[Editor’s note: These comments from the Jonestown community relating to Richard Tropp’s letters are excerpted from two sets of summaries at FOIA documents x-3-e-26a – 26a (9) and FF-11. The only portions of the summaries that appear below are those in which the writer offers an opinion about Tropp’s suggestion that he be shot when he is no longer useful to the cause. The comments have been arranged in alphabetical order of the authors, with the age and race of each in brackets following the name.]
Tom Beikman [White male, 18]: Re Tropp & elitism: He said that people should be shot after their usefulness is up. I don’t agree with him getting shot because the young will take care of the older people.
Ernestine Blair [Black female, 60]: Re Tropp’s letter: Looking at or into himself that is a bit deep for me. I tried to look into my mind & understand but I find it’s not easy. It will take a lot of thinking to really know ourselves. I try to understand & other times I am at a loss. I think it is wonderful when someone can look at themselves & put what they see into words. I have a lot to learn.
Philip Blakey [White male, 25]: Tropp wrote about his elitist attitude if not controlled. I agree that folks like that should be shot if they go counterrevolutionary.
Dorothy Brewer [Black female, 39]: I can relate to Dick Tropp being an elitist because I’m independent. I probably could become a traitor subconsciously.
x-3-c-25a (5)
Vernetta Christian [Black female, 33]: Dick’s letter was a revealing honest evaluation of an elitist. Not just in perspective to himself but to others. Feels that an organization that kind of person should serve or be exploited for their knowledge & then killed. Evidently he feels there is no room for compliance to socialist society rules so they must be killed in order to form the society which all seek but have not actually reached, but is the nearest to communism of other societies. I can relate to elitism but have not actually come to terms that I am – I can verbally say it but have not accepted it in my mind as being actually true. I feel Dick’s thoughts were honest, true grit. I have more respect for him than I did before. I evidently am an elitist because I am a loner in thoughts which gives me much satisfaction. I try to keep my thoughts as my own personal world.
Joicy Clark [Black female, 66]: Dick wrote he is a self-centered person – feels like he is above others – I have a portion of this in me.
Barbara Cordell [White female, 39]: Dick Tropp talked about knowing yourself and that he felt that elitist which he considered himself one should be shot when they get too old to be of any use. I think we should know ourselves and I think I do pretty well but I don’t want others to know my faults because that requires something of me.
x-3-c-25a (9)
James Cordell [White male, 13]: Dick thinks elitists should be shot & they are anti-revolutionarists. Elitists believe they are better than anyone else. Intellectuals speak in big words & are also elitists. Sometimes I am an elitist & tried to be an intellectual letter to people who are intellects.
Julie Cordell [White female, 16]: Dick Tropp said that any intellectual elitist that won’t change ought to be shot. Somebody that is not thinking of what’s happening in my change and become traitor, and people that will take up people’s time while in a revolution, these kinds of people should be shot, as what Dick says and I agreed, with it. People shouldn’t take up time worrying about somebody that is taking up time for revolution.
James Edwards [Black male, 57]: Prof. Dick Tropp in his letter said that treason is in everyone. You have to know that it is there to confess it & know that you can suppress it. He also said that when one has outlived his or her usefulness that they should be shot for the communist revolution. I say the same.
Don Fields [White male, 45]: Dick felt that as an intellectual elitist (as he felt he is) should be disposed of after serving cause because could become a traitor to cause, because of elitist attitudes gathered + maintained) I think this is an individual matter.
Toi Fonzelle [Black female, 23]:… Tropp’s solution to elitism is the shoot the elitists if he/she doesn’t change. The reason for saying that in my mind more than anything is that I think I’m an elitist changing very slowly. I agree totally that this is the best solution since I am ready to die, preferably by revolutionary means but ready.
