FBI Airtel
Date 12/18/78
TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
ReNYtelcall to San Francisco, 12/28/78.
Enclosed for San Francisco are original FD-302s of interviews conducted with [name deleted] and Thomas Charles Beekeman [Beikman], previously submitted to San Francisco.
Enclosed for San Francisco are original and two copies and for the Bureau two copies of FD-302 pertaining to papers of Thomas Charles Beekeman.
Enclosed for San Francisco are copies of photographs of the following individuals:
Richard Janaro
Claire Janaro
Helen Beatrice Swinney
Armed and dangerous. Suicidal tendencies.
[Page 2]
[Photocopy of outside of manila envelope]
[Page 3]
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Date of transcription 12/8/78
Thomas Charles Beikman, also known as Tom Kutulas, was interviewed at the John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFKIA), New York, and the following information was obtained from Beikman:
One letter containing:
“Nov. 30, 1978
“Dear Survivor – Thomas Beikman
“Money wired by Western Union you will have to pick it up at Western Union Office.
“Message from Mr. William Cramer”.
One piece paper containing:
“William Cramer
[3 lines deleted]
“Paul McCann
[2 lines deleted]
One slip paper containing:
[4 lines deleted]
A photostatic copy was made of Address Booklet Guyana Exercise Book from Thomas Beikman, consisting of five pages, containing the following information:
William Kramer
[two lines deleted]
[Page 4]
NY 89-495
Bea Orsot
340 Rockwood Avenue,
South San Francisco
c/o [name deleted}
Phone: 952-4833
Linda Neal
[4 lines deleted]
Paul McCann
4168 Foothill Road
Carpinteria, California
Phone 805-684-1084
Dale Beikman
[2 lines deleted]
To: Chuck Beikman
Georgetown Prission [Prison]
10-12 Camp Street
Georgetown, Guyana S.A.
John Beikman
[line deleted]
Give my Love tell them I miss them.
Mrs. M. V. Irvine
[address deleted]
Ann Latchana
[address deleted]
Ernest Lall
[address deleted]
[Page 5]
NY 89-495
Desmond McDonnell
[address deleted]
G.D.F. [Guyana Defense Force] – Anmy No. 2735, G.R.L.
Desmond McDonnell
[address deleted]