Articles by Heidi König-Porstner

Heidi König-Porstner is an author and award-winning translator of poetry, who lives in Vienna, Austria. She works as an editor for the Austrian Committee for Social Work, and has been a research worker in projects on Philosophy of Science and Contemporary History at the University of Vienna. Her publications cover the areas philosophy and history of science, literature and science, and political philosophy. As a literary translator, her focus is on Spanish poetry, and on biographical works.

In addition to the articles below, she is the editor of the Texte auf Deutsch (German Texts) in the The Foreign Language Section of this website.

She can be reached at

Janice Louise Wilsey: A Profile (2020)

Jim Jones’ news broadcasts in 1978: Red Army Faction & the two Germanys (2018)

Appendix: The RAF in Jim Jones’ Jonestown news broadcasts (2018)