U.S. Embassy note of 6/24/75

P-1-D-12a [Checked for dupe]


TO: All American Personnel, Embassy, USIS
Date: June 24, 1975
FROM: Amembassy Administrative Officer

SUBJECT: Fourth of July Picnic.

All American personnel and dependents are cordially invited to attend the Fourth of July Picnic, to be held on the grounds of the Ambassador’s residence from 3 – 6 p.m. July 4th. All personnel are encouraged to invite other resident Americans in Guyana.

Beer and soft drinks will be available and G$1.00 will be collected from each person to cover the cost of these beverages, etc. Food, if desired, should be brought to the picnic. Include cups, plates, knives forks, and napkins.

Barbeque stands will be provided for those who wish to make use of them. The fires will be ready at 5.00 p.m.

Swimming races and games will be scheduled for the children. Please enter by the Duke Street gate.

Please enter by the Duke Street gate.

[Handwritten addition: “You and your family are cordially invited to join us on the 4th! Also any other Americans that may be with you. E. Krebs”]

ADMIN: JHMiller/jh

[Handwritten P.S.: “P.R.! Should not Paula & Joyce & Charlie attend? E [Eugene Chaikin]”]