[Editor’s notes: The letters on this page derive from several sources, principally FBI Section 126 • EE-1 • Letters to Dad (G-J); FBI Section 130 • EE-2 • Letters to Jim Jones; and FBI Sections 121-123 • BB-31 – BB-32 • Tim Stoen, D Touchette.
[Insofar as possible, these letters have been arranged in alphabetical order of the writer’s last name. Unless otherwise noted, the letters retain their original spelling and grammar.
[Peoples Temple member often used old reports and documents as scratch paper, using the reverse side of these pages for their letters. We have labeled and transcribed those scratch pages which include information about Jonestown.]
Undated Self-Analysis by Gladys Jackson
[Editor’s note: Spelling and grammatical errors corrected throughout]
To Dad
To analyze myself I have moody days and I don’t like myself for that. I want to help. Sometime I feel in my mind I can’t do it well enough. Then I let someone else do the job. That is one of my hang-ups.
I get angry with myself when you tell the news I can’t remember what you say long enough to write [it] down. That upset me very much. When I get so I can’t do nothing don’t want to stay around.
I am so glad you let me be one of your children and I am glad to have a mother like our mother [Marceline Jones]. Going to class I am glad maybe I can learn how to read and spell. Dad what I miss in the states I don’t really miss nothing. Sometime I think about my so-called sister & brother and why not a one could see your good work.
Gladys Jackson
Undated Letter to Jim Jones from Sue Jerram
Dear Dad,
I would like to request again some form of isolation from the general community. I cannot go about my daily business without meeting head on with someone paranoid about food sometime during the day – even when my contact is innocent – tonight Grover [Davis] was dropping his food so I took his orange and held it. Joyce Touchette took it from me asking me for the other things which I took from Grover’s plate (which was nothing). So from now on Grover’s food can go in the mud before I can try to help him (which makes no sense to me). I’m still upset about being found guilty of taking the 12 sandwiches. What upsets me (or at least one of the things) is that if I had taken the 12 sandwiches and confessed I’d not have gotten any sentence. What have I learned? I didn’t want to learn that.
I don’t expect that I’ll be able to stay out of trouble with this going on. It’s like I said in the meeting the other night. Sometimes you want to go away for a while so the hell that you are in (trouble) can blow over so it is better when you come back. I really identified
with Ricky when he ran off. I found myself thinking, “if I had known he was going to run…” But before noon I was feeling so guilty for this thinking that I was in tears. Anyway back to the subject. I think a reasonable time is until I weigh 125 to 135 lbs. I will accept working on Public Services, as long as I can do my night work in the Nurse’s office. Or perhaps I could work on the project of the house where people could go for some solitude, not coming into the city at all until a certain time at night, after dinner. It is very difficult for me to cope with the attitude held by many people right now and I truly believe that I will be accused of taking food until I am forced on PS by public pressure.
Thank you, Dad
Sue Jerram
Reflection by Clara Johnson on Tropp Letter, July 1978
EE-2-h-21a – 21b
I am guilty of having an elitist attitude that I’m very ashamed of. I’m happy that Dick Thropp [Tropp] wrote that letter to you because it has helped me to understand my attitude. I have been very worried about some of the thoughts that have run through my mind even though they were foolish. I suppose this is something that happens and now instead of pushing those thoughts back, I can hang them out and take a good look at them and deal with them. To admit my elitist attitude will not be enough, I must correct it starting now. I am making my commitments now – I will stand for socialism even if my children should fail to stand. This is the only real thing that has ever made sense to me. In the past I have not understood the reason we did some of the things we did, but I said to myself, “I’ll follow even though I do not fully understand because I’ve never known Dad to be wrong and my conscience would haunt me forever if I refuse to do my part and later realize how wrong I was. I feel better now that I decided that. I am certain that I do not wish to return to the USA. I want no part in that Capitalist-Imperialist Country, that has killed Blacks & other poor people all over the world. I feel extremely guilty about the money I wasted that would support racism, CIA murders, wars & etc. I am going to work harder than ever before to prove my sorrow because it is right to work, it is right to care, it is right to help bring about Socialism in the world beginning here in Jonestown.
Thank you, Dad,
Clara Johnson
Letter to Jim Jones from Clara Johnson, July 1978
You asked that if we were depressed about anything that we should write about it. In the past I have been depressed about several things. At this time, I’ve managed to convince myself that there is no need to feel that way, but I’m not sure I won’t begin feeling depressed again. I asked for counseling last week or maybe it will be scheduled soon. At one point I really felt that in request that I had made was ignored and I’ve convinced myself that it really doesn’t matter if I ever get the shoes I need, my eyeglasses nor the book that we need for our children here. Since I wrote a letter to you on the 26th, you mentioned the trouble that [Jim] McElvane, Vee [Hollins] & Florida [Johnson] were involved in, so I realize that they don’t have time to bother. But, I wrote a letter to LA after you told me that I could not leave and ask that Isabelle Davis pack the things I needed. That was four months ago. I can’t get shoes here and can’t get the one from the states. Then my feet start hurting, I really don’t know what to do about them. I understand that the warehouse doesn’t have shoes.
I also suggested to Carolyn Layton, last night, that the Medlocks be told that I am planning to return with evidence that they are unaware of – to testify against them. I do not wish to return to the states but if it should ever become necessary for me to do so, I will. I pledge to do whatever is necessary even if it means giving up my life. Dad you’ve work too hard, suffered & sacrificed too much to make Jonestown a reality and I refuse to sit down and let anyone destroy it. No one could convince me that I was doing the wrong thing following you before I left the states, and now that I’m here – they certainly can’t.
