Jack Arnold Beam was a professional musician before coming to Peoples Temple to go to college on their education program. His parents had been members for many years in Indianapolis Indiana, promoting social justice for the downtrodden of all races, then moved to Ukiah California with the congregation. He was a writer and arranger of the music for Peoples Temple Choir during his years with the group, and produced its only album, He’s Able. He left with his wife Cinthia in November of 1975, no longer wanting to be associated with Jim Jones who had turned into a despot. His deepest regret was not having the opportunity to say goodbye to his mom, dad and little sister, before they died in Guyana in 1978. He can be reached at jackbeam2010@yahoo.com.
I Can’t Pretend Anymore (2020)
Father Knows Best (2020)
40 Years Of Memories (2018)