FBI Section 128 • EE-1 • Letters to Dad (K-M)

The folder labelled in the Guyana Index as “EE-Letters to Dad” was big enough that the FBI broke it down into four sections, from 126-129. The section – letters from people whose last name started from K through M – consists of 393 pages.

The citation for these documents should open with the FBI’s official designation of these records, which is “RYMUR 89-4286.” Each individual page in these records has a unique number. Page 357 of this document, for example, is marked “EE-1-M-77”. The complete citation for that page, then, would be “RYMUR 89-4286-EE-1-M-77”.

Alphabetical listings of the letters appear immediately below. Following those letter listings is listing of people whose writings are significant enough to warrant their own page. The chart underneath catalogues other significant documents located in this section.

Letters to Dad (K)
Letters to Dad (L)
Letters to Dad (M)

The following residents of Jonestown had multiple entries on this page. These pages have been pulled from the letter listings above; in other words, the writings of Penny Kerns appear below but not on the page of Letters to Dad (K).

Writings of Penny Kerns
Writings of Tish Leroy

The following is a chart of other significant documents located in this section.

PDF page numbers
Number of pages
Citations of pages
EE-1-M-77 – EE-1-M-80