Letters to Dad (N)

[Editor’s notes: This page was transcribed by Alexandra Prince, a professor of religious studies at Skidmore College, with the assistance of several of their students, including Lexi Benfante, Ellis Hemmerdinger, Maya Roldan, Emma Rothman and Caleb Taran. The editors gratefully acknowledge their invaluable assistance.

[The letters on this page derive from several sources, principally FBI Section 126 • EE-1 • Letters to Dad (N-Z)FBI Section 130 • EE-2 • Letters to Jim Jones; and FBI Sections 121-123 • BB-31 – BB-32 • Tim Stoen, D Touchette.

[Insofar as possible, these letters have been arranged in alphabetical order of the writer’s last name. Unless otherwise noted, the letters retain their original spelling and grammar.

[Peoples Temple member often used old reports and documents as scratch paper, using the reverse side of these pages for their letters. We have labeled and transcribed those scratch pages which include information about Jonestown.

[These letters retain their original spelling and grammar, with corrections only for clarity and for names..]


Note from Pat Nailor

[Editor’s note: This letter was likely written in the US, since there is no indication Pat Nailor went to Jonestown.]


I would like to go to Freedom but the way I have been acting I really dont deserve to go. But I know there’s know way that I can make it here without you.

I am willing to work & pamphlet and do whatever I can do for the cause so that the baby’s & the seniors can get to freedom even if I don’t get to go. Because I have put myself before the cause just so I could [look] good in the eyes of the other people. I am sorry Father.

Thank you Father

Pat Nailor


EE-1-N-3a – 3d

Test answers from Cardell Neal

1) Revisionism = those who seek changes without struggle (peaceful, gradual, Democratic, lawful)

Trotskism [Trotskyism] – those who be [believe] in exporting Revolution without establishing one home front

Socail Democracy – water down version of socailism.

Anarchism – total lack of government.

2) Proposition- 13 bring about police state taking away laws and expressing a new order.

3) Arm struggle it is when a countrie go into actuall combat for their independeces. Revisionist see things like what the Red Brigade, and wheater men [Weathermen] doing as terrorist act. Because they (the Revisionist) believe that they could bring changes thru the govt. My version of terriorism is what a member of the working class come and blow up a theater full of members of the working class.

4) 14-27- 01) Knock-out the 5th amendment. 2) More than 5 people gather on the street corner can be arrested for conspriacy (to form a riot) 3) No striking on any place that can stop work. 4) No protesting in 200 yard of a court house that is having a trail. 5) Any body who suggest a reason who been drafted to leave the country can be arrested. 6) destruction of property that govt will some day to decide to use 7) no search warrant will not be need if police decide to search you or residences

5) Collara broke out in Zaire

6) J. Nokona [Joshua Nkomo] told Carter to kiss his black ass. He did this because Carter made statement that add up Africa can’t fight their own revolutions without help from Cuba and Russia and it was basically them who was fighting it

7) Science fict. Occult, Religion, take away from the revolution, keeping one head up in the air looking for a god or essterterrestrial to slove problem on earth and not realizing that the struggle on earth is up to them up to them to handle and nothing coming out of sky to relieve burden on earth.

8) In the movie there were some type of companies that were in the U.S. One for instance, T.W.A. And then it remind me of the watergate trail and the pentagon papers situation. After all of the trail oh yes and the assination of J.F.K. in the end all who were in trail release and witnesses were killed off.

9) The police were fascist and they believe in keeping the right wing laws and the [illegible word] was bring some what changes, he was interfering with what been establish.

10) They are behind the Patrioct front in South Africa Nakomoa (Nationalist) Magabwe [Robert Mugabe] (socailist)

11) Because he ask of Russia to back away from some African countries that they were helping and they said no

13) The Chilean ship land in S.F it was warming greeted – this was the same ship that took hundreds of Chilean prisoners to sea and toss them to the sharks. It is a bloody ship

14) Carter told U.S.S.R. to back away from giving aid to the African govts

15) Turkey, Belgium, Afghanistan

16) China was threatening to go to war with Russia. They had over 15 border clashes China has taken a renagade attitude

17) Call for Jim Jones and your lawyer and keep your mouth shut until they get there.

18) Angela Davis

19) Sadat Saudi Arabia, Marcga Bagan [Menachim Begin] Isreal, Castro Cuba, Ian Smith Rhodesia, Vorster South Africa, Brezhev USSR

20) The magazine was LOOK

21) It mean that he is alive “talking about the deputy.

