[Editor’s note: The first five paragraphs of the original are in all capital letters]
This is a draft of the letter to be sent letter to be sent to [Ptolemy] Reid and [Forbes] Burnham/ it includes all that has been dictated and needs to be improved upon
However, it is much too long and has too many subjects / [Vibert] Mingo said that it is better to have shorter letters that can be comprehended and even write more [letters] than to put so much in the letter that some is not comprehended as it is just too much to think about in one letter
I think that there should be one letter for matters relating to the Stoen case, another letter for all we have gone thru in regard to Customs, wood, bleach etc when we want just to produce and another letter for the “government in a government” and some of the hostile things that are said about us and then mention our distrust of the us because of all that has happened there.
If taking these things out of the one letter ruins the impact, we could make brief mention of the things we take out in general terms like saying, we have gone through a great deal in the area of customs business deals that cheat us or some such reference in the letter about Stoen.
(If we are indeed assured that the case is going to be favorable to us as [Fred] Wills has said, this letter may be too strong and will irritace [irritate] those who we need to appeal to)
Things still may need consolidation and perhaps a change in the way it is organized/ perhaps the subtitle “SACRIFICE OF A CHILD” should come under STOEN CUSTODY CASE: and THE HEALTH OF JJ/ I put the one about J’s health first as that was what Wills responded to finally, but it could be changed.
Dear Prime Minister Burnham:
[Handwriting: “We feel the following matters are of grave importance to both Guyana and PT:”]
Because John Victor’s custody case is still unresolved, the situation for Jim Jones is very difficult in terms of his health. The conflicts of opinions we find wherever we turn is draining his health and he is [crossed out: “too”] tired and ill [crossed out: “because of”] from all the harassment he has endured for so many years. He has had to strategize every day – thus far successfully, – since the media found out that we were moving to Guyana. But now he cannot even go to a kidney specialist for a vitally need [handwriting: “ed”] operation or participate in a conference that he was asked to attend by Lt. Governor Mervyn Dymally. How long he’s going to last due to his medical condition, we do not know.
We have difficulty getting assurances from some people although others have given us assurances. There seems to be some disagreement amongst officials. We don’t mean to cause difficulty for anyone so we are not mentioning names. Initially there were assurances that we don’t forget. Recently, the words of assurance from someone who visited, about our general future was very helpful. This visit helped the alienation and estrangement we were feeling with all the backlog of confusion.
We understand the problem of discussing this case but what is confusing is that we hear from other sources information that makes us wonder. The US Charge d’Affaires Mr John Blacken said to Jim Jones on his recent visit to Jonestown with Mr. Frank Tumminia of the [Handwriting: “Guyana”] Desk of the State Department that Jim Jones didn’t have to stay here in Jonestown and that he should have more freedom of mobility to meet people and to build the movement. Jim Jones explained that he could not do so because of the arrest order. John Blacken said, “They are not going to enforce that arrest order.” We said, “Well an arrest order is an arrest order; the law is the law.” Mr. Blacken appeared to be very sympathetic and thought what we were doing was very good. However, it was very puzzling that he would state what he did with such assurance. Apparently someone has been [crossed out: “talking”] telling him something and it wasn’t us. He stated absolutely that there was no partiality on Guyana’s part and that the American Embassy is sure about this. We would want to know what the actual situation is.
Both John Blacken and Frank Tumminia were very positive about their visit to Jonestown and word even got back to us later from others that they had talked to that they had a positive experience and thought a great deal about the buffet lunch and the programs that they observed. They said that the program for our seniors was most caring as senior citizens weren’t put on a shelf but could be actively involved if they wanted to be.
Along with the other dissettling experiences we have been having with certain persons, we had some messages relayed to us through an Ambassador that were not the least bit helpful. Our attorney told us that he got a message from the Prime Minister relayed to him through the Ambassador that Peoples Temple is not to mention to people that the Prime Minister is on their side in the SToen CAse. When we got another message relayed
through him, we knew it is not us that has a big mouth, it is he. We would more fervently defend your borders than to deal with this twofaced hypocrit Ambassador who has been treasonous in his comments about this government. His conduct and his social life are like that of a child; he is retarded emotionally at seven years of age. We have reported all of this to you. [Handwriting: “before.”]
