BB-2-h • Meeting with Vibert Mingo, 3/78


Sharon Amos

[Vibert] Mingo

(March 1978)

(this is an older contact I just didn’t get typed up)

[Desmond] HOYTE
-why is the press so tight with him?
-Mingo said he used to write for the New Nation paper (Hoyte did)
-Hoyte likes to write, since he is the Minister of Econ. Devt. he is involved in projects and plans for the govt and that’s why he is written up a lot

[Shirley] Field-Ridley
-he hadn’t talked to her yet, will talk to her today

Re RUSSIA and CUBA coming to visit us (we were to tell him of the USSR good article and that they want to come but don’t know how to arrange it)
-he said they would know how to arrange it, it doesn’t have to be a minister who arranges it so it’s them that are hesitating

Re Peter Fernanz
-Mingo said he is a devoted Catholic and he and his family would do a lot for the cause of Catholicism

-he said he had done nothing yet 6o [so] check on it
-he called the Commissioner of Police and Barber will check on it

BOAT: is there any problems of buying a boat in US dollars owned by a Guyanese citizen, registered in US or Trinidad (wants twice as much Guyanese money as US)
-Mingo said this was a racket (on the part of the Guyanese person) and we couldn’t do it

-he got irritated and said we have to realize that we have to conform to certain regulations or we will be in trouble. Said “in your country” there are regulations (US)
-we argued the humanitarian reasons and children dying inKaituma and he said We’re not seeing eye to eye about this
-I told him I was shocked by this since we were not concerned only about us but Guyanese who need medical care
-he said Larry could continue to practice without a license
-I mentioned the people that had needed care but died in the hospital under [Guyana Finance Minister Frank] Hope, he said Hope had to be OK if he was sent there
-I objected to this and said we had seen case after case where Hope had neglected the case or did things he had no knowledge of how to do effectively/ he said that maybe Hope had been there too long and needed more graining [training]
-he said Hope used to be supervised by a nurse practitioner but there aren’t enough of them now/ I said if you can be flexible enough to let Hope practice without adequate supervision why can’t Larry who is far more qualified be allowed to have a license/ he mumbled something about that being a different thing