Interviews with Survivors in Georgetown

During the final two weeks of November 1978 – as the remains of more than 900 people were airlifted from Jonestown to the United States, as Guyanese and American government officials struggled to handle the crisis, as relatives and friends of the deceased hounded the U.S. State Department and FBI for news – some 87 survivors were quarantined in the Peoples Temple headquarters at Lamaha Gardens or at one of several hotels in Georgetown. There, they were interviewed (some survivors would use the verb “interrogated” or “harassed”) by Guyana police and American media. While none of the police interviews are available, several interviews by television reporters have survived. A sampling of them appears below:


ABC News: “Jonestown”: Interview with Mike and Tim Carter, 11/25/78 (Parts 1 & 2)

ABC News: “Jonestown Massacre”: Interview with Mike and Tim Carter, 12/1/78 (Parts 2 & 3)

ABC News “Jonestown”: Press Conference with Stephan Jones, 11/21/78 (Parts 1 & 2)

Templo del Pueblo Jonestown 1980 [1978] Interview With Mike and Tim Carter and Michael Prokes (see also, video below)

NBC Interview With Stanley Clayton, late November 1978 (see also, video below)

(Editor’s note: This website thanks Aliah Mohmand for these transcripts.)


News Conference With Stephan Jones After Jonestown Massacre (MSNBC) (8:15)

1978 Special Report: Jim Jones Son Stephan Speaks Out After Massacre (27:34; start at 5:52 for press conference)

Tim Carter – Michael Prokes – Mike Carter – Templo del Pueblo Jonestown
Spanish TV show on Temple, post tragedy interviews (8:41)


Jonestown An Eyewitness Account (Interview with Stanley Clayton) (10:01)

November 18, 1978: Hundreds die at Jonestown | FOX 5 Archives (Odell Rhodes; begins at 1:12)

1978-1982 SPECIAL REPORT: “JONESTOWN AFTERMATH”(PART I) (A compilation of clips that features: Mark Lane, Jim Cobb, Grace Stoen, Charles Krause, Mickey Touchette, Tim and Mike Carter, Fred Lewis, and Elmer Mertle.)

1978-1988 SPECIAL REPORT: “JONESTOWN AFTERMATH” (PART II) ( Another compilation featuring: Archie Ijames, Steven Sung, Stephan Jones, Mark Lane, Mickey Touchette, Jim Cobb, Odell Rhodes, Claire Janaro, Mike Prokes, Fred Lewis, Larry Layton, Grace Stoen, Deanna Mertle, and Jackie Speier.)
1978-1988 SPECIAL REPORT: “JONESTOWN AFTERMATH (PART III) (Another compilation featuring: the Stoens, Stephan Jones, Paula Adams, Jim Cobb, Mickey Touchette, the Parks family, the Carter brothers, Fred Lewis, Patrica Ryan, and Tim Reiterman.)

Jackie Speier talks about surviving Jonestown massacre in 1978 (9:24)