But there are others we have met outside of the very high levels of government of Guyana who have behaved just as despicably. We understand the necessity of an emerging country having to utilize bourgeoisie skilled technocrats. But why in hell’s half acre can’t a community of 1000 people who have no indulgences or excesses by their own voluntary committment to Guyana be guaranteed the safety that none of their residents will be moved?
And we still do not understand why such a man as the above becomes the one who is chosen to convey a message officially to Peoples Temple because this man has stated many contradictory and sometimes upsetting things. He said at one time that Jim Jones would definitely be the loser in this case, and at other times he has shown more understanding of the situation with John Victor that is it is not a negotiable situation if you have conscience. It is very disconcerting to be put in the position of having to depend on his word.
We have kept what he says confidential because he does react in odd ways. He is crazy and threatens violence. It would even be wise that you check him even before he enters any of the offices because he is demented and often carries a gun.
What we ask at this point where communication is desperately needed to resolve the contradictions is that if someone [handwriting: “could”] just talk to Jim Jones (yourself or Dr. Reid,) and give him some of the strategies for future events, projections of problems and general goals for the resolution of the Stoen case, it would be most helpful. We know you can’t talk to just anybody on these subjects but the problem is that others we have talked to have just been in a position mostly to listen. Minister Mingo has been (for instance) very, very helpful and we vastly appreciate the time he has spent with us. But if Jim Jones could have a one-time consultation directly with you or Dr. Reid, that would be it. Due to a faulty arrest order he is virtually a prisoner of Jonestown; he does not complain but he cannot communicate directly to others in Georgetown. Communication on such a serious matter as the future of over 1,000 people who wish only to serve Guyana is [Handwriting: “absolutely”] essential.
OUR LETTERS WE HEAR ARE NOT READY [Handwriting: copy mark to move “we hear” to front of sentence]
We have conveyed through our letters some of the problems we have had because we do want to resolve these problems. We have also conveyed our need for some assurance so that we can survive and produce in peace without having our members harassed. We are told that our letters aren’t even taken seriously as they re the brunt of laughs by secretaries. At this rate it won’t matter because the letters will soon be coming to an end.
We are told we are essential to production; we are essential to the Northwest Region. We have tried to empathize with [Handwriting: “our”] need to prove our loyalty to Guyana. But then we [Handwriting: “were”] told something that was conveyed, not as if it were the sentiments [Handwriting: “or”] believed by the governmental officials who stated it, but as if they were passing on the comment. We were told that it could be said by our enemies that “we were a government within a government.” We’ve heard this on two occasions by some very reliable
people. We are painfully disposed by such an accusation because we cannot even get the supplies we need from customs and then we hear such a thing. This quote originally came from Brindley Benn, who is openly hostile to the government. When a man such as this is given credence, it gives some credibility to the one within the PNC who told us that Benn is used to achieve purposes within the government. We find this impossible to believe or understand. If anythime a maniac blows the whistle, he is believed, then our situation is hopeless. What would be the purpose served to believe this man who is trying to destroy or discredit a socialist group.
Another incident which involved us recently was that Tim Stoen reported that we had threatened him. One person told us that he believed that we approached Tim Stoen in a threatening manner which is a lie. This person wasn’t harsh about this statement but it insults us that such a person would think that we had no more sense than that. If we ever decided to kill a snake, which we never have in our life, we certainly wouldn’t be threatening someone before the whole wide world in such a public place (and we would have plenty of witnesses that would attest to the reverse.
Where we stand on the matter of John Victor and in terms of any of our members is that we just cannot make this sacrifice of turning over one of our members to racist reactionaries. It is impossible; we cannot sacrifice Joh[n] Stoen. But we need to know; we need to discuss the situation so we can get some assurances. When you talk of taking one of our people out; we’ve told you a hundred times, that would cause a whole new row for us now. This kind of talk makes it impossible for our production. That is why Jim Jones needs to meet with you to know how and when the situation will be resolved to guarantee John’s life, liberty and the right to happiness with us here in Guyana where he loves life so much.
