
the first years after the tragedy occurred? Was it hearing the endless Kool-Aid jokes? Am I angry for not seeing us as victims, but instead believing what the world said,

The Secret Life of Jim Jones:
A Parapolitical Fugue

…One by one, they’d come forward without protest to drink cyanide-laced “Kool-Aid” from a vat.[9] It was as simple as that. Jonestown was proof-positive of the effectiveness of brainwashing, and…

Brandon Farrell

…of its members off as “crazy Kool-Aid drinkers. ” He was very passionate about striving to stop the phrase “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. ” He also spoke about the media…

Missing Pieces: A play in hibernation

…really wasn’t Kool Aid. But until last night, I had never ever seen Flavoraid except in articles protesting the use of “Kool Aid” when referring to that toxic mix. Even…

Survivor: ‘They Started with the Babies’

…said. They were then forced to drink the poisoned Kool-aid and shortly after the mass killing began, Rhodes said, “it just got all out of order. Babies were screaming, children…

17 Months And Counting

…massacre, has named its latest album for it. “Radar Hate drink the Kool-Aid and record Jonestown” shout out the headlines at Canada’s ChartAttack.com website [Editor’s note: The URL with this…

Peoples Temple in the News 2018

the Kool-Aid’: Remembering the tragic Jonestown massacre Startsat60.com, August 24, 2018 Jonestown Massacre: How 918 people followed a cult leader to Guyana, ‘drank the Kool-Aid’… and died in a single…

Q592 Transcript

…(Applause) Voice: I said, I have last night, Dad. Jones: What’s that? Voice: I said, I have last night. Jones: Yeah, yeah. Well, that’s good. That’s good. I said some…