The Reports of Jean Brown (text)

[Transcriber’s note: Unless otherwise noted, the spellings in these reports reflect the originals.]


[Transcriber’s note: One of the names in this report is likely in code. It is designated by red type.]




1. [Attorney] Marshall Bentzman call the Franchise Tax Board about the tax bill we received from them (June [Crym] had this in one of her reports). They sent us a bill under some inscrutable title like TLE – the last few letters of our name. The FTB told Bentzman that Bank of Montreal had been submitting statements of interest to the FTB, for instance we deposited $600.00 interest earned on our California Canadian Time Deposit account. The Bank would have sent that record of deposit to FTB as interest earned.

June and Bentzman and I agreed he should write a polite letter to the Bank informing them we were a tax-exempt organization. Which of course they know. Thought it best to go thru our attorney on this one. We will check his letter before it goes out. One thing to note is that from the manager there to Mrs. Yee (who used to handle our accounts), the entire B of M staff has changed. There is noone there from last year, according to Tom [Adams].

Another note of interest on the B of M is that the teller who usually deals with Tom and Jim Randolph when they make their deposits is the husband of a woman who is very active in Scientology, chairman of some one of their committees. We have thought that Scientology probably has all the info they could want on our accounts. What really made us all a little unnerved was a comment the guy made to JR last time he made a deposit and took our $30,000 for the check-cash and money order service. Asked what was the coonection between this account and P.T. JR told him it was a service we had for our membership, which many used because it is a safe method of getting checks cash rather than be seen coming out of a bank. The guy replied that once “they” (meaning the Feds, we presumed) saw your checking account they knew all your business, so he didn’t blame us. He was implying to JR that he did not buy the story about the check-cashing service, and that he agreed basically with doing a large cash business so it cannot be scrutinized.

2. Genny Cheek seems fine to me. She is planning to go to the Ranch, seems interested and willing to do so. She is responsible with books and records, keeps account of every penny I give her. She does considerable amounts of bying for PL supplies. I am sure she has her conflicts, and yet if they bother her, she doesn’t let it show. Just that one time when SB [Sandy Bradshaw] talked to her, and once she talked to Claire [Janaro] about being depressed because she feels she does not have a worth-while job here to give her time to. One thing, though, she does confide in people apart from council. When Barbara Hoyer was going with the guy in Oakland, Genny knew it and did not tell anyone. She knew Barbara had an abortion, and that she was considering leaving the church to live with the guy =- which Genny still never told us. It was just through Randolph’s interest in her and watching her every move that the irregularities started being noticed. I think Bonnie [Beck] would tend to neutralize that some, though P.T. people at the Ranch are prone to relate to “moms.” I don’t know what other choices we have. Aside from that pattern, I don’t know of anything she has done to act out depression or hostility. She is concerned about Kim and asks frequently about her, so she definitely has an attachment there.

Two suggestions Genny made for Dad (she thought his voice sounded on the tape like he was tired, which I confirmed saying he sleeps very little) was pollen, Australian variety, and a new algae capsule called chorella – both are very high energy type natural boosters. Thought I’d pass it along. She has looked into holistic field and is getting many ideas. Says pollen works very well to pick her energy up.



3. Charles [Garry, Peoples Temple attorney] does not want to ask [Joe] Mazor to do an affidavit about the indidents in the jungle he claims to have participated in. Says that the whole story is bullshit and to try to put Mazor on the spot to sign an affidavit about it, he thinks it will have a negative effect. It will make Mazor make all kinds of excuses to worm his way out and embarrass him. He would rather stick to asking him for affidavits in areas Garry knows will help us. He mentioned he is planning to subpoena all the information and people connected with Mazor’s affidavit re. Grace [Stoen]. He asked if we were please with that and if it had been sent over.

Re. Wolfe – the matter stands before the appellate court, and they are deciding whether or not to hear it. In the meantime, the records submitted by the AG are sealed, temporarily, until court decides what to do.

Re. [L.A. District Attorney’s Investigator Steve] Ramirez, he has still not returned Charles call, as of today. He asked for the addresses of [Tim] Stoen over the past 5 years, which we will provide for him. Said that Sutro and Co. cannot find records under his name; so will have to look under addresses.

4. We are having a fire inspection of the building this week. I checked with Mayfield to see if it was necessary for the inspection and he said yes. Archie [Ijames] has taken responsibility and is checking all lights and extinguishers etc. Should go smoothly.

5. [Attorney Robert] Winslow was cordial on the phone today, as he always is. He will contact his wife first before allowing his name to be used on our list of endorsements. Also, said he will be going to the coroner’s office in person tomorrow to see if he can detect anything — he preferred that to a telephone call.



[Transcriber’s note: Several of the names in this report are likely in code. They are designated by red type.]




1. KATHY RICHARDSON [PURIFOY]: Her mother has moved to Kansas and now calls Kathy on her job and writes letters. She manipulates guilt, saying Kathy should not forget her since she brought her into the world, etc. Last night Kathy said her mother had talked to [Tim] Stoen. I asked her about it more tonight (after the revelation about someone mixed). She said her mother sold her trailer here in California before she moved and had some contract difficulties — and in conversation said she had talked to three attorneys about it: Stoen, Crawford, and Cartmell. I asked Kathy what else she had talked to them about, and she replied that when she asked Virginia [Richardson, mother] that, she had backed off saying she hadn’t really talked to them at all, just throng out their names and addresses. Of course if she had their addresses, she had talked to them. Kathy said she thinks her mother really talked to them.

Kathy describes her mother as “hysterical” on the phone, cries and says that JJ [Jim Jones] is taking her daughter away and will not let her return. Told her she should get two passports and give one to her mom, so when she decides she wants to return, she can get back. Kathy said she denied that JJ would keep her there – and Virginia told her not to be so sure, and remember who he was in the last life etc. etc.

Viriginia wants Kathy to visit her in Kansas for Christmas. I told Kathy she would have to decide for herself, since she would have to live with the consequences of going or not going. But that if I knew anyone in my “family” had talked to people trying to destroy the group, I would not have anything to do with them. She wants to go, from what I pick up.

Tomorrow night she is going with Kris [Chris] Kice to the “Golden Venus” health spa, a free trial introduction night of some sort. This is to do “something different,” because she claims to be bored. She has seen the movie Saturday Night Fever more times than she will admit to, and wears disco-type clothes. She is into a real city trip.

While I was gone she quit her job at ITEL and got a job in word processing at an attorney’s firm on Union Square. Says she is happy there, though she did not officially clear it before making the move. She manipulates and acts independently.

She was told last week to accept Judy Flowers’ offer to help in the Letters Office, and as much as she yells about needing help she made an arbitrary and emotional negative scene about not wanting to work with Judy. This has still not been resolved. She does not keep up with the Letters work, complains about it and takes days off to stop and do petty things like movies and other diversions. Her head is at beast dual.

2. I have talked to Marcie [Marceline Jones] twice since she has been in Indiana. Tonight she seemed fine, said she had talked to [Peoples Temple attorney Mark] Lane and he agreed to write Suzanne [Jones Cartmell] the letter. Then she said she agreed with the decision that she should tell him not to contact Suzanne by phone, but just write. But she did bring the subject up again, however, that he was willing to talk to her. Said she had given him the messages about [Fidel] Castro’s own sister turning on him. Also that she thought Suzanne had definitely talked to the enemies. When I said everything here was quiet though busy, especially planning for the event on the second of December, and that everything was going along well in Jonestown, she was glad and said she could use some quiet.