A man such as Jim Jones who has enough loyalty to stand by his son although it may cost him his life, why should he be penalized for his character. Many men would abandon their son gladly [handwriting: copy mark to move “gladly” before “abandon”] and many do. Can you see what type of loyalty this is [Handwriting: “?”] Imagine what type of committment Jim Jones can give to the country. In terms of ambition, that is not part of his personality, he is quite willing to do mundane work which he enjoys.
The thought of sacrificng one individual whether it is Dana Griffeth [Griffith] or John Victor would kill Jim Jones; that would never be able to be done. He would never come to terms with it, because of the conspiracy using these children as pawns. It is not a question of partiality in the case of John Victor, we just can’t sacrficie John, or Dana, or any [Handwriting: “any” underlined] of our people. Even one of your people said he couldn’t sacrifice one of his children either.
JIM JONES: His Deep sense of Responsibility
In terms of Jim Jones’ own life, for a long time has had no meaning. He has a ddep responsibility to people that need him. Leaders can understand that burden; it’s mighty mighty heavy. But it’s hard to continue when all you have to wake up to is people needing you and you are compelled by an absolute sense of egalitarianism to treat everybody the same. This sense of responsibity has taken its toll now [Handwriting: “on him” is crossed out, copy mark to move “now” between “has taken”].
Jim Jones would have personally chosen to stay in the United States and faced the conspiracy head on. Even if it meant destruction as it has for countless others, he would have preferred to face that; he has a lot of guilt about this. But he let the people prevail upon him with their needs as he always has and he didn’t see any point in his people caught up and destroyed
by any kind of reaction. He has never believed in adventurism; he was always a pacifist, and expelled some in our group who advocated Trotskyite actions.
Dying for those of you faithful [Handwriting: “to”] principle would be world’s easier than living [Handwriting: “at”] this stage, just to be done with the pain and suspicions and mistrust of bureaucratic harassment [Handwriting: “bureaucratic harassment” underlined] and unsavory business people we have to deal with. And some of us don’t know what the hell would happen to Guytana IF Something happened to the old principled leaders of the PNC. That is what we look to in terms of a future – and that is what we have to face no matter how we work our posteriors off in extending goods and services to Guyana. We have been told that you have formidable opposition to Peoples Temple in Guyana.
We are not polyannish, utopian idealists. None of us have any fantastic ideas about dying and going to heaven in spite of the fact that we’ve seen love and a healing force that has an affect on physical afflictions but we don’t believe in any illusions or panaceas. We’d just be glad if we can plan for just as long as President Carter’s term of office. If it would mean just that much time in the back of our minds, we’d be glad for just that much future. We don’t know what will happen after Carter’s term; it could mean another Nixon.
If only it works out, you haven’t seen the half of what we can do. Our capacity for work and our committment to you in what you’re doing is like no other people we’ve seen. But everyone needs a reasonable future for planning. At this point we can’t function adequately without a future. If you would let us function we would gladly make an arrangement that everything we will invest is in terms of production, we will make an agreement that so much of it goes to Guyana.
We’ll go with Guyana and be a part of its future and I’ll bet you one thing, I bet no community has ever said that even if Guyana suffers a fate with the Conspiracy, we will go down with Guyana. Everyone here has made that committment. And yet you’ll still not find more joy for life, more fun in production, more happiness among the people, anywhere in the world. Like the rest of you, we still go on regardless and as one of your people said, we celebrate life.
But we have to mention, though we are with Guyana totally, this new course with the UnitedStates is [“totally” crossed out] utterly frightening to us. But our trust is such that where those of you who are principled lead, we will follow. Having suffered through persecution in the United States, we cannot forget the conspiracy and how it affects minorities. We’ve seen what’s happening there. Groups like synanon [Synanon] and Dilandy [Delancey] Street (rehabilitation centers for drug and alcoholic addicts) are being brought down by the very people they’ve helped. We don’t approve of their modus operandi but they have all now become solutions and offerred opportunities. One group was very moderate in their politics, Synanon, but unfortunately they made the unpardonable sin in the US of sharing some property with white people that had formerly been unable to have anything and cooperatives have become unacceptable in the US.
