Jonestown en español

This is a collection of articles in the Spanish language. The first section is of original articles to the site in both English and Spanish. The second section is of translations of several Primary Sources.

The chief contributor and editor for this page is Luis Ángel González Rocha, a Bachelor’s degree student of History at the University of Guanajuato.

Luis Ángel González Rocha is also the author of Vivir y Morir en Jonestown (To Live and Die in Jonestown), published in the journal Clióptero, Second Series, Vol. 6, no. 14 (January–April 2018): 27–40. Clióptero is an academic journal published through the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of History, at the University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. This article is re-published with the permission of the journal, and with thanks to the General Editor, Professor Javier Ayala Calderón.

Sr. González can be reached at


¿Is it worth studying Jonestown? (2017)

¿Vale la Pena Estudiar Jonestown? (2017)

Review of José Torra Alfaro´s book “Libertad y Religión. Jonestown: Religión y Socialismo” (2017)

Reseña del libro de José Torra Alfaro “Libertad y Religión. Jonestown: Religión y Socialismo” (2017)

Project translates Jonestown documents into Spanish (2016)

Un proyecto para la traducción al Español de los documentos de Jonestown (2016)

A reflection on Ann Elizabeth Moore and Carolyn Moore Layton (2016)

Una reflexión en torno a Ann Elizabeth Moore y Carolyn Moore Layton (2016)


Carta de Leo Ryan a Mark Lane (Leo Ryan Letter to Mark Lane) (2018)

Hoja informativa sobre Leo Ryan (Fact Sheet on Leo Ryan) (2018)

Las cartas de Mark Lane hacia Leo Ryan y Richard McCoy (Mark Lane’s Letters to Leo Ryan & Richard McCoy) (2018)

Memo de Annie Moore sobre el envenenamiento de Jim Jones (Annie Moore Memo on Poisoning of Jim Jones) (2018)

Memo de Richard Tropp sobre la visita de Ryan a Jonestown (Richard Tropp Memo on Ryan Visit to Jonestown) (2018)

Telegrama de Leo Ryan a Jim Jones (Leo Ryan Telegram to Jim Jones) (2018)

Cinta “Q042” (“Cinta de la muerte”) (2018)

Correspondencia de Annie Moore (2018)

Últimas palabras – Tish Leroy (2018)

Memo “A quien corresponda” Translation by Lorena Galván Taboada (2017)

Los Diarios de Edith Roller (Edith Roller Journals) Translations by Ma. Trinidad Carrillo (2017)

Correspondencia de Carolyn Moore Layton (Letters from Carolyn Moore Layton) (2017)

Última Carta de Richard Tropp (Richard Tropp’s Last Letter) (2017)

Última de carta de Ann Elizabeth Moore (Annie Moore’s Last Letter) (2016)