Letter to Rozynko boys from father


[name withheld by request]
1537 Kennewick Drive
Sunnyvale, Calif. 94087

Dear Mike and Chris,

I’m writing to you Mike – but I expect that you’ll show the letter to Chris.

Things are changing a little here – [names withheld by request] are moving to Menlo Park – this is where [name withheld by request] goes to school (he’s 6 yrs old now) and where I work. Finally, it’s a place that we’re satisfied with and we’ll stay there as long as we live in the Bay Area.

I resigned from being Director of the Program last October – what this means is that I work more with people and less with paper – harder work in many ways but so far infinitely more satisfying. I hope to start a part-time private practice as soon as we get to Menlo Park – (around February)

Sandy and I see each other every 6 months or so. – I celebrated my 50th birthday on October 1st – Half a century – quite a lot of experience – I feel very wise in some ways and very inadequate in others – funny – learning never stops – Thank God! At any rate we had a very good time – Perhaps you and Chris will be present on my fifty-first birthday –

This letter will reach you via Leo Ryan – a local representative – I hope it finds you well and feeling good. – Again, remember you are welcome here at any time – both of you – I’ll be happy to help you financially – at least temporarily, until you get started – and help you with the plane fare if needed. – Write – let me know what’s going on in your life –

Your Dad