In six months three groups including ours have gone through the same kind of vicious attack and they are starting on the fourth, Cecil Williams, a progressive Methodist minister. We see it is not the time for Jim Jones politically to die. Groups like those mentioned in the United States have gone down through such attacks and now Huey Newton too is going down. These groups will not survive as we did.
We cannot forget the things that are fresh in our minds. Senate Bill 1 Revision is a fascist law that would affect minorities and not even allow them to peacefully meet together without call the meeting a conspiracy, and it allows police brutality with no consequences. We cannot forget the killing of the Kennedy brothers. We respect President Carter very highly; he is one of the people that we respect the most in the United States but the institutions go on. It’s hard to forget the $445 million to the Union of South Africa. It’s a painful issue and our people who have suffered in the United States don’t want to stand for such things, but we’re willing to go along with the tide of change if it is deemed productive for Guyana.
You ought to read all those books we sent you about the conspiracy. There is a book Cde. McAshley gave to Dr. Reid, from Lt. Governor Mervyn Dymally that documents the conspiracy to destroy black leadership in America, not only of groups that offer alternatives, but Black leaders like Andrew Young and Merve Dymally himself and others that are part of the establishment but are working for better conditions for humanity.
We didn’t want to leave the United States as we had a committment to help people there and still are helping oppressed peoples of the US. But it was going to be the same thing for our seniors and children, their destruction for prison and we didn’t see any gain in violence. Jim Jones always believed in lighting candles and not curing the darkness, and it was obvious that the conspiracy was going for our jugular.
The difference we find in our committment than some we have talked to is that we are not afraid of facing death. If we face death as you did in your strongest moment, it will again be because of economics ( ??? does this mean because we aren’t given what we need to survive ?) In the long haul, we know how to deal with life even though we know some people wouldlike to see us dead. When it gets so bad than an Ambassador can go around and badmouth people in high places like yourself, whom he should respect, that can’t help but mean trouble. We’ve seen a lot of technocrats like him that go out for the highest bidder.
WE understand you words of caution when you are talking to Frank Tumminia and John Blacken about more aid. But John Stoen can in no way affect that situation. Tumminia mentioned that he was very pleased that in one day he received 150 letters in the United States asking that the US support Guyana and the letters mentioned Jim Jones. Despite Jim Jones’ poor health he made contact with over 1,000 people this week on our ham radio with people all over the United States, many of them in very high positions as it takes money to operate a ham radio. We subsequently write to them. This is in radio lingo called QSL’s and radio buffs are very anxious to communicate with Guyana because they want to add this to the areas that they have talked to in other parts of the world. But many people are sincerely interested as well in Guyana and we have given them a generalized picture of the beauty, the friendliness of the people, the loveliness of the land and the government without asking for anything. Later when we corresponded with them, we made up for any charges that have come from the US by suggesting in an indirect way how they could be helpful to Guyana. Jim Jones’ mind is worrying anyhow and rather than get into a stew thinking of about things in the United States he has to do and about his son, he’d rather keep going 20 hours a day. Thus, he stays up most of the night communicating all over the US despite his poor health.
We would like to contribute to the country in many ways but at this
we could give you dozens of examples of the way we have teen frustrated in our attempts to contribute to this nation. That is why it is painfully alienating that we are called a government within a governentn as well as it is insulting when we cant even get what we need to survive. We put $100,000 into caterpiller repair and yet we found a coconut when the mechanic opened it up and it didn’t even work for one complete day. The work still has not been done and now the company is insulting us just as the mechanic said they would do. The mechanic said it was their error. The mechanic goes around to all the areas dealing with that type of problem. We did not want to make an issue out of this but it is pathetic because we are struggling to obtain funds and then we are put through all of this expense. We had a 90 day warranty and they are saying now it doesn’t apply.
