Letters from Members, Fall 1978

BB-7-A4 – A5

John M. Smith Letter to Jim Jones

Nov. 5, 1978


I write to you for guidance in a matter that I know not how to handle, and am afraid to trust my judgement in reference to me and my 10 yr. old son Michael. Michael and I were at overtime prepared to come where you are. I would still come would like to be a service if I may. I really don’t know how to put everything in words, but I will say just enough and I know you know all the rest.

I have not been with you in the body, but still in the spirit, since you have been away I have still had miricles happen to and for me, and I want to thank you very much for your Love for me and Michael.

Praise Father Forever

John M. Smith


BB-7-A4 (A6)

“Underground” Letter to Guyana Ambassador to the U.S. Laurence Mann

This was found in his briefcase.

Postmark Oct. 16, 1978 Wash D.C.

Cde. Lawrence [Laurence] Mann
6911 Bradley Blvd.
Bethesda, Md.


Wash, D.C.
Oct. 1978

Cde. Lawrence Mann
Embassy of Guyana

Cde. Mann,

This is to inform you that Cde. Andrea King is involved in a plot to get you out of of office. Worst of all, she and [Guyana Minister of Development] Minister Desmond Hoyte, who is her lover is using her husband – Cde. Prime Ministers body guard to wipe out the P.M. as Desmond Hoyte means to be the next Prime Minister of Guyana. Did you take notice of the smart move she made to bring her mother, grandmother, and children out of Guyana then apply for them to be put on her passport.

I intend for you to do something with this information immediately as you get this letter just as you did when the same individual came to you with news against



Cde. Fred Wills. If you do not, I shall inform the P.M. himself and let him know that you refused to take any action although you were tripped.

The Underground

[Nothing else in his briefcase of significance. His wife wrote him a nasty letter telling him she was sick of their relationship and felt justified in being bitchy. She signed “Yours for now – but I can’t say forever.”]



[Editor’s note: This page is duplicated on BB-7-A-22.]

Phyllis Houston Typed Letter

Late report
Phyllis Houston

I called the Senior Houston household and talked to Bob senior on the phone. He is a bit hard to understand since his throat surgery for Cancer, but we were able to talk OK. Overall, he was friendly, but obviously worried about his own health. He said that everything was up in the air with regards to his health prognosis: there is something not quite right with his surgery–he may still have cancer. Only this last statement was implied–all else said.

I told him that I had talked to Pat and Judy [Houston daughters Patricia and Judy] on the radio and that they had said that they would to see their grandparents. I said that I was extending the invitation and that I was planning my vacation for some time the next two months and that I would like to go with them to Guyana. He said that he would like to go, but then he brought up the discussion of his health.

He was very glad to hear that the children were happy, healthy and doing well in school. He also said that he thought that his doctor might say that it was OK for him to go because the doctor had told him to go on a vacation, but that he had not gone anywhere–just to the ball games. He said that he was worried about himself and that he was trying to work as much as he could. He said to tell the children that he was back to work and to not tell them about him being sick.

He said that he might not even have to go back into the hospital–just stay out as long as possible–though he used the words more to the effect that the situation might be that he would stay out as long as he could and not go back into the hospital until he absolutly had to, which I think implies that he thinks that he is sicker than he has been told.

I asked if I could call him back the first part of next week to talk about this further and he said that I could call anytime. He seemed glad that I called. I think that I will call him back next Monday and ask if he would like for us to arrange for a phone patch with Pat and Judy when possible–he may not want to because of the way his voice has changed–the kids need to be told to expect this if the patch is done. At that time I can ask if he has given any more thought to going to Jonestown.

Phyllis 11/06



Phyllis Houston Typed Letter to Jean Brown


I called the VA [Veterans Administration] again today and told them about Mom Bates’s [Christine Bates] question.

Their answer was that even if she were in the US she would have to make applications to a VA hospital or some other such facility for care and that her application would be considered on a first come first serve basis because her disability was not service caused. The person I talked to said that there might be care available, but at any case, application would again have to be made, priority would always be given to those vets who had service connected problems and that such application would have to be made through the US embassy or counselor office in the country where she was located.

I asked if he had some kind of breakdown of the kind of care that might be available, and he said that he did not even though he spent some time looking.

Apparently the only way to go with regards to getting any kind of VA benefit beyond the pension is through the US embassy, and then if there is some kind of care available or whatever, they would have to make the determination–Or at least be the ones who provide you with the appropriate information. As the VA seems to have no info on extended services beyond the US, perhaps someone should call the US dept of State about this.

Phyllis 10/24


BB-7-AA70a – 71b

Rita Tupper Evaluation of Letters by Clara Johnson

Clare Johnson Letters

I didn’t like—“It is just like you said it would be.”

Underling of now (in the Conspiracy bit) another word underlined (I forget now what it was

Her say “You are never alone.”

Terri has letters (Can’t remember anything else since letters aren’t before me.)

She came back tonight and wanted her letters back to rewrite them. She definitely did not like the Investigation of Conspiracy part being included in the letter (the one she wrote before these instructions came)  Very nervous about it

She came to my house this morning all excited saying she worried about her letters all night and wanted to redo them. She was very upset it seemed.

First she says she afraid they are too much alike; then later she tells me she wants to write them all the same. Worried they will compare letters and they will be alike she says another time.

Yet in the letter she tells them to share the letters let them know they heard.

As I recall now, in one letter she said (this letter is just for you—Smile) Could have double meaning?

I told her the one letter won’t (for her reaction) She got pretty excited about that.

She wrote one before the last 2 (It did not go)

She pressed us to write and seemed very anxious to do so (we all noticed) She gave it to us quickly and left (unusual). Then she came back__ sometime late (at night)__ said she forgot to put U.S.A. on the envelope. (This was Sun late)

Now tonight I told her I did not have her letters with me—suggested she write again—She seemed nervous and said she wanted to see the letters to copy it, yet she wants to change it so they won’t be the same–??

Worried about medlocks [?] seeing them, I said that would not matter – she seemed bothered by them seeing it.

“She also said this morning I don’t know what all my family is doing”

Seems duly upset about these letters so I would look very closely for codes.

That which I mentioned could have double meanings—

She also said at the house this A.M. I would just rather wait until this is all over to write. But she is back tonight to re-write.

? ? Rita