Confessions and Threats of Teri Buford


Teri Buford Handwritten Note


I will absolutely never leave.




Teri Buford Handwritten Note


Have had no sex with any one since coming to the church.






and I tried to kill Jim Jones tonight. I planned it and reached at him and I had the means to do it. He defended himself and held me at bay until I calmed down.

Thank God

Teresa J. Buford




Oh yes, and I lied about Jim Jones having a gun. He never had any weapon and he didn’t point one at me either. I just said that because I wanted to get him in trouble. If he hadn’t defended himself I would have killed him for sure.

Teresa J. Buford




And then I made up the story that they beat me up and spread it around to try to hurt them, but it was a lie. Nobody ever – not Jim Jones and not anyone there hit me, but I figured it would be a winner in the papers.

Teresa J. Buford



BB-7-AA13 – AA14

Teri Buford Letters of Confession to Carolyn Layton

Dear Carolyn,

I am a violent terrorist. I have done violent acts to people in the temple and property in the past. I am a Communist. I am afraid I am going to continue violent acts despite the Pastor of the Temple urging pacifism.

Teresa J. Buford


Dear Carolyn,

I feel so much guilt that I put Jim Jones in the position that if he didn’t fuck me that I would suicide. I know it must have been terrible for him who has only known Marceline [Jones]. I am so very sorry.

Teresa Buford



(Transcriber’s note: The first page of this document is missing.)

Teri Buford Handwritten “Confession” Notes


Well, see you later and I’ll tell you how I ripped off that Jim Jones church. I got so much $ off them it is incredible.

Teresa J. Buford



Teri Buford “Confession” Note


I must confess that I am a violent revolutionary and a practicing homosexual. Please ask God to forgive me.

Teresa Jean Buford



Teri Buford Letter Confessing to Auditory Hallucinations

Dear Annie,

Please help me! I have to die tomorrow the voices have told me to cut out my heart. Please tell them to go away, Anne. Tomorrow at 9 AM I’m going to have to cut my heart out.

Terri Buford



Teri Buford “Threat” Implicating Jim Jones

(Transcriber’s note: This appears to refer to the December 1975 election of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone.)

Dear Tim:

Well I’ve really fixed you and that Jones. Just try and get out of this one. You’re going to lose your tax exemption but good. I’ve called all the candidates up in the election pledging them church support. I did it subtly too so they would think I was only talking for members but they can see through that and you’ll never be able to convince them otherwise. So, as the saying goes “eat shit”.’

/s/ Terri Buford



Teri Buford Undated Letter Implicating Self

Dear Anne:

Don’t tell anyone but this time I’m really going to fix a lot of these religious types especially that Kathryn Kuhlman [American evangelist and faith healer]. I know you understand cause you don’t like these church people either so you could [missing letters]ig this. Some others are going to get it too. I’ve got to go soon so I’ll write more later. I’ve succeeded in getting into Peoples Temple without anyone knowing what I’m up to and as soon as I can find something on them I’ll tear them up too but that’s a hell of a lot harder than it looks cause they don’t do anything below level. However I’m going to get this out now and worry about them later. If I can’t find anything then I will just set them up… religion deserves what it gets.

/s/ Terri Buford



Teri Buford Responses on What She Would Do as a Defector, 1975-1976

WHAT I WOULD DO TO THE CHURCH IF I WERE TO LEAVE [Handwritten addition] And had a son-of-a-bitch mentality.

(someone told me we were supposed to write this)

  1. If I wanted to tear down the group I would see that the leader were taken care of since it would be extremely hard for the group to hold together at this point without him. From that point it would be to pick off the strong ones in the group. Carolyn Layton, Linda [Sharon] Amos, Jean Brown, Don Beck, Sandy Bradshaw, Mike Cartmell, Tim Stoen, Lee Ingram. I don’t think that the group could function without the leader and these people. I don’t think if the group did survive that it would be much of a group. That would only be done if I had gone out trying to undermine socialism.
  2. If I went out and were pissed at Jim [Jones] it would be completely different. First there would be no thought of killing since that would be a really loving thing to do (for JJ but not for socialism per se). I think the best way to get to JJ would be through his children. The young one. Not kill the young one but take him from the group and make the group think that the young one were suffering.
  3. If I were just pissed off with someone in the group I would probably turn them into the CIA, IRS, FBI. Harass them to death. Get at their children and kidnap them if I thought that they care for them.
  4. If I were just pissed off at everything in general I would most likely go out and commit suicide just to show how hostile I really was or whatever. Or would try in some amateurish fashion to put a guilt trip on the group. That’s when my thinking gets perverted.
  5. The other way of tearing down the group is to get all the money but I’m not smart enough to even begin to figure out how to do it. Turning the group into government agencies might be another one of my maneuvers. However, we’ve been looked at so much that I doubt that they would care that much about anything that I would have to say.

/s/ Terri



Teri Buford Confession Letter to Jim Jones


I have committed treason. Sunday before I went to work I read some of your mail and papers. Not that I found anything because I didn’t [only some financial reports, letters from Karen Layton (re: sex), Chris Rozynko (re: some mess up) and Tom Adams (re: homosexuality). I knew it was wrong. In complete defiance of the D.O.P. [unknown initials] To try to find some release form guilt I cut up all the skin on my stomach with razor blades, still feeling guilt I cut my breasts up with them. I know suicide is more treason so I wouldn’t do that. School is going worse. I worry to the point of really blowing tests. Panic when I study. Every male face I see reminds me of the culture I came out of, eating out their asses, swallowing their piss and sperm, getting my ass ripped open, beat up, getting police called for prostitution etc. This wouldn’t bother a good socialist but it’s a nightmare to me.

