Letters to Jim Jones (C-D)

EE-2-c-1a – 1b

Letter to Jim Jones from Katherine Domineck, August 1978


Dear Jim,

Sorry that I haven’t been in the meeting this week and I did not get any news. I was in SCU my blood pressure went up to near 200. They broke my swing down three times. They broke my swing down three times. My scissors were stolen. That’s what ran my pressure up. I worried so. I’ll be in the meeting tonight. Thanks to you my pressure went down. Thanks to you for everything. I love you very much.

Katherine Domineck

P.S. Someone broke over the little house taken my underwear.

Katherine Domineck

I love you very much. Thank you


Undated Note to Jim Jones from Esther Dillard


Dad, I am grateful to you for giving myself and 3 children the opportunity to serve in this great capacity of Socialism and Communism.

Dad about this Medlock – our like to accuse him of molesting my young teenage daughter, Karen Carr, who was 13 years of age when sent here. I could say this is the reason she was sent here.

Esther Dillard



Undated Statement by L.C. Davis regarding his Family

To Whom It May Concern

I, L.C. Davis, have two sons that live in Seattle that would like to live in Jonestown. When lived by themselves. Chris Lionel Davis is 19. Leland Greg Davis is 18. Both was a member of the Temple in LA.

Curtis live with me about a year ago in San Francisco. And went to the Temple. Lee Engram [Ingram] – Rosie [Ijames] & Maxine [Betts] talk with him before they let him in.

Greg haven’t been to the Temple for about 3 years.

About two weeks ago Greg was beat up in Seattle by a group, robbed and stabbed in the forehead.

If their is any way possible I would like to get them overseas.

I also have a son Ronald Lamont Davis that live in Los Angeles that would like to go. Their is a legal problem with him. He is 15. His mother said he could go. She haven’t signed any papers yet.

I will pay all their ways over their while I am still at the airlines.

I, L.C. Davis, would like to take Ronald with me to Guyana on the first of July on vacation. For three weeks.


Undated Letter to Jim Jones from Cynthia Davis

EE-2-c-4a – 4g

Dear Dad,

Thank you, thank you first of all for everything. Thanks for showing Bill the example of a beautiful principle. I’m sure that he would say and feel that anything good he does is only because of you and your example. I feel the same. I do appreciate the praise that you gave to Billy Jackson on Tues nite. But I would like to get something off of my mind and be very honest with you. You’ve always had a way, somehow of making me feel like I was a worthful human being with purpose. It’s not only the public praise or the public recognition you’ve given me in the past or lately. But anything you do or say has so much meaning to it. My preferring women to men for 5 yrs has always at some time or another gotten me into heated arguments and great defenses.

Wed.  afternoon after that Rally I had to fussed someone out about that shit. Maybe my or Billy’s public praise is a threat to too many people. I notice how people react after each of the praises me or Billy get from you. I don’t feel they like it and that’s mainly because they or so damn many of those passive ass bitches get sick when they hear the word gay or lesbian or homosexual etc.

Being gay as a woman was kind of hard sometimes but, I always had your example to look at and realize that in comparison to the overall world situation and what was going on with Peoples Temple, I have only such a [illegible word] small thing to bare [bear]. I must say though, the word lesbian is beginning to get me into more heated arguments and the first thing anyone relates to is “What You Are” like for instance because of it. Staying to myself keep me from telling people just what I think of them and then getting myself into long heated arguments. I got into a argument today in which I brought out your name, telling the person that as “Father” says I need no defense, I am what I am, and if you don’t like that’s your ass. I’m sorry Dad that I used your name in such ugly Bull shit. The person

[missing page]

Dad people as a whole I feel don’t relate enough to it. But I feel if they do relate to the word sex then they damn sure should relate to that. Each time I get my name or Billy’s name called out and something said good about him or me, I have to curse out a couple of threatened passive bitches the next day. I don’t wish to be violent in my words or in my deeds. I do stay too much to myself

[missing page]

then make the statement, saying I was just sorry that she wasn’t what I was. Saying I was sorry that I was gay and she wasn’t, which makes no real difference to me. But if people don’t want to relate to their own homosexuality or see themselves as they really are, then that’s them. But if I do, I don’t see where there should be any conflict. Before I wrote this I felt it was just more of my paranoia then I did remember that I was going on facts and particular people so I do know what I’m thinking is real.