[Scribbled out paragraph]

22) Johnnie Harris falsely accused of charge has been place up and await to die or put to death in prison. He warn the people of the truth of inside of a prison. Finally beaten to death by police.

23) Joanne Little a Black woman who was in Prision was rape by her jailor she end up killing her jailor she was news for awhile till story die out about her now she is still in prision doing time a dentist offer her training as a dentist when she get out of prision. But right now she is in prision



Note from Cardell Neal

To Dad

I would go to Georgetown and take care of Tim Stones [Stoen] for you and the cause. After taking care of Tim I will denouce myself from the cause and rebut everything that Jones and people stand for and denouce socialism if necessary I will shoot a few innocent people to let the government think I flip.

Cardell Neal


BB-31-a-235 – a-236

Cardell Neal Letter to Dad on Tim Stoen

Cardell Neal

To Dad,

You said in-service last night (Dec. 19) that if anybody would like to volunteer in taking care of the enemy of the people, summit [submit] your name with a plan on how to carry out such a act.

My name, Cardell Neal, since from the time of these article attack. The press is trying to build us up as a Mafia instead of what we truly are. Then let [us] give them some of Mafia tactic and miss [mix] it with some of the Weathermen underground movement. Dad call out a list of names of companies who [are] playing along in the role of the destruction of Peoples Temple and since they already killed off one of our people I say the best way to treat violence is with violence. I say one of these companies should recieved an exploding packages no name or anything and since these companies haven’t come out and amitt [admit] they are part of the out open attack I mean they haven’t come out in the open, and told they were part of the attack on Peoples Temple. The best thing for them to do is to roll with the punches or come out and so [show] themself as part of the conspiracy on Peoples Temple. Enemy like Tim Stone Will see this, and knowing what happens see this as a threat, and no [know] to fear us let us it. But then after he back off, kill him. But if the enemy see him back off they may kill him anyway for thinking he went back on his word and cannot be trusted.


EE-1-N-6a – 6h

Test answers by Cardell Neal

Socialist Teacher

1) Atganistan [Afghanistan] After 20 yr of domination it has broken free from past rule and wish to join up with the country under the Warsaw Pact head by Russia. Other country part of the pPact are Poland, Checkoslovika, Hungary, Romania, Russia, parts of Central Asia. The President try to turn the Air Force against the people. But had controll over the Air Force and The Dictator and his President was killed

2) Erintrica [Eritrea]. A small strip of Country up near Ethiopia. U.S.A was giving them backing to cause interference with Ethiopia, funds coming in from C.I.A.

3) Transki [Transkei] is right down from the Union of Sout Africa. This small country broke away from the Union of South Africa to set up their own government. Transki is rich in raw resorces like gold, diamond, zinc, plontium, iron, gems, silver, and much more.

4) The Warsaw Pact is the government system set up by Russia and the other country under the pact. Some of the country that are part of the pact are Checkoslovika, Hungary, Romania, Poland, and the newest country to join is Atganistan.

5) O.P.E.C. Organization of Protroleum Export Country. These country make up the major oil producing country.

6) Who is Josep [Joshua] Nkomo and Robert Mugabe these are the leaders of the Patriotic front that is in Rhodesia one following a viewpoint of nationalism (Josep Nekoma) and the other following a path toward Marxistism Robert Nagabe. Rhodesia is under the apatheid regime under the rule of Ian Smith.

7) Torture 1) massive beating 2) starvation 3) women group rape 4) Exposure 5) tormenting with the ideal [idea] of what is happening to their family. Such other torture that wasn’t mention in Book electroshock, dowsing one in water for periods of time, cutting with sharp object on part of person body and leaving wounds open untreated, or cutting of small limbs of people body like fingers, toes, or genitals

8) The Prince was the leader of the arena the Chilean prisoners were brought. He was an officer in the Chilie army. He was a man who wore a tightly fitting uniform. He had a habit of beating the new imates on their genitals till they were swollen bigger than their normal size. He also was in love with himself which he prove when he got on the loud speaker and said to all who could hear that I have a voice of a prince. Then he told the people about the weapons that can rip a person in half if shot by it. He was really building security for himself and also to make sure that none of his soldiers would run out on him, to insure them what would happen to those who try to leave

9) Victor Jara was a Chilean who was much involve in the freedom in his country and other places he express this in his music. He tell in certain songs about the revolution. He defend his belief and ideal all the way up to the end. He was in the arena playing his guitar singing his song when some of Prince guards come up and command him to stop his singing when he didnt they chop off his hands. Even in pain he kept singing in a horse voice. Then the soldiers started to beat him with the rifle but of their gun up against the head till he finally laid lifeless.