The other time I talked to her was when she said she wanted to talk to Sue. This was conveyed on the radio, but for clarity here it is again. Marcie said Sue had called Mrs. Baldwin [Marceline’s mother], and it was her feeling that Sue



really believed the lies she had been told. Two of them were that Marcie was guarded 24 hours per day, and that Margret is supposed to be trying to get Robert to divorce Theresa and marry her. Theresa’s conclusion was that she should have her mom call Sue because she would accept a call from her. This is supposed to be because Margarte knows so much on Robert. Theresa’s conclusion was that she should have her mom call Sue because she would accept a call from her. Theresa wanted to get on the line and assure her that these allegations were not true. Or, that at least she could tell her to call her brother in Georgetown and talk to him, if she won’t talk to Theresa. She also was definitely sure, from the gist of Sue’s conversation, that she had been talking to Debbie [could be Blakey]. She hoped to have Sue come to Indiana to talk to her and Mrs. Baldwin or offer to pay her way to Georgetown and Jonestown. She wanted to give Sue the chance to see that the lies were not true. I asked what Mrs. Baldwin had said Sue’s tone was, and she said “concerned about Theresa and hostile to her dad.” She expressed the thought that Sue is only questioning at this stage, and if Theresa or Junior could talkt to her and assure her the lies are just that, she would come around.

Marcie said she talked to the Socialist who had called her mom with support during the negative articles in Indiana. She will bring further report on that to you.

The man from the [Richmond, Indiana] Palladium-Item she talked to, Dick Reynolds, was warm, accaording to Marcie. He had gotten letters from P.T. when the good article had come out, and again when the bad ones appeared. His comment was that this appeared to be a campaign, she implied a mildly negative reaction from him, or at least questioning. Said he was concerned about Mrs. Baldwin when the bad news came out; Mr.s Baldwin, who was along with Marcie, had replied that her husband had in= fact suffered a stroke from the articles. He kept her articles and photoalbum to take pictures from. Said he would call her back, and she anticipates a good article from him. He did ask about the paternity situation.

3. Muhammad Ali’s address is: 48th and Woodlawn, Chicago ILL 60615.

4. Disciples of Christ meeting. I attended Friday night and Saturday. Few people asked any questions. The feeling most people seemed to express toward me, when they learned I was from P.T., was curiosity as much as anytjing else. Curious about when and where we have services. From those who have known Bonnie and me for a long time there, the attitudes were slightly more cordial than when we were under direct fire in the media. One minister, Harold Ranton (formerly of Eureka, recently moved to a church in the Central Valley) said he came by to worship with us several Sundays ago and the church was locked up tighter than a drum. He asked if we were really still having services as we said. I said of course, and we also still drove to L.A. on some week-ends and if he would let us know ahead of time we would tell him whenwe would be there for him to come by. He is a fairly simple person, has been friendly over the years. I think it would be a good idea to try to swing a service sometime in December and ask a few “religious” folk – like him. Disciples. To prove we are what we claim to them to be. Maybe the Sunday after the December 2nd testimonial when there will likely be relatives of people coming up from L.A. for Saturday’s event on the buses. Guy [Young] and Hue [Fortson Jr.] and A.J. [Archie Ijames] could provide a few prayers, I supposed. Talked to Leona [Collier] and a few others about this. It might be feasible, if we kept it short and strictly planned. Let me know if there are objections.






1. Phyllis H. [Houston] called Social Security who said their office will not sent benefits to anyone living at Clifford’s, and theonly way to proceed further with the question is to contact the State Department.

2. Lynn Hodges [executive director, Northern California Council of Churches] was friendly when I called, was interested in our event and would like to attend and do radio announcments about it, even make it the subject of a program. But he cannot be listed on our list of endorsements; as a media person he must remain impartial and known as objective in the community. I told him we had excellent feedback on the KGO radio interview with Marcie [Marceline Jones] and Mark [Lane, Peoples Temple attorney] and him. He was enthused, said he has about 60,000 listeners in the Bay Area.

3. Albert Kahn [journalist and U.S. Communist Party member] had heard the KGO broadcast that morning and was very enthused and interested in it. Likes Mark, thinks he is well qualified in the journalistic field. Remembers Voices of America, a compliation by mark of GI’s statements about the war during Vietnam. Said his material on [Tim] Stoen was excellent. To Kahn, the Stoen-type is a well-known phenomenon, a character-type he is familiar with and has exposed many times. Said from all Mark said that Stoen’s background and tie-ups make him an obvious infiltrator-agent.

Wants Mark to contact the Nation and do an article for them. Thinks the material in the KGO interview is enough to do an article on, and articles in the Nation are picked up by journals all over.

Very interested in having Mark call Warren Hinckle, whom he admires as former editor/publisher of Ramparts and anti-war, anti-establishment journalist. Hinckle has a full-page article every two weeks or so in the [San Francisco] Chronicle. He has covered the White Panthers and two CIA former employees who confessed to years of “dirty-tricks,” in recent articles I have seen. According to Kahn, Hinckle gets published in the Chronicle exactly as he writes: he is not edited. Hinckle is currently doing an article on Kahn, attempting to cover the areas and eras of his life in one page. It is not completed yet. Kahn had asked Hinckle if he knew of the Temple, and got into a conversation with him about us. Said Hinckle “knew the score” when it came to the press – said he has been very critical of the Chronicle even in his articles. His comment about P.T. was that we had an outstanding record for servicein the community, so tended to disbelieve the media charges. But said even if he had believed half the charges, they would have not amounted to anything more than what the Catholic Church has done for centuries. What Kahn would like to do is talk to Mark about Hinckle, and possibly arrange for Mark and Hinckle to get to gether to talk about the Temple and possilby do a full-page article. Described Hinckle as eccentric, anti-establishment, completely independent, and Catholic. Said he is honest — meaning that he would be critical if he saw something to criticize. Isaid to Albert we made no claim to perfection. Albert answered that he meant Hinckle would assuredly do a positive article, but he would be writing his own story. Thinks that becuase Mark has already broken the story to the media in the Bay Area, Hinckle would have to do something a little different from that — suggested possibly a new angle the two of them could discuss and come up with. Only thing Albert wanted to be sure of is that he had a chance to talk to Mark first, before Mark talked to Hinckle, if he should end up doing it.

4. Andy [Silver] and I have an appointment with Bransford tomorrow, and hopefully also [People’s Weekly World reporter Mike] Davidow. Will ask for endorsements and participation from them.

[Handwritten addition] 5. Mrs. Moore – said name could be used as endorsers. Friendly.



Melvin Lowery (Ruth Lowery’s son) was cleared of probation and could go over now, but AJ [Archie Ijames] wants to keep him here. Under AJ’s direction he is a good worker, though he can get into some shit when he wants to, also. Unless you have other instructions, we Will keep him here for awhile per AJ’s request.

[Transcriber’s note: Balance of document consists of probation discharge papers for Melvin Lowery]






1. Fire inspector came for the insurance co. today. Everything was pretty well cleaned up. He only found one problem – that the drapes behind the choir area on the stage, also by the pulpit, were not flame proofed. So we will look into treating them somehow. We paid $8,980.00 for fire insurance on this building and on the RV church yesterday. The RV amount will be rebated to us after escrow is done.

2. Called Mac [James McElvane]. He has been difficult to get ahold of, often not at his home number. Two days ago there was a question about the note which we are trying to sell, Ray and Viola Godshalk’s. The agent, Selzer, was trying to reach Mac. I called Mac Tuesday morning, told him that June [Crym] had mailed the signed note to Selzer several days before, and to call Selzer himself and get the whole thing worked out. He never called. I had to call Bonnie Beck in RV myself, have her call Selzer, and explain to him that the note had been sent to him. Mac told me he was going out to dinner Friday with Charles [Garry, Peoples Temple attorney] and Pat [Richartz, Garry’s assistant], and that David Hilliard (former Pantehr) was to join them. Siad he is trying to work something out for Hilliard to get a livelihood by helping [attorney John] Frolich on some small things. He didn’t say what. David Hilliard is down and out in L.A. and Pat referred him to Mac and the Temple in L.A. for work. Mac has been trying to refer him to other people. [Handwritten nlotation]: (Amount of Godshalk note we will receive is $7,601.77)

I feel that anything we are getting done in real estate these days is getting done in spite of Mac rather than because of him. On the Melvin Dean note, sale of the Pugh note, and now Godshalks we have had trouble getting him to call the people or to act and follow through. My opinion is shared by Tim Clancey and June. I do not know what is up with him.