Thank you Dad
Cynthia Davis



Undated Letter and Note to Marceline and Jim Jones from Debbie Evans


Letter from Debbie Evans

Mentions Danny [Curtin] is lonely & says his brothers [Clifford Gieg, Stanley Gieg] are in the right place.

Positive on her part. Might want to read it to the congregation.


EE-2-d-1b – 1i


Dear Mom (Marcie)

Got your letter, and as always was really glad to hear from you. The pictures were wonderful; glad you got Stan in there! It’s just amazing how much they have grown… They truly are not little boys anymore, but fine young men. Everyone really looks well.

Things are about the same here – still at a hectic pace, trying to get this stuff out as quickly as possible.

Still working; just started with new interns and am already pulling my hair out! If I finally show up in Jonestown bald … you know why! Did Jimmy Jr. [Jim Jones Jr.] tell you I talked to him the other night … him and about 20 other of the guys were in the radio room with Cliff; what a rowdy bunch!!! Really though all the young men sounded so good and really enthusiastic about all they were doing. Jimmy’s voice is so deep; they tell me he has the biggest feet in Jonestown – but when you’re 8 feet tall (and he sounds about that tall!) what else do you expect!

Almost every time I talk with Teri [Terry Carter Jones], Lew [Jones] comes in and says “Hi” – and always talks about the baby, and about all the babies there.

One thing – Cliff and Lew both asked about Danny – Danny just left on a ship; will be gone about 2-3 months. Going to Asia, Philippines, Micronesia and supposed to go through the Caribbean. He called before he left; and we talked for about an hour. He said a lot of things about how he knew that “Dad” was the only Father, and that the work in Jonestown would not go down but would succeed – and was glad the boys were there doing it like they should. He knew how right it was – and that he was too proud, and too self-serving and that’s why he was not where he should be.

He knew that it was quite possible that when he returned I would not be here – and he would be totally cut off from the family; and he had never felt so alone – and hoped someday that if he came to Guyana he would be able to see everyone. He said that if it came down to it getting hard to get out of here (for me and others) he would do what he could to “hold folks off” so we could leave –

He got a call from Freeman; those had called Freeman about signing the petition (“Concerned Relatives”) against us – because she knew her signature alone would mean nothing. Freeman called Danny about it and Danny told him to leave it alone & stay out of it unless he wanted to start something he couldn’t finish and lose the boys at the same time. (Not the most terrific PR – but effective; he didn’t sign and we’re still on superficially friendly terms – although he’s rather cool – but then that’s not new –)

Danny was crying when he was talking – first time I’ve heard him cry in many years; maybe something was sinking into that thick exterior of his; maybe not.

So who knows where he will end up – he knows and believes in the Principle and is proud of the boys for staying with it – he can’t at this point swallow his own ego & pride and get back into what he knows is right. He’s not happy; he’s constantly on the defensive; wheeling & dealing to survive; and he’s alone and was realizing just how much pain there was in the world. This is to let you know – I did not want to tell Lew and Cliff (and no doubt Stan) because things can be misinterpreted in a letter. He has not been “against” us; but he’s not to be envied either; he’s unhappy and unfulfilled and he knows it. He does not want them to look to any other place for happiness, because I think he’s finally realizing there is no other place where one can be truly happy or content.

I think he’s finally realizing what is of real value and life; Father; family and friends who think and believe as we do – a Principle to live your life by. He will probably never change and quite possibly we will never see him again – but he knows that is his fault; and his decision.

Maybe none of this is really necessary and they are not really concerned about it. And I’m sure I’m looking at this more emotionally than objectively, and that is why I did not want to breech [broach] the subject myself. You know what is appropriate more than I –

Also – Rose has come out against us; (i.e. that petition bit) and has now remarried again (#4). I talked to her 1 or 2 times; she’s been very cool and detached; and only asked about the boys in passing. Did not want to hear about the project and trying to belittle or ignore any positive statement I made.

And Freeman – has his life – realizes now the boys are not coming back; does not really want to hear me talk about the project, he has his work and his life and he is “very busy”. He does want to hear from the boys though; letters & pictures; and they should write; so that he will not be taken in by Rose if she should try to make him choose sides against us. I think it’s just a matter of covering all bases – and then again it may not even make a heck of a lot of difference – but as long as we’re still here; it would probably be a good idea.