Thank you, Dad,
Clara L. Johnson
Memo to Jim Jones from Clara Johnson, October 1978
EE-2-h-26a – 26c
From: Clara Johnson
I wrote you a letter on Monday night after my daughter, Janice Johnson, was given a warning by the jury because she had not observed Mark Sly’s behavior at a meeting. I wrote & said I thought she should not receive a warning that time but feel that she should have been told that from that time on, anyone not observing those around them will receive a warning. This was given in 1st or 2nd service back [illegible word] her illness…
I am very concerned about Janice. She is on iron 3 x’s a day, was still with strep throat & is still on medication for it. Janice has a tendency to being frequently depressed. I do not want Jan to grow up feeling about herself as I grew up. She has a very poor self-image in the first place and I can see her falling apart again. Janice was tested when she was quite young & found to be gifted in some areas. Her inner conflict seem to be holding her back now. She expressed to me the difficulties she had before coming here being called black darker than her brothers & sisters & etc. She cried while telling me all this. Now it seems that she is constantly on the floor while Tommy & her sister [could be Tommie and Jackie Rochelle] are being praised and I doubt if this helps her. I am concerned about her emotional health also. She has begged to be involved in dancing & singing but has not been included. I feel that my child struggling & begging for a chance and it hurts me to see her growing up feeling that she has nothing good to offer – that she is no good. Thank you, Dad
Clara Johnson
EE-2-h-26c – 26d
Janice has had a lot of things to hurt her and she has managed to hide her pain and I don’t think that’s good because it comes out in other ways. Our only hope is here in Jonestown and I don’t want her to feel as though even here, she can’t make it. I would appreciate if she could receive counseling or something. I’m deeply concerned about Jan. She holds too much in and tries too hard to appear strong. Thank you, Dad
Clara Johnson
Requests from Clara Johnson, July 1978
EE-2-k-10d – 10e
Clara Johnson July 26, 1978
- Would like clarification on the policy of speaking to comrades in Public Service. Saw Ricky [Johnson] and still remembers who [how] he looked at her. She felt bad about it.
- I permission to talk to Florida Johnson on the radio Re: things left in her apartment in LA and needs. Her orthopedic shoes, eyeglasses, could be sent with someone coming over. She also needs to ask her to send some things by surface.
- Medlocks are a very close knit family and because of that she thinks we need to think of ways to divide the family. When she left LA her brother expressed his fears that we/they our being held here against our will. Wade [Medlock] started talking to them before Clara left. One of her brothers Willie waited one whole afternoon, along with Thomas Johnson, to talk to Clara’s mom and children. The phone patch could not be arranged. This brother used to phone every day and cannot understand why Eloise [Williams Sneed] does not write or call. He has offered to pay for a phone call and has spoken to SB [Sandy Bradshaw] several times. Clara has not received one letter from any of them since her arrival here though she has written regularly. If Clara’s family here started writing more and made a couple of calls back and really started to act differently than what the Medlocks told them, clear things that would help. She does not think that the Medlocks would continue to make new charges without some of the support of their family and friends. She also wonders if she should tell her relatives that the Medlocks were also planning to come here, that Mabel [Medlock] also encouraged Syola [Williams] to turn her home in. She even helped Syola withdraw money from the bank. When Clara talked to her sister-in-law, Ann, a few months ago, she said that she talked to Mabel every day. Claire also wonders if it would help for Nell [Smart] to call Willie when she gets back to the states and let him know she has been here. Mabel’s relatives have very little confidence in Wade and Clara feels that we can tear down that little confidence they do have. Clara wonders if the Medlocks could be told that she is planning to return with evidence that they are unaware of to testify against them. I do not wish to return, but will if necessary.
Letter to Jim Jones from Clara Johnson, July 1978
Wednesday, July 26, 1978
What is the policy about speaking to comrades in Public Service? I saw Ricky this morning and I can still remember how he looked at me – we didn’t speak. And now that he has run away, I feel especially bad and keep thinking of the way he looked at me. I’m wondering if I had spoken to him and smiled, would it have helped him feel better – I feel guilty about this.
I really wanted to write you concerning two other matters but I feel guilty about taking up your time. You have so much to do – so much to think about.
#1 – Reference to the things I left in my apartment in LA and need – May I have permission to talk to Florida Johnson, on the radio, and ask her to send my orthopedic shoes and eyeglasses over with someone coming soon? I also need to ask her to send some other things by surface. I’ve written several letters to the states but haven’t heard from anyone. I know they are all extremely busy. I feel badly having to ask but I do need the shoes & eyeglasses.
#2 – In reference to the Medlocks – that is a very close knit family – and because of that, I think we need to think of ways to divide the loyalty of family members. When I left LA, my brothers expressed their fears – that we were being held here against our will, & of course the usual lies. Wade started talking to them before I left.
One of my brothers, Willie, waited one whole afternoon along with Thomas Johnson, to talk to my mom & my children. The phone patch could not be arranged. This brother telephoned my mom every day and he can’t understand why Eloise doesn’t write and won’t call him. He has offered to pay for a telephone call – spoken to Sandy Bradshaw several times. However, I haven’t received one letter from any of them since my arrival here, although I’ve written regularly as you asked. If Eloise, Syola, the children and I start writing more, made a couple of calls back & really began to act differently from what the Medlocks have told them we would act, I think that would help. I don’t think the Medlocks would continue to make new charges if they lose some of the sympathy & support of their family & friends.
I also wonder if it would help tell my relatives that the Medlocks were also planning to come here – that Mabel also encouraged Syola to turn her home over to the Temple, (she even helped Syola withdraw money from the bank – of course I suppose we wouldn’t mention that). But I certainly can tell them that everything they’ve ever given to the Temple they did because they wanted to give it. When I talked to my sister-in-law, Ann, a few months ago – she said that she talked to Mabel every day.
I’m also wondering if it would help for Nell to call Bill (Willie) and let him know that she has been here (when she gets back to the states). Medlock has been telling everybody that we are 7000 miles from the USA. Of course, my relatives checked that out and found him in one lie. Mabel’s relatives here have always had very little confidence in Wade and I think we can very easily tear down what little confidence they might have recently acquired. I think we also need to find out who else the Medlocks are associated with and tried to turn down that friendship.
Thank you, Dad,
Clara Johnson
Letter to Jim Jones from Clara Johnson, August 1978
EE-2-k-10h – 10i
Tom [Thomas William Johnson] started living with another woman in 1969. He was still living with her when I left LA in March 1978. Until I left, I got everything I could from him. He probably was crazy enough to think I still wanted him. He visited the Temple when I was there and never missed one week giving money. He spent over 20 years in the Army so the children did not spend that much time with him. They never forgave Tom for living with Almeter. The girls were here for about 3 months before I told him. They were also in Redwood Valley for several months before I told him. In the past, he has seen relatively positive. I feel that I made a mistake by letting the Medlocks know too much. I’m sure by now they’ve told Tom a lot of things that have made him angry & look like a fool. They were aware of how I’ve lied to him & used him & etc. Thomas was stupid enough to think I was a sweet Christian woman or something. We spent a lot of time together. He was also of the impression that I would return in 2 months. Okay whenever I called him & I could get him to do almost anything for me! He is living with another woman & I can understand how he thought I would be returning to him. If he had really cared for me, he wouldn’t have been with Almeter. I’ve always know that Tom was more interested in me (for selfish reasons) than his children. I may be able to convince him to leave the Medlocks alone. May I call him & tried to find out what is on his mind? All of this is making me disgustingly sick, sick, sick. The Medlocks told everyone that the people over here were in slavery & cannot return to the states. I’m so tired of all those people – I guess Charlie Turner, Syola’s husband will be next.