3. Marcie [Marceline Jones] called last night. It was during the medical emergency while we were trying to get Kathy P. [Purifoy/Richardson] off, get [San Francisco Sun-Reporter publisher Dr. Carlton] Goodlett and Wesley and Debbie Evans on the phone for the medication, etc. When she called, I told her about the emergency, that a child was in critical condition in Caracas and we were trying to get supplies out. Parly I told her because I wanted to explain I would have to get off the phone, partly because I wanted her opinion on whethr the ATCH was OK in Gel form, because that is all Goodlett had on hand, and partly because it did not occur to me that that was unfair to do to her — to give her partial information and leave in her anxiety about something she could do nothing about. She wanted to know who the child was, and I did not know. So she was very upset. I alarmed her needlessly, for which I apologized, but the damage was done.

In the same conversation she told me again to explain to you there that her feeling about Sue [Suzannre Jones Cartmell] is that she should be placated. She should not be handled in such as way as to make her feel boxed in, as though she has no out. That, like an animal, when someone feels boxed in, they tend to fight.

Also, she talked to Dick Reynolds [reporter for Richmond, Indiana, Palladium-Item newspaper], who had reconsidered about the letter writing — that it was not organized as he had thought, but just the response of people, as Marcie explained to him. In Marcie’s opinion, letters to him should continue. He had tried to Call [San Francisco Chronicle columnist] Herb Caen, but it was unsuccessful – he could not get through to him. He intends to do an article, and if he wants further information, he is to call here. Her sister will send us the article when it comes out.



4. Tell Kathy that we called her job to tell them she left for South America suddenly because a very dear friend of hers was gravely ill – she left on a moment’s notice. I will call Virginia [Richardson, mother] on a Monday to tell her Kathy went over. Monday because it will Kathy a chance to get there.

5, Guy Young talked to [attorney] James Herndon about his daughter. There were few options available to Guy, according to Herndon, because the California divorce papers are not enforceable in Nevada. He could serve his wife when and if she should come to California, or try to get a Nevada attorney to extend the rights to Nevada somehow. That would cost money and take Guy to Nevada for an extended period. The only option he made sound like a possibility at all would be for sometime in the future Guy to take his daughter on a vacation and when the wife challenges him, say that the court order stated he had “reasonable visitation rights” and to him, taking her on a vacation is reasonable. How far and where he went on the vacation would be up to Guy. Not a very practical option at this time.

June will talk to Frolich to see if he has any other ideas. Guy’s spirits are up, but he is very impulsive about his daughter.

He has moved into an apartment close by on Turk and Webster, about three blocks away. He went to the Council of Churches meeting with Hue [Fortson Jr.] today. He comes around nearly every day to participate in what is going on here. He seems to enjoy attending PR events with the ones that go.

6. I talked to Eleanor Ohman today to thank her for helping us get the medicine for Caracas. She went to Goodlett’s office and got the box of ACHT gel and got it right over to the Temple. Very friendly. Said it is a thrill to her just to be associated peripherally with what is going on in Guyana. Said her sister was visiting her when I called, and the two of them were actually excited about being able to help save the life of a child like that. She asked about Jim’s health and about Marceline. I told her Marcie’s cancer had been diagnosed positive, then negative. She said it was a miracle, and was receptive to that idea, when I said we have seen that kind of things here. She asked about the film and about Sonja Jones doing it. I told her it was such a problem for us putting out $30 thousand when it could be money to buy a tractor and feed children. She said maybe someone could fund it themselves, which indicated she understood that Sonja’s films was just too much money for us to spend. She volunteered that the Jonestown project represents everyone’s private dream come true.



This letter from Guy speaks for itself. He is getting nowhere re. his daughter Kristin, and it eats at him.


BB-7-A1 – A2

Guy Young Letter

10/11/78 Wed.

I called my daughter (Kristin) today. I asked her if she wanted to visit here. She said she did. Her birthday is on Nov. 6th & her mother has a slumber party for her. I told Kristin I would like her to come during Thanksgiving vacation – she liked the idea. Kristin’s mom was watching the ballgame on T.V. & told Kristin to tell me that she couldn’t come to the phone because she was busy. I asked Kristin to find out when it would be convenient for me to call. Kristin said her mom didn’t know.

I tried to explain to her why her mom was acting the way she was & how it related to Peoples Temple, Tim Stoen, her grandad, herself & me. I told her that I would try to make some contact with her mom but in the meantime we can keep in touch by phone, & for her to call me collect at anytime. I can’t take much more of this shit!


P.S. Has anything come back from Jonestown on how this visitation problem is to be handled?



[Transcriber’s note: Several of the names in this report are likely in code. They are designated by red type.]

[Editor’s note: This report was the first to be written following the departure of Terri Buford on October 27.]



October 31

1. Talked to Carrie’s [Teri Buford] mom and sister. Both took message verbatim without question. The sister (Carolyn Warren) said she had heard from Carrie, and expected to again. The mother had not heard from her since she left Pennsylvania. The mother was slow taking the message, but kindly. She asked if I were Dietrich’s [Marlon Deitrich Porter] mother. I said I was local, was just passing a message.

2. When Mark [Lane, Peoples Temple attorney] called todya, he was very concerned about Carrie, said it worried him that if this were talked about much it would endanger her. Said a young woman had called his Memphis office twice; it was long distance and though his secretary April did not recognize the voice, she had assumed it was a PT member. I assured him we were being extremely careful.

Said he would call Lea Towe [Tow, mother of Karen Layton]. I expenct him to call back tomorrow morning with some answer on her attitude to him.

He also said he had a very good chance of getting inside infomration, perhaps even xerox, of what it is the National Enquirer is threatening to do. He said they have a hundred pages of material, are prepared to do a cover story. He still cannot find out about what. He said he would get back to me tomorrow morning to tell what it is about. One word of caution, however, and that is that the person who is obliging him with this inside look is to be kept completely protected in confidentiality. Otherwise, if it were to be learned that he had let Mark see it, he could never get another job again.

3. [Attorney Robert] Winslow still has not gotten back to me re. Head. I have called several times, and he has been in court and unavailable.

4. Claire [Janaro] delivered an untimely ultimatum. She was down here with some shopping for the FL. She said that if the ranch were going to be sold, she would stay until it sold and help. But if it is not to be sold, she is going to Guyana no matter what, and it had better be soon. Because she was NOT going to go and return. Further, she said that Genny/Jenny Cheek was very unhappy and felt she was not included in activities here, and that I should take her advice and start including her. Personally, I thihk she was manipulating to get us to move on Genny going up to the ranch to ktake her place. I do not know what affect Claire’s leaving will have on the others at the Ranch, i.e. Kim Wade, Jakela [Debbie Sines] etc. They all feel the same way Claire does, but are not so assey and vocal as she has been.

5. I called Hugh Weston today, which was pleasant. He was exceptionally enthusiastic when I extended Jim’s invitation to retire with his family in Guyana. I will keep in touch with him, send him latest information on the project.

6. Please have DONNA STANFIELD write a letter endorsing Tom Adams as the person allowed to pick up her account balance. He needs to have aletter with her signature for the bank.

7. [Attorney John] FROLICH maintains his positive attitude. Did not mind a bit that I called him at home. Siadhe would send some information he has on a case which is in our favor in suing for breach of attorney-client privilege. He said he would drop the National Enquirer another line. His reoommendation to us was to approach [Joe] Mazor for affidavits on what he has claimed, re. the




jungle expedition, mercenaries, etc. Then Jim can forgive him for what he perpetrated against us for telling the truth about it. Then he said he would go to the Inquirer and tell them off royally, and offer a story from Mazor’s confessions. This, is of course an uninformed view, but it does indicate his willingness to take some chances for us. He added to tell Jim he is 100% behind him, no matter what happens.

8, With Tom [Adams], Sandy [Bradshaw], and I involved in all the recent activities, the work for Mitzie is not getting done too fast – but it is getting done. Sandy is working better. She does w better under crises. So far nobody has guessed anything.