What I have done is counterrevolutionary, I’ve defied the only principle I have to live for, my lifeblood. I’m willing to become a public example of treason. Terri



Teri Buford Undated Note

It’s a miracle that Father keeps me alive when I don’t even follow the teachings.

Teri Buford



Teri Buford Undated Letter Threatening Jim Jones

(Editor’s note: The first page of this note is missing.)


Anyway, Goddamn it, tell Jim that it’s too late. All I wanted to do was screw and he wouldn’t do it once. So fuck him. Just get this and this isn’t the half of it. When I die I’ve got letters all over to people and in safety deposit boxes saying Peoples Temple and Jim offed me. Hell, I don’t mind dieing and making it look like Peoples Temple did it. Jim talked me out of suicide once and I hate him for it. What the hell is there to live for, not a goddamn thing. What’s wrong with some sex anyway; you old ass holes. So tell Jim to stick it and when I die you fuck offs can count your days.

Terri Buford



Teri Buford 1973 Letter to Jim Jones



I am sorry to have caused you and the council so much pain with my treasons and stupidity regarding T.S. [likely Tim Stoen].

I will turn my responsibilities back to T.S. and someone more mature and more qualified can take it.

Thank you for being so understand these past few weeks.

Terri Buford



Teri Buford 1973 Note of Confession


I was part of the exploding of the cars of Bombs heading for Cambodia at Riverside this past week. I was glad to do it and I will do everything in my power to undermine America’s war tactics.



Teri Buford Undated Letter Implicating Self

Dear Linda [Swaney],

I think that we’d better stop the whole operation. I really think that someone in the church knows that I’ve been taking money. I realize we need the money to keep up our own operation but someone’s got to know. People look at me funny and I saw the police drive slowly past the house twice today. So, Swaney, I’m bailing out. Hope you get by OK. Good luck.




Teri Buford Undated Letter of “Confession”

I can’t hold this in me anymore, these things that I have done. In 1971 I gave speed to Patti Abbot in Indiana, Pennsylvania. I knew at the time that she was not only a minor but also an epileptic. That night she died of an epileptic seizure. I told Mr. Harold Edison that she had the speed. From that day on everything was down hill. I can’t talk about the children I have been with sexually. However beginning with one death on my conscience. What have I got to lose. I hate [U.S. President Richard M.] Nixon and when I find the means he will be dead.

Teresa J. Buford



Teri Buford Handwritten Confession Notes

I am a violent revolutionary.

Terri Buford


I have actively participated in the bombings of several places in California.

Terri Buford



Teri Buford Handwritten Note of Confession

(Transcriber’s note: While Buford goes with the older spelling of her first name here, it seems the reference to “Indian kids” would place this in 1977/78.)

Bonnie [Beck] said that Sandy [Bradshaw] tried to keep some Indian kids in jail. When people came to get them out, Sandy said, “They’re only trying to get them out because they’re Indians.” Then she, according to Bonnie, had wanted them kept in jail.




Dear Pastor Jones,

Please forgive me for all the children I have molested. I just can’t stop.

Teresa J. Buford



(Editor’s note: The first two pages of this note are missing.)


And I hate my mother more than him. I could kill her easily for going to bed with me when I was little. If I never saw the name of my mother Virginia Buford again I would be happy. And my father, Charles, is a bastard too, I’d like to hack him up with a hatchet. Last but not least I hate my sister, Carolyn, she’s the worst. She is solely responsible for the dyke that I’ve turned out to be. If I ever see my mother, father, or sister again, I’ll kill them all with pleasure.

Terri Buford


BB-7-AA74a – 74b

Teri Buford Handwritten Note of Confession

Dear Pastor Jim Jones,

Please forgive me for my homosexual activities. Rosemary and I have repeatedly had oral-genital sexual affairs. I need your forgiveness and whatever guidance you can give me to cure me of this compulsion. I know its wrong but how can I change. Now I’ve been to bed with Vanessa too. I’m sorry. Please help.

Teresa J. Buford



Teri Buford Handwritten Note of Confession

Please ask God to forgive me for my active lesbianism and for the fact that I am a violent revolutionary.

Teresa J. Buford



Teri Buford Letter of Resignation, Fall 1972

Dear Pastor Jones,

I am writing to inform you that I am quitting Peoples Temple Christian Church. I have seen Rev. Kinsolving’s articles in the [San Francisco] Progress and I am disappointed that Peoples Temple will do nothing against Lester Kinsolving. I regret I have to part so curtly, but this “turn the other cheek” stuff only goes so far. If the church won’t speak out against this man, then I think it’s time we parted ways so that I can take ACTION NOW! I am determined that I shall bring about Lester Kinsolving’s social—political—and journalistic downfall.

/s/ Teresa J. Buford
Teresa J. Buford



Teri Buford Typed Note

suicide if apprehended by police
warm feeling, experience but
doesn’t judge J love by it
not interested in immortality