10) The cash crop was peanuts at this time. We are only reaping 1700 pounds while Burnham institute is reaping 2000 pounds and that is our goal.

11) The 3 world Doctrine was made up by China. They belive the world is made up of 3 worlds. The first being the U.S.A. and Europe. The 2 being the U.S.S.R. and the 3 world being China and all of the newly developing nations under the 3 world doctrine. At this time China had a good relationship with Russia until 1968 when Russia helped save Checkoslovika from going capitalist in a bloodless confrontation after that China call Russia impieralist and while they said this and made this China They had their army on Magolia [Mongolia] borderline. Their closest allie Albany [Albania] saw what they said about the Soviet Union and pull away their friendship from them. And became more pro Soviet and in each time when a country was fighting to obtain liberation China was always backing the facist front, like in Angola. The M.P.L.A. Popular Movement for Liberation of Angola was the Marxist front. But China was supporting F.L.N.A. which was a facist front. Also back up by the C.I.A. In Vietnam the same instead of supporting the Revolutionary front it was supporting the facist front. China internal policy is beautiful but the international policy need a great deal of help. China has now put themself in a position where both U.S. Bombs and Russian bombs are now pointing at China.

3) Chile – Dad is reading Chilean Prisoners of War because to build a conscienceness of guilt in us. Our tax dollars from Social Security from the MacDonalds and the Cola that we have been drinking because the taxes from these items went to help the Dictatorship in Chilie. Dad trying to build knowledge and guilt the knowledge because if one is aware we can prevent this from happening and guilt, because as long as we kept paying taxes we are responsible for the death of Allende, Vitor Jara, thousands of Chilie, Patrice Lumba [Lumumba], Rhodesia, South Africa, Vietnam. And the young American soldiers who died in Vietnam

5) The Soviet films – dealt with the improvement and the growth of the Soviet Union. One film deal with the people and the different types of proffession that they had and how each job was important as the next. The second film was about women in the Soviet Union and how women jobs are no different from the men jobs like 75% of the doctors in the Soviet Union are women. And women who work in power plant and jobs as of such just as the men. There the– there was a movie on the October War dealing with the Russian Revolution where Lenin lead it and also Stalin. How the country under Nicholi II fell from his power

S.A.L.T and N.A.T.O.: Stratigic Arm Limitation Talk: The talk that Russia and United States having to try to control the arms race

N.A.T.O. National Atlantic Treaty Organization. What NATO is all about is try to Soverty [could be “sovereignty”] and peace with the Capitalist Free World

Somalia and Ethiopia. They are 2 African country at the horn of Africa. These country had a conflict with each other concerning the Suyass Canale [Suez Canal] and really the water lane in that area.

10 African country. Ethiopia- Socalist, Angola- Socalist, Mozambique- Socailist, Tanzania- Socailist, Zaire- facist, Nigeria- Capitalist/Socailist they are at the halfway point- Lybia [Libya]- Capitalist, Transki- neo socailist, Niger- Capitalist, Uganda- dictatorship, Somalia- facist, Ethiopia- Socailist, Ghana- Socailist, Liberia- Capitalistic, Egypt- Capitalistic

In the Himalaya – United States plant a nuclear reactor on top of the mountain. The reactor fell into the snow and the snow run into the river bed that run thru New Delhi and the major population use this water for all sort of thing (drinking and washing)

15 Socailist Countries: Russia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Checkoslovika, Cuba, Ethiopia, Angola, Mozambique, Ghana, Tanzania, Republic of Congo, People Republic of China, Vietnam, North Korea, Sweden, Nigeria.

Cost per month to maintain one person in Jonestown $1500

Guyana is made up of 3 parties. P.N.C People National Congress which is headed by Prime Minister Burnham who have just took tour to the Socailist countrys Russia, North Korea, W. Germany [East Germany] to show alliances with these countries.

P.P.P. People Progressive Party which is headed by Jagen [Cheddi Jagan].

Third party is W.P.A Working People Alliances. This outfit is made up of nationalist (can’t remember the leader name). The P.N.C. and the P.P.P. are both Marxist parties and at one time were just one party call the P.P.P. but something happen to cause friction between Burnham and Jagen which brought about 2 parties split. So at one time P.P.P was being funded by Russia and P.N.C. by China and W.P.A. by C.I.A. But because of China mess up 3 world policy it got mess up in Guyanna economy. That why Burnham is looking for aid in Russia, because China left them flat.