One big fuck-up is Brite’s dad, who is hostile and probing on the phone. Brite will call him tonight and try to get to the bottom of his pushiness right at this time. It is getting extremely complicated.

9. So far I have not called Kathy Richardson’s mom. If there are any ideas how to approach the subject, I would appreciate knowing. I anticipate a lot of problems with her. Hope Kathy adjusts all right there.

10. A note on the material/stuffed animal project. So far we have spent $6,000 plus dollares. Now Hue [Fortson Jr.] has requested another $9,000,00 which was a radio request. That meant it will be as much as $15 (U.S.) thousand dollars, or $38,000. Guyanese. If the contract was for $35,000. Guyanese, then what are we doing? Or are ther more contracts and orders? It would be good to have some official guidelines on this, as $15,000 is quite an investment, more than on about anything else. With radio contact as limited as it is in this area, I am reluctant to go ahead and authorize the expenditure.

11. When Sandy and I talked to Charles [Garry, attorney] and Pat [Richartz, Garry’s assistant] today, their conclusion was that Carrie is disturbed and unhappy. Charles’ concern is at this point more for her welfare and the potential damage she may do to herself rather than the harm she could do to the organization. They said not to worry, since this was not a defection. He was quite hurt that she did not consult him but just acted unilaterally. Thinks her idea was basically a good one, though her timing and her method were crazy. He said she is “sick.” He was greatly undermined when he first heard about it, though since then he has recovered. His reaction was: if these people from the Temple I have dealt intimately with act like this without consulting me — then I am not trusted. He was jolted by it. He kept the affidavits, will put them in the safe where noone but partners have access. I have copies here locked up. The letter originals are also locked up here – he wanted cppies. He did say that if she turns they would be useful. He was almost prepared for the idea of her doing this, since she had been so adamant, regardless of what anyone thought, about coming back and getting things going here in the States.

Pat was upset, and so was Charles, that I had told Don [Freed, author/screenwriter] about it. They especially were concerned about the “passionsate Kiss” which was conveyed in the message which came over the radio. They wanted to know how Jim knew about his kiss between Don and Teri, which I explained. They both drew breaths when they heard I had talked to Don on that level. Pat was very protective of him, said that he has severe emotional problems and does not know how not to talk about things. Said he may very well tell Mac [James McElvane], since he tends to want to confide and spends some time with Mac. When I talked to Don about the exchange between them, he was highly defensive, pleaded innocence in his own intellectual way — but was noticeably disturbed. He said the person had conducted her self beautifully, that all he had done




talk to her and ask for a date. She of course had discouraged him and he was satisfied.    she had another person in her life. So he made no bones about it, but when she had engaged in what he descrived as a long kiss, he was very turned around by it.

Charles and Pat [Richartz, Garry’s assistant] delved right into the sexual parts of the letter – theywanted to know about the abortions and who Mrs. Thompson was. Sandy and I had no idea. Pat was absolutely surprised that Carrie had said anything about her coming on to her – claimed she had never ever thought of that person in that way.

Pat reiterated her intense distrust of Lane and in a way blamed Carrie’s actions on him, the overzealousness on the conspiracy hunt, which she harps at. Charles said he reserved judgment on Lane, since he has never worked directly with him. But he did back Pat up on the opinion against Freed and Mark both when it comes to conspiracies.

He has been talking to Mazor about George’s bank accounts, which has so far led to nothing. Charles has subpoenoed the names and banks records from all the ones listed on George’s diary — to no avail yet. In this respect, at least, Charles is willing to acknowledge conspiracy against P.T. He knows that George is obviously being funded from somewhere and is spending money to find the source.

11. The attached letter frm FCC [Federal Communications Commission] files — the Jim Weizman friend of [attorney] Marshall Bentzman’s who is looking into it for us — speaks for itself. The radio is goingot have to have some contingency plans, because from the looks of recent correspondence from AARL [American Radio Relay League] and now this — our days are numbered.

12. I made a note on the radio about Peter Trimble [San Francisco journalist], Carolyn [Layton] and my old boss from the Housing Authority. He is the one who sided in with [journalist Marshall] Kilduff against Jim – the one who said, when the offer of Jim’s help was given last year as the new Executive Director was appointed and his job looked tenuous – “If that is the kind of help Jim Jones has to offer, I want none of it.” Now he has no job. 27 years of sitting in a high paid position doing nothing — on more bites the dust!



[Transcriber’s note: Several of the names in this report are likely in code. They are designated by red type.]



November 2

I will be submitting reports separately from the notebook as they contain things not generally for circulation.

[Peoples Temple attorney] MARK LANE’s call yesterday, (Nov. 1): Said he has talked to [National Enquirer reporters] Joe Mullens and Hal Jacques several times a day re. the article. Also the editor of the paper Ian Calder, who is the one Jackques got to put a damper on the previous story. The person over the PT story is a man named Paul Corkery, who is right now on vacation. He cautioned me twice that if any word gets out that we have this information, that he has gotten into the inside on this story thing, people will lose their jobs and never work again. He is trying to get his hands on the copy, and get it xeroxed.

Said it is scheduled to go ahead in two weeks. He thinks there are a couple things he can do to stop it. One, he will try to get the document, and thinks he can. Says it totals over 100 pages which would be pared down to make a cover story. So Lane wants to prepare an answer to what would be the content of the article based on Debbie B.’s [Deborah Layton Blakey] petition, her article in the Chron [San Francisco Chronicle], everything that she has said publicly. This way he can prepare a response to the kinds of things she’d respond to. Two, there is still the chance they will swap with him – the Ellsberg story has falled thru, because E. will not comply. But Mark thinks the N.E. [National Enquirer] is still interested enough in what he has to offer without E. that they may consider a bargain.

His hunch is still that it is the [John] Head case. Reason being that in his talk with K. Hunter, she said that the J.H. case was going to blow open, and attached a time frame of about three weeks. The inkling he gets from Jacques as to what is going on is that it is within the same time frame; though he has not been able to get the substance of the article or event, the time frames jive.

He said seferal times that his leads as to what the story is are not definite, but he is quite definite about the fact that there will be an article. Monday he is flying from Memphis to L.A. to talk to the coroner and find out what he can find there. Then he will fly to S.F. and wants to talk to us about Debbie, and get all the information/allegations she has made publicly so as to prepare an answer to the pending article without revealing that he has got it. While in S.F. he will talk to Steve Davis of Channel 7 to see why they have not gone ahead with the interview they taped. When I asked would he do the same for the Chronicle, he answered that the Chron did not print anything because they are “the enemy.”

After San Francisco, which would be all day Tuesday, he will go back to L.A. and try to get to the bottom of the Head case, if not already able to. Then back to Memphis. He said he would do everything in his power — or to the best of his ability, is how he put it — to get the article stopped.

Mark also had talked to [author/screenwriter Don] Freed that morning and was concerned that I had mentioned anything to Don about Darren. He said that he had told Don it was a matter of life and death that he keep what I told him in strict confidence. Mark did not dwell on it, but let me know he thought it was wrong I had breathed a word to anyone. He took the message for Darren verbatim and said he understood the part about building a tie. He seemed surprised that we thought Darren liked him. Said she did not act like it.



2) November 2

Overall he seemed genuinely concerned about getting to the bottom of the N.E. article and said he understood what it would do to us. Re. Carrie [Teri Buford], he is keeps reiterating I should not do anything to risk her safety. I think he is genuinely surprised by it and I don’t think they have confided about this with each other. At least not yet. I think he is worried from the standpoint that something could happen to her. He agrees it is crazy.

Said in his last trip to Tampa where he was to talk to the Enquirer people, he was unable to get to them and did not bill us for the trip. He chalked it up to other business he had in Miami.

He was unable to get ahold of Lea Towe [Tow, mother of Karen Layton], but will keep trying.

CHARLES [Garry, Peoples Temple attorney]: Sandy [Bradshaw] and I went to see him as soon as we heard from Brite that he had made contact. We told him that we knew Brite was in US visiting his dad, but that the instructions to go ahead with the plan had come from Georgetown, thru Sharon A. [Amos] We did this because we wanted Brite to be able to go ahead and make contact before we told Hilda — who we were concerned might put her foot down. So to explain why we were just telling him after the plan was already in action, we said that Brite’s instructions were to notify us of this as soon as he got underway successfully.