Clara L. Johnson
Memo to Jim Jones from Frances Johnson, July 1978
July 17, 1978
Recently I contacted OSSIE DAVIS in the hope that he would be interested in, or could put us in touch with someone who would be interested in assisting us with our documentary. He responded by contacting ST. CLAIR BOURNE, a freelance film producer whom he highly respects in the industry, and someone he feels he could trust with a project like ours.
I contacted St. Clair and asked him to send us something about himself. The material he sent is enclosed. Jean [Brown] tells me that she passed on to you the other comments I gave her on St. Clair.
Received your message that the fundraising idea I submitted was a good one. Thank you. Does this mean that we should proceed with the plan?
With continued appreciation and gratitude,
/s/ Frances
Frances Johnson
EE-2-ij-17b – 17k Materials submitted to Peoples Temple from St. Clair Bourne, untranscribed.
Memo to Jim Jones from Frances Johnson, September 1978
EE-2-h-24a – 24b
Sept 5, Tues.
Pat Keeler is another person I’m suspicious of. Shortly before I left SF Pat made the following statement in council and several times after being counseled:
“I hate all of you. I don’t want to be here. I’m just waiting for my money then I’ll leave this place.”
She had been keeping company with Don David, who probably have a division between Pat and Margie, his black wife, whom he seemed to dislike. When you sent a message to us in SF, “if you have doubt and no faith, do not take the cloth,” Pat was one of three people that I observed who did not take that cloth.
Pat comes and goes at all times during the night. She says she’s not afraid because she knows a lot of people in the area. She’s been observed talking to outside brothers while on security – especially the guys who work on renovating the apt. building across from our back lot. She became upset when advised by AJ [Archie Ijames] that this was unwise – as we’re never sure of what we might say. She said she would be unable to do security if she were to stop talking to them.
Frances Johnson
Undated Memo to Maria Katsaris from Irra Johnson
EE-2-h-25a – 25b
To: Maria [Katsaris]
From: Irra [Johnson]
Re: Kathy Barrett
Merely as a point of information I thought you might like to know of the conversation that I had with Kathy Barrett several days ago. After the first night she had worked as a server with the guests she told me the next day that Jack Beam had asked her to remain until they were done to serve Dad because no one at the table should be doing it he’d said. At about 12:00 Kathy says she gave everything to Jack & said she was leaving. She had to get up at 5:00 for work and couldn’t get a replacement on her job if she stayed so she just left. Loretta Coomer then told her that she would work in her place anytime she had to serve Dad and it wouldn’t be any problem.
This incident may seem like nothing at all but her attitude when she relayed to me just really bothered me. It had been on my mind since she said it and I thought I should write it up. At the time I said nothing to her but I thought to myself that most people would consider it an honor & privilege to serve water to him and I felt she had a lot of nerve just to leave especially since she had been asked to stay. Also with Dad being so ill now you’d think she’d want to do whatever little thing she could. [two lines scribbled out]
Thanks, Irra
Note of Apology to Jim Jones from Janice Johnson, May 1978
Dear Dad
I apologize for taking up your time and the people’s time just to get my shit together. Also I thank you for giving me a chance to change and to grow. I’m going to work on myself and I’m going to study hard in electricity and refrigeration. I’m going to use my head for the cause.
Thank you Dad,
Janice Johnson
Undated Letter to Jim Jones from Ricky Johnson
To Dad
Ever since the incident with Christine and Thurman [Guy], I have not really been myself it has put a deeper effect on my feelings. I am fighting it each day but sometimes it gets real hard, because I keep getting flashbacks in my head of what I seen and what she told me about what she and Thurman did when they [were] supposed to be watching the animals all night and how her best friend knew what was going on and kept on letting it go by. Sure I admit that I have hurt people’s feelings. But there is also a time when hurting people’s feelings come to a stop. I guess in one way I had it coming to me. Things just don’t happen they happen just.
When I was growing up in New York I used to always wonder why did the man always beat up on the lady, I used to see it almost every day. At least I can say I have never beat up on a girl, I tried to beat them up with words. I think about certain films I saw, like The Learning Tree, how a young black man’s girlfriend got fucked by a white guy that I think about Sonny Carson when he went away to prison and came back and his girlfriend was fuck by drugs and dope, but the most important thing that comes to my mind is dad when you was sitting in a classroom and how someone drop your girlfriend’s panties on your desk
just because you didn’t want to have sex with the girl because you wanted to show respect for her.
Dad don’t worry, I am not going to do anything stupid because eventually my feelings will change. I sure remember that in a relationship there is an awful big chance of getting hurt and when you do [scratched out word] hits, it hits like a ton of bricks.
I know it’s not the end of the world for me – it’s the beginning, believe me, when this does straightaway I will damn sure will be stronger. Dad, people should understand that life is nothing if it don’t have a cause to die for. The way I feel now seem like it will never be the same again for as long as I live, I will never forget this incident because it was a part of me growing up.
Without you, dad, this is a cold cruel world.