The Eureka Research Association do work in aerial land photography and renting out mercinaries. Tim Stone [Stoen] was the person who got the money to paid the organization to either kill or kidnapped Jim Jones. In a small African Country in [illegible word] in Africa they had a conference on how to handle these type of people and what should be done to them. The Meglocks [Wade and Mabel Medlock] who are related to Claira Johnson said to her that they have hire some to take care of her and her family. Proving the love of family. There is a magazine that specialist in this is call Soldier of Fortune you can hire a mercinary right out of a book. Also another magazine that specialist in this is call Assasin Magazine. That also specialist in this.

A way on how I would take care of my enemy. First of all I would a sea ship a Liberia flag I would hire myself on the ship as a member of the crew. I would do this knowing that one day this ship was going to the United States. I probably be on the sea in 3-4 months before ever seeing the U.S. but when I finally make it there I would leave the boat planing never to come back. I probably have to wait till the ship have pull to port and before ex[pection [inspection] come aboard go off the ship on the side facing the water. Then swimming into shore I know some people where to get some dry clothing and lay my hand on some bullets and a gun. After picking up these items I do a 2 week planing on Mr Stone and his allies. Where do he go what he do and who he spend a lot of time with. This to see who are his contacts. After finding the information I will catch Stone going into a restaurant and when he sit down to eat his food a black man in a waiter coat will come up to him and blow his face out. And then I will die like I wish to, a shoot out with the police dept.


EE-1-N-11-a – 11-d

Note from Cardell Neal


Response to question ask to Security

From Cardell Neal

To Dad,

I see death as relief from tension of this misery of life. The thing I do know about life is it feel troubles, selfishness and heart break. My greatest fears is dying a slow death where each one of your joints give out before you die. And being paralzy. I believe I am not sure of myself with all of the torture the enemy has.

I believe the way to get an enemy (generalization) is to just put them in a position where to the people they could be seen as a comical clown, so the public that is looking on would buy this. And once their supporter see dealing with the fool is a wasteless cause they will drop them like a hot rock, leaving them to us, so we can do what should be done to all sellout. Kill them!

If something happen to Dad where he was kill off or some how or way knock out of the picture. I will have to give myself full discipline and completely organize my action. Because full support have to come to the leader, because some people after something happen to dad will try to go back their old lifestyle.

If member of my family was to traitor– if members were to turn traitor I would plant their destruction and would carry it thru. The cause must be upheld. I do miss my sister and brothers and Mom & Grandma. But they will be coming here. But back in the states the only thing I was really interested in was modern technology of the country. But it all the luxury that the country has i [is] not worth having to bother by your conscience for the rest of your life for selling out. Concerning sexual feelin my sexual feelin now is strong for my companion (Marilee Bogue). But I am also attracted to other sisters 3 in mention. Dorothy Rollin, Joyce McIntyre, and Glenda Polite. I don’t at this time feel any sexual feelin toward men & children. I do like guns especially small hand pistol. Since I trained with one I feel comfortable around one.


Soviet and Chinese had a small clashes over boarder of Magolia. Soviet believed that the Chinese are becoming more and more nationalistic than Marxist Lenism and no longer one of front gaurd [avante garde] for socialism.

1) Dr. Spock wife and Daughter took visit to Soviet Union. Dr. Spock daughter thought that all of children in U.S. should be able to grow up in a system like that. Dr. Spock who is known children psychologist who was criticise for belief about the Vietnam War. Believing it is immoral and their basic attack was on children. He also be [believed] it affect a child psychologic growth.

2) Nazi are now marching in the streets of Nebraska in big numbers of unit. The Brown shirt are moving up their step in U.S.

3) Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Ghana, and Tanzania all pledge support for black majority rule in South Africa and Rhodesia, and they are supporting the liberation front who is now moving strongly to win independence for the African people in the two regime.

Socailism mean to me. That everybody will have things in common. Where there is no higher class than any other, which also mean no body stepping on their sister or brother to kiss feet of the capitalist, and no one being judge by color of skin but by your deeds.

The worst threat against us and our people back in U.S. if this country goes into a civil war before we get our people here. Because they will close down their airport to incoming visitors which will stop our people from entering, and we dont know how long the war may last. The bomb may fall before it is over.

The other major threat is a dictatorship hit U.S. before we get our people out and mass concentration camp all over U.S.