Well, we got caught in it, becuase unfortunately and inadvertently Brite and Hilda got together on the phone before Lil and Charlie had a chance to get back to Briet with their versions. As usual, Brite unsure who to trust etc. Now we have the problem of trying to keep Josephine and Hilda accurately up to date on everything Brite does without them taking over the project with him, which is what they would like to do. I think we are OK now, will try to keep it on an even keel. For the most part, Hilda likes the idea. We explainted that the original intent for Brite was somewhat changed now from when it was discussed in Jonestown. Now it was to reel Darren back in. He seemed to respect that.

He let me know that he was very hurt by Daren. He said if this person who was his friend treated him like this and made reference in her letter to him as being only peripheral as compared to Mark and Don [Freed, attorney] — then who are these people (Clarke’s) he is dealing with? Why don’t they confide in him and trust him? I told him my opinion was that she personally was infatuated with Mark and Don. He said he cannot work with people who are basing decisions on emotions. We all got a good laugh out of that one, even Pat Pat [Richartz, Garry’s assistant] laughed, because of course he is highly emotional himself. But he maintained his point. He is getting undermined by what he called the events of the past few months. This included Olive, and he reiterated he still did not understand her reason for leaving.

Re. Brite he wanted to know if we had thought about the kids of pressures they will try to put on him, i.e. lie detector tests etc. Both Hilda and Josephine want Brite to memorize their phone numbers and use them as contacts.

Said he learned from Mel that [Mike] Cartmell, George and one other person whose name Mel could not remember off hand have applied for licensing as an investigators business.

Re. the attached papers which Stoen filed in court today – this thing keeps getting thicker and thicker. Charles wants to do an affidavit saying that he is satisfied that TOS stoel money from P.T. and that is why he is asking for bank records. Stoen’s defense throws up more offense. I don’t know where it will lead. We have not talked about it yet.

Also in some notes [Joe] Mazor says he has of Stoen’s, there is a bank acct. #100.468.1 which he claims is Swiss. Charles wants to know what



it is. He threw that out to SB [Sandy Bradshaw] and me. I do not know what it is, nor who would know, nor how to find out, nor if I should. But Mel and Charles have it, so if that changes anything, Charles has done it.

It was also in this alleged pile of notes from Stoen which Mel claims to have that [San Francisco District Attorney] Joe Freitas and TOS tooka trip together to Phoenix, Arizona, on July 5, 1976, on Peoples Temple business. Chalres wants to know what this is. I have no idea, nor any idea how to find out. Please answer.

One more helpful hint from Joe – we should set up a transmitting station in Tijuana, since it looks like the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] will soon have Rex’s license. We had heard this before, but how and who do we send to check out the possibilities?

That’s all for now. I will leave it to SB to report on the infomration Brite got from his chat yesterday.




[Transcriber’s note: Several of the names in this report are likely in code. They are designated by red type.]


November 4


1. JUNE [CRYM], LEONA [COLLIER], [Tim] CLANCEY, AND TOM [ADAMS] and I have visited Marshall Bentzman about our latest FCC [Federal Communications Commission] citation. We have another appointment Monday to meet in his office at 7:30 AM to call Washington D.C. and consult once more with the FCC-attorney [Jim] Weitzman. We thought it best, maybe there is some way he knows to buy us a little time. Also he said he would give us ideas for setting up Mexico station.

2. MARK’s [Lane, Peoples Temple attorney] report on [U.S. Congressman Leo] Ryan-NBC-TV. He called to say DON HARRIS of NBC-Tv had called him because he had been assigned to cover Leo Ryans’ trip to Guyana to report on P.T. Harris called Mark because he knew he was associated with P.T. and had previously worked wit Mark on [Martin Luther] King case. Mark feels he did a fairly good job, they had their hassles with Harris but in the end he came out very pro their side.

Harris told him there was going to be a big NBC network program on P.T. and it would be an attack. Yet Harris had also heard that people like [California] Gov. [Jerry] Brown, [Lt. Gov. Mervyn] Dymally, [First Lady] Rosalyn Carter (though the [they] said Lillian Carter) had talked to JJ [Jim Jones] and were impressed with him, so wanted some inside clues from Mark. Mark explained that we were attacked because we have integrated a white church with blacks, and that we were an excellent example and therefore embarrassment to the U.S. That JJ is being attacked because he is a good person.

Marks said Harris bought it, and immediately wanted to work with Harris to balance out the inevitably negative coverage NBC and Ryan were going to do.

At the same time as Mark had this information from Harris, the radio had given me info that Ryan would be visiting Jonestown and to get to Mark to tell him Ryan would not be welcome without Mark along. I passed that message and Mark said fine, but he could not make it the 15th. Grace Walden is up before the HOus Committee on the 14th and James Earl Ray again on the 18th. So he siad he would call Ryan and tell him they would have to negotiate a suitable date. He asked at that time If Keith wanted Ryan to come and if he wanted Harris to come to do the documentary he was planning for. He said that Harris came recommended by a man named Bill Stein, on their board of CCI and friend of Rev. [James] Lawson. We concluded conversation saying Mark would reach Ryan and tell him he would have to put visit off for two weeks.

Mark called back to say he had talked to Ryan’s assistant Jim Schollaert (202) 225-2752. Ryan is the Democratic representative of the House Committee on International Relations. Schollaert is his assistant and slated to travel to Guyana with Ryan. [Edward] Derwinsky is the Republican rep, and the party was to include Derwinsky and his assistant as well as Ryan and his. The assistant to Ryan said they would be arriving on the 14th. Mark said not so quick! Jonestown is private and you don’t just drop in. You are requiring of these people housing, food, transportation, and though we are willing to be cooperative, this visit must be negotiated by both sides. He pointed out the problem with the day of the 14th, saying that PT had insisted Mark be able to come along with Ryan, and that Mark could not make it on the 14th. So they dickered about the date some, and the assistant asked point blank: “Are you saying they are refusing to let Mr. Ryan come?” Mark kpet at it and reemphasized that we were simply trying to work out the best time for us to have them come. Said we have nothing to hide. Ended by saying Schaellaert [Ryan aide James Schollaert] was to have Ryan call Mark at soonest oppoetunity.



That was yesterday (Friday). As of 12:00 noon today (Saturday) Mark had still not heard from Ryan or his office. He said he would write him a letter stating our case to Ryan if he has not heard from him by this evening. I said time was getting short, and he said he would persist, so they got the message and a date was set when he (Mark) could come, too. The aide said that he thought Derwinsky was not going to be able to amke it afterall. That probably means someone else would be sent as a replacement. Mark will find out.

He said to be sure to thank everyone for the cheese gift. Said Grace Walton was satrved for cheese in the institution and it is her favorite food. She vouched for it, said it was marvelous. So the PR gift was a hit.

3. When I talked to Julia, she asked me to call her dad and tell him never to mention to Theodore who Wendele’s was. He said he would never do that. I was understood.

She also asked that [San Francisco Sun-Reporter publisher Dr. Carlton] Goodlett and Johnson and other doctors involved get thank-you letters as the medicine they sent saved the child’s life. Debbie [Touchette] will do this.

We have an appointment with Goodlett Monday morning to talk over a letter from him allowing Joyce P. [Parks] to get drugs with his drug #. Julia and Margarte [possible codename for Sandy Bradshaw] insturcted us to do this. So Joyce can get in Venezuela what Goodlett can arrange for and then carry the medicinal supplies to Guyana.

Also sent copies of the pages out of the Call Sign Book for Joyce–names and addresses of ham operators so she can talk to them about using radio to Jonestown.

So much for now, Jean



[Transcriber’s note: Several of the names in this report are likely in code. They are designated by red type.]



