Carolyn Layton Meeting with Richard McCoy, late 1977


VISIT TO MCCOY BY CL [Carolyn Layton]

-seen on his desk: a telegram from Jan’s father [Jann Gurvich’s father Louis] which states something to the effect that he received an anomyous letter stating that his daughter was in danger and also stating his intention to come down here and check things out. Unfortunately I did not see any date on the telegram.

-McCoy asked me if Jan had called her father; and I said yes, did a phone patch. He asked me if she intented to return to see her mother and I said that I did not think so. He said that her father said the mother was to have surgery to determine if the growth was malignant or not. He said that the father said if it were serious he wanted Jan to return. McCoy said maybe it isnot serious or mumbled something to that effect.

-He then mentioned that he had sent some SSA checks out to Kaituma. (paula [Adams]will call and try to have them sent to the PO box.) He aaid that once a year they must come out and check on the person, to make sure they are still alive. He also said any person who is a “representative payee” would also have to be investigated. I said that I didn’t know that we had any person who was a representative payee. I said we may have some powers of attorney so that someone may deposit the check for another person. He said they would send someone out to us when it came time to check out the SSA thing. He also said it took 3 months to get the checks changed to here.

-I mentioned something about the seniors and said we had an EKG machine in customs and he asked me if it had been approved and said that it was good we had one with all the older people we had. I said it had been approved but that there was some bureaucratic red tape in getting it out of customes. He said he would mention it to the head of the Customs who he said was a friend of his. I said that would be OK, tho I in no way reflected badly on customs. You never know what he will say to someone as he is so dual, but I thot since he seemed to express that it was a good idea that it wouldn’t hurt.

-I mentioned how well the health of the Seniors was monitored also. At this time I mentioned that we had one older person with a terminal disease tho I did not mentioned the name [Emmett Griffith Sr.]. I thot I had better do this to prepare him in case someone did pass so that they wouldn’t start a rumor. I say that everything had been done medically that could be, and now he was with hiswife and family there. I said it could be several months. He said that if anyone did die, and wanted to receive insurance for the family, he would have to be notified and submit some official document which was apparently routine. He also said that if a family wanted to send the remains back to the US it would cost the family about $$2,000. I siad that would be unlikely in this case since the entire family was out there.

-In regard to parents contacting him–he alluded to Carolyn Looman again and said it was routine. I said something to the effect that parents just can’t seem to relate to the idea that a younger person might want to live outside the US and mentioned that I had studied in France, etc. i.e. my parents [John and Barbara Moore] thot this. he added and also the negative press has caused additional concern of parents or something to that effect. I said I suppose that is true, but how absurd it was and how satisfied people were there and happy.

-he did not mention Margaret [could be code or typo for Maria Katsaris] or her father or John Stoen at all.

-since [Guyana Foreign Minister Fred] Wills definitely said he was a CIA attache in the past I tried to be very guarded in what I said but at the same time trying to find out any pertinent information Icould that would help us.

-he remembered me from out there and actually did not try to pump me much, probably thinking it was hopeless anyway.

-I also met twirpy [Dennis] Reese who looks about 19 and not that bright. He is a perfect baby egg of a McCoy and given 10 years will be a replica. He said I couldn/t come into the building and sit down and wait because they had all these files out. What a dope. I think he is rather dull, but a perfect CIA protege type anyway. over




after reading most of the material on McCoy’s desk I can say that he appears to be a most meddlesome type. He reported in a letter on one lady’s application for a visa to the US that she had lied on her form because she had applied before but did not indicate that on her form. Why not just deny it or something, but instead he seemed to be making a nasty thing out of it? He had a stack of applications for visas to the US on his desk. I would like to have looked thru more but no way to do it and be safe. I think he is a real snake and as we know from the Examiner article and other things he has been meddling in our business.

At this point there is little he can do about us, but I am sure he would not hesitate to try.

One good thing is that he didn’t give any indication that he would not let us have our social security which was a relief.