- Drinking the Kool-Aid, 2013
- Integrity and Jonestown Research, by Edward Cromarty
- A Usable Past and a Usable Future: Research Must Not Forget the Survivor Community, by Holly Folk
- Why “the ordinary” is extraordinarily important, by Heather Shearer
- Your Help Is Needed to “Collect All the History”, by Mike Lieber
- The truth is in the cheesecake, by Phyllis A. Gardner
- Followership, Sacrificial Leadership and Charisma, Dissertation of Wendy M. Edmonds
- In Search of the Norwood 27, by Katherine Hill
- A Brief and General Overview of Jonestown Historiography, by Jason Dikes
- Contested Knowledge: What Conspiracy Theories Tell Us, by Rebecca Moore
- Air Force Pilot Tells of Experiences in Jonestown Bodylift, by Chris Knight-Griffin
- Ghost Town, by Antony Arcusa
- A Long And Suffering People, by Annie Dawid
- Peoples Temple and the Stockholm Syndrome, by Manca Gartnar
- Is There Such a Thing as People Hoarding?, by Carl Kelsch
- Articles by E. Black
- Jim Jones, Jesus and Revolutionary Suicide, by Michael Haag, Ph.D.
- Defined by the Father: A discourse analytical case study of the last speech of Jim Jones, by Anssi Viljanen
- Jim Jones and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Part IV, by Dr. Gary Maynard
- From Cuttlefish to Cults: Can Biology Explain Jonestown?, by John C. Wathey
- Murder by Thorazine: A Look at the Use of Sedatives in Jonestown, by Bonnie Yates
- Diplomatic Intervention of the Jonestown Conspiracy, by Riley de Leon

This section was edited by Rikke Wettendorff.
Originally posted on October 13th, 2013.
Last modified on December 21st, 2022.