The People of Peoples Temple

At the Ranch 1975. Back row: Connie Frohm Mike Klingman, James Evans, Curtis Winters, unknown, Debby Sines, Mark Wagner Second row: Cindy Cordell, Daren Janaro, Darius Wheeler, William Cole, Mauri Janaro, Don Sly, Claire Janaro’s mother Front row: Chris Rozynko, Diane Wilkerson, Mark Sly, Irvin Perkins, Claire Janaro.

We are always looking for additional remembrances and reflections. Please see our invitation below.


  1. What Happened to My Friend Linda?, by Ann-Marie Askew
  2. A Story Worth Telling, A Life Worth Knowing, by Rebecca Burrell
  3. The Discovery of a Jonestown Family, by Heather Smith-Gearns
  4. Remembering Sharon Kislingbury, by Joanne Del Bene
  5. A Child’s Life With Continuous Victimization: A Story About Cassandra Minor, by Janet Shular
  6. Four Stories about Annie Moore
    1. Imperfections of Love: My Friendship with Annie Moore, by Eileen Allen
    2. A Special Bond, An Indelible Memory, by Nancy Anderson Campbell
    3. Annie Moore: A Belated Personal Eulogy and Requiem, by B. B. (Buck) Butler, III
    4. Angel of Death, My Beloved, by Ken Risling
  7. Edith Roller: Rumors of a Spy, by Tagore Smith
  8. Jonestown’s Writer, by David Chiu


  1. My Peoples Temple Christian Church Experience, by Jesselle Carter
  2. An Early Departure from Peoples Temple, by Susan Saylor
  3. The last guest in Jonestown: An account of a non-follower 11 days before the massacre, by Peter Elsass
  4. Migration and Emigration, by Laura Johnston Kohl
  5. Caught Up In Living A Lie, by Jordan Vilchez
  6. One Follower of Jim Jones: A Story of Restoration, by Wendy M. Edmonds, Ph.D.

The Jonestown Journey

  1. Returning to Jonestown, by Laura Johnston Kohl
    1. Guyana 40 Years Later, by Laura Johnston Kohl
  2. My Visit to Guyana, by Ron Kohl
  3. Going Home to Guyana, by Jordan Vilchez

The remembrance section of the jonestown report is certainly what the editors consider our most important work – not only for the relatives and longtime friends of the people who died in Jonestown, but the other Temple members who survived – and it’s the part which we need the most help with. We can use government and Temple records to give the people of Jonestown their names and basic biographical information. For the stories and recollections that restores them as people, we need people like you.

In fact, oftentimes, you as individuals are the only people who can help us. When we hear someone recall a memory, we are often aware that – even though the story may be about three or four people – only one person, the story-teller, is still alive. Unless you tell us the story, no one will hear it.

This is how history is preserved. This is how our friends and relatives will continue to live, long after all of us are gone.

You can leave a remembrance about a loved one, friend or anyone else you knew who died in Jonestown on The Jonestown Memorial List. When you click on the name of anyone on the list, the link leads you to a biographical box which includes photographs, information on dates and places of birth, and the names of known relatives.

Under the pictures is a highlighted “Submit Remembrance” bar that invites you to write as much as you like about any person. In posting your remembrance, you may decide whether you wish to include your name. If you are a relative or a friend, however, the editors of the jonestown report will likely follow up and ask for an article for the next edition of this section.

Thank you.