EE-1-N-4a – 4c

Test answers from Kay Nelson

Kay Nelson

  1. Enemies of Communism
    1. Anarchism – doing your own thing- no govt
    2. Trotsaism – Exporting socialism prior to building an ecomic base is in the country that has just been freed
    3. Social Democracy- a country that gives its people some social reforms such as – socialized medicine, social security but keeps the means of production and the media in the hands of the haves & the ruling class.
    4. Revisionism – One who want to bring about change through gradual, peaceful, democratic & legal means.
  2. Proposition 13 is a bill authored by [Howard] Jarvis of Calif. which will affect jobs for the black middle class in particular. It is a tax bill.
  3. Arm struggle is an act for revolutionary reason for the good of all people. It differs from a terrorist act in that a terrorist act is one done for selfish purpose, & has no social redeeming factor
  4. Items in Senate bill 1437 are 1) can be arrested for passing leaflet (2) For picketing in front of a building where a trial is being held. (3) For attending a union meeting in which voting is going on – if the employer is later damaged. (4) The taking of 5th Ammendment to be abolished. (6) Homosexuality will be affected (7) Political views such as communism will be unlawful
  5. Cholera has broken out in Zaire
  6. J. Nkomo told Carter to kill his ass.
  7. Religion, mysticism, etc. oppressed people because it is a opiate & causes them to become listless & satisfied. Thinking that the brotherhood of man can be accomplished before communism late [illegible word] all the people have been changed from selfish self centered individuals to caring & sharing communist interested in the collective.
  8. One of the ways in which the movie Z is like the US is that the Police and People are provocateurs & make a terrorist act which they pretend someone else has done
  9. The reason the police did not kill the deputy in the movie Z is because they were like guilty parties.
  10. Magaba & Nkomo are both members of the Patriotic Front & are helping to liberate Zimbabwe.
  11. Carter stop the SALT talks because th–
  12. The conflicts between Kampacha + Vietnam are
  13. The Chilean ship Esmerelda came into the S.F. harbor with many
  14. The demands made by Carter to USSR was that they stop mfg. satilite weapons & dismatle those they already have
  15. Greece is threatening to withdraw from NATO because US loan money to Turkey
  16. China is threatening to go to war with USSR
  17. If arrested by police you should answer no questions & sign no statement but request to see your attorney.
  18. Andrew Young is a revisionist in that he wanted change to be legal, will settle for gradual and peaceful and democratic.
  19. The following people & leaders & their countries.
  20. Sadat- Egypt
  21. Begin- Israel
  22. Castro- Cuba
  23. Ian Smith- Rhodesia
  24. Vorster- S. Africa
  25. Brezhnev- USSR
  26. The Magazine in Z was look [Look].
  27. Z stands for He is still alive.
  28. John Harris is the black man who was executed in prison & wrote a letter just prior his execution asking the people to work for change.
  29. JoAn Little is the black woman who was raped in prison by a guard. She killed the guard.



Note to Newell family in Jonestown , June 1978

[Editor’s note: While some names are unfamiliar, most of the people referenced in this letter belong to the family of Hazel Newell.]


Dear June,

I’m sorry I didn’t write you when I wrote Ann & Hazle, but I was waiting to hear from you. I received your letter. So you work with the boat, how do you like that kind of work. How are you guys basketball team doing – do you play against anybody. Do you also still want to work with the piggery. Do you go to school or anything else. Karl is getting really tall, what about Chris & Allen. Is Jen still dancing. Otis & his family is doing all right. Right now Marcus & June is in LA with her dad. This is all for now. Will write again.

Love, Mae



Letter from Allen Newell

I feel like if your brother or sister is in trouble you should help them instead of just standing there looking at them. Or if your brother or sister is hurt you should try to help them instead of leting them be there and suffer. I feel I should die for what I belived in and that is socialism.

Thank Father

Allen Newell


EE-1-N-10-a – 10-b

Note from Cleveland Newell


To Dad,

1. At this time dad I have no fears of any kind. 2. Dad if anything happened to you, I would do my part in keeping this group together and carrying on this revolutionary struggle to communism. I know theres no one that could take your place, they only no your philosophy not the mind & body people wouldn’t respect him or her anyway. 3. Dad I would kill anyone of my family or anybody’s family that turned traitor. 4. The only thing I miss about the states is some foods, my brother Otis and his family, my sister Hattie and the next of the comrade brothers & sisters back there fighting to get here. 5. No it wouldn’t be worth the sacafice. 6. Dad in the states I used to be a sex fien, but since I been here and you’ve talked about how sex isn’t important, it don’t really bother me, if I get sex good, if I don’t it’s still good. 7. No I don’t because I just started carrying a weapon, and when I given it I do the job and turn it in, no sex involved. 8. I heard you talked about Congressman Miller set up by officials and charged with soliciting 2 young boy and used them for homosexual purposes.

