Letter home from unknown person in Jonestown


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that gives one a messed up self-image.

I am so grateful to Jim Jones for his years of sweat & dedication to make this community possible. Lives are being transformed. Seniors have no fear of being forgotten in abusive nursing homes. Young people facing a life of drugs or prison terms in the States are free to begin life again with real meaning & purpose. This project is considered a model community in Guyana & many government officials visit. We are doing crop experimentation that will greatly benefit the Guyanese people in an effort to develop their country after recently gaining independence. It is amazing, like two different worlds – here we are highly respected but in the States we were scorned for being a harmonious, inter-racial group that took a stand for equality & justice. And that’s a “Christian” nation??

This is really all repetition of what I told you it was – but now I’m here actually experiencing it – and that makes a big difference. My job there kept me from much of the fellowship of the family & the reinforcement that people with like beliefs & values can give one another & especially from the inspiration of our leader, Jim Jones. Now that emptiness has been made so full – I feel so good to know I am living my life with purpose & meaning for the forgotten & neglected of the world – the poor.

There is no hope for America – Proposition 13 is just one more step…

I can honestly say that I have no regrets in leaving there except that I am concerned for Temple members still remaining & I am concerned for you & your future. I will always feel guilt over becoming involved with you, knowing I would be leaving & that you did not seem to have the same vision or goals as I. I hope that you can understand that my leaving you was not rejection of you what a way to prevent many, many little Harold’s of the world from experiencing the pain you have had.

You have Jean & Sandy’s # if you need it – they are very, very understanding.

Marshall Farris is well & happy! I never saw him with such a big smile & such pep in his step. Take care of yourself. Love, B.