Nov. 4

Mark [Lane, Peoples Temple attorney] just called. Said Carrie [Teri Buford] had called in to him, asked him to go out and find the number of a payphone booth near his home. He did this and returned home, and she called him back. He gave her the payphone # and went to it. Within about 15 min. he received a call from here there.

She said she was not in Guyana. He said he knew. She asked how, and he answered that the people at PT had told him what she was up to. She asked if PT had talked to him on his phone, and he answered yes. Then she asked if PT had called from their own phone. He said he did not know. She said, “O shit,” and sounded disturbed.

He told her he knew the kind of work she was doing and it was a bad mistake. Said everyone thought it was a bad mistake, not just him. Then he read Keith’s [likely codename for Jim Jones] message to her and added the amendment about his being indoors now because it had affected his health so grossly. Mark said she was quiet for a moment, then said to tell Keith not to worry. She was being very careful and he should not worry.

Mark said Carrie would not be specific about where she was nor what she was doing. Then she asked him if she got into trouble, would he represent her. He said he responded to her: “Don’t get into trouble. You should be working as part of the collective.” Then he said, when she pressed about his defending her, that he would have to ask permission of PT because it could possible be a conflict of interest. She assured him there was no or would there ay [any] conflict of interest. It was the government she was worried about.

Mark said he did not want to encourage her to go on with her plans, nor did he want to make her feel isolated, so he said he would check and see. She said she would be in touch with him later and told me he would leave numbers where he could be reached at all times to make it so she could reach him.

He said he reiterated that people were worried about her. She reiterated for them not to worry. He did not get the impression that she intended to change her plans. Though she was concerned by Keith’s message, and was obviously thinking abou it because she was quiet and serious, he got no indication she was coming back in. The conversation ended with her saying she would be in touch.

I thanked Mark for being the tie to her, told him that of all our worries, which were considerable, her safety and the affect of this on J’s health were our biggest worries of all. He said he understood that. He had called in here right after concluding his call with her.





Nov. 5

1. Attached is Bonnie [Beck]’s brief report on Ranch situation. It needs clarification. Bonnie was here last night after her Disciples Board meeting. She informed me that she and Don [Beck] were getting the Ranch license in their name, as Claire [Janaro] had told them was instructed. I objected strongly and we talked to SB [Sandy Bradshaw] about it. It seems that when SB talked to Claire about her goingover, Claire decided it was a permanent arrangement, though SB never said that. When Claire asked about what to do with the Ranch licesnse, SB said she told Claire to do what she had to to allow herself about 3 to 6 months away, thinking that a temporary arrangement could be made with Genny’s [Cheek] name, as we had done before with Edwards, Bogues etc. But Claire told Bonnie, after talking to SB, that she was going permanently and the license was to be transferred to Don and Bonnie.

Bonnie did not doulbe check, and started the process. Now it is all but accomplished. All agencies have been notified, and though no final papers ahve been sent in, Bonnie said it would be very difficult to turn around at this point.

I said I was concerned for two reasons — it was ahead of instructions, and I was concerned about the psychological inpact on Don thinking he would be stuck there indefinitely now. I said these exsuses because Bonnie was getting increasingly paranoid at my insistence we get this situation clarified before anything final be done. She out-and-out demanded an explanation of me: what was her role, what were out intentions re. the Ranch etc. etc. Because she said, frankly speaking, this is something she has been very successful at and can keep large amounts of money coming in, and she feels it is a way of making up for past mistakes and failures as far as her service to the church.

Bonnie’s excuses fall short. There is no doubt that she wants this arrangement and the responsibility for jumping ahead with the license transfer was as much hers as Claires’, though she lays the blame on Claire. The problem is now – Bonnie. She is paranoid and will have to have some very cogent, logical reason for not proceeding to get the Ranch hin hers and Don’s name — or we will have to go ahead with it.

She is correct in saying that in order for Claire to be gone any length of time, Bonnie and Don would have to take over the license. The programs are highly sophisticated now, and require a licensed, credentialed person – i.e. Don Beck as teacher – and someone with Bonnie’s administrative ability. It could not continue there without her both license-wise and administrative-wise. Not for any length of time. She has beenbuilding up to this with special services programs etc– all of which mean more money, but all of which also mean Bonnie is indespensible. They only way to reverse that, it looks like, is to sell the Ranch and pull out. As long as the programs are there, Bonnie will be essential to them. It is not sound, because Bonnie’s very much wrapped up in the outside acclaim she gets for the programs. See her attached report, how she starts off saying how successfully recognized the program at the Ranch is.

So this is how the thing stands. A mess. Please help us on this one.



Attachment, Bonnie Beck Typed Report on “The Ranch”

RE: The Ranch

4 Nov, 1978

FROM: Bonnie [Beck]

NOTE: This is a brief report…more will be coming soon


1. We have the best rating in the region and one of the best in the state. This is to our advantage re getting placements, getting money, getting agency support and when our gets get into trouble (two weeks one of our guys was chaged with attempted arson for setting a fire after he split during the night. we got nothing but sympathy for him and for us). But the rating also works a disadvantage in that we have become open to increased visitors. Our social worker, on her own, invited the head of Dept ou Health for Developmental Disabilities and his two top assistants to the ranch. We are also sent peole from the Regional Center. Given we a are a licensed facility, and are thus liable to visitors from them at ay [any] time with or without notice, we are glad for the notice, but…


The push in the state now is on getting people out of the hospitals. They have figured that it costs less to keep them in community placements… To encourage this new program, they have given/allocated $2.5 million to Regional Centers to give to facilities for setting up or enhancing programs so that they can take people out. Our Regional Center approached us and all but promised us the money. They said that there are no strings attached (find that hard to believe personally); that it is a gift. I asked them for recommendations–the suggested anything from adding a kitchen living room and bedroom to the dorm to heating system to the start of a sprinkler system to whatever. They said that “the sky’s the limit.” I have hard [heard] the same comments from others and will get a copy of the state’s memo to the Regional Center as well as what the R.C. says.

Personal opinion at this point is that it is worth checking as it would improve the value of the property without additional work on our part.



Second Attachment, Bonnie Beck Typed Report on “The Ranch”



What I was told re Claire and the Ranch from Claire [Janaro]:

After talking with Sandy on the phone that:

  1. Don [Beck] and I were supposed to get the license in our name
  2. That she was going over permanently and to take everything. Said that if she had to come back in an emergency, she could get things over here.

Comments about what she is going to do over there:

  1. Stay with Richard [Janaro] whereever he is…most likely/most of time with kids too.
  2. Work in the nursory after resting up on getting there. Will have her rocking chair and hammock, etc. (No, i do not think she is kidding about it either)
  3. Plans to get on the letter writing committee and grab people to write (not an unproductive idea)



Typed Report on Finances at “The Ranch” outside Redwood Valley, California


GROSS since January, 1978: $120,976.40 (rates for the guys – income).

NET [since January, 1978]: $73,245.55 (after expenses, approx. $49,230.)

$71,000.00 (after expenditures for FL [Freedom Land] supplies
which Claire [Janaro] makes on request
from Leona [Collier] and Sandy [Bradshaw])


GROSS monthly rates: $12,548.88 (rates for the guys currently; they continue to go up, and have since the beginning of the year.)


GROSS Annual income with

new rates will be: $130,586.56


SALARIES monthly 1,091.00 (Don Beck)

800.00 ([Michael] Klingman)

800.00 (Sue Ellen Wms. [Williams)

500.00 (Kris Johnsont [Johnston])


Total: $3,191.00/mo.


As for the net income and profits turned into Clarke by the Ranch, that amount of $71,000 or so includes the $37,000.00 retroactive which was forwarded down [handwritten addition] here several months ago.





November 6

1. [Attorney John] FROLICH sent us a copy of the letter he got off th [to] the Enquirer — it looks like a repeat of the last but for one ot two paragraphs. He also sent a copy of the attached law case which he said set a precedent that should be helpful to us in our suit against [Tim] Stoen. A copy going to [Peoples Temple attorney Charles] Garry’s office as well.

2. TOM [Adams] talked to the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] attorney in Washington this morning. See his report in section on FCC in these reports. It looks quite serious.

