RYMUR Section 32 – Serials 2163-2230

The FBI’s investigation into the events of November 18, 1978 focused upon the assassination of Leo Ryan and any actions of members of Peoples Temple which may have shown evidence of a conspiracy related to that assassination. Code-named RYMUR – short for Ryan Murder – the investigation yielded 2750 serials totalling more than 10,000 pages, eventually separated into 42 large sections.

This page includes the contents of Section 32, including serials 2163-2230. Almost all are dated May or June 1979.

The table below lists each document by serial number, the number of pages within each serial, the date the serial was generated, the federal agency originating the serial, and a brief description. Each entry then includes the PDF and the text of the serial. Additional notes appear at the bottom of the page.

A listing of abbreviations used in the RYMUR documents – including FBI field offices and State Department embassies – is here.

In citing these documents, each serial should open with the official designation of “RYMUR 89-4286.” As an example, Serial 2209 would be cited as “RYMUR 89-4286-2209.”

Serial # of Pages Date Office of Origin Description PDF Text
44 Section 32 administrative memoranda PDF Text
2164 3 5/7 FBIHQ FBI status report on RYMUR investigation PDF Text
2165 9 5/7 FBIHQ Autopsy of Maria Katsaris PDF Text
2166 2 5/7 FBI-SF FBI seeks interview with doctors who saw drugs going into JT PDF Text
2167 1 5/8 FBI-SF FBI seeks tapes of conversations between Ryan Codel and JT residents PDF Text
2168 2 5/7 FBI-SF Memo on JT’s “last hour” tape PDF Text
2169 2 5/8 FBIHQ Memo on JT’s “last hour” tape PDF Text
2170 1 5/9 FBI-BA Cover memo for documents on RYMUR investigation [not enclosed] PDF Text
2171 2 5/9 FBI-WFO Memo on contents of Ryan’s briefcase PDF Text
2172 2 5/10 Legat Mexico Doctors describe drugs – including psychotropics – located in JT PDF Text
2173 3 5/10 FBIHQ Doctors describe drugs – including psychotropics – located in JT PDF Text
2174 1 5/14 FBI-SF Interview subject makes self available for interview PDF Text
2175 3 5/4 FBI-SF Notes of Ellice to be used to decipher tapes PDF Text
2176 8 4/20 FBI-SF Interview with Clare Bouquet of Concerned Relatives PDF Text
2177 2 5/4 FBI-SF Ellice reveals tapes, notes of calls with PT PDF Text
2178 44 5/7 FBIHQ Autopsy reports on Carolyn, Annie, JJ, Schacht, Dillard, Castillo PDF Text
2179 1 5/15 FBIHQ House committee seeks access to videotapes PDF Text
2180 2 5/16 FBIHQ FBI seeks access to State Department report PDF Text
2181 22 5/21 FBIHQ Cover letter, committee statement accompanying House report to FBI PDF Text
2186 1 5/14 FBI-Las Vegas Memo on autopsies of Carolyn and Annie PDF Text
2187 3 5/23 FBIHQ Memo that audio tapes cannot be enhanced PDF Text
2188 3 5/23 FBIHQ Memo transferring small number of audiotapes PDF Text
2189 3 5/7 FBI Identification Division Report on identification of possible JT dead PDF Text
2191 4 5/15 FBIHQ Memo discussing small number of audiotapes PDF Text
2192 5 5/15 FBIHQ Memo discussing small number of audiotapes PDF Text
2193 1 5/16 FBI-SF Transfer of 10 NBC videotapes to House Committee PDF Text
2194 5 5/16 FBIHQ Memo discussing small number of audiotapes PDF Text
2195 33 5/17 FBI-SF Memo showing rubber stamps impressions of bank accounts, list of assets PDF Text
2196 1 5/25 FBIHQ Transfer of 10 NBC videotapes to SF FBI PDF Text
2198 3 5/11 FBI-SF International calls made by members of PT PDF Text
2201 4 5/11 FBI-SF FBI memo on GOG declining to make evidence available to FBI PDF Text
2202 2 5/17 FBIHQ FBI correspondence with congressional committee PDF Text
2203 17 5/22 FBI-WFO Memo on extraterritorial jurisdiction PDF Text
2205 3 6/7 FBIHQ FBI transfer of “last hour” tape to SF FBI; includes State referral PDF Text
2209 6 2/23 FBIHQ Memo discusses audiotapes released State Dept referral PDF Text
2213 1 6/13 FBI-SF Request to enhance “last hour” tape PDF Text
2214 3 5/23 FBIHQ Memo that audio tapes cannot be enhanced PDF Text
2215 6 6/7 SecState Text of Washington Star article PDF Text
2216 4 6/6 AmEmb Georgetown Cover sheet with 3 Articles on PT in Guyanese press PDF Text
2217 2 5/29 AmEmb Georgetown Paula Adams said to be in US PDF Text
2218 1 6/13 FBIHQ GOG notified US that Paula Adams left country PDF Text
2219 2 6/21 FBIHQ Memo discusses small number of audiotapes made by Ellice PDF Text
2220 1 6/29 FBI-SF Transfer of crates of evidence to SF PDF Text
2221 2 6/29 FBI-SF Transfer of crates of evidence to Guyana PDF Text
2222 5 6/14 FBI-SF Discussion of evidence against Larry Layton PDF Text
2223 4 6/13 AmEmb Georgetown Larry Layton’s release said to be imminent PDF Text
2224 3 6/13 FBIHQ [dupe of 2223] PDF Text
2225 2 6/15 FBIHQ [dupe of 2234] PDF Text
2226 3 4/18 FBI-SF Relationship between PT and CPUSA PDF Text
(after) 2229 1 6/6 AmEmb Georgetown Embassy reports Guyana newspaper coverage PDF Text
(after) 2229 9 6/28 FBI-SF Interview with John Truong, associate of Terri Buford PDF Text
2230 4 6/29 FBIHQ Transfer of crates of evidence to Guyana (dupe of 2221) PDF Text

The pdf of the complete section is here. It should be noted that this document is unique to this site, based upon the FBI’s official release of documents in 2014 and augmented with additional documents. The additional documents include: those released by the State Department; those released through the litigation of McGehee et al v. Justice; and those released by the FBI in 2001 but not included in the later release.

The information released in these serials may change as the FBI releases additional information pursuant to ongoing litigation under the Freedom of Information Act.