Vern Gosney [White male, 25]: Dick – felt he had independent thinking that made him a traitor & felt he should be shot after he served his usefulness out. Yes, I am an elitist in that sense. I question everything. Practically. Not willing to accept things, want more free will & indulgences. I feel claustrophobic – too much rebellion. I am also an elitist because I fall back on mystical thinking when I can’t make a decision & I hate being around people all the time – I am too much of an anarchist & must be forced against my will to do the right thing. Given my free will I would follow a self-serving goal.
Willie Grady [Black male, 23]: Dick T told of his being convinced in the back of his mind to have the answers to any type of questions [several words illegible] ‘Dad’ doesn’t care about those that act out & and that all intellectual anarchists should be shot. I don’t think so for they can be used somewhere down the line because each of us & and including myself are a little against the structure of this movement.
Pauline Groot [White female, 28]: Dick T wrote of his intellectual elitism, how he separates himself from the group into the privacy of his own mind. He said this sort of intellectualism should be shot when the usefulness is over. I’ve got the same intellectual elitism but not the same willingness to get shot.
Kevan Grubbs [White male, 17]: Dick Tropp – solution for elitists that have no more hope was to shoot them; it applies to me in that I am still very anarchistic; want to do my own thing at times, very nasty at times and can change a great deal.
Tom Grubbs [White male, 36]: Dick Tropp’s analysis was concerned with the elitist mentality which holds the value of his thought processes are more important to him than total integration into the collective consciousness. I support the solution of killing the elitists who either do not benefit the collective or cause the collective more trouble than they benefit. I say this knowing full well that there is an aspect of my personality, my mentality which is not integrated, which I control, suppress and repress but do not surrender. I try to compensate and work harder to make up for the way I act when my selfishness rules. I have lived alienated most of my life and totally or near totally alienated since spring of 1967. I seem unable to find the ability to be undivided or without reservation in my loyalty. I know I am a potential hazard, deserter, though I don’t believe I would try to do harm. I expect that I am under special surveillance, do not object and expect to be killed if I am in a time or a situation to endanger the collective. My inability to handle frustration is the greatest weakness that triggers my traitorous thoughts.
Pat Grunnet [White female, 36]: Thoughts re Tropp’s solution: Shoot ‘em (intellectual elitists) I agree when they cease to be productive to collective – off ‘em
Jann Gurvich (Entry 1) [White female, 24]: Re: Tropp: I respect where he’s coming from, being an intellectual who is detached from the people and unfeeling and callous and disrespectful of people who do not have book knowledge, but I do not see imposing that uniform solution on a group of people that is not uniform. Tonight at the ACO meeting, I watched Carolyn L [could be Looman, more likely Layton] be the ameliorator and the mediator when the tempers of Bob Christian & Darrell Devers flared to unreasonable proportions (the former threatening to quit as an ACO and the latter hostile at Jack his supervisor). She did a superb and masterful job of bringing about solutions and de-escalating hostility. I don’t know who else could have done it but you. If the others in the room were capable of that type of quick and effective on the spot counseling, they didn’t do it (maybe there were others who could’ve done what she did just as well, it’s just that they didn’t do it). Intellectuals like her are useful intellectuals. Those who are committed to you, to your kind of socialism, Jonestown socialism and not anybody else’s, those intellectuals who may study political ideology but do not use it as a bludgeon to show how smart and superior they are (I’ve done this type of shit), those intellectuals are useful. What can I call them? Worker intellectuals? Intellectuals amenable to the people at all times and accountable to the people at all times? Those are the only type of intellectuals that should be tolerated.
Frankly though, I think that you get rid of intellectuals because they are the elite, then another elite may spring up in their place (e.g. the professionals, the people with training). So why not deal with intellectuals & make them accountable? Still, I really respect Tropp for what he said and I think a solution could be selectively applied for a benevolent & wise D of P.
