Buford Guyana emigration papers


(Transcriber’s note: BB-7-X1 is duplicated at BB-7-X2.)

Teri Buford Release of Liability


I hereby release Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, a California corporation, and any and all of its members, and Pastor Jim Jones, of any and all liability, claims, causes and causes of action arising out of and relating to, my travels to and from, and my visit in the United States and all foreign countries, including Guyana, South America, including but not limited to the airplane flights to and from said destination and accompanying means of transportation while there.

In the event that I should elect to remain for a period of time in any such destination, including Guyana, South America, I herewith release Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, a California corporation, and any and all of its members, and Pastor Jim Jones, of any and all liability, claims, causes, and causes of action arising out of and related to my activities, travel, and any illnesses that might arise by natural or other causes, while there.

I hereby acknowledge that I have requested said corporation and said members and said Pastor that I may go on said trip and to remain in said places. If I am permitted to remain at any such place, I hereby promise to work diligently and in full co-operation with all leadership appointed by said Pastor, directly or indirectly, and to keep a cheerful and constructive attitude at all times. If I fail to keep this promise, it is understood that I will be solely responsible for any and all costs and other obligations incurred in my returning from as well as going to and living in said place.

This release shall apply in all of its terms to each of my minor children, dependents, and other persons as to whom I have legal custody or am otherwise responsible.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on this 25 day of June 1975 at Redwood Valley, California.
SIGNED /s/ Teresa J. Buford

STATE OF CALIFORNIA              )
COUNTY OF Mendocino            )

On June 25, 1975 before me, the Undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Teresa J. Buford, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instruments and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.




(Transcriber’s note: BB-7-Y1 is duplicated at BB-7-Y2 and Y3.)

Teri Buford’s Application to Emigrate to Guyana

  1. 3/4/4

* Information to be supplied by persons desirous of immigration into Guyana.

  1. Full Name (Block Capitals, surnames first) BUFORD, Teresa Jean
  2. Address BLANK
  3. Nationality USA
  4. Date of Birth 2/4/52
  5. Place of Birth Newport, Rhode Island
  6. Profession, trade or occupation Photojournalist, student
  7. Married or single Single
  8. Wife’s (Husband’s) name and nationality None
  9. Names and dates of birth of dependent children None
  10. Schools and other educational institutions attended and periods of attendance

University of California at Berkeley, California       1973-1975
Indiana University, Indiana, Pennsylvania              1970-1971
Philadelphia High School for Girls, Philadelphia, Penna. -1970

  1. Academic, Professional, Technical, and other qualifications Speaks French and Japanese, experienced in journalism and broadcasting.
  2. Assets (including cash) All assets are to be imputed to the Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission which has permission from government to lease land under its FCH program [Feed, Clothe, and House program].
  3. State whether you are prepared to work and live in the interior of Guyana Yes
  4. Details of any farming experience Some knowledge of kitchen gardening.

The applicant is a member of Peoples Temple’s Agricultural Mission in Guyana. All such applicants are to be processed through the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Declaration: I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing statements are true and made in good faith.

Teresa J. Buford


*The applicant is also requested to submit, together with the information furnished above, a certificate from the police authority of the country (or countries) where he (she) has been a resident during the last ten (10) years, to the effect that there has been no conviction against him (her).



Teri Buford’s Signed Statement of Intent to Enter Guyana.


I, Teresa J. Buford, am going to Guyana with the Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission of my own volition.

I believe wholeheartedly in the aims and reasons for this mission. I commit myself to work diligently and to be an integral part of this missionary program. I agree to abide by the supervision and discipline designated by Pastor Jim Jones at all times.

I pledge without reservation my deep loyalty to Pastor Jim Jones and to the Peoples Temple. Pastor Jim Jones has the highest character I have ever known. I fully believe in his honesty and integrity and thank him for all he has done for me.

SIGNED Teresa J. Buford

DATED 6/16/75


BB-7-AA3 – AA3A

(Transcriber’s note: These documents consist of a two-page passport application.)



Teri Buford’s Application To Go Abroad


NAME Teresa Jean Buford

ADDRESS SFPT [San Francisco Peoples Temple]


MEM # A-


SOC SEC # 192-44-1519

MALE _ FEMALE X WEIGHT 114 Date born 2/4/52 Where born Newport, RI

Birth certificate _ Passport X  Years school 15 Comm 25 cirr Health: HBP _ Heart_ Diabetes_ Vision_ Arth_ Other_ Married_ Single_ Divorced_ Widowed_ Own_ Rent_

I understand that if I am seriously overweight or have serious medical problems I will not be able to go on the short-term trips because of the hazard to my health and the additional strain my condition will create. I also understand that air travel is extremely expensive and that I will have to donate my fair share of the cost for transportation, food and lodging.

SIGNED /s/ Teresa J. Buford
DATED 6/15/75