3. MAC [James McElvane] was to have talked to Frolich this morning about putting KNBC-TV on notice. Have not heard yet. He was meeting with Frolich along with Guy [Young] — Guy wanted a second opinion on Kristin’s case so June [Crym] and I referred him to Frolich. He was down in L.A. for services Sunday (Guy was) so he stayed over today. No report yet.

4. [Attorney Robert] WINSLOW’S office called this morning with the message that he was “Unable to find any information indicating renewal of the [John] Head investigation.” I asked the secretary who calle d if that means Winslow had called the cornoer’s office. She did not know any further details and said he was in trial and not reachabel at all during the day for last week and all of this week. Mark [Lane, Peoples Temple attorney] will be going to L.A. Tuesday, so he should be able to look into it further.

5. [California Lt. Gov. Mervyn] DYMALLY is virtually inaccessible right now, the day before the election. His secretary Hope said she had talked to him about the message of Leo Ryan coming. She said he had told her to hold onto the memo she had written him with the information. Said to bring it to his attention again after next week. He and his staff will be in Mexico for a week after the elction.

I stressed the critical time pressure on this, and she said she had understood that Ryan would be put off until the first of December. I said that was not for sure, that was what Mark was working for and what we hoped. But not for absolute sure. I askedif there were any conceivable way Dymally could go if it were next week. She said no, there was no way, but she would tell him of the problem. I said that we would need to be in close touch becasue if push-came-to-shove, we would have to have someont to go, if it could not be Dymally: perhaps [Rev. Ralph] Abernathy, I hinted. She said she would talk to him further about it. I will try not to call him at home until a real crisis breaks. I have never gotten good reception from him by calling him at home– and hope that working through Hope (secretary) I will be able to stay in touch. Mark thinks Dymally is the best choice, though willing to contact others if this does not work.

6. we are scheduling a meeting with [San Francisco Sun-Reporter publisher Dr. Carlton] GOODLETT to talk about getting use of his drug number to permit Joyce [Parks] to get pharmaceuticals in Venezuela and send them to Guyana. Hue [Fortson Jr.], Leona [Collier] and I will meet with him–as soon as he is available. So far he has been out.



[Transcriber’s note: Several of the names in this report are likely in code. They are designated by red type.]



November 8

First, Mark [Lane, Peoples Temple attorney] asked for a letter on Carrie’s [Teri Buford] behalf which states from PT that he can rep. her – that there is no conflict of interest. And if at any time such should arise, PT would waive it.

Re. [U.S. Congressman Leo] Ryan, he sadi it looks like he is going on the 14th anyway. But if that were the case, he should understand that he will only be going to Georgetown, not interior.

He has no indication farom Ryan that anyone is going besides just his staff — no other friends or relatives.

Wants to use Mel’s affidavit re. what Grace [Stoen] told him to show Ryan all is not what it seems with Stoen. (This wuld really be stepping on [Peoples Temple attorney Charles] Garry’s toes, maybe we should suggest Garry show it to Ryan. )

Re. National Enquirer, he has seen highlights and says it has to be stopped at all costs. See attached notes. Done by Gordon Lindsay. His ideas for stopping it include using Mrs. Navarro to get the document i hand, going over it with SB [Sandy Bradshaw] and myself and refuting it point by point in such a manner as to not disclose that he nor anyone has seen the doc. (He described this as every bit as tight as Pentagon papers, so not a word is to be breathed to anyone.)

He said Garry messed us over when G. Lindsay came into his office and talked to him about all the “charges.” He said Garry’s answers were ambivalent, included no strong rebuttals, and most of the answers were “off the record” — or tacit acknowledgement. We are completely vulnerable to the article now, as they have gone to the person stating he is the one and only spokesperson for PT and cleared everything with him. Therefore we do not have a leg to stand on in a malice suit. The only thing that stopped it before was [National Enquirer reporter Hal] Jacques talking to Temple members and getting a different perspective on things — so they were not on such sure footing.

What Mark wants is a statement from PT that Charles does in fact speak for us on certain things, not everything; and that in some cases Mark and members of the Temple speak for the Temple as designated. This way the Enquirer cannot say they are cleared of all responsibility by having just talked to Charles. At least this is what Mark says.

He believes two events can trigger the article – [L.A. District Attorney’s Investigator Steve] Ramirez meeting the Enquirer and prompting them to go ahead with it, which is alleged already in the article, according to Mark. Say that Ramires has intimated the N.E. should go ahead with thiers so he has a foot hold to jump ahead with his indictments and eventual thrust for extradition. (All this is from Mark, extrapolation from the highlights he has seen and the NE people he was talking to.) The second thing that can trigger the article, give them a reason to go ahead, is a hostile response from Ryan. (On this Charles and Mark agree – that Ryan should come in and be dealt with cordially, that is, with the proper balance we have the right to demand.)

As far as Mark can determine from what he has seen, no mention of the [John] Head case.




Mark’s plan is this: 1) get the statement that Charles is not the only spokerperson for PT and present NE with the fact that they have to deal with Mark and Temple designees as well.

2). Deny everything brought up in the article, and do it based on all previous negative articles printed, all allegations and affidavits filed byt the defectors. This way there will be no indication that anyathing has been seen first-hand. He wants all costs to avoid this. Says there are people who wll go to jail or never work again.

3)/ He will need Navarro to accomplish the above. Otherwise he cannot get ahold of the document to study with us.

4). Says the overall tone is one of attack on the U.S. State Department and government for not doing anything about this situation.

5). Wants statements from CL [Carolyn Layton], Debbie T. [Touchette] and Paula [Adams]– all of whom Stoen alleges conspired to tape April in bed and gave the tapes to [Guyana Deputy Prime Minister Ptolemy] Reid. Said this was done with Rosie’s direct instruction. Said he does not want affidavits which could cause complications later — jsut quotes from them he can use to deny the mess.

6). Wants Charles to talk to Ramirez right away and try to neutralize that situation. AT least confront them with our position and not let them get away with assuming they can get indictments without a fight. Said again that NE and Ramirez were in cahoots and aiming to get Rosie back via extradition on basis of what they could accomplish together. Wants Charles to talk to Ramirez strong.

7). Wants to use Mazor’s affidavit to neutralize Ryan as far as Stoen is concerned.

8) Denials, though not in affidavit form, of Paula, JJ, Debbie T. and CL as far as allegations about [Guyana Ambassador to the U.S. Laurence] Mann are concerned, and taping him. Just quotes he can use. This puts Reid in a terrible spot.

Mark thinks to utterly thwart Ryan could mean congressional hearings, however with his letter as officially on record in response, we are covered in his opinion. Ryan cannot deny we have tried to comply. (Letter copy attached.)

Later in the day SB and I tlkaed to Charles. He wanted us to come down to the office to inform us a David Perlman had called, the Chronicle editor. Described the man as a former Communist who would be sympathetic. Said Perlman understood JJ was a communiyst, byt said he was not into discussing that but would see our aims and goals were assessed on their own merits. Assured Charles he would not send Kilduff, thought he had a personal axe to grand with PT and was not fair. However, he wanted to send a guy named Ron Javers with Ryan, a 31 year old reporter and former Nieman Fellow from Harvard. Also was with the Philadelphia Daily News. Perlman said whatever was written he would go over himself. Would have Javers come see Charles for briefing.

When we told Charles our stance toward the media was set — and that nobody was going to get into Jonestown., he got pissed and said we blow hot and cold at the media and all we will get from them is shit. (What else have we ever gotten from them??)  If we let Congressmen inwithout the press, we will get fucked over — not sure why, but said that the press is free to go whereever Congress goes. That is commonly understood. To handle this badly will mean political death to us. He was thinking every sort of threat to get us to allow them in.

Then he was pissed at the idea of us having hanlded Kilduff ourselves, and that you there had talked to the State Depamrtment and not consulted him. He asked point blank — AM I GOING TO HANDLE THE MEDIA OR NOT?