Jann Gurvich (Entry 2) [White female, 24]: [Editor’s note: These remarks were appended as reactions to the reactions of Marlene Tarver]. (Suggestion: Maybe sometime we should really discuss this thoroughly in a rally. It would bring up, I think, valuable insights into people’s real feelings about leaders, intellectuals, whether or not people accept the idea that leaders are sometimes intellectually oriented & whether this causes distrust & division. There is among high school students at least, a strong anti-intellectual, anti-academic bias. I think that because intellectuals have frequently been traitors, intellectual occupations like studying & learning Marxist theory are castigated in a kind of subconscious fashion because they are associated with intellectuals. I may be entirely wrong though. Jann G)
John Harris [Black male, 45]: Tropp felt that “intellectual elitists” should be shot. Yes, I am an elitist in many of my personal behavior patterns. I am a racist & I still carry violent grudges for people who fucked over me in the past.
x-3-c-25a (6)
Marthea Hicks [White female, 43]: Dick Tropp spoke of his intellectual highs & how he felt because he reserves part of his mind for his private world, where he only could go & not share this place with others. He was a traitor because true communism is total sharing & caring for all. He also said that after he has outlived his usefulness, he should be shot. I relate to it as a point of truth. Many people who feel they have used all their talents feel wasted and useless & if they have been active in life, it could work the same as a beautiful woman who use sex as an out as Father spoke of that when she has been fully used, she becomes the evil traitor, turns you in, kill & revenge is her quest. So I feel it was deep for him to inform Father of his feeling – looking ahead this can be noted & checked.
x-3-c-25a (1)
Ava Inghram [Black female, 14]: Dick Tropp’s elitist attitude: The way it related to me was I am the same way – take special privileges & never feel guilty about it. I think it took a lot of thought & guilt to write a letter like that. I feel that I may not act like an intellectual elitist, but just the same am an elitist.
x-3-c-25a (6)
Debby Jensen [White female, 28]: Tropp felt elitists & intellectuals were dangerous because they could intellectualize their way out of anything & when their usefulness is up, they should be shot. I feel that I’m elitist because I often have thoughts that I should have a certain privilege because I might convince myself that I work harder than some others. … I’m often impatient with others who aren’t as educated as I am.
Gerald Johnson [Black male, 17]: Dick said for anarchy that people should be done away with after assignment. My feeling about this is I don’t think people should be done away with because it [if] they did good maybe they can be used again for assignment.
x-3-c-25a (5)
Laura Johnston [White female, 31]: Dick said intellectuals should be shot when outlive usefulness. I agree – my elitism of not pushing myself, of protecting my image – constant battle.
Ava Jones [Black female, 26]: D. Tropp: elitism, should be shot because he doesn’t allow himself to relate to others & sufferings. He uses his mind to refute, not really understanding & knowing the problems. Thinks he’s better. Yes, I have elitism sometimes. I don’t apply all rules to myself that is expected out of others, taking a plate from the dining room without clearance.
Carol Kerns [White female, 20]: Dick said elitists like him should be shot if not changed. Yes, I feel, I am an elitist because I excuse myself in my mind for too many privileges I allow myself, & not put toward the development of our society. I have not received as much an education as Dick but I am still so-called “bright”. I have to think too much to bring out my sensitivity towards others. When I heard Dad say that he would eat the same food I had eaten but I still didn’t feel guilty enough because I still do it in the nursery (?). That is why I should be shot. Because my guilt does not last long enough.
Rennie Kice [Black female, 33]: Tropp: Said he feels that once an intellectual has served his usefulness & can no longer be of service & cannot change that he should be shot. I feel that this should apply to anyone. I feel that people who can serve no purpose in the revolution should be done away with. They take away rather than add to.
