Temple probe into Joe Mazor, 1977


Private Investigator David Fechheimer Letter to Charles Garry

[Letterhead of David B. Fechheimer]

October 4, 1977

Charles R. Garry, Esq.
Garry Dreyfus McTernan Brotsky
Herndon & Pesonen Inc.
1256 Market Street
San Francisco, Ca.



A confidential source in the California Adult Authority reports that Joseph A. Mazor’s wife’s brother is the leader of La Nuestra Familia [Chicano prison gang].

This information has not been confirmed. Please advise if you wish further investigation.

/s/ David B. Fechheimer
David B. Fechheimer



Attorney Daniel Denenberg’s Typed Letter to Peoples Temple Attorney Charles Garry

[Letterhead of Daniel K. Denenberg Attorney at Law]

October 5, 1977

Charles R. Garry
Attorney at Law
1256 Market Street
San Francisco, California

Re: Mills v. Peoples Temple

From the attendant publicity in the above matter, it is my understanding that you represent Peoples Temple and the other defendants named in the enclosed complaint. Would you be so kind as to accept service on their behalf so that we may proceed in this matter.

/s/ Daniel K. Denenberg
Daniel K. Denenberg