So – if they want to know – that’s where their immediate family stands – I will not be telling them any of this, but if you feel it’s appropriate please do – otherwise that’s that.

So enough of that stuff – I have to finish some inventories and then get ready for work (yick!); soon we will all be in Jonestown; together and living the life as it should be; for all to see.

If nothing else: the appreciation and reestablishing of my values and beliefs – my family and my Father; has been worth the long separation.

Existence is hollow, meaningless without the Principle to work for; the camaraderie and warmth of the people who believe as you do … no matter the day-to-day squabbles for problems … is nothing compared to the vast despair and aloneness that this system produces … and this time apart only reaffirms my opinions. I guess what really brought it to a crystallization was when I realized how little people actually laugh – and laugh together; with the same feeling and knowing … we’ve laughed together; and felt together, and those [illegible word] were eternities; because we were not alone.

Someday people will realize they do not have to endure such despair.

Well enough babbling – I’ve definitely written a long enough letter –

Take care – as I know you will; I have a sign on my desk that I look at often – it says:

“… Although I may not sit and talk with you, or share a cup of coffee with you; you are my comrades and I’m counting on you…” (Jim – 1976)

and I know he is; for whatever it is I can do – and to me; that’s what it’s all about.

With all the affection and love that I have; one of your daughters; Deb [Evans]



Letter to Jim Jones, July 1978

[Editor’s note: Because the author of these letters is still alive — and in order to protect her privacy — we are withholding her identity.]


Dear Jim,

Possibly I’ll reach Jonestown before this does – although I’ll seriously doubt I’m going anywhere until the seatbelt is fastened! But I don’t want to be leaving this place with any “guilty secrets” so to speak – even what in this case, might be a plausible resolution to an irresolvable problem.

“I know how you hate my honesty on this matter” (and doubtless resent my putting you into that Catch-22 as well), but here goes: By a completely fortuitous circumstance, my so-called mom called from New York, and since she is sending me a record of music by Ralph Shapey – my former composer teacher you stop me from contacting by revelation a year ago (you asked for a “confession”). I said fine, send it; then I hung up the phone and wept and wept. I’m not saying that to pull your heartstrings, though – just as some kind of insurance that I don’t get slammed as some kind of callous ingrate doing nothing more than scheming to escape responsibilities. Then the next day, also by “accident”, I was suddenly able to synthesize the two separate sets of notes, which had also been “accidental discoveries”; and between the three “accidents”, I seem to have wound up with an intricate technique I had been trying to develop off and on for fifteen years. I felt completely elated! I can’t remember feeling like that for a long, long time, not over anything. Then a couple of days later – and I mean, by sheer “accident“: my mom thought I might have her (lost) passport, and I looked for that in a handbag I had not gone near for months, one she gave to me. I didn’t find that, but just a single sheet of paper, a note to you, telling you I was going to write music again, that I just was. And I never remembered writing the note at all; and it wasn’t the way I’ve approached that subject with you; it was an atypical kind of thing.

Anyway, I hadn’t given any thought to synchronicity for a long time, just resigning myself to life being completely, genuinely “accidental” – and a pretty messy accident, at that. But I was getting very unstable behind all this. Then we certainly got word about moving! Anyway, what I’m planning to do is this:

I’ve had this extraordinary text – the best I’ll ever write – that I have literally wanted to set as a symphony (I mean even if it’s years from now; one just is never free of that. It’s a part of me, so I won’t apologize for it). But it’s the kind of thing I would have to do magnificently or not at all; and I can’t ever see where I would ever have the chance, the way things have been going. But Ralph it is literally a Beethoven (apparently the New York Times just reached a similar conclusion; not that their word necessarily means anything, but I believe that’s literally true). So what I’m going to do is drop it in the mail to him right before I go over, along with a note. I don’t know that he will do it (set the thing); but if he does, I’d be entirely confident that he would do an extraordinary job. In any case, it will be in the hands of someone who won’t ridicule me or castigate me, or treat me like a freak or a renegade over it, so I wouldn’t (personally) have any regrets about sending it. And then, if there is no response at all, I’ll be off in a new world and there would be no way I’d be brooding over it. If on the other hand, he does respond, who could be hostile over it? Anything he might write or even have someone else write, he has his own ensemble and can produce anything he wants, so it would be no problem for us. In fact, it would be a credit to us; we could only gain mileage by having people established in various fields, whatever the fields might be – even far into the “outfield”, like this. (Although I assure you, if I had any say in planning my own genes, there are a few I would have eliminated for sure).

