Index of Stories Written

JJ Life by Linetta Jones A young girl, disease & ill – crisis “hallucination” or “premonition” Problems in & around birth Jim & the Tramps (Patrick – help Linnetta coped…

What Good Is Anger?

…followed him to that haven and, along with their children, followed Jim Jones to death. How can you be angry with them? Oh, you warned them about Jim Jones, you…


…“Never Heard A Man Speak Like This Before”: Reverend Jim Jones And Peoples Temple, by Emerson Maureen Stuckart (2014) In the Hands of Jim Jones: Jonestown and Culpability, by Michael…

Q579 Transcript

…of silence) Part 1: Jones: (Conversational) I have some information about Peoples Temple that might be of interest to the public. Uh, I uh— Child: I uh— Jones: I find—…

Alternative History (Conspiracy) Theory Index

…against predominantly leftist practices such as integration and communitarianism. Hougan, Jim. “Jonestown: The Secret Life of Jim Jones: A Parapolitical Fugue.” Lobster 37 (Summer 1999): 2-20. Also online here. Jones

Confessions and Threats of Teri Buford

…follow the teachings. Teri Buford —– BB-7-AA54 Teri Buford Undated Letter Threatening Jim Jones (Editor’s note: The first page of this note is missing.) (2) Anyway, Goddamn it, tell Jim

Serial 1217 – 4

…be Steve [Stephan] Jones. She apparently knew Steve Jones very well as she hugged him and they (Stoen and Jones) separated from the group and talked for a long time….