Your Son, Ricky Johnson
Undated thank you letter to Jim Jones from Ruby Johnson
EE-2-h-14a – 14b
[Editor’s note: This letter was dictated by Ruby Lee Johnson, a blind senior. Her scrawled signature appears at the end of the letter. The identity of the letter writer is unknown.]
from Ruby L. [Lee] Johnson
Senior Center
Dear Dad,
In my heart, I know I do lots of things & I don’t know all of socialism, but I’m willing to learn & willing to be taught all about socialism. To you, you’re all I’ve got. In my lifetime I wish I had known you a long time ago. I wasted so much time doing the wrong things that if I’d known you a long time ago maybe my life would have been better. I feel useless to you, I’m blind now & I can’t help do anything. I have to have people lead me around. You’re the kind of person that makes me want to go on living & as far as me wanting to go back to the USA, I would never turn against this, I would not have anywhere to go. Where would I go. I have nowhere & nothing to go to. You are pouring your heart out to us & it was once at a time that I was going to first took sick & was going to lose my eyesight & lose my job & I didn’t want to live and something made me want to go on living – it was something in you that you said that made me want to go on. Over here one time you gave me something to fight for. I don’t know how I can ever thank you – can’t even repay you for my life. But I can’t ever stop thanking you. If something ever happens to you & Mother [Marceline Jones], I’d be lost. You’re my dream. You saved my daughter’s life & I can’t ever repay you for Ruby’s life & I would never turn my back on you. When you told me to leave the US, they asked me who was the President & I couldn’t even think of his name – I forgot his name. I’m trying so hard to learn things now. We don’t have any socialism teacher now and I’d like to learn more.
What I think of Jim Jones couldn’t be expressed in words. There’s no one else. After you there is no one – [illegible word] couldn’t go no further. I couldn’t even to Mother, because she is so sweet, so kind and so precious – couldn’t find too dearer & dedicated people because you couldn’t leave her out – She’s right in there with you & she’s carrying the ball with you – I’d had to say something about her too. I’m very proud to have so sweet & loving Mother like her.
I’m really sorry about a lot of unnecessary junk I brought. In the states, because if I had the money, look what we’d have had here.
About a 8 hour day, we are not ready for one yet. You have to have something I had to do this. Also if we are not producing at 10 1/2 hours, how can we ever produce at 8 hours? In 8 hours not as much would get done! We don’t even have enough land cleared for all these people coming.
Thank you Dad, for your protection and your care and for your love.
Ruby Lee Johnson
Reflection of Dick Tropp Letter from Laura Johnston, July 1978
6 July 78
To: Dad
From: Laura Johnston
Re: My response to Dick Tropp’s letter
Coming from white, elitist background I feel is enough to make me constantly schizophrenic – one side close to treason – selling out, living in an illusion that I don’t have to relate as oppressed. The other side of me is committed to communist ideals (that is Jim Jones’ ideals – the purest form of communism). I have cycles of more one then the other, etc. – in spite of my realistically seeing that I couldn’t make it under capitalism ever again – some of the illusions persist – kind of like a “sane” person considers at times “insane” actions. I know that if I ever did leave within the first 24 hours, the pointlessness of it all would make me go back to the same escapes I used before – sex, drugs, whatever. I just cannot imagine ever working with assholes like Debbie [Blakey], TOS [Tim Stoen] – or taking racist positions. For me, the hard part of being a Jim Jones communist (or at least moving in that direction from a far off point) is that both mind and body have to move – I can physically live socialistically or follow rules (except for my fucking in Georgetown), share, not complain, stand, sit, clap, work, be on time, etc. – those things are generally not my problem. My problem is having to mentally be accountable, to make numerous mistakes and having to be accountable for them coming to be accountable for not working as many hours, with as much effort as I know I should – I guess “conscience” bothers me – it bothers me that it doesn’t motivate me like it should. I don’t like myself and like less and less as I see my shallowness about treason – I don’t feel I’ll ever commit the treason of leaving – I know my efforts are so lax as to be treacherous though. It is clear to me that life outside is a total void.
With his last thought of having intellectuals shot as they no longer have usefulness – I wrote up before – that is why I’d like to carry a bomb in to where TOS or others are and blow us all up. I do know I could do that – I really feel certain that I wouldn’t fail in that. In day-to-day things – I make so many mistakes, I’m not what I should be – and I feel I’d be more useful with the bomb idea. I think I could get myself killed if captured by enemies, I can live through jail – the more dire kinds of life or death, I have confidence in myself – specific situations with specific responses from me are things I can handle best. I agree Debbie should have been shot before this point – before she left Guyana. If I ever planned to leave – I would be saying I’d rather die than keep living today under Jonestown law – and
I would rather be shot than ever doing the traitorous things Debbie and others have done – I know I have problems but I am certain that these things are fully integrated into myself – not adaptions but really inseparable
- I never want riches, to be wealthy to have commodities
- I never want white associations (if I were outside)
- I’d never see capitalism as anything but an oppressive giant
- I don’t trust anyone outside of myself – I only trust Jim Jones and those near him who have been taught so much – Carolyn [Layton], Terri B [Buford], Maria [Katsaris], Jean B [Brown], June [Crym], others too –
- I know people are starving to death daily and in the US as well as other places
These are just some observations I’ve made – kind of like VISITATIONS.
Pat Grunnet – She mentioned that ever since she left Tanzania and Peace Corps, she’s known she’ll go back there sometime – still believes it
Annie Moore – she jokes a lot, always did talk mostly about her job & told funny story from there. I think she’s committed to Carolyn, Kimo [Jim Jon Prokes], more than Dad – her conversation is rarely about here and now – my own opinion is that she’s best off not in Georgetown –
Edith Roller – she’s not flexible as a roommate – she gets uptight over disruption of her personal routine
Rita [Tucker] Lenin – her daughters Ruth & Mary work nights, spend a lot of time at Rita’s cottage, as does Janet. I think she hasn’t freed them enough to be independent. They sleep at her cottage often instead of their own separate cottages – I don’t know if it’s for her benefit or theirs.
Peter Wotherspoon and Mike Lund [Rozynko] – Mike was counseled for telling Shirley Baisey that he’d heard gossip about himself & Peter staying around so much together – he was very defensive about his position as a heterosexual, and his function as Peter’s supervisor – it was too defensive, I thought – and I think he is probably screwing Peter – may have been as he’d had to keep Peter off children – whatever, if so, he’s showing his reservations or rebellion.
Christine Lucientes – has been having news discussions with Odell Rhodes, Sebastian McMurry – other male & female. There is some sort of friendship or something there – to me, Odell is divisive, anarchistic and plays a game of looking important and more dedicated – does not support authority but strongly and vocally confronts anyone not consistently supporting his.
