Annotated Transcript Q953

…religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”). If your church…

Q1055-2 Summary

…‘Body of God’ didn’t come into currency until the arrival of the elderly ladies and few gentlemen from Father Divine’s Peace Mission, which means it can’t be earlier than July…

Educational Section

…languages, tongues and people. We thank YOU, FATHER! Righteous Government Department FATHER DIVINE’S Peace Mission Movement Verified and Endorsed by s/ REVEREND M. J. seek a better education, that you…

Annotated Transcript Q1059-4

…wife lie. He made his wife go to bed, the father of all Christians and Jews, Abraham, the father of us all– everybody’s always talkin’ ’bout being Abraham’s child– and…

Annotated Transcript Q1015

…Jesus’ grandfather is. One says Jesus’ father Joseph, both agree on that. But the other says that Jesus’ grandfather was Heli, the other says Jacob. The other says his great-grandfather

Q953 Transcript

…for the divine socialist economy of the new earth. No one will be ready for it, that regards father and mother, or uncles or aunts or cousins, or brothers and…