Anyway, I know this means nothing to you, nor anyone else – but it’s such an obsession with me, and I thought this might be the best way to deal with it. Here I’ll have his music just before I leave, and I’ll know for sure whether what I want is there or not; and I can leave this other off on my way out.

And I did think, well, since that’s what you decided to do why not just do it? But I thought I should tell you (even if you resent it), because of the revelation you had before not to contact the man, at that time at any rate (and I don’t know the exact reason for your revelation, I didn’t ask and you didn’t say); and also because absolutely no one relates to this issue, not even you; and the strain of doing this “behind your back” so to speak, would only compound an alienation which is already extreme in certain respects.

And all I’m asking (on the issue generally) is that if you have something to say, say it, instead of saving it and then exploding somewhere along the line. If you would only relate to me, instead of bombarding me, maybe we can even get some of these terrible impediments reconciled.

I’m sorry if this is the wrong thing, Jim. But I feel no security about it any which way; and maybe this way, there is at least a chance it could be resolved.

Thank you for your patience. As for myself, I’m just doing the best I know how to do at this one difficult point.

Hope to be seeing you all soon.

[name withheld]


Letter to Jim Jones, July 1978

[Editor’s note: Because the author of these letters is still alive — and in order to protect her privacy — we are withholding her identity.]

EE-2-d-3a – 3b


To: Jim

From: [name withheld]

[First paragraph crossed out, with a note of “over”] The attached article on the Castro interview with Barbara Walters I thought I had already sent. I already sent the tape – which is substantially different than the contents of the article, to say the least. A more flagrant example of lying in the press.

With the comparison between press on the USSR and press on us, I don’t have very many articles to work with, unless I go to the library. I understood it was wanted for teaching purposes (?). Anyway, I made some notes on the attached article on “peaceful coexistence” that can at least be one class worth, perhaps more.

Something else I was wondering about is the link between the Soviet “dissidents” and this Helsinki “human rights monitoring group”, which they were supposed to have founded and was headed by Solzhenitzin [Solzhenitsyn]. They had at least $350,000 used to help “political prisoners”, would be interesting to know who funded it. Then this whole drive on “human rights” could be a suspicious parallel to the kind of thing we are going through (??). There are many absolutely nothing in that, and it always struck me as strange that [Tim] Stoen and the others thought they could do something as ridiculous as appealed to the UN about us and “human rights”. Is there some kind of network to “expose human rights conditions” with socialist countries and groups? Maybe the library has something on the Helsinki group. Anything else that can be researched too… I like doing research.

It would be good to see Kathy Reynolds squared away. She has certainly been persistent, and she sounds thrilled to have the chance to go. The second person I was worried about is Frank Garcia, but it looks like he’ll be out of jail soon.

I’ll be picking up too, on planning a music curriculum. I did begin that a year ago, but I felt completely intimidated about even asking. I was sure for a start, you would veto it, under the guise of being “more needed in other areas”. I thought if you didn’t interfere, it would only be because you felt I “needed” (like a hole in the head) to find out for myself how disinterested everyone is. Then I thought, even if you thought it was okay and people generally were enthusiastic, it would [be] unbearable working with others knowing I would only face ridicule myself if I returned to what had been the consuming interest of my life for so many years. And that triple obstacle (you; me; everyone else) seemed entirely too much. I thought maybe I would never be able to consider it. Even with the way pretty much clear now, my confidence is completely demolished, and I feel if ever I knew anything, it’s all gone.

I am devising a rather unique and flexible teaching device though, to teach children basics. They can learn to use their ear and their eye and manual manipulation simultaneously. We’ll have them sight-singing in four-part harmony by the time they’re twelve, plus write music, take dictation, work out their own ensembles, all kinds of nice things.