Teresa King [White female, 31]: Dick Tropp says intellectuals should be shot when they’ve outlived their usefulness. I understand that intellectually. Even a Marxist should be willing to die when his usefulness is up. Honestly, I still fear the reaction to intellectuals. I know that in the whole we are a bunch of lazy slobs & I believe that we should be made to appreciate hard work & I think that knowledge should be made widely available. However, I think they represent a critical function that must be kept alive in the same way that we have group criticism. Without it, I think dogmatism sets in. Though I recognize that a form of egotistical intellectualism leads to revisionism – an abandonment of basic principles. However, if I were to betray communism, I prefer to be murdered than to degenerate to the baseness others have shown & I hope that if I ever become too gutless to continue that at least I would take my own life rather than playing suicidal games. In the past I worried about whether I would continue, but I haven’t had any doubts since I’ve been here. I understand that this is a hothouse environment & that trials lie ahead. But I’m confident that I’ve learned enough to carry me through. I see JJ’s high points as his willingness to go it alone, to struggle through each day despite whether anyone makes it through another night with him, despite his pain & without any compensation & still to not take his misery out on others.
Karen Layton [White female, 30]: Re Tropp: I agree with what he said about intellectuals. Actually I really have never put myself in the same category as intellectuals because I know I’m not bright enough to be one. My mind is slow & sluggish & I don’t catch on to many things. I don’t put myself above others. I feel very much a part of & I don’t believe I’vr remained “separate”. I do however, take special privileges many times when I should not, such as getting extra food when I can. I can still have elitist patterns which I need to kill. I have no problem with the idea of shooting those who are not contributing to the cause of communism. Why else should anyone be alive? I also believe it would be totally right to kill anyone who tried to leave socialism to go back to capitalism.
Karen Lendo [Black female, 17]: Dick Tropp: If you’re going to be an anarchist, might as well die now for the revolution. I agree. I feel since my last counsel on mother’s porch, as far as my elitism is concerned, it no longer exists.
FF-11-A-47 – A-48
Evelyn Leroy [White female, 22]: Dick Tropp said that the intellectuals should be shot after they have been used for the people because they are elitists who are useful for anything else. I am an elitist because I still waste food and the people’s property. I don’t want to follow principle always.
Ruth Lowery [Black female, 57]: Re Tropp: that he was an educational elitist, he tried to be a good socialist but because of his elitism, he hadn’t been able to become one & he said when his usefulness is over you should be taken out & shot because he doesn’t believe he’ll change. I disagree because when a person has served well, that though they are an elitist, they shouldn’t be killed because it hasn’t affected the cause because had it done so, he wouldn’t have served the cause so well.
x-3-c-25m – 25n
Shirley Marshall [unknown person]: Dick talked about people like himself & how when they are of no more use to us they should be shot & killed because they could be very dangerous. Ask for nothing in return. The only thing he asks is that we get our shit together on Marxism-Leninism & become communists.
Cheryle McCall [Black female, 47]: Dick T said that he knew that he was too independent in his thinking. He reserved a place in his mind, only for himself. He had not been challenged enough. If he became unuseful, he thinks he should be shot. I can relate to what he is saying in some respects & my elitism, I am working on it.
Estelle McCall [Black female, 47]: I think Dick Tropp’s honesty is to be recommended and I feel all of us in some way is too selfish. I can relate to him because he is white; I have to deal with that. I do admire him saying he should be shot before doing harm to this cause. I agree that any of us should be shot or want to be before doing harm to us and hinder us from victory over fascist America and their allies.
FF-11-A-35 – A-36
Eileen McCann [White female, 18]: Dick Tropp’s thought I agree with. If you white intellectuals when you get uselessly be shot – much too dangerous to cause.
Carol McCoy [White female, 32]: Dick said that he felt that if an elitist stayed that way after he was no longer useful, he should be shot. Because he had not changed when he knew what he was. I agree – I take in elitist moods all the time, & if I don’t change after I am no longer useful I should be shot. I’m worse than Dick because I have no real skills or trade to pull my elitist moods.
[no page number, reverse side of FF-11-A-47]
Luna Murrell [Buckley] [Black female, 37]: What Dick said about one should be shot after one outlives their usefulness, I agree with him.