In another situation we were cheated by Mazaharally for over $50,000 of wood and it was mostly unfit. The company was notified but never came to check it formally. We were told reliably if we wanted to avoid more trouble in Guyana we’d have to pay them. We can go on with story after story telling of what we have been through.
We have not been able to get things that we have needed and have been grossly insulted by customs. Things that we have needed have been taken out after we have been told to pay duty on them, and then they disappear and can’t be found. Furthermore, we have been told that certain personal items would have been let in duty free if they had been packed individually but since we came as a collective with many people’s things packed collectively, we are quoted an old English law that says collective items are not duty free. In other words a socialist country is encouraging capitalists to come and not socialists that live the life of socialists. To add insult to injury, we who are the only group that I know of that will lay down their lives to the last man and woman for Guyana, and yet we are put through non-sensical trials for no purpose. We just ask for the free flow of needed supplies from customs.
We recently purchased bleach for our laundry, the cleaning of our medical clinic and for our wonderful nursery. All the bleach was watered down when it came to us.
Now this situation is cleared up but we are telling you this to show you that our word seems to mean nothing to some. We were accused of bringing in 75 Dough Boy swimming pools though we explained that we had no need for 75 swimming pools, but needed these for storage of water. We are trying to produce well in agriculture and cannot afford complicated irrigation. At present we have to use bucket brigades because we have certain dry periods in that region. We were not believed at first when we explained that and had to appeal to persons to explain this on our behalf to his appropriate department. This kind of effort that has to be rude on simple issues is a drain of our energies and our time that could be more effectively utilized in helping the country rather than having to argue for needed supplies.
We buy expensive medication to help the community outside of Jonestown and we were cheated, given instead a cheap medication of no value and not even for the same generic purpose. We have bought diseased pigs and horses in the past few days but why go on. You have lived with this problem and we can handle it too if we have your support.
We have to maintain the highest medical standards because of the reactionary press breathing down our necks. Thus we have to have our own doctor and competent medical staff. Our doctor has been competent with everything he’s tackled; we have plenty of Guyanese neighbors to prove that. He’s been 100% effective, no failures yet. He has done complex eye surgery, tumor removal; he has even repaired severed tendons of people in the community. These conflicts we have had to get our doctor license are killing Jim Jones. He can understand and deal with conflicts when they are in the interests of the country, but he cannot understand why people are cutting off their nose to spite their face, why deny Guyanese citizens medical care that has saved lives, it will only make Guyanese hostile when they knew care is available. The pressure is too great when all Jim Jones wants to do is provide help to the community, a good life for his people. All he lives is a simple life, you can come and see he lives just like his people do, and yet we cannot get what we need despite this. In fact, everything we have needed we’ve been hassled about, and that’s what makes us wonder if we are being told something in this, are we wanted here or what ???? Common sense would tell you that you have to have a doctor, you need a community that can meet all of the basic needs. At least in the short haul one needs certain things in order to work productively. If you are asked to deny these basic needs, you are being asked not to survive.
Another situation which caused us much difficulty occurred when Frank Tumminia and John Blacken were visiting and it related to our school. The District Minister came and in front of these two guests confronted Peoples Temple for not integrating their school with the local school. It was a rediculous faux paux to do this in this fashion. We had to go into the whole subject of conspiracy in front of our guests which we hadn’t wanted to do but they needed the background to understand why our children need time to make adjustments. Also, some of our children have had traumatic problems in the ghettos of the United States and have endured painful separations from their parents at an early age. They have problems which take specialized care. We had to explain about guardianship cases also and how certain families put their children in a particular person’s care and legally we can’t send them off to school out of the care of the person that the parent entrusted them to. Also, our students are on a work-study program and the high school students work in the mornings and study in the afternoons, often doing research work right out in the fields on soil enrichment etc. We cannot develop a community without manpower so this would be a hardship on our development to remove the high school students. Blacken and Tumminia both seemed to understand when we explained about the guardianship approval and the problems of dealing with youth. They understood that we would know better how to deal with ghetto youth in our school at this time. We again don’t understand this as we were given assurances that our school was approved and that our principal would be paid even (which we didn’t even request) and authorized by the government.