Japan was hurt by economic depression, it left 6,000 Japanese jobless.

The Soviet Union told the U.S. to band [ban] their neutron Bomb. They said if the U.S. keep on making them, the U.S.S.R. will start making them much stronger.

9. Socialism to me is a step away from communism, which we are on the way to. 10. The major threat to us here and back there is Tim Stone & Co. CIA.

Thank you Dad

Cleveland Newell



Note from Hazle Newell

To Father

I know you know everything about every one of us I am not enrusted [interested] in no one here because I steel [still] hope that Cleveland one day will come here with us if he don’t then I keep during [doing] my duties as I am now he did belong to the temple one time but he left for reson of his own fare [illegible word] now this is where I am.

Thank you father for being concern.

Hazle M. Newell



Note from Hazle Newell

To Father you are the greatest man I ever seen also mother to me she are the first lady the greatest lady their is lisitng [listening] to her voice last night she are so stong [strong] I left the state my [illegible word: “myto cue” could be “Medicare”] to stand with you and fight fore socialism you haven lost a Battle yet what ever you say you dont have to ask some [one] else or wonder about it

Father if we run back to the State I think we would play in their hanes they would think we need them.

Think father.

Hazle Newell


EE-2-m-1a – 1b

Undated Note to Otis Newell friend in Jonestown

[Editor’s note: Wherever possible, grammatical and spelling errors have been corrected.]

What’s up, Clebo. I got your letter that I’ve been waiting for, for 3 or 4 months, I understand that you all are very bizzy, and so are we on this side of the globe, I was very appreciative when I seen your letter even more when I read it, I was relieved greatly after I read it and I’m working on your sweatsuit & some socks etc.… But what I want to know is who is you and Herbert’s [Newell] lady friend. His is Shirley, and nice lady, Clebos is Shanda, or do I know them. Tell Herbert he surely made that quick and tell him he don’t have [to] worry about the one here. I hardly ever see her now. Oh Clebo tell me more about the team, is there a coach or do you all practice anytime, and is there a spot for me, how much do you all play, who do you guys play. Oh by the way I remember you saying that your Addis are about gone. I’ll try to bring you some Converse or something, I don’t know man we was interviewed last night about coming over, I told him I was ready then, but Alice still have to get Marcus’ passport after she get that I’m leaving. It will be all of us, me and Otis [Newell] Jr., Clebo, you are to see him, man, he is just like sweet pea when he was that size, we have real good times together man, and that the only reason I’m still here [is] because of him & June. If it wasn’t for them I would be where you are all now. Say Clebo man I’m starting to get upset, what I mean by that is every time I start talking about you all there and when I will be joining you guys, I just get hysterical, so I’m going to let you go now. You be cool and I hope to be joining you guys soon. Later bee…

Otis Newell


EE-1-N-2a – 2b

Letter from Keith Newsome

I believe in Socialism because I know it to be the best belief in this world and because that’s all dad is is Socialism and Good.

I feel socialism is good because it teaches you to work, play, and fight together. And it teaches you to come together and one thing about Socialism I like is you will have something to live for and something to die for. And I think dad is nothing but Socialist, and Socialist is not scared of anything. But they are peaceful until you mess with one of the people. Because if you Socialist you believe if you mess with or touch one person you have to take all. And I believe father is the only true faithful socialist in this entire universe.

Keith Newsome



Test answers by Tim Night (Tim Borl Jones)

News Articles

The K.K.K. have their children dressed in uniformers.

In Boston there was a sign up that said, everyone should own a nigger.

The police in 10 major city has a trained SWAT team for the food riots that will be coming.

People are get put out of churchs because of their race, and are told what churchs they can or can’t enter.

Anita Brian [Bryant] is going to different citys to get vote for gay people to not to have their rights.

The Imperialist of South Africa don’t [want] to let it go because of its wealth, thousands of people that will die trying to win back S.A.

The slaves looked healthier in the early part of the years showed pictures of different slaves.

In the U.S. like S.A., I.D. cards will be issued to people. Telling of their jobs locateing their working hours, the church attendanced to. Recreation and home address, birthday, phone no.

Black people can’t get into college without a special test, of a new law called the Bocky decsion [Bakke decision].

Tim Night