Oh, I had not meant to “alarm” you, incidentally (the “deadly” business). I simply felt I had to deal with the matter, and I had no reason whatever to expect anything but the usual fireworks, which I also knew I could not handle at this time. I’m aware that you might, for that reason, have felt forced to take a position of greater latitude than you usually would, and I’m not assuming you’ve given me some kind of carte blanche. The problem itself is a complex one of alienation, and (if it can be resolved at all) it will have to be resolved in Jonestown; but for the moment, you’ve eased some bad tensions considerably and that is appreciated. The worst of it has really been feeling “locked in a closet” – but it looks like I might come out now and get a little sunshine … and hopefully give some to others as well. Maybe I can even feel a little friendlier towards you… (I’ll try).

Well, to the business at hand: The two most interesting news articles here are, I think “Ellsberg: Nuclear War Ahead”, and the Black Panther article on the conspiracy behind the assassination of Malcolm X. On the Andrew Young comments, both Coretta King and Jesse Jackson came out in support of them. (On Jesse Jackson, I don’t know exactly where he is coming from. I’ve never liked him (slick, preacher type, “Black capitalism” and all that), but he does seem to come down heavily at times where it’s needed. He came out more strongly than any other Black leader in the country about Proposition 13, and California isn’t even his own state. He’s also been given some kind of authority re the Los Angeles public schools – I don’t recall just what. Something having to do with reorganization).

Enclosed is a copy of the letter to be sent to Carl Blackman and the other person from the Chronicle whose name I was given. Jean [Brown] still has to read it through so it is not necessarily final, but pretty much so. On the enclosures, I happen to come across Carl Rowan’s original article on the conspiracy against Black leaders, which should be very helpful to him in understanding the situation here. I had wanted to include the smear of Guyana from the Chronicle (SF) done while Burnham was in the Soviet Union; but I had not been saving all the clippings I’ve sent over (copies, that is) and couldn’t find it. I wanted to stay off any question of Guyana being smeared on account of us.

ALSO: I thought I had already sent you the article about Barbara Walter’s interview with Castro, but I see it here, so I’m clipping it onto this sheet. I already did send the tape. It’s the most glaring, damning kind of comparison that could be found. (Castro’s statement: “Our policy has been precisely the opposite of those adventures in Zaire”, then what they fabricated him as saying). Tomorrow (which we’ll have to be sure to tape), Castro is supposed to be coming out with “new information” relating to the Kennedy assassination, to disprove the CIA’s accusation of any Cuban involvement. The typical newscaster’s brainwash: “Why he is coming out with this new information at this time is ‘not yet known'”. (And indeed, if the CIA would stop accusing Cuba of every other kind of murderous thing as well, maybe this would not even be necessary!).

Re  the letters to the DA in LA: We’ve already mailed 30 each to both [Los Angeles Dist. Atty. John] VandeCamp, and the investigator [Steve] Ramirez, from SF, but more are to be written. In fact, we’ll probably write tonite during service. Then Vera [Young] flew down to LA with 65 letter drafts for the people around there to do, plus they can write variations on those to stretch it out further. So both VandeCamp and Ramirez should easily have over a hundred letters each before the weekend, likely more.

Then we’ll write [Guyana Prime Minister Forbes] Burnham and [Guyana Amb. Laurence “Bunny”] Mann about John [Victor Stoen] by the weekend.

[Editor’s note: Reference to “65 letter drafts” above crossed out with arrow pointing to following paragraph]

NO:  they only wrote 28 down there, I just learned, we’ll do the leftover drafts up here. They did not think any more than that were reliable, in case they were contacted by the DA. It makes it tight. Mac [Jim McElvane] will be up here soon, and we can discuss it further – it would be better of course to have more letters from there. We’ll mail some from down there anyway – ones without a return address.



Undated Note to Jim Jones from Zippy Edwards

Jim – I heard you say that you wanted everyone who worked to write up what their job is the time you put in. When I was at the radio room, I went to work at 7 AM to 1 PM and worked at Central Supply at 1:30 PM to 4 PM, but I haven’t been at the radio room 4.3 weeks after they moved Hyacinth [sister, Hyacinth Thrash] and I out of the Senior Center. I had to help her get together each morning, that rushed me and having to come back every now and then to see if she needed anything, so I talked it over with Ava Jones about being off for a while until we got someone to help out. Ava told me to do so and she would let me know later. I still work at Central Supply and in my spare time I cut up stuffings for the toys. I like working at Central Supply very much because I had [a] job once where I had to work with clothes. I like doing that and anything else that will help.

[Transliteration for Russian “Thank you”] for everything.

Zippy Edwards