Undated Letter to Jim Jones from Ava Brown Jones
To Dad
Please forgive me of my statement concerning us going to Russia was interpreted as my being an elitist. I said that “no matter where people go they will always act the same.” I never said or thought that we didn’t have good people here. I know for a fact that we do. I know a little of their sacrifices and sufferings. I know most have suffered more than I have ever dreamed of. I think the adults have grown as much as they want to. I definitely think the children should be given the chance to grow up in Russia or some communist society.
I think loyalty among the adults and teens it is as long as a fuck. I can’t think taking the shit we have brought over from the States to Russia or anywhere else.
I don’t feel that I’m above anyone here or else in the world. I guess I feel shitty about my own selfishness and lack of awareness and commitment. The best way to defend that is to strike out at others. Which is wrong. I can see how this can be interpreted as being an elitist. I will change this today. I do enjoy the seniors and children, and don’t mind dying in order to make their freedom possible.
I hate John [Moss Brown] and what he represents and I just didn’t want my children to remain in the middle of his insanity and mine. I have talked to Doug Sanders but not on a relationship basis. I’m not a fool and would not jump into a relationship just to get back at John or anyone else. I know all relationships are the same and Doug is married and I would never fuck over another sister unless it was for socialism. I’ll discontinue talking to him and the other males I talk to
EE-2-h-29 b
I know people will gossip no matter what happens. If I wanted a relationship I’ve got enough sense to go through the proper channels, and with a single man. I enjoy Stephanie and Marchelle and the other children and that’s enough. It really does bother me that every time I talked to a male, they’re either my boyfriend or I’m fucking them. I heard gossip that I didn’t even get upset about, that I had come to Guyana because I was pregnant by Sebastian [McMurry] and came over here to have a secret abortion. I fucked Joe [Wilson] away from Leslie [Wagner Wilson] and more bullshit. It’s sad to me that I’m doing all of this and getting away with it. I really don’t care what anybody says about me because I know myself and I know what I will and won’t do about life in general.
I’m sorry to take up your time with bullshit.
Thank you Dad
from Ava
Note of Confession to Jim Jones from Ava Brown Jones
10/6 [78]
From: Ava [Brown Jones]
First of all, I would like to criticize myself.
1) I’m a big mouth and will confront anyone very hostilely if I think that I’m right. It’s also hard to change my mind, if I think I’m right.
2) I have wasted money, time and unnecessary effort in the States, that could have been used for our family.
3) I back off of leadership, mainly because I hate people. I think they are phoney and crazy. Also I feel as a Black woman, there is very little respect from the majority of people in J-town. I think the majority of people listen to White women and men before they will a black woman. I think they listen to men over women period, regardless of how much assholes they are. All of this could be overreactions and paranoia
4) I hold hostilities and grudges.
5) I’m too critical of others and don’t speak up enough. My reason is that I think people will change. I feel there’s hope for the children.
I will work on all of my faults.
I would like for another couple to adopt Marchelle [Jones] and for John [Moss Brown] and myself to sign some phony papers without his knowledge. I will still raise her and be responsible for her. I will then like my divorce. I think John is power-hungry and crazy. I think he’s playing a phony Daddy role because his shit is inconsistent and if his love (life) commands something, that’s first, responsibility second, then Marchelle, lasting Stephanie, if he happens to see her.
I think there will be more problems and pain for my children, if he has anything legally to do with them. I think all of the children are the most important thing in life and I will get myself together in all areas to help make their lives better. I respect and appreciate you for showing us communism.
Thank you, Dad
I think a handful of adults and teens should take the children to Russia or some communist place.
I will be nice to everyone even though I think [illegible word] never change in their lifetime.
Undated Note of Apology from Ava Brown Jones
EE-2-h-17a – 17b
from Ava [Brown Jones]
I made a statement today about me wearing my shoes tracking magnesium in my house. Also I said it made the Pavilion look messy when it rained.
I didn’t hear the decision or discussion about covering the road during Peoples Rally.
I agree it is much safer and considerate for everyone.
If I would have known about the discussion I would’ve kept my mouth shut. I apologize for saying anything, too late.
I agree with the decision and in fact, I have said that you don’t slide with it on the road, and it was much safer carrying babies
Undated Memo to Jim Jones from Ava Brown Jones
EE-2-h-34a – 34b
Please feel free to call me for any job assignments day or night. I know the workload is extra heavy, especially with the key people away from the family.
I willing to learn new assignments and help in any way possible.
I would also like to read all the reports coming in from Gtownand stateside, so I can be aware of what’s happening and contribute something.
I will get my ass more on the ball. I do wish you could go somewhere and get your help taking care of.
I will be a better example.
Your daughter, Ava [Brown Jones]
Also I don’t mind helping Maria [Katsaris] go over notes daily and follow through on telling the people your responses.
Undated Note of Apology to Jim Jones from Carol Ann Jones
[Editor’s note: Spelling and grammatical errors corrected throughout]
Dear Dad. I know I done foolish things back in the States by buying Home, Cars and Furniture, all that meat and perks and a lot of clothes I could have done without if I had your teaching like I know now from your teaching. I hate when you talk about the taxes and money wasted on things we could have helped the starving children in the world and in Africa. That’s why I’m trying to work so hard to make up for the things I had and done. That [I] know wasn’t right. Dad I am ashamed, Dad
Thank you Dad
Carol Ann Jones
Undated Note by Jim Arthur Jones on Jim Jones’ Pain
EE-2-ij-1a – 1b
Dear Dad
I think that what kills you is when we get up on the floor for teasing people about their physical difficulties and looks like they cannot help. Also when a Alpha [White Night] comes and people don’t care or want to live. Also I think that the last Alpha And people want to hang onto life, they really do not worry about the pain you have and so when they vote to live when there is not a way out or looks like no way out, because then you have to live and stay up 5 and 7 nights and days to get away out. Also when someone runs away you have to worry about them. Also you spend 5 or 6 hours a day with news and people flunk or not passed the test. Also defectors and also Tim Stoen. Also the radio.
By, Jim Arthur Jones
Undated Note to Jim Jones from Sandi Cobb Jones
EE-2-b-14a – 14b
Would it be all right if I go to Jonestown when the boat goes next time. As far as immigration calls anybody could fill them just like I did for Debbie. I’m sure that somebody else can do a better job. As far as Tim it was unreal to think that him and I could make it this far. Nothing has changed, except he’s more cocky and I just hold it in more. I assure you that I won’t have anything going on with Albert [Touchette] because I don’t like him and I’m not going to hurt anybody again just because of my insecurities. If I can’t go to Jonestown I’ll volunteer to go back to the States and help Christine [Cobb Young] get Mona [Young] get over here, or testify against the troublemakers, or anything else. I would appreciate it very much if you would let me go.
