EE-2 • Undated Medical Reports

Undated Medical Report by Larry Schacht


Case report on S.C. 17-year-old woman. Had abortion on March 6th, 78. History of one prior abortion 1975 (at 12 or 13 years of age?). Her pelvic exam when I first saw her March 21 was remarkable in that she had a spherical structure between the vagina and the rectum, exquisite tenderness in the pelvis and I was unable to palpitate (feel) the fallopian tubes because of the pain. My impression was “Post abortal pelvic inflammation with possible retained products of conception and a possibly perforated uterus. I administered a tuberculin skin test to be sure she did not have pelvic TB. Treated her with Ampicillin 500 mg by mouth TBD for seven days. Four days into the course I upped the Ampicillin to 500 mg Qid and gave her codeine for pain. 30mg Q 12h three times a week, evidently I didn’t think her pain was too great. Seen on March 30 for dizziness, I determined she had no neurological cause and thought it was just low hemoglobin which was being treated with Iron. Seeing April 22 for “sticking vaginal pain”. Examination revealed a one plus tender uterus and 3 plus painful area behind the uterus. The left parametrial (beside the uterus) area was 2 plus tender and my diagnostic impression was “residual Pelvic inflammatory disease – Post Abortal”. Again treated with Ampicillin 500 mg Qid for seven days. She improved. On May 5th she was seen again for “sticking Pain” and still had a retrouterine mass three plus tender but seemed less than prior exam. The information was resolving. By May 16th after another course of Ampicillin for twelve days she had “considerable reduction in pelvic tenderness”. At this point I decided she was getting cured. This is kind of embarrassing in retrospect. By June 2 after a couple of appointments for urinary symptoms she remained with minimal right lower abdominal tenderness (seemed subjective to me) and was doing well enough to return to the fields. She still had some discomfort as of the middle of July but no further complaints have been registered. It is well know that there are psychologic factors in a percentage of women seen for pelvic pain. Her infection could have been wiped out with high doses IV of antibiotics. But we did and do not have enough IV ampicillin anyhow. My impression is that the initial treatment was most significant as she had a fever at that time and she was looking quite ill. I should see her again to be sure she is all right. At that time I will check for gonorrhea and can also do a syphilis screening test.

As for the meperidine, I am concerned about its use. The radio consultant said don’t worry about addiction in a cancer patient, and gave no specific time wave after which addiction occurs. Narcotics can cause the pyloric valve to become spastic during the drug effect and could delay stomach emptying and this could back up into the esophagus, I imagine. Also abdominal gas can collect and cause discomfort. During withdrawal of joint and muscle pains are common as well as increase of autonomic nervous system symptoms. The drug affects can lower body temp, blood pressure, cause increasing pressure in the cerebral spinal fluid, increase the force of heart contractions, and dizziness and even fainting can occur. Narcotics are constipating. They work in the central nervous system and apparently decrease the perception of pain. Talwin  is addictive but has an antagonistic (weak) effect against other narcotics. Narcotics can induce bronchospasm and with history of asthma this should be considered although it would be of greatest concern if taken during an asthmatic attack, otherwise probably no problem. Some others to try would be nisentil, fentanyl and I can talk to Annie [Moore] about these. But usually tolerance builds up to several narcotics not just the one so switching around may not prevent addiction from occurring. Seems that addiction is most dangerous in “self administration for immediate and continuing reward” says one book on drug principles.


Medical report on Jakari Wilson from Larry Schacht


1) Jakari Wilson – was comatose. Pupils not responding & did not arouse to painful stimuli. He came out of it just seconds before you announced you knew about it. He returned to consciousness instantly.

2) When your chest pain comes on [it] is best to record BP [blood pressure] & heart rate at those times. If both go up [it] is a good sign; they should go up.

Larry S. [Schacht]


Undated Medical report on Jim Jones from Larry Schacht


[Editor’s note: Given the medical conditions described of the unnamed patient in this memo, it is likely that the patient is Jim Jones.]

Goodlet [Carlton Goodlett] feels Patient should be checked in GT [Georgetown] first before going elsewhere because it would be embarrassing to send the patient abroad without doing our “homework” first. Pointed out that a doctor in Georgetown, who is familiar with indigenous diseases may be able to diagnose it (This is like the thing Chaiken had). Goodlet said there may be some “hot young genius” in Georgetown who can do brochoscopy [bronchoscopy]. He felt that at least seven smears were necessary to rule out malaria, that third and fourth x-rays should be taken of the chest, that the patient should be admitted as a pulmonary patient – viral. He was very concerned about the health of this patient. He felt Larry [Schacht] should accompany the patient into GT and that he may meet helpful people in the ministry of health. He recommended considering the case as a fever of undetermined origin (FUO). When told that it was a pleasure to have met with him again he said “we will be marching together” he is retiring soon and the world is a chessboard and he will be playing chess down here or rather that he is going to start playing chess down here.

/s/ Larry


Medical report on David Smith


[Editor’s note: This is a summary of the medical conditions of Temple member David Smith, likely written while he was still in the US.]

Re: David Smith

1706 Lockwood Drive, Ukiah, CA

Age: 48

Work: None

Home Phone 462-3251

Physician: Dr. Look on So. Dora


Past Illnesses: Malnutrition age 4-8 years, unusual childhood diseases.

Inheritable Diseases: Back trouble, curvature of spine. Hyperventilation.

Operations: None

Injuries: Fell from skylight, cuts on leg, back in 51

Physical Condition of various family members: Mom dead, father dead, brothers 2 obese and nervous breakdown, gallbladder operation

Children: Kelley hit by car age 9, head injuries, hyperactive. Short attention span, short awareness, poor eyesight. Vonn good health. Curtis: Neofibro bronatesis. Christa Neofibro bronatesis. Karl Same disorder amputated left leg, at knee. Michael bowel problem might be associated with Neofibro bronatesis. Jeffrey good health so far.

Pts mother died of a death wish at 80 years of age. Father died of double pneumonia history of lung diseases age 76.

Patient’s complaints: Pain in chest, back pain. Temptation of suicide, took strychnine fir in 1951, drowning 1953 and sleeping pills 1968

Allergies: Iodine, penicillin

Medications: for poison oak and Mylanta for stomach.

Respectfully submitted:

Sylvia Swinney Sly