Wants us to invite [U.S. Congressmen] Parren Mitchell, John Conyers, Ron Dellums as a balnce, and wants to do it now. Tell them that 60% of our members are black and we want balanced perspective. Call a press conference and announce position — Charles wants to do this.

Charles said that if it became an emergency and = necessary for him to go to Guyana, he would do so, he would drop everything and go with Ryan.

By the way, Charles mentioned that we have a real PR problem re. John [Victor Stoen]. Said that Vivian Hallinan [matriarch of renowned San Francisco family] told him she thought it was wrong for the child to be kept away from its mother. Charles did not say he agreed — but he hust threw that out for us to chew on.


Met Mark this morning in L.A. He had the article after taking 7 ½ and brought it back to me. I copied it as best I could – some 100 pages all by G.L. He said the guy who he got it from was very nervous and that that morning he had had a call from his boss (Gallagher) who treated him very distant and off-hand and asked if he were sure nothing had been mentioned to the other side (PT). He man had said no, but then asked Mark if anything had gone on the radio about it. Mark assured him no, and he got the document — but it was tight.

He called Ramirez who said that the case was still active and that he hoped to have it concluded by the end of the year. Mark asked if that meant he would have indictments then, and Ramirez answered that he did not know. He had been planning to meet with Charles, Vee, Florida and Archie but that the meeting had never transpired.

Mark’s suggestion is that we pursue that meeting soon, and come on with very strong denials. He would be glad to do it, but we ought to try Charles first. If he wont, then Mark will.

Attached is a copy of my notes from the article. Mark took my transcripts of calls between PT and Gordon, of Debbie Layton’s affidavit and our rebuttal and the Chronicle. What he will try to do now is draft a response to the article based on materials I have given him to indicate no trace of having seen the article. With strong responses to their shit, we have a chance of refuting and stopping it. He thinks it is an excellent chance. He kept the document with him. He swore to the guy it would not get into anyone’s hands but his.





November 10

1. Mark [Lane, Peoples Temple attorney] called. He said James E. Ray’s hearing had been cancelled and now he thought maybe he could get away for a trip with [U.S. Congressman Leo] Ryan to Guyana. I told him about Charles’ [Garry, Peoples Temple attorney] reaction to seeing the letter from Mark to Ryan. He said not to worry, Charles would not quit us, he blows hot and cold like that. But he will be OK. Adn if by some chance he is not, Mark will see we get good legal representation in S.F.

He said he had received a call from Ron Javers, the guy who was in Charles office all day talking about P.T. This is the Chronicle reporter who has been assigned to go to Jonestown with Ryan. Javers had told Mark that Charles had complained to him about PT, that we had used Mark as our attorney for Ryan and had gone around him. Javers said Charles was upset about it and he had called Mark for an explanation. Mark told him that was not true, that Charles was not the only legal counsel for PT, that he was also in some matters.

Mark told Javers he would not be going into Jonestown at this time, but that he would possibly be allowed to visit in the future if he did a fair and objective job this time. Javers said he would end up filming the gate to Jonestown where they would be blocked. Mark told him if he really did want to get in, he had better be of some assistance this time in being fair, trying to understand our perspective — then he might be invited.

Mark knows Javers from Warren Commission days. At first he thought him a cynical person and was unimpressed. But in the final analysis Javers did 5 solid, good articles not only objective about the CCI work against the Commission, but actually predujiced in their favor. Mark was highly satisfied with his work. He even called a poll for the CCI and got the community to show a 96% no-confidence vote in the Warren Commission report. He came off very sarcastic at first, but came off 100% their stance and helped them out. Mark is very positive about this guy and thinks it is a real break for us.

Re. [Joe] Mazor coming to the press conference on Monday, Mark thinks that is crazy. Mazor says openly that J [Jim Jones] is a Charlatan and though the ends are good, he does not approve of the means to get them.

*****JUST got backfrom Garry’s office. He mandates that THE ONLY WAY he will continue as Temple attorney is if this letter of Mark’s is disowned completely and Congress is informed that Charles Garry alone (and Mark has to clear everything thru Garry) is our attorney. Unless this is done immediately, hewill withdraw from the case. We must say he acted without authority — acted as a friend but without authority.

The Examinr and Chrnoicle both have the letter and the Congress’ response. All must know that Charles is in charge, or he is finished.

[Handwritten note: See attached!]



[Transcriber’s note: Kathy Tropp co-wrote this report]

Marshall Kilduff [New West Magazine journalist] called today at 3:00 p.m., saying he had been approached by Congressman Leo Ryan, who complained that he (Ryan) had requested permission to visit Jonestown, and was leaving on his trip next week and still hadn’t heard. Kilduff said he wanted to talk to someone from the church to get “their side.”

I said there was no one here, had him leave a number and for someone to call him back,

(415) 777-7123

Kathy Tropp

Kathy called him back around 4:00 to say that someone whould call him in the morning. (We planned to talk to Mark tomorrow morning.) He said he was going to go ahead with his story about Ryan’s trip – or proposed trip – tonight and would use the comment Mark Lane had made as the Temple’s response. Kilduff said Ryan had telegramed Georgetown and as yet had no response.

PT RESPONSE CALLED IN 5:00-6:00 PM: [handwritten] by Jean Brown

We would welcome him if and only if he is accompanied by Mark Lane and other California and national officials of our chosing whom we condiers [consider] more sensitive to third world concerns. Before we will permit any Congressman/person to evaluate our program we want to thoroughly investigate his or her voting record and public statements on African Liberation, Women’s Rights, and other concerns that are pertinent to the interst of Thire World peoples.

At such time in the future as we decide, we will invite a cross-section of the press to come.





November 10

1. Talked to Charles [Garry, attorney]. He does not want to call [U.S. Congressman Leo] Ryan and represent our position when he does not know the position of The Guyana government re. his visit. He will talk to the press. Has talked to [San Francisco Examiner journalist Tim] Reiterman, who called him yesterday, and read him the statement when he called back this morning.

He said yesterday he told Reiterman the Temple thought he was an enemy and they did not trust him. So Reiterman, according to Charles, would never get into Jonestown. Charles told Reiterman he thought the Temple was wrong for being paranoid and keeping him out, not that he hadn’t acted like an enemy, but that Charles thought he should go and see how wonderful Jonestown was, and he would be instantly converted.

Reiterman told Charles PT was wrong, he was not an enemy. That there were lots of things that passed his desk that he refused to print. Chalres said he held his ground and read him the riot act for what he had done over the past year.

Charles also called and talked to the young Chronicle reporter Ron Javers again. Javers came over to Charles’ office and brought some articles by he had done on his extensive visits to the Soviet countreis. Chalres said he was very supportive of socialist societies, and that when the papers would not print some of his articles, he went to Commonweal with them. Charles said the man calls himself a socialist. He invited Javers to come on Monday and talk to the Temple members who had been to Jonestown along with Channel 4 man Don Harris. Charles is very enthusiastic about this man. When I called there today, he was showing Javers copies of [Tim] Stoen’s handwriten notes saying, among other things, that Grace [Stoen] was CIa. Said they were chuckling over Stoen’s notes and duality. Also showed him the copies of the checks and statements in which Stoen has his name on substantial PT accounts. At least Javers will have reason to question Stoen on this up-coming trip.

Charles said if anyone from Press of Ryan’s office contacts him he will tell thim our line, but will ad that if they had followed protocol, they would have contacted Garry first, the PT chief counsel, rather than going to the State Department or anyone esle (including Lane!) Adn will thell them they are not getting into Jonestown because of their own unwillingness to cooperate, not Jim’s nor his. (This is what he is saying he will tell them.)

He wants [Joe] Mazor to get into the act Monday. Jeezass!

Pat [Richartz, Garry’s assistant] called too todya. She is really trying to pin us down onthe Garry vs. Mark issue. She really baits it. She insisted Mark had no business excorting Apton to Guyana; if anything he encountered there pretained to the lawsuits, it would only be Charles who could use it. Not Mark. She keeps pusing for a confrontation of that issue. Chalres himself is mad about it, too, but she is pushy as all hell, about Mark having anything to do with anything.