A listing of videos in Foreign Languages appears here.
Nine translations of Q 042 (The Death Tape), prepared by Russell Urbaine
Jonestown en español, edited by Luis Ángel González Rocha
Map of the 20,000-acre leasehold for Jonestown in the Northwest District of Guyana, prepared by Renato Urbano (2022)
Traduccións por Jose Arturo Martinez Quintanilla
Carta de Pat Grunnet a su Madre
Carta de Pat Grunnet a Jonathan Kozol
Alternative Considerations – Texte auf Deutsch, edited by Heidi König-Porstner
Jim Jones und der Massensuizid von Jonestown 1978, by Marie Eisenburger (2020)
French Translations
Q 042 (The Death Tape), a French translation by Jean-Luc Bailleul
Q 048: A French Translation, prepared by Vincent Moulard (2020)
Q 875: A French Translation, prepared by Vincent Moulard (2020)
Une déclaration commune de Marceline Jones et Lynetta Jones, 1975, prepared by Vincent Moulard (2020)
Map of the 20,000-acre leasehold for Jonestown in the Northwest District of Guyana, prepared by Renato Urbano (2022)
Gli Strumenti Della Persuasione: Il Caso Del Rev. Jim Jones E Dei Peoples Temple: Quando La Persuasione Diventa Plagio, by Francesca Martina Valenti (Italian) (2021)
Jim Jones som karismatisk leder, by Ida Pedersen (Dansk [Danish]) (2023)
Tempelj ljudstev skozi moje razmišljanje, by Manca Konjedic (Slovenščina) (2020)
Transcriçao Q 042, prepared by Renato Urbano (Traduçaco do Portugês Brasileiro) (2022)
Hungarian (Magyarországról) Translations
Szürke Zóna Podcast (“Grey Area Podcast”) presents “A jonestowni tömeges szektaöngyilkosság” (“The Jonestown mass cult-suicide”) (2022)
Part 1
Part 2A nevem, by Hegedűs Máté (2020)
Representations of Peoples Temple in the U.S. Press: 1978-2018, by Ekaterina Stetsyuk (Russian) (2020)