If Christine can’t get Mona I would not want to stay here or Jonestown because I know that Mona would have been with her mom or in an institution now if it had not been for me wanting her and you fighting for it. She is my responsibility not anyone else’s, and I couldn’t deprive my mom from being with her children, this family, or this nation. So if worse comes to worse and she can’t come would it be all right if I go back and keep her. Besides socialism and you – she’s all I got.
Thank You, Sandi Cobb
Undated Note to unknown recipient from Sandi Cobb Jones
Tell Hazel [Newell] and Herbert [Newell] hi!
If you don’t throw this away at least put it away in a safe place in my loft. I don’t trust your house to hold my feelings in.
Undated Note to unknown recipient, likely Cleveland Newell, from Sandi Cobb Jones
[Editor’s note: The beginning of this letter has not yet been located. The first paragraph is typed, with the balance of the note handwritten.]
Well I guess I still have more to say. If you knew that I thought I was pregnant why didn’t you ever try to come to talk to me at the radio and see how I was doing. The more I think the more I figure out why you did what you did to me. Tell Leslie [Wagner Wilson] to send me a letter with somebody too she can explain this to me I trust her more anyway. I use [used] to trust you but I don’t see why I should do that now. Also tell her to send my suitcase back to me, maybe she can send the letter in that wrapped up in something then I’ll be sure to get it, as long as she gives it to someone to bring. Well I guess that you don’t want to hear whatever else I have to say it’s probably not effecting you anyway.
You have no doubt kissed off whatever I am, could be or was, and tried for something better in your mind and no doubt this is all a waste of time but don’t you think after what I gave – not body etc., my honesty, concern, and my love – (which was not enough) that you at least should try to explain yourself in some way. I don’t think it’s asking too much if it is just forget it. Tear this shit up when you finish reading. I must be a fool or easy sucker ‘cause I thought someway somehow it could’ve worked out but I was wrong and now I understand I didn’t have that much to offer you. And whatever you had to offer, you didn’t want to, and I accept that for whatever the hell it is and I ain’t going to act no fool or bother you etc. I ain’t laying no trips nowhere ‘cause maybe you did it and it was my fault. I don’t know what I want to. But don’t worry I won’t bother you. If it don’t fit don’t force it, and I can definitely let it go. Take care of yourself and be good. Monyelle said hi! I wish the boat would leave so they wouldn’t add onto this letter every day. I say I won’t and I do anyway! I guess I explained all of this stuff happened to me before. I don’t know if you knew it I was pregnant and Tim went with her. And she knew it and I’ve hated her ever since and still do. If nothing else pride wouldn’t let me go back with you after you approached her. Yes I’m pissed and upset and I want to understand. You had all of these places moving in etc. What were you trying to fuck with my head? I guess you don’t understand the word loyal. If I sound bitter I am, but I’ll just drop it without and quit harassing you. Work for Dad and Socialism.
[Editor’s note: The following two pages are in reverse order on the original PDF.]
Cleveland [Newell]. Here is a piece of paper & pen. W/B [Write back]!!
I don’t know if you have received any of my letters, but I know you’ll get this one. My first letter I told you how much I missed you, my second one told you how much I hated you, and Leslie’s told how much you hurt me etc. First thing I want to clear up is I’m not pregnant. Second thing is I want to go ahead and do whatever you want to do with whoever you want to do it with. You don’t have to wait to see what I say or if I’ll object. You can take somebody to the committee with my blessings!! Third thing is you can take the things out of my loft if you want them back or you can wait until I get there. I want you to know at first I was shocked and hurt when I heard that you had approached Shanda [Oliver] [Additional note in margin: “You told me not to believe what I heard until I ask you, and I’m doing just that. Be honest. I heard this from a reliable source!!)] and asked her to go to the committee with you and to fuck you. I didn’t understand why you would just do that to me knowing that I thought we were together and I was being loyal to you. I didn’t think I had done anything to deserve this. But I realize I was weak and I let you take advantage of me. You didn’t have
to respect me. So as long as I left you just ran over me right? I’d appreciate some response to that one. I was very honest about myself with you, and I thought you were with me, but now I see that I was wrong on a one-way street. Now you’ve answered your question who was going to break us up. And you were so worried about me liking Tim, I wish I could, then I wouldn’t have to, never mind. Anyway I know you hate me etc. or whatever. But if nothing else I think you owe me some type of explanation. When I get back, I want to talk to you if we have anything to say to each other (which will be as soon as my replacement comes in on the Albatross). Until then I’d appreciate a letter explaining yourself in some way. Here are some letters sent to you. [Marginal note: “I wrote on one! Sorry, huh?”] send me an answer with Evelyn or Lisa when they’re about to get on the boat to give to me. If you don’t send a letter, cool, I won’t bother you, now or when I get home. If you do we can talk only because I want to understand what I did wrong and I’m still going to go my way. I think being alone is fine for me and you took the first step to make it that way. I heard you were on security. Good, work hard for Dad because he’s the one who deserves your best and that’s all.
[Additional note at top of page]
I hope that you do, if not now, find somebody who you can be faithful to and who will be faithful to you. I know it’s crazy, you really shit on me. But I did like you. I know I was too weak but maybe somebody else and you can hit it off. Maybe one day it will be Shanda [Oliver]! Good luck.
