tribe just below us, we had to do what we concluded best for us. We concluded best for us. We debated in town forum in open and free discussion until the few original dissenters concluded of their own volition that this was the course to follow as even they couldn’t think of any alternatives.

We would have saved our children, if there had been any way possible, but our children became accustomed to an advanced social system of cooperative sharing. Plus, how can they live when they would be told their parents and grandparents died. Though we are sure the true story could never be told – there was just no place for us. We could not hold out because too many things were being done against us. If you do research you will find that the age of conspiracy is not dead, and neither is there an end to those who find the people who play unwittingly into the hands of conspirators by cynicism, apathy, or dispair [despair]. They are too willing to believe every


thing that is told to them. If you believe in too much goodness, that puts a burden on you. There are some who don’t want to see goodness because if they saw it they would feel too much compunction to emulate it in their own lives which they are unwilling to do.

Maybe a paragraph on fascism & what we’ve been thru in U.S. & how the conspiracy followed us here.