Kay Nelson [Black female, 56]: The thoughts written by D. Tropp were very moving. The honesty that he showed in public is one that I would hope to acquire. However because I am still worried about my image & do not trust people, I have not acquired the openness that is needed in this revolutionary movement.
Darlene Newman [Black female, 30]: Dick T felt that he was an intellectual elitist, & that after he & people like him had served their purpose to the cause, they should be shot. He says they could never be trusted. I don’t think that I am an intellectual, but I do recognize in myself some forms of elitism.
x-3-c-25a (8) – 25a (7) [Pages in reverse order on pdf]
Joyce Parks [White female, 32]: Dick T writing about intellectual elitism struck home with me because we who have some education always try to make a special place for ourselves. We tried to rationalize needing time, mental stimulation etc. in order to keep our sanity. We or I should say I do not like to accept the truth that my shit stinks the same as every other human being & that my worth is based on my work – not what I know but what I do to further the revolution. I agree that we should be shot.
Lois Ponts [White female, 51]: Prof. Tropp said when his usefulness is gone he should be shot – that he felt treasonous for being an elitist. I feel he wouldn’t be an elitist if he mixed work with his typing work but I know he does so much & couldn’t at this point, mix the work. Some time should be made for him to do this. I always feel guilty also all the time. I’d rather be a field worker & not feel so guilty over the white-collar type job.
Shuanna [Dorothy Pearl] Solomon [Black female, 37]: Dick Tropp said that after a person is no longer useful (not meaning age-wise) then they should be shot. I do agree. Also that all of us have elitist attitudes & rebellious, anarchistic attitudes & if there is not a change, if 1 refuses to change, then that’s when the shooting starts.
Chris Talley [White female, 20]: Dick Tropp: I agree with what he said. I need to look at myself too.
Marlene Tarver [White female, 31]: Re Tropp: Dick said intellectuals have separatist feeling & could easily be a traitor if your mind could be let to travel that way & follow anarchistic thoughts. He should have written this out if he followed that line of thought out. All people have the capability of being a traitor, must watch your mind. People who are intellectual should be killed after usefulness is over. They should be watched closely, not trusted too far – too elitist. It would seem hard after thinking about it to decide when a person’s usefulness is over. Who would decide – would it be abused? Dogmatic? What could it lead to? All people who have said something anarchistic should be killed. (I assume she is saying that if taken to its logical conclusion this is where the argument would lead. Jann G) Who draws the lines? If people have worked for years for the cause should we just kill them at a designated time? I agree if evidence is heavy that people were becoming traitors something should be done. I would give it considerable thought. It should be explored deeper. At first I agreed, now I’m open on the subject. Could go 1 way or the other – not squeamish about killing for good reason but worry about dogmatism.
[Page following FF-11-A-44, no number]
Teena Turner [Black female, 22]: Dick stated that when you become of no use to the struggle if you either have an intellectual defiant attitude or just not able to fight or work you should be shot. And I agreed to this because I FOR ONE DON’T WANT TO BE TAKEN CARE of and be a drawback even knowing life even if being shot but would rather take some fascists or defectors to the struggle with me.
FF-11-A-27 – A-28
Andrea Walker [Black female, 21]: Dick Tropp talked about his elitism and behind it that could possibly be a traitor. He must watch. The significant thing I remembered was he said that after you’re done being useful in this cause, you should be shot. I’ve thought about this and I do agree. After you’ve done your job, there is no reason to live for.
Kenny Wilhite [Black male, 25]: Dick Tropp’s letter on elitism was very honest & true of people who think that they are better than the rest of us & those type would (??) [Editor’s note: Question marks in original] act against the people like Debbie or Tim. They should have been shot.
FF-11-A-28 – A-27 [Pages in reverse order on pdf]
Mary Wotherspoon [White female, 28]: Dick talk about his elitism which could be a point of turning traitor. All people should be shot when they become useless to the revolution (not able to work or think they are too good to contribute, etc.) I am only worth what I can do work wise. I agree with Dick. I am surprised when people are good producers.