BB-2-qqq-1 – 4 • Meeting with Harold Bollers, 14/10/78


Sharon Amos

Dinner with Chief Justice [Harold] Bollers (14/10/78) Jimmie Jr, Maria K [Katsaris], Sharon A, Tim C [Carter], Anita [Kelly]

-we started by chatting for a few moments about nothing much and then I started talking to him about the Stoen case/ Tim C. was fixing drinks and the others weren’t yet up

-I gave some of the background of the case about TOS [Tim Stoen] being a homosexual and a transvestite and his being pressured by some criminal forces because he said and was overheard that he was afraid etc. He listened to the background and to all the mention of the big wigs who have come to JT and recognize the conspiracy etc etc (some of this we had mentioned at his house a couple of days ago also)

-he said again about there being no problem about JJ coming to town because the registrar had made a committment not to serve the papers and they couldn’t be activated except by him (this was discussed more fruitfully at the end of the evening and I’ll go into that later)

-all the material in the attached notes were covered during some time in the evening but he didn’t say much in the beginning except thatthere is no problem with JJ coming to town

-we chatted during dinner (which was very nicely cooked by Joyce Parks and Anita-Bollers seemed to enjoy it) about culture – he loves the statues of Rodan, we talked about a museum in SF, what country he loves (he loves England, has never traveled to any other socialist country he said) –

-talked about the evening Marcie [Marceline Jones] spent at Delancy St [Delancey Street] and how she was so well received by mayor, assemblyman etc / he said his cousin or some relative who is now in town ran into Marcie in SF at this function (or some function)

-after all this chitchat, we started in again about the case (I think you have to vary so that he is somewhat interested in the conversation part of the time and then you hit him with business the rest of the time)

-told him about what Grace [Stoen] had done witb [Stoen] John (the whole background of that – see attached notes) and he acted like this was very bad

-how JJ couldn’t return the child to such an environment

-I said that it would be very bad for Guyana when M. Ali and Dick Gregory and other dignitories come to town if JJ can’t even come to town (if there are functions for Ali) – I said we’ve protected the image of Guyana so far but these people will feel J’s human rights aren’t respected and it will be very bad if it is publicized even tho we do our best.

-he kept saying it was OK for JJ to come to town

-Tim and I stressed that we had been assured that in the past even by our attorney but then this arrest order had been served – tho we had first been assured by people high in the govt that there would be no jurisdiction and later were told it shouldn’t even come to court at all

-Anita mentioned about the opposition that they could pressure that this be carried out – and they would do this to pressure the government

-he said that it would take writ of mandamus for the opposition to pressure the registrar to serve the paper and by then JJ could still have his medical done

-I asked how long it would take for a writ of mandamus and he said 2 weeks/ I said JJ could be in the middle of recovery in GT and that would offer no security at all for him

-he said he would talk to the registrar to see if something could be done and would see if the registrar could talk to the prime minister

-I asked if the registrar could put something in writing or if he Bollers could and he said no because it would have to be Bishop who did it because he had the case/

-I asked what the reason was that Bollers couldn’t do it and he said because he is only temporarily on the case and that is only to re-assign it

-he said if he did it it would have to go thru court and a writ of mandamus issued and then decide it in court but that he would talk to Aubrey Bishop about doing it

-he said that Lionel [Luckhoo] should try to talk to Bishop about having the writ put aside

-Bollers did say that the arrest order was issued as only part of the interlocutory process and not part of the main process so he didn’t think it was that big a thing

-even tho he said the Registrar wouldn’t serve the papers, Tim said “well he served it the first time” and Bollers said at first he didn’t but then admitted he had but said that now the Registrar wouldn’t do so and had committed himself not to do so

-i said I couldn’t see the problem with putting it in writing because if JJ left the country and then immigration said he couldn’t come back in, a paper would show that he was allowed to leave for temporary medical and would enable him to return

-Bollers finally after many arguements back and forth said he saw our point about wanting it in writing (he initially had said that there was no need for it and it was rediculous for JJ not to come to town and that even our attorney had saidit was OK to travel) but after much discussion he finally said he saw that it was a problem for JJ to travel with only a verbal assurance

-in regards to Lionel talking to Bishop about setting the order aside/ Bollers said he would talk to Lionel about doing this when I asked him if he would do so ( I don’t know Boller’s follow-thru but he has arranged appts with Registrar forus and he does seem to follow-thru in terms of coming over when he says he will etc.)

-he didn’t however yet call Registrar about us seeing him (and I didn’t get an




[reverse side of page are signatures of Jonestown residents, scratch paper]




Bollers pg 2 14/10/78

answer that we were to [illegible word]) – he said he will do so and he hadn’t yet been able to get in touch with him [illegible word] that he will

-I told him we were waiting to contact the Registrar until we hear from him

-I asked if he had talked to Chancellor Haynes and if Haynes was feeling better as we had heard that he was sick and we had wanted to invite him for dinner/ he said Haynes had mentioned that to him. Haynes was quite sick but is back to work, not quite back to his work pattern but I guess he comes in/ I told him to give Haynes our regards and he said he would.

-I invited him to JT again/ told him maybe he could ride in on a GDF and that it only took an hour and sometimes came very close to JT (7 miles) – he seemed surprised it would come so close and that they even landed in Kaituma and we told him about the many wonders of JT and how guests come very day/ people ask to spend their vacations up there in our guest house. He said “do you have a guest house” as if that was a surprise that there are facilities up there and I assured him that it was very nice and he could stay there and we eat feasts up there (all the time, all the people) and the foods we can get because we raise them there. Told him bout the WRSM and what a good time they had up there.

-told him the PM and Margaret Ackman will be coming

-he asked us if we had tried to get an audience with the PM over this/ we said we hadn’t but would be glad to if it was arranged.

-he talked about San Francisco again and how much he liked it/ I asked if he had ever been to a socialist country and he said no/ in regard to what country he likes the best he said he Likes England a lot but they’ve had a lot of trouble with crime lately

-I told him that we’ve protected the image of Guyana interms of JJ not being able to travel but eventually if this keeps up, it will get out and it will look very bad

-he said it was rediculous about Aubrey Bishop not making a decision about this/ he said that at this home/ he said even if Bishop got calls (and I told him it was not usthat did it as we knew it wasn’t to our advantage, he still should have made a decision)

-I told him that we’d be so grateful if something could be done about this I told him we’d always do what we could for him/ I told him we have contacts in the States/ an a former judge in LA who worked on movie stars case, I told him my uncle is an attorney in LA who has a lot of connections. And Mark Lane said he’d introduce any Guyanese around and he knows all kinds of celebraties etc. He listened carefully to all this and didn’t act like I was bribing him.

-I told him to bring his brother-in-law by some time/ the one that met Marcie in

California recently

-(It’s interesting Bollers this evening let us bombard him with arguements about the reason JJ couldn’t come to town/ he didn’t get angry and said he’d try to do something about all this – call barnwell [K.W. Barnwell ] etc./ I don’t know if he will but he didn’t get mad at us and seemed to listen to our point of view) – I think we need to do something a very nice he watched a film at our house once before. I think we should get real nice film and have a film party with refreshmaents.




[reverse side of page are signatures of Jonestown residents, scratch paper]