BB-2-qqq-5 – 6 •
Instructions for meeting with Harold Bollers, 13/10/78


[Handwriting: “Bollers” “Institute: We were to tell him” “Oct 13th – 1978”]

Tell [Harold] Bollers, tell him very frankly, say that everybody told us that he wont loose [lose] the child [John Victor Stoen], he would have given the child but she [Grace Stoen] is a trotskyite and then joined a bunch of racists which is a strange marriage, we have witnesses and affidavits that she threw the child and jerked him and said “take him, I don’t want him” so it is a means of trying to get at us by extreme racist elements. Many of our US govt. friends say, at a high level that its a racist conspiracy, it may include some of them in Govt. but it is not [Pres. Jimmy] Carter against me (JJ), it has been established, Lt. Gov. [Mervyn] Dymally told us that we were victims of conspiracy, he is still standing by us and he is coming in here November. You should tell about Freed (constantly daily to people you havent told also) say that we know this conspiracy is somewhat violent and that they will give in to money, say we know this because one person overhears Stoen saying “Im afraid, you won’t do any harm to me will you and in another case he said that he was afraid when he lied on Peoples Temple. He said that some he had less controlof (JJ) like Chris Lewis, who was assassinated, he said that he wouldn’t give a bit of information unless that man wasn’t taken care of, plus they were threatening him with something else, something in his past, he was a transvestite, we don’t know what it was. He said to them, you have things on me, what can I DO, I have no choice do I, so we presume that he didn’t do anything illegal in the church that we know of never did we see it but we did know that he was a transv. and we counceled him and told him that he could no be in the church and live like that, and he was told to quit it and we didn’t hear any more reports but we have heard that since he left the church he has gotten back into that sort of life and other sorted things. Say that it would kill him if he had to give the child back. Say that she only once took the child back and had intercourse with a man because I wouldn’t marry her. She was told from the beginning that it was not a marriage. She was going to hurt her husbands career by lying on him and she was going to tell a lot of lies and she would have hurt out c[h]urch too if she would have gone on about that transvestitsm, so he asked me to do it, and a couple of nurses gave precaution and some way or another, the foam and his rubber/prophylactic broke, and we had a baby. She wasnt having any relationship with him (TOS) and ever since that child has been born he has had no relationship with her, unless it has happened since he’s gone back to the US because he has preferred men, We just said we don’t care what you think, you just are not going to act out here, in the church and we told him that he better think about his job, family and the church. We dont know how far his homosexuality extends, but we do know that he was seen several times in a homosexual area by someone who worked there in a restaurant. This weill kill him, its not a situation in which he loves the child, it would be different if she didand she did this and the child remembers it to this moment, it was such anguish, she took him and had sex with a man right under his nose and told him that she was going to do it and there he witnessed pettingand so forthe and went into another room and said, we are going in to make love and she locked him in the garage and he came home and was so up came home and was so upset that he talked about suicideat two years of age. talked everything about loving life he but every time that woman got around him it was poison she had him all torn up,she said cruel things to him, we used to not believe all of the things but now we do. She used the child to get back at me. and for JJ to marry her, she told people, But JJ couldn’t do that to his wife at 21 years of marriage, because he hadn’t made any promises to her. From the beginning, it was just a sex thing. [?] ever did. in his life. That has taken years off of his life. It was done on the intentions of good, his wife and the board were consulted we thought we had nothing we could do being interracial and communal, that we had to do it. We felt this could keep her from leaving and it did, [Handwriting: “she”] finally demanded after [Handwriting: “after 5”] years and she wanted to know that day


[Handwriting: “she demanded that JJ marry her”]

if JJ would marry her, He said “I cannot do that to marcelline, she has been a faithful wife for all of these years, then she went out with a bunch of threatening things, that JJ couldn’t understand, Then a few weeks later she took John, and naturally I wanted her to be with John even though she was crazy in some ways I didn’t believe she would do this kind of stuff and that is when she took John and performed in front of him with her boyfriend Now we have closed all of it after opening up his head, it was so painful for him, she did all kinds of mean things to him and called him a l1ttle devil n and she told him that he looked like a little devil. said thathe always was going to [Handwriting: “be”] a liar and she told him how wonderful it was making live to this man. JJ says thatshe made his child familiar with things that should have waited years and and that would destroy him. Some conspiracy knows that that is the thing that they can get us through. We will not have a leader because he will die before he gives that child up. Say it will kill him, it will kill him, there is no use to talk about it. And it would create a great ________ out he because all of the 1200 know him and know Grace, and there would be a lot of others that would be hard to deal with if Jim Jones has a heart attack over this. JJ didnt ask because you werent the judge of the case at the time. And [Handwriting: “we”] were told that it would work out fine, but why is it taking so long and is it true that it will work out fine. (Say we have been told by some people, dont mention govt. people 0)

it will work out fine. What evidence is there that it will work out fine, and how long it will take.

We always praise you in our conversations to Min. Mingo. We don’t say what you say but we do praise you. If it’s a point of wisdom we do say it. [Rest of text unreadable]

[Crossed out: “Dr. [Ptolemy] Reid” Handwriting: “high officials”] told us that it shouldn’t be resolved in the courts. We’d like to know what changed that. We feel you should give us as much support. You’ve never heard us quote you. Somebody else high in the govt said they are going to just let it rest for five years and then it can’t be resolved in the courts [Rest of text unreadable]

[Handwriting: “-Did anybody from states call you about affidavit
-Joyce should stay + get medical supplies some in on boat”]


BB-2-qqq-6 [same number as previous page]

FOR BOWLERS: [Handwriting: “Instructor:”]

Tell him that people from different embassies, and a number of our Socialist friends in the PNC, and US officials warned us that if the PPP saw Jim in town, he could be arrested and it would put the PNC in a bad position. We don’t understand why permission could not be put in writing. A minister who has been in the government a long time thought the case would go our way, but he wondered if the health of Reid or [Forbes] Burnham got bad if some other element took control of the government–-he wasn’t sure what would happen in that case. He feared we might be booted out. One high ranking newsman said almost the same thing that was said by the Cabinet Minister. We have heard from everyone, even that minister said–they have heard nothing but good about us.

Tell him about Mohammed Ali and Dick Gregory coming. Tell him how [Carlton Goodlett] the most powerful black man, the President of the Black Newspaper publishers Association came out strongly in bold headlines and a long feature story, front page on the beauty of our project–since he recently visited the project.

[Handwriting: “-ask if JT Clarke said Stoen would drop the case?”]