Our relationship with the District Minister Fritz Carmichael has been for the most part very cordial. He’s even asked us to do things to help the District. He said we were the “goose that laid the golden egg” in terms of boosting up the Dsitrict. We try to live up to this. Later in the day after the unfortunate incident with the guests, he made no further mention of the problem of the school. We hope this wasn’t done merely to embarrass us. However, despite this incident, we heard later from others outside our community that both Blacken and Tumminia were very impressed. They felt that our program for seniors keeps the seniors off
The shelf and gave them purpose. They like the buffet of foods grown and nurtured from our own soil and the display of items that we make both for practical use and entertainment such as children’s toys. They got a chance to see some of our entertainment we we are told is as good as a Hollywood show except that it deals with socialist principals.
We are too engrossed in productivity to be involved in diversions from our work. We are not interested in just producing for ourselves; we want to share in the productivity of the nation. We cleared a field of our neighbors of cassava that hadn’t been cleared for three years.
We test the soil to find the best kind of soil chemistry and are now putting nutrients back into the soil rather than take from the soil. We are making our own soap. We are working with experimental crops. We are trying to meet the goals of the government for their cassava mill through this will actually slow us down as their [there] are other crops like penis and all types of citrus which would be more profitable to us. I’m not a farmer, but I see the great strides we’re making and we want to work with the government and areas which are most useful to Guyana.
Now we hear that there is a need for plantain that could be exported to make flour and cereal. That’s what is wanted so we will do our best to get into this area. We are planning everything based on need.
[illegible heading]
Several things have been brought to our attention of our usefulness in the Northwest, [Handwriting: “by an official”]
We are useful because of the need to bring in immigrants to develop in certain fields especially in agriculture. Guyana needs residents especially in the area where we are because it is disputed territory and it is unlikely that Venezuela would dispute with or kill someone of American descent. We are a progressive element in an underdeveloped region and are the key to development of the region. In a recent talk made by yourself in our district you stated that people are unwilling to move into that region and prefer to stay in Georgetown. We were also told that others in the area see us as bringing up motivation because people in that district feel if we can do it they can too. Efficient agriculture is a key to production in Guyana and we are using research and all their energies to be as efficient and innovative in this field as we can, and we wish to share our information and help to spread this type of development if this would be helpful. Jim Jones’ managerial skills have been noted to be useful, not only to our production, but to be a model for other areas as well. He has no motivation or interest to use his skills for his personal aggrandizement, only to serve Guyana. Jim Jones leadership, in terms of how to develop a community and keep a large group of people productive with absolutely no crime rate, could be put to use for other communities.. Also the fact that there is no racism or sexism could be studied for use of Guyana in general. Finally, Jonestown has gotten rid of the influence of religion and the hereafter, though many people of our group were at one time very much religious. Jim Jones has enabled people to see principle as the strongest reason for living and he has emancipated them from dogmas and religious fantasies. He has done this by education and by his compassionate example not by pressure. We have been told by others who represent other socialist countries that even they have problems in this area.
All we ask is that we be allowed to exist and produce for Guyana. WE are not asking to be “the government” or an alternative government. We
have tried to assist within the government of Guyana, the PNC, not to work separate from it. In the PNC we are taking responsibility to raise the goals. One of our people have been elected to that position to do so. We would not take an active part in the PNC if we did not approve of the existing government. In no way, through the PNC have we tried to circumvent the government and only have shown our appreciation of the government. In no way have we tried to work against the existing government. We do want constructive criticism and if you can let us know how we could improve in any way, please let us know.
We remain deeply loyal to you and to socialism which we know you represent fully, and we remain interested in doing all we can to assist you and your goals to feed, clothe and house the people of Guyana.
Cooperatively yours,
Sharon Amos
Administrative Assistant to Bishop Jim Jones