EE-2-h-4a – 4d
[illegible four-page note]
Undated Letter to Jim Jones from Sandi Cobb Jones
I’m sorry to be bothering you again but I know that you know I have been talking to Cleveland [Newell] since I got home and if you didn’t know I wanted to tell you. When I was talking to him explaining to him what was happening with me, why I had not talked to him on the radio etc. when I told him about what he had done to Shanda [Oliver], he denied it, and said he’d rather get with her and you to clear this up, because he hadn’t said anything like that to her. He said that the only time they had talked she had made some smart ass comment about me as a bed partner or as somebody’s bed partner. Maybe she was lying or misunderstanding something when he talked to her. Or maybe she lied altogether personally. I’d believe the latter knowing how much I dislike her and vice versa. Anyway he said he was going to talk to you about it tonight. I
hope that he does. And whatever happens gets cleared up. I like him and I know it’s probably wrong by everybody else’s standard but if he didn’t do it I don’t see what’s wrong with it. I apologize for writing these stupid ass letters to Leslie [Wegner Wilson] and Cleveland. I’m glad that they didn’t get them. I was upset, paranoid etc. when I wrote them. I imagined everything was happening here. As far as everybody thinking I should confide in Ava [Cobb Jones], I think or know I wouldn’t or couldn’t because she has been so hypocritical with me about not liking Tim [Tupper Jones] or whatever so I just don’t do it. She says one thing to me but does another thing in front of people. But I’m glad that she’s not on my side. I did try to make up for being a fool by trying to work, but I know it’s not as much as I should’ve. I didn’t want
to be trying to sneak anything. That’s why I wrote to you. I rather have this stuff straightened out because if it’s just her word against his, I believe his. I’ve been through this same situation with her except I was pregnant and with Tim and he swore he hadn’t done anything. Maybe he did after all. But I just can’t believe what that girl says. If it’s true then I’m wrong. I would also rather not work in the radio room splitting up the time with Shanda. I prefer not to be in touch with her in any way. I just rather be a house parent and work in the fields. But if I’m really needed to be in the radio room and Larry [Schacht]’s office I’ll do it because none of it is half as much of what you have to put up with.
Thank you,
Undated Letter to Jim Jones from Sandi Cobb Jones
EE-2-h-15a – 15e
[Editor’s note: Spelling and grammatical errors corrected throughout.]
I thought I’d write a letter to explain my actions so you can understand what I’m doing. Well I started liking Cleveland [Newell] not to hurt Tim [Tupper Jones] but at the time Tim didn’t really care. We just knew them everything would be better as long as we were apart. We didn’t fuss, I could talk to him and vice versa (or at least I thought so). I know everybody kept saying he was no good etc. But I didn’t really listen because I’ve heard so much about myself for just about the same people or their attitudes. Unless I liked Tim I’d just be this and that so it drew me closer out of my own hostility to Cleveland. Anyway, I was a fool I know and it’s not so much that I didn’t think it would happen. In fact I wouldn’t have been taken by it if it had been somebody else but it was Shanda [Oliver]. And the same thing happened I was pregnant and Tim wanted Shanda so I just have an abortion by myself and she knew too. That’s one reason I was upset or surprised… That girl is just my carma [karma] I know that.
Anyway I don’t mind etc. that’s life so I don’t let it affect me. I’m sorry I let myself get into this predicament. I know I’m a disappointment to you and you’re upset. I expect that. I want to go to the doctor etc. by myself because if I am pregnant I got this way by myself. And I expect everybody to be upset with me and I don’t need any comforting etc. I’m fine. As far as me going with Tim I know everybody says I’m making a mistake. I probably am but I don’t really believe it in my mind. I don’t blame anything on Tim, it’s me. But we agreed so much. I know everybody does and the last few weeks we were almost physically fighting. I know Tim didn’t mean any harm etc. but he has always reminded me that I wouldn’t [have] done this or got that, if I hadn’t been married to him, which is no doubt true but my only identification of myself was through him. Of course he told me I was smart etc. I don’t hate him, maybe it’s just a block or something, I only want to be friends with him because that’s only what I feel and anything else would be a lie. I know I’m not worth anything without him or at least not half as much. I’m not trying to hurt him or get back at him because I don’t have anything to get back at him for. And since Cleveland made his choice, fine, he can go, it’s no big thing. But I don’t want any relationship with nobody. I may be wrong but I made up my mind. Tim can have a relationship with somebody else maybe sooner or later. I want him to be happy and his relationship to be happy. I’m sure he will be. I just want to have my life without males. As far as this lab goes I like to come home and get Monyelle [Jones] settled and be able to study there for a while and then come back to do it. I’d like to get familiar with the subjects before trying to learn something that will take longer. I thought I was to learn blood typing, cross matching etc. for transfusion, and he sent me a list of everything else except that. I don’t want to appear all ignorant when I’m trying to learn something I can’t pronounce. I’d also like to get Monyelle’s and Marchelle’s [Jones] birth certificates and passports. Then I’ll come back to GT [Georgetown]. I think it will take 2-3 months here and I’d rather have Monyelle in JT. I’m sorry to be taking all of your time
[Document ends]
Memo to Jim Jones from Sharon Jones, October 1978
Ava [Jones] gave me the message from you about becoming a doctor. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. However, the research paper I did was info from three different books and I just compile the info from the 3 into 1 paper. It was certainly no outstanding ability on my part. There are other people who want to become doctors and it would indeed be an honor (and responsibility), I’m 30 years old and have lived most of my life. Perhaps a younger person should be considered.
1) I am not above average intelligence
2) I generally try to get out of responsibility
3) There have been times I could have volunteered for things but have not because of selfishness.
4) I could use my time more wisely.
5) I have always felt competitive with Joyce P. [Parks]
6) I am not as compassionate or as empathetic as I should be.
I do appreciate your consideration.
Sharon Jones
EE-2-h-7a – 7b
Undated Note to Jim Jones from Terry Carter Jones
To Jim,
I found this can & did not want to throw it away because I thought it might inspire some or let some people know a little too Lynetta [Jones] thought and championed your truths. It certainly inspired me this morning. Thank you for being our leader, thank you Lynetta for keeping you from fascists for us. Thank you for all the great heroes such as Lynetta & the Rosenburgs [Ethel and Julius Rosenberg] for their character in the struggle.
My first inclination is to say I can’t relate to Dick’s thoughts on elitism because right now I’m in the right frame of mind (being grateful as I always should be but am not). But I can. I have often rationalized my own pittinglys of slight discomfort, to justify my anarchy, my total insensitivity to other people, my taking special privileges. I justify that I’ve earned these things. I haven’t bothered you too much compared to other people, so I say I deserve it. I have felt self-righteous that I never wanted a fuck from you, but then to see I am a sick clingy child who constantly needs your approval of trust. When Debbie [Blakey] left I intellectually know you shouldn’t or couldn’t trust anyone, but to suppress my own responsibility in the matter I began to rationalize my negativity, saying to myself, “I should be trusted. I should be involved with strategies. I was just as good or better than most of who I termed “elitist” in the radio room, when whatever I might have been seeing was me! Then you jarred me (as much as I hated it but you spared me from the floor) that I was asking for trust when I too, as Dick put it, should have been shot for feeding the negativity of one of the most malicious defectors. That I too have that defector in me. I still want to say to myself I couldn’t have been more responsible than anyone else, but I am, and thanks to you, I can use it to start to re-create & be productive for Communism. It hurts to realize I have for so long wanted your approval rather than just doing things because it’s right, because it’s for struggling for oppressed people.
