“Deddicated to Chris Lewis”

Jive talkin’, finger poppin’, shit shootin’ Teddy Bear
Our big, brown, bad revolutionary man-child
Caught in between two worlds, two loves, two systems
But he followed no law but his own.

Jive talkin’, finger poppin’, bad-ass Teddy Bear
He thought he had all the answers, knew all the tricks
Of beating the man, the system at its own game,
And maybe he could have, maybe he would have
But he followed the law but his own

Jive talkin’, wine drinkin’, finger poppin’, Teddy Bear
He thought he was a supper nigger
Because he was the son of Jim Jones
And maybe he could have been, maybe he would have been.
But you are still being sucked, hooked on the fucks
That you got from the man
And could follow no law but your own

Jive talkin’, finger poppin’, wine drinkin’, Teddy Bear
Our big, bad, brown, beautiful revolutionary man-child
You lingered between two worlds, two systems, two people too long

A world, a people who loved you, and understood that you are just one of a family of jive talkin’, finger poppin’, wine drinkin’ niggers

Who all had the potential, the guidance of becoming supper niggers in reality…

And your jive talkin’, finger poppin’, shit shootin’ tendencies were just a means of suppressing the hurt the anger, of the many unpleasant folks we’ve gotten from the man as he lured us into his web, even as a spider does its prey

And he raped us, our bodies our minds so thoroughly
Until the unplesant fucks became plesant

But our jive talkin’, finger poppin’, shit shootin’ tendencies must be suppressed until the time is right
The time when all of your jive thinking finger-poppin’ tendencies can be used to bring forth the birth of the socialist revolution…

And a world that hated you…
Because you were indeed a big, brown, bad, beautiful Teddy Bear
Indeed a revolutionary man-child
In spite of your weaknesses

In your way you did rebel against the many unplesant fucks you’ve gotten from the system
And they hated you, they hated all of us
Because in spite of your weaknesses
You still represented something good

But you can’t win, the odds are against you
The system won’t let you
You can’t beat the man at his own game
When you’re being sucked, hooked in his fucks
You are not big enough, and bad enough to do it alone
The revolutionary man-child is that strong
Not even a supper nigger can do it alone
If he follows the law but his own

Jive talkin’, finger poppin’, wine drinkin’, Teddy Bear
Our big, bad, brown, beautiful revolutionary man-child
You forced the man to plan for you a final fuck
A fuck that would only bring pleasure to a true revolutionary
A fuck prepared with much planning, great precision
Because even in your weaknesses
You were a replica of something good
Not a supper nigger, but maybe you could have been, maybe you would have been
If you had followed the law of Jim Jones

Those bullets they had your name on them, Teddy Bear
You could’ve been a supper nigger, the greatest revolutionary man-child
But you followed the law but your own

Don’t worry, it’s going to be all right, ‘cause we’re getting our shit together
And we’ll remember our big, brown, beautiful Teddy Bear
Our revolutionary man, child, in all of his glory
Will remember the good things, the brave things, the bold things, the beautiful things,

That are revolutionary manchild did to prove that he did not like the fucks he got from the man
And will think of you always, and remember that we have to stand together to beat the man at his own game, to become supper niggers…
And will remember that a revolutionary man-child and woman-child can never grow up when they follow no law but their own!
