(Editor’s note: Independent researcher Brian Csuk received this document from the State Department in response to his request for agency records under the Freedom of Information Act. His website on primary government sources related to Peoples Temple went offline in 1998.)


Operations Center

Situation Report No. 11

Situation in Guyana as of 0600 pm (est), November 21, 1978

The Guyanese cabinet has officially requested the USG to remove all remains from Guyanese territory ASAP. This decision was conveyed to our Ambassador and DCM by PM Burnham. There is also a rumor that the GOG is planning to release a list of 150 victims shortly, and we are expecting delivery of the 800 American passports recovered by the GOG to the Embassy shortly.

US assets on the ground at this time include two helicopters (one Huey, one OH-58), one U-21, two C-130s (scheduled to leave soon), and one C-141 due to depart today at 1600 est. En route are two C-141s, one containing consular personnel and equipment (due tonight) and one with additional equipment and the graves registration team (due 2120 est). Due tommorrow from Puerto Rico are three HH-53 “Jolly Green Giant” helicopters.

The DOD communications team has arrived in-country but is not yet established in Jonestown and on the air. Two Consular Officers will also go to Jonestown soon, either tonight or tommorrow morning.

The GOG has requested two replacement aircraft for the Guyana airways corporation; this request is under study by the AID. The GOG also wants helicopter spare parts and other related equipment. Since the GOG is not eligible for FMS we are reviewing this request to determine how to provide items needed as a result of this emergency.

AID is doing contintency planning on requirements for temporary lodgings (tents), feeding and medical supplies for Jonestown survivors.

We have asked the Embassy to advise us as to additional staffing requirements.The Embassy is reviewing its needs.

Guyanese Ambassador Laurence E. Mann is returning to Washington tonight. He has requested appointment with the Acting Secretary tommorrow.

Cost estimates for our efforts in Guayana to date are very preliminary, but for airlift alone probably in the neighborhood of $1.5 million.

John A. Bushnell, ARA
Director, Guyana Working Group
James E. Thyden,
Senior Watch Officer