I couldn’t relate to going back to the States, I couldn’t make it nor do I want to make it, but until just shortly did I feel the real struggle (and it is feeling too little) for others of the world. I had the conscience of being perfectly contented with building socialism for just us & then Guyana could follow & evolution could come from here. But this is what the news has done for me, made me think & deal with suffering of others deal with that I certainly don’t deserve this socialism more than they. Thank you again for not shooting me – I know your love I took for granted. In fascism the cause of a defector plus the defector gets shot.
[Editor’s Note: These meditations quoted by Terry Carter Jones were written by Lynetta Jones.]
Meditation Nov. 3, 1972
Perhaps it does support some comfort to the victim of a nagging conscience to seem to have had a reason, however false, to testify in some small way the evil wrought against his fellow men. Thus evasion leads to obsession and the outward manifestation is [illegible word] to downgrade those who have done (him or her) no harm.
It is unwise to sponsor “peace” while promoting discord such as “watch Jim, she is up to no good” and when the listener protests that he has seen no dirty work being done by so & so (Jones) the pacemaker counsels, sagely “wait and see – So & so will undermine you just like she did me.” Time passes, sometimes years of time and the prophecy remains unfulfilled. Who could blame “So & so,” then, if the warned “watching the author of the warning only to find that it was she who was doing the dirty work she had been accusing so & so of doing and that so & so had not undermined her in the first place.
I have never seen love, favor, friendship, condition or things or members of persuaders with which I would not dare to differ in defense of “Right.”
I could not quarrel with the color of person, animal or thing for I have gazed too long upon the sweet enchantment of God’s universal decor and listened too well to the wail of the abandoned and the oppressed whose color, often, did not match mine, but whose pain was no less for all that.
And color: reminds me, tonight, of the bastard word, “nigger,” spun off from the word “niggard,” which rolls so glibly from the terms of the ignorant and the uncaring. ‘Tis strange that all the niggardly I have met have been “white.”
Meditation Nov. 4, 1972
Wonder why some folk think I am “not aware” of their part in the late contact on James and the churchmen or that I would have been too stupid to have documented my findings all along. Lurid story tho about the big “Buck Nigger” moving up to challenge her in the driveway of this so-called well armed hideaway (after midnight) as she innocently rode with the bellwether of the (so-called questionable flock and was no doubt
[End of document]
Note from Tim Borl “Night” Jones, August 1978
EE-2-h-18a – 18b
[Editor’s note: Spelling and grammar errors corrected throughout.]
from Tim Jones
I feel that Val, don’t want to see her mom [Nelma Jones], she has told me a lot of times. She feels ashamed of her, and thinks her mom will make trouble for JV [John Victor Stoen]
I don’t know Val’s mom really. I met her a couple of times (friendly). I don’t wish her here because I feel that maybe in some way Val has feeling for her. Val said one reason she hated her mom was that she didn’t stay in the hospital the time of her operation by her mom having all the money she has I would think that she may have sold out and come to spy on JT. By no means I have no interest in seeing Val’s mom. And I don’t think Val wants to see her also. Bell said that her mom, don’t have the money. And Val said that she won’t do what she been told, she will have to be talked to about this.
Right now I am going to talk to her & do what you say, for that reason only.
Tim Jones (Night)
Note from Valerie Yvette Jones, August 1978
EE-2-h-19a – 19b
[Editor’s note: Spelling and grammar errors corrected throughout.]
from Val Jones
I do not want my mom [Nelma Jones] coming. In my whole 20 yrs of life I only spent about 3 yrsa with her. I think I am better off without her. I don’t know where she has gotten all this money to travel around with. I wouldn’t put it past her to be paid off by the CIA. To me she’s the most vulnerablest in my family. I will not leave with her. I [am] living the way that I want to live and she has no business interfering so soon. I wouldn’t find if she came maybe a year or 2 years from now. But coming so soon and I’ve only been here almost 5 mos disturbs me. She’s never been this concerned about me before and as far as I’m concerned she can skip by Guyana and go on her way because I’ve gone mine.
Valerie Yvette Jones
Undated Letter to Jim Jones from William Dillon Dean (Billy) Jones
[Editor’s note: Insofar as is possible, spelling and grammatical errors have been corrected throughout.]
I feel guilt about a whole lot of things. For a starter when we had to see the movie about high hitler, even knowing I seen it once before I should have paid more attention to the movie.
And when I heard about Jim Author [likely Arthur] I started to feel bad because I should be the one showing the example and I fell. I’m shitting on the name Jones. I should just change my name because I’m not living up to it or to your teaching. And I know it will make you feel better, if you know I am staying out of trouble. And one thing I feel bad about this when I got on PSU [Public Services Unit] and I know I get myself into trouble for stupid shit when I can use my head and stay out of trouble and too when I walked by Steven [likely Stephan Jones] and as much time he has spent with [me] I feel I’m shitting him too and all the other boys, Tim, Jim Jr., etc. and I feel guilt too every damn time I get myself on PSU and people are mad at me, what I mean by people
His people my age I talk and bullshit with a lot and to all my bullshitting I do when I shouldn’t be doing it, [I] will stop. I feel guilty enough about writing this because all the other 2000 or more papers you make yourself read. I’m going to change because for one it is right and when I got my days over I’m going to get out of there and do right.
This is all the guilt I have and will change.
Billy Jones
Undated Note to Jim Jones from Fannie Jordan
[Editor’s note: Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation corrected.]
Dear “Dad”,
Check brace on Nell Smart arm it may be hiding a device. I would like to explain to you [some] of the things I saw David [Wise] and Nell did. What I saw that is what made me watch everything close. I am sorry Dad but I am watching everything. I don’t trust it when it come to you and your life. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Forgive me please Dad if I am wrong